3 dream pussys
young master the importance of belief ,,real belief not forced belief as using a tool in the neediess of attempting to frce the playground to manifest the state of THING ..that you feel you are lacking … forcing the playing to create magic outside of thr rules of agreement we actually have ,,the agreement state of … all is realy well and you can choose to experience a FLOW of quantum things that will provide you with the experience of UNWANTED … ( actually from the I in I ,,the everything all ways in all ways state the being of able to experience the unwanted is a WANT ) change
isn’t it nice to be hungry before you eat , doesn’t food taste better when you have built up an appetite a hunger an UNDERSTANDing of wants and unwants ,,contrast . not available from the state of everything all ways in all ways all the the time .
but the BELIEF ,,the expectation http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html ( step 3 ) , that allows for you to FOUCS to NOTICE … with your ablity to process 2 gigs of human bio machine brain processing power …. You notice from the in fi nite ,,, your choice to focus on something that others do not have to ..no have to’s yours and theirs free choice to notice the possiblelty OF MANIFSTATION COMING inot assembaleg FOR THAT QUANTUM SECOND THAT NANO second fo experience as described in shrodingers cat http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger's_cat and that of course bings up the complexity used by PHAROHA toto maintain the confuse and conquer state from shihc you seek SEARCH out the best advise form others to answer the confuseion .
think for yourself you are the I IN IN ….. in a state of forgettfull ness so that the experience of thing ,,can be more real !
the belief needed to allow for the expression of the all possible to show your 2 GIGS of focus what has always real;y been available. To you …. ( behind the vail of the forgetting you choose to experience not a vail ,, that is only the word tool of the mytics ) ..belief in something you have not lived yet in something that is THINKABLE ..an experience of contrast , of wanted and unwanted brought about a desire fo SOLUTION … your training of expectation has clouded your mind from allowing you to let in the ALL POSSIBLE answers your training to think in limited ways as TLD to you BY the society which wants to have a SLAVE force to serve the PHAROH CLASS …. Your mind fuck of limiting thinking the wall in heaven of books that separate the possible from the impossible … http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
your brain processes OPTIONS BASED UPON THE design of the species http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html ,,,your sexuall urge for pleausreable recreation is not to mate with a PINE TREE or a tweety bird or garden sanke ….. th URGE OF THE instinctual memeory of the DAN in each cell that is being HUMAN … each cell IN FI NITE being equal to you ( I know way beyond your thinking the trained in limits that make you think that humanity and human experience is the highest of highs when humanis just Experince …. Just expeince of the use of stuff … in a form )
the instinctual NNED of the bio machine not respected brings about a state of confusion because of manipulation of being lied to since day one , told fairyt tales are what is real and everything else is SIN …. http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html
when you allow yourself to BELIEVE in your dreams ….. believe in your solutions ,,, from your aspect of focus out of the expression of in fi nite assembaleges of Quantums available at the same time to NTOICE FROM … to focus into … when you allow yourself to think for yourself . http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html and not judge it based upon the RIGHTS AND WORNGS of the thought form of society , culture economy of PHAROHS neediness to make his 1 life experience experience better , when you escape that trapp born inot the trap of generationally trained slavery …. Mental slavery to the thought form …. The GATE WAY to noticng the solution to the contrasts you have experienced will be ther …
now remember the DNA …… is a reality factor you can choose to fight the common stable expectiaonal PLAYGROUND RULES …like gravity and throw rocks into the air ..they will not fly unless you genenrate a state of personal pyahcosiis … the rest of us will see the ROCK FALL the wants of the stable play gorund .. the expectation that plantes will circle suns and remain part of their galaxys … stable playground ..that subatomic structure will continue that ..water will quench thrist and food satisfy hunger ..
DNA expectation ….. of the bio machine formed over MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF years …. That expectation must be resp[ected others wise risk the effects of MANIPULATION . http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html ..... what are you at a MOST BBASIC LEVEL the one of the most basic levels of MASLOW http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs got food got shelter from the rain then you will desire to FUCK . polygamy is the nature of or design the most supportive environment for the children also with multiple ribe group community supports for the moms …..
It supports the loving nature which is the SAVANNAH ape us .
There is no state of physical decline or damage that you could not recover from--none--not any, if you knew it... If you wanted it and knew that you could. And that's those miracles that they talk about every day. They're not miracles at all, they are the natural order of things. But because they are rare, people think they are miraculous. They're not. That's the way it is supposed to be. You're supposed to thrive.--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in San Diego, CA on Saturday, February 23rd, 2002
http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html ok .... the level playing field where you chosse to come KNOWING YOU WILL DIE ..you will transition not wanting to live forever trapeed in theought form …. The gift of ..TODAY IS AGOOD DAY TO DIE to transition …. The bio machine is designed to fix itself but you were sold on the DEPENDANCE on PHAROHS macine ….fear death ,, work for PHAROH worship the god/king so you can have entranal life after transisiotn which you have anyway in the unthinkable ness of the UNGRAVEN ness of tao . even the confusion can be expressed in the light of knowledge given by the entratainer sages of ages past and today .
Saturday, May 30, 2009
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