Wednesday, May 6, 2009

fucking better

Fucking better
They said 73 percent more adults and 50 percent more children are using drugs to treat mental illness than in 1996 ….the headlines from yahoo news …. Think for yourself youngmaster …. Remember the facts that less than 100 years ago ..addmitedly the stats were poor kept but … cancer did off with less than 1 in 100 people today we expect 1 in 2 will get cancers … that means you or me or that other person …. Hmmmthe human body is self correcting ….self repairin when it is NOT in a STRESSED OUT state which tightens everything up and does not allow for the bio macine to function properly things are better now that we can be drugged into submission with real cool chemicals that allow us to be productive slave cogs in the economy ,,not like the eefects of self medications ..for the same effects of Cconfuse and conquer SELF MED’S LIKE WEED THAT GETS YOU TO SLOPPY and sleepy to work ..or drunk that makes you to mean to be around …. Or coke and speeds that sure allow to work but your work is dis jointed and not dependable.

But today realy is more about the WRITING IT as you want it ….. family and kids aspects … that best friend in the kitchen POTENTIAL that is there ..but kids… what if ..wouldn’t it be nice if ‘s .. all ways to allow yourself to dream PURELY to leave the social conditioned shoulds behind you mind and let your VIBRATION SOAR with the possibleitly …… home schooling the shoulds you feel or the girls will FEAR is that the kids will not be social BULLSHIT …human is a NICE SOCIAL ANIMAL . it is in our DNA we are peaceful harem species as evidenced by our penis design … ..... how can i get this our quick … the kid is not MINE to control but an EQUAL of the tao using a bio machine that I invited in by donating ½ the dna ….. look at the evidence trails about children ..and find that up until the start of puberessence … they are happy at home , around 12 they start to notice more the outside world but donot NEED to go there yet ..the SOCCER ACTIVIITY to plays and schools the cub scouts the public school itself all have much more to do with SOC IALIZEDEXPECTATIONS ON THE PART OF THE PARENTS than the needs of the kids . remember the facts that all this shit did not even exisit some 100 years ago yet we have a DNA history of over 6 million years . remember to QUESTION AUTHORITY …. Or are those words just a fashionable slogan you repeat to be socially cool with friends ?

Home schooling with positive expectation on your part the 12 year old will most likely almost be ready to pass a GED ..but legally they are not ready to be emancipated not are they on avaerge menatll ready to leave the nest .

Now at 16 bio machine and mentally they are ready for the start of their own adventure ,,,, words do not teach it is the experience that realy teachs words are good ..but experience is why we are all here in TIME/SPACE after all otherwise we could have stayed in TAO and just be mental …. Conceptual ..word … and first there was the word and then it became form ..or something like that …

Now you did you job insured that the girls have free choice to NOT BE WITH YOU …. And you secured the kids thur the building of a human housing on a PSL lot near town , got it cheap , built out of pocket all that cash …. Form working while not having bills to pay …. you did a straight 2 bedroom 1 bath … 16 x 50 ….. but it was never used … and she had 3 kids and kid one is 13 , wondering more and more a bout the outside world he experiences all the time thru working with dad ,,going to the arts and craft show withhis MOM’S etc ( not thru constant exposure from TV ) kid one you give free choice want to go now to middle school sure I will sign you if you do not like ..BAIL …for here is my plan for you .. at 16 pass your GED . and get you drivers liscense .. and I will take you to court and have you legally emancipated …. Then go live in moms divorce house ….. suring these next couple of years do some practicing at working a Cash cow … but plan on ….. taking new and different jobs when you get into town , just mild the cash cow for jus that cash …. This will be a a fuck of a lot cooler than being stuck with a bunch of confused TRAPPED punks middle and high school but your free choice …. Kiddo .

But this willnot even come up ..on the part of the child until they are like 12 to 13 years old …. Before then they have an EXTENEDE family play mates lots of land to play int dogs cat and hickens to chase ,,, the outside world to experience on occasion and 5 acres to run around in …. But at 13 when DNA starts to call they will be urged to explore out side of the territory created by DADDY GORILLA …. And it is my job as the firend who invited them to aid them in thise exploration …. For it is in the experience and the words that life is lived .

Now junior understands he gets to use the Divorce House house for a few years but had better be on his feet quick so that the next lilttle bro or sis can have the fun of FREEDOM using the house alone when they become 16 passed their GED and gots a drivers liscense. … he had better have starte university ,,, he had better have worked some saved some cash and bought some land …… for on average … since the constant flow of babys form all the girls satifies that urge to have a lil’ one around the birth rate will return back to DNA norm like or cousins …. Of 1 every 4 years ….per female. Can you think for yourself or are you so trapeed in social expectation to not allow yourself to dream different dreams …. Write ou how you want life to be?
Ohh taxes on the other house use the loopshoes give to you , thru a family trust the wife has the homestead EXemp. The years not used is years it is rented . the cash flow will all blend .
You will never reach the place where you will not need to be diligent about your choice of thought. Because you live in a world that is determined to show you every pocket of despair. So you must diligently choose. But it gets easier and easier and easier to do so. Right now, it may feel to you like those moments of Connection are the rare ones. There will be a time when those moments of Connection will feel so normal that it will shock you when you get into a place of disconnection. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Antonio, TX on Saturday, November 24th, 2001
Understand the Unwanted to better create the wanted but focus on the wanted once the unwanted is UNDERSTOOD . write out the dreams ..find evidence trails to support the CHNGES you think will be better for you ..then let the ..AGREEMENT of attraction which keeps Atomic PYSHICS together ..come to gether ..attract your wants … but wants that are PURE …. Want everything NEED NOTHING be happy now . and the tool for pure wanting that is not POLLUTED with need ! is … “ wouldn’t it be nice if “ day dreaming .

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