Sunday, May 24, 2009

professioanl jecting

Professional Jecting

Young master , our species is a step up in the ablity to PROJECT ideas ,,,the grain of sand is ..a BEING the use of an assembalege of THING .. for the experience of the thought form or being ….. being of SELF replecaiting manner .. where the need or WANTS of PROCREATION is a proJECTion even for single celled animal or being …. The insurance that the ADVENTURE of that form will continue as long as the environment conditions are conducive for that form of Being … hmmm now

Being of a grain of sand … in the school of Siva mind control you are taught to mediate on what it is like to be the block of metal …the metal is the use of it’s structure to be the! Block of metal that is there … absolutely different form all others even though from a general examination it would seem to be just like others of course at a very small level all blocks will be slightly fdifferent … 1’s of their own experience . that BEING of the metal is very relaxing for the METAL does not have any bills to pay ,, food to find or REPRODUCTION to engage in ,,it is just the experience of itself slowly decaying changing …. The binging –Ness of the metal is vbery close to the meditative ..or clearness of Tao …

Human gets to CREATE many many MANY wants …projections .. yet many SAGES have said BE IN THE NOW …yep when the over whelment of the confuse and conquer has created unbearable stress ,, effects of manipulation … . Being NOW …. Is the most calming and clarifying psositon to take , but it is not what we humans BEINGS aredesigned for we are disinged to CREATE WANTS ….

Day dreaming about those WANTS is a good thing ….. now the sage voice of Abraham has clarified something about commucation ..between the UNTHINKABLE COMPLEXITY of I and the you ..I …. A commucation tool of EMOTION … and the agreement that we are that I in I that the tao is a ever expanding state of ALL IS WELL or with judgemental word tool pure positive energy .

The clarification …. Of the emotion .. how do I ..fell not how SHOULD I FEEL as recommended by book or person often they all have very very good intetn but …this is my game my ADVENTURE ,, and what do I feel ? inthis now ..can I feel it? If not then maybe I gotta relax back in to the Tao the now …. Push the RESET Button . so that once more I can FEEL where I really am . so the sages are all both right ….

Sometimes the lake calls for a rubber worm other times it calls fo a top water bait …no just right 1 way . or teacher . one more FREE CHOICE TO CHOOSE FROM .

The Eternal Laws of the Universe steadily hold the promise of expansion and joy. Understanding the Laws will reawaken within you the knowledge of your purpose and your own personal power as you remember how to access the power of the Universe that creates worlds.
If this time-space reality has within it the ability to inspire a desire within you, it is absolute that this time-space reality has the ability to yield you a full and satisfying manifestation of that same desire. It is Law.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
This sage once said that when the NEW WANTS is thought it becomes a POSSIBLITY in the field of Tao .. from where it ATTRACTS YOU TO … it. The agreement state of attraction . ( ahh writing felt better )

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