Young master …. Eckhart Tolle an entertainer ..in that is work makes people feel good entertainers make people feel good …Tolle makes people feel better by giving them hope about the life they have lived , and will in that they DO HAVE a say in the amount aof smiles thye can experience …. And the tool of this entertainer is of course word tool , sometimes NO ALL times getting an underststanding of the meanings behind the word tool is very important . and how can it relte to BDSM up to to think about http://www.instinctualism.org/addiction.html
Tolle had used the tool PAIN BODY and my first exposure to it was during time when I was surrounded by people talking about ..meta pyshihcs and in their world of god’s and goddess and sprit guides and and shit all great stuff if it helpes the indidivual feel better …. Get some peace ….. but in me there was a feeling of DIS CONNECTION for the I in I …. Keeping maintainint that sepration I was born into of a GOD / KING or spirit world and then us …..
But pain body is realy just an AUTO PROGRAM effect of a bio mechincal computer called BRAIN , where by a sense of personality is built upon the memory of being alive and having lived until that becomes a self ,,just the memeory ..and that self itself creates wants and futures ….plans . based upon the LACK IT HAS LIVED , but the sutbleity is that it is you …. You THE FORGETTFULL ONE …. Aspect of the you who is an can not ever be serpation form the I in I …..
The thought form based upon the dynamics of a bio machine that needs to FEAR DEATH so that it can insure PROCREATION of more bio machines …. For the use of I IN I …. Very important this aspect of PAIN BODY is this aspect of ego ..this drive to live on …. For sex even and the later on caring for the offspring …. http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
The plans based upon lack are vibrations that the GENIE of the WHOLE which is the eefect of the WHOLE of quantas that come into AGREEMENT for a flash of reality to e=xisit then disssasemble to alow an ever flowing of more TAO to become form in Quantas to assemble for the cumulative effect of a flash of total reality USABLE STABLE RELAITY …a play ground to experience in and thru …. And then gone … http://www.instinctualism.org/quanta.html ...... pain body an unique effect … understandable espression of the CONFUSE AND CONQUER … forced upon the nice co operative harem based savvanh ape called human . confuse and conquer …the tool of economy …so tha it can survive ,, have cells trained to live unanatural to serve the over all thought form …… evolution of a MULIT CELELD orgaism is to train the cells
Indidivual life …living single cell history with total info in DNA of being able to live free and alone …. But trained by DNA memeory to contort into skin and bone and lung a ndbrain cells so that a NEW FORM TO BE EXPERINCED …CAN …BE ! a rat or a jelly fish ,,, or hydra , or human or economy ….
To the point the cell forgets it INHERETED FREEDOM POTENTIALS …. There was an article in Scientific American about the japenese PHD who found he could trigger human skin cells to return to their potential of being human STEM CELLS the cell form from which all organ systems arise out of . hmmmmm think think think what is writien into the DATA of dna .
But back to pain body as a Expression of being along with the you more AWAKEN SELF who is realizing you are still IN FI NITE ,,unthinkable …. A paradox http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html ( ohh the reference in this story page to Scientifc American is artisitic liscense …. It stemed from the issue about tholographic model of a universe …. And an active Quark shell ) un limited amounts of you ….. and pain body is just one of you …. The idea of death branch offs ..of time paths where that event where you LIVED THRU and wondered how , welll you did not live thru it ….TIME AND SPACE BRANCEHD OFF …. Live cat dead cat you are just in the possibility of live cat …. Separted from the knowledge of the WHOLE tao so that you can experience THING ..in a stable way . http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html the imporatnce of NO to the adventure the dream the game the illusion .
Rest seems like a nice contrast to overwhelment, but enthusiasm is always chosen over rest. The only thing that ever makes you tired or bogs you down is resistance. --- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Lincroft, NJ on Tuesday, October 15th, 1996
Yep when you are past the trap of the CONFUSE AND CONQUER in the state of living a WANTO your wanto ..in the zone of enjoying the expectation of going fishing living the life of MR. I DON’T KNOW …….. in passion wanting to wake up with sun …..
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
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