Wednesday, May 27, 2009

cold vibrations

Cold vibrations

Young amster the question asked before the entertainer starts her show ….. she asks of those who attracted themselves to the event , she askes DO YOU KNOW HAT YOU ARE WANTING? Do you know you are source enrgy ? ahh source energy .. a word tool …. A way of commicating and idea between us …

We see not the exact same way but we find a common theme in what we see , we train our children in EXPECTATION , teaching them to LABEL certain WAVES sensed by their vibration translation devise called EYE , we teach them COMMONALITY ..this is GREEN that is blue ,,,, this is wheel that is block ..this is banana good to eat this is metal chair not good to eat . and as the child finds that everyone else is in agreement about the meaning of certain TRANSLATIONS of vibrational input c aptured thru the devise called EYE mechanicnal devise . an expectation format or PROGRAM of expection is formed from which reality is EXPECTED ..and a STABLE PLAYGROUND IS formed

Where an ..A .. 1 of .. aperspective of the word tool source energy ..or TAO can experience thru with ITSELF . I IN I …. ITSELF BEING THE PERSPECTIVE of the cat or lizard or bacteria or the use of FORMING OF QUANTAS to become thing called sub atomic particle …. And the more complexity of those experincers grouped to make a useful EXPEREIENCE FORM called atom ..and so on … all the same all UNTHINKABLE. UN DESCIRBABLE AS THE HISTORY OF jesus TEACHES ,,, UNALBE TO BE A graven image OF IDOL OR EVEN WORD TOOL ….

DO YOU KNOW YOU ARE SOURCE NERGY IN A vibrational playground? That assembles and dissaperas into STORED data of the experience lived . felt .. judged … contrasted ,,judged … from which the WANTS are then projected forth for the assemblage to continue .

12% the did a study with cold virusus ….. they infect the mucsou membranes of people with ample doses of common cold to see if they would get sick and oly 12% go sick ,,that was DIRECT placement on the best location for the cold virus to grow and be healthy and get you sick and only 12 got the cold …88 ,,,,, 88 did not … much more direct that touching dirty money or and infected door knob ….. and worrying about washing your hands . no this was direct placement on warm wet human membranes and 88 stayed in the VIBRATION of well

expectation …. And use of sickness a key player do you realy UNDERSTAND you wants and how ..these UNWANTED events or omen , can be the stepping stones of the wants , you DENY yourself from feeling …the body telling you HEY DUMBFUCK SLOW DOWN AND LISTEN , LIVE, feel ! IF YOU do not I will force you to . knowing your REALY wants .

you do not have to CONTROL the movement of the earth around the sun , the gorwoth of seeds into food , the ran and drought cycles of other natue , the swirling of universes , the AUTO PILOT defensive mechancix of your bio machine …. All of this evolution happened long before you came to USE THE form the asembaleg of expression of vibration called HUMAN MACHINE … the epxerince of it all happened BILLIONS of years before we ever showed up …. It was FELT JUGDED and new forms created sassembled …. Thru a want that IS …UNTHINKABLE . and you believe you can just call it

source enrgy and in doing that you are so cool so evolved so fucking fancy that you can use a word tool that you have no way of even thingking about except thru the focus of a tool called brain that is very limited to only 2 gigs of processing power per second ,,,, the amoung ot vibrational information , expressed that the SENSES … of touch hearing sight smellll taste ETC … as just drops in apotential bucket …. All are just the SENSATION of a vibration , smel is the expression of atomic and subatomic vabiration expressed in the being ofchemical . remember what it is all …
ao now that you feel small realize the gift …. And FEEL what you cam here to do and that is FEEL YOUR OWN WANTS … and humanity the loving ape loves to see each other smile . as much as you like seeing others important to you smile and you feel RESPOSNIBLITY and frsutation in their lack of smiling …. Even guilt . you are not currently in them we are all forgotten vibration of the I in I …. Saying no to remembering who we are so we can play here ,,be … MR. I DO NOT KNOW and lvie totally the adventure .

Death is a withdrawal of consciousness. It's like taking attention from here and putting it there.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Sunday, October 10th, 1999
The tool of a professional enterator trained by the CIA manuals of the late 70’s were in the understanding the EXPECATIONs of fear more than the stimulation of pain ….. mind fuck ….. find something imporatn to create uncontrollable FEAR .
PHAROHS slae masters found the confuse and conquer ,,the control of food ..control of sex as the carrot on the stick of be a good salve and you get to express the INSTINCTUAL URGES of the bio machine ….. the training of fear of death the training in the expectation of alones ness and fear of the after life ,,, etc etc etc …. They were very smart in many ways ….. today is good day to transition ,,, in fi ite branching of time/space themes paths events .. all from the contrast of the quantum time event .'s_cat bringingthe contrast form which a BETTER is judged . you are not the TOOL the form the BODY ,,, not 1 atom of the bio machine you use is over 7 yeaars old so how come you do not look always like a seven year old ?
No ansewers just questions to let you find you freedom of thinking .

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