Thursday, May 21, 2009

smiling ass fuck

Her smiling ass fuck

Young master see smiles on others and others seeing smiles on you is the nature of us APES …. The supportive family is evidenced by the smiles of pleasure and fun of its members …. That equals success of the speices and the continueing of the DNA strand of the memeory in DNA form ,,, , so this suceess is depedant on smiles … we are by DNA design CO-DEPENDANT ‘s ..the entertainers talk about FLOWING YOUR BLISs ..ahh the talk about living not based upon the SHOULDS which is the WANTS of others .

Yet ying yang pardoxly we are designed to take into consideration the feelings of others ALSO … as we feel our own WANTS’s our own path of bliss the energy that gets you out of bed in excitement live .. now the socio path is all about ME ME ME ME …… if that was the reality of group family harem family then or any family ,,the mother would ABANDON her child at the firt sign of stress …. Lucky that did not happen .

Ahh this is supposed to be about ass fucking ….. that is simple to bring you to a place to think for yourself about the realization about 1000’s of years of activity …millions of lil’sluts who found pleasure in getting pentrated it si a nature carried in the success the FOUND PLEASURES the memeory of the mothers before and the memeory in the DNA of sperm of the dads ,,the pleasureable actitivy lived and thus put into memeory then added to the DNA strand reinforcing the DNA strand like snapes of a human brain . till her getting ass fucked pentrated at first may seem like her screams of rape but later on are her smiles of satifaction .

But in realty this blog is about internal combustion enegines …. About eco freak concerns of mine … about high effeicieny vehicles so that I can LIVE the change ..change comes from the basic building blocks up ..when amss concisuossness changes then the economy the government even the concept of GOD.KING will morph … it is about feeling my own living in the NEEDYNESS of your smiles .

Yes it about follwong my bliss …. Which is in the smiles of those around me as much as it is in my own private time … ying yang ,,,, soicio pathic selfishness and group dyninc DNA survival of the supportive family unit. Yings and yangs ,,day and night winters and summers …. Thing and NO 1 THING …

Ok so ,the idea of customizing a bike a cvt scooter into the stable 3 wheel 2 passenger bench seat vehicle …. Something where by a whole new 150cc unit moter and trans canb e bought for 500 and installed by you youngmaster in a few hours light weight …. 70 miles per gallon ,,,, 1/3 the resources used per mile 1/3 the burned pollution also . small transportation devise foot print in nature . and my desire to have this NOW and the reality of not having it NOW .. and the noticing of the LACK ..i am real;y vibrating in a state of LACK … want everthing …. I like it I want it is possible I don’t hae it all is well it is possible for I can even think of it , I wll create much more wants than is possible to experience thru a mind and a psysihcs of thing ….. I am happy …. Now …

Or entering into NEED ….. iwant it I do not have it I want it I do not have it ,,beating the drum of what is ….of what is … of what is just one of the total aspect upon which ican focus on

For like the first PURE WANT …. I wanted understood the ALL POSSIBLITY OF HAVING . left it to want to experience other things POPPING INTO QUANTUM EXISATNCE … ..needing trapped me into reliving a past a memeory … focusing on the memeory coming back over and over into quantum exisatance for that is what I ws thinking about my focus …. So I got more it to fulfill my thought about it …instead of moving on to more fouses ,,,

Hey those new focus’s ….. could be where I will learn or meet the people . expressions of things ..built up on complexity of users of thing form ..beeing molecule form of atoms who are being atoms built upon sub atomics and single cells which use all the states of BEINGs form groupings that allow for exerpeincers to BE human or bug or bat or even BALLLONS ( being you were before your birth a part of TAO and will be part of tao after yourdeath or transiton to it is with the NONE BORN biologically ,,yet born of ASSEMBALGE also ..balloon )

So some how my broken weed eater … got me to think about the WHY what is this OMEN …. How can this broken interano combustion enegine servie me ,,why is it in my foucs .. in know or can accept my own attraction if its brokenness … execation based upon memeory of years of broken interantl combustion engines which is the CASH supply of a large portion of PHAORHS ECONOMY of oil .

But some how this triggered what seemed like an unrelated thought to POP into my head like the learning form what I am lately calling OMEN … events … so the fixing of my tango has brought about the thinking of the possibleity of putting together a ystem so that you young master can use lil’cash and get a good high eiffiecny easy to maintain vehihcles … and I get excited I WANT IT TO HAPPEN NOW….. it is a needynessw about wanting to have it NOW . I am afraid I will forget the IDEA? Hmmm but in reality it is an idea brought with me from middle school still showing up ,,,, ONE OF THOSE PASSIONS . a wanto … not just a pssing one … I am afraid I will will wraped up into ther things that are ? what ? other things will they TOO not also be my wants at that QUANTUM NANO SECOND ?
Want everything ,,need nothing … be happy now …. Being in the neediness is trapped and powerless ….. when there is an IN FI NITEY all aound for me to choose from other also important wants .. little constructive? Things that may lead to the next step the next learning like in a fucking POKE MON game ?but being focused on the currently un availbe is dumb I am dumb for chossing to put my vibration on that instead a viabration of expectations of finding answers slowly letting things CONSTRUCT come into assemblage .

You are killing more of each other every day over your quarrels over religion than all other things put together, because you cannot even come to an agreement about what you think God says, or wants for you. On one side of the world God wants something different than the other. On one side of the room, in one side of your mind, God wants something different than on the other. The power is within you. You are extensions of this powerful Source Energy. You are literally God expressing in this physical body. And so, as you are standing in a thought, or in a word, or in an action that feels good to you as you are standing there--then you are fully open and allowing all of that Divine Energy to flow through you. And in that moment you are all that you said you would be when you decided to come forth into this body. You are the extension of pure positive energy. You are in your full creative power. You are thriving. You are clear-minded. You are joyful. You are filled with love. You are who you are--you are allowing that which you really are. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Syracuse, NY on Saturday, September 30th, 2000
Ahh at first like many days the word of the sage seems to not have any connection to the blither of my blogging ..yet again …. Over and over the sublte connections to the THEME of following BLISS comes forth …. Your smile is bliss to me …. To the DNA animal we are living thru ….. and that is the expression of PURE POSITIVE ENERGY of expanding infintey the experience of all possibbles ….. and the example of getting trapped in the wanting of something GOOD … is in itself bad? Or a learning about the level of my free choice ?

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