Combat school
Young master …well your experiences in the industrial training grounds whihch is the SCHOOLING systems of our current time ….. again I ask you so often to realize that the human DNA genenome has been around for 6 MILLION years and the shit we are living tthat started with the GOD/KINGS of PHAROH .. morphed by rome inot thought form of GOD/KING …all these last 10,000 years then realize that today ..elctriclty ,,, food delivery s ystems … mass media mind fucks …. Etc has been around for less that 100 years and start to think that the GENE the human DNA expression is in conflict with the expecatations of THOUGHT FORM ..economy …. Basic shit dna basics .
Now from the entertainer Ester Hicks form her book AMAZING POWER OF DELIBERATE INTENT … books are tools for SELF created answers to the 5 steps claifying the UNWANTED and creating a wanted , remember the mind fuck you have lived where you were trained to SEEK out others who knew more than you to mold thir idea of WANTED … from page 260 ..the transcript of a live show .. the topic is a NON conforming child of a student of ABRAHAM ,,yet the student of Abrahm wants the child to conform ….. hmmmm schools are industrial training grounds teaching structure to the animal … so that the animal can be ..a COG in the machine at the worker bee level the middle management level or the brain cells of the thought form economy … and it is free choice to think that that is the ONLY WAY …your free choice to ignore the evidence trail of millions of years of HUMAN BEING on the planet when school systems were NOT …. Remembering that even just a 100 years ago the VAST majority of humaity did not go to industrial training ground warehouse school systems . of colleges and still lived very long lives except when the were stressed because of their posositon as SERF , PEASANT or down right slave ….
Cildren will be a very fun aspect of your life young master EMBRACE it now .. have that and EVRY OTHER FUCKING thing to …. The cash flow to enjoy so much more than you could believe …. The beginnings will be from the ATTRACTING to you the right girls NOT the fashionable …girls who are blinded by the spirit of eve as not not think out side of the box ….. of the concepts seen on TV . and the tool for meeting them maybe …the recreational weekend business so retailing at swap meets or craft show typoe events ….. or even better the expense of putting o a weekly INSTINCTUALISM teaching event …cost because like going out drinking you will spend cash …
Back to schooling ..write it as you want it …. they are INVITED GUEST not property ,,Is that your child? And the answer is common ….commonly expected to be yes ,, because I can talk to everyone about the ideas with out them understanding my words tools ,,but in reality not They are NOT MINE … they are invited guests ,,, who are using a bio machine desgned from ½ of my DNA they are free to live or die …. In their own time in their won META DESIRED WAYS ….
The conforming child brings UP fear that the child will have a struggling life ..but hey listen to the rich people on fancy cruise ships asking questions of the NON PYSHIHCAL actor entertainer listen to the struggle of doing it the RIGHT way ….. the offices filled with confused and conquered people in consolors couchs year after year …. So the idea of POSTIVE EXPECTAION when it comes to schooling …. Look at kids they watch the molds a strive to become like the molds … up until they begin to become IN DOCOTINATED into the mind fuck at school and live up to the expecataion of the LEAST COMMON DENOMINATOR …. Monsetosrie programs and the like expect kids to want to learn and let them ASK ….. present them with examples othat shoe knowing how to read is fun and kids will read ,,present them with alpahabets in play time and they will learn the language of written words …. Expsoe them to the world in positive terms and they willl ask to learn the skilss needed to become X Y AND Z… but force them thru MANIPULATION ND YOU GE THE EFFCTS OF MANIPULATION . ...BUT YOUNG MASTER YOU LIKE ME ,,ARE DUDES …. Wwe would realy rather be thnking about fucking and fishing ..that is why it is so imprtonat to ATTRACT …ATTRRACT ..the rite chicks … let the worng chicks move on with their lives an let the rite ones stay right where they want to be where they were attracted to be …. The idea of attraction is a FOCUS oooo f positive it has not the FEAR OF LACK or the HAVE TO’S OR WORK …. It is attraction … put out your want and let the rules of the game of AGREEMENT … to come into play …the rules that your first want will be further claified with many different experiences
For words do not teach experience teachs
The quantum agreement …… of attraction ..not work and struggle …. The mind fuck of PHAROH GREED .
If you examine your history, you cannot help but repeat it! Law of Attraction says it is so: "Whatever I am looking at, I am including in my vibration."--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Sunday, October 10th, 1999 ahh but from the understanding of shit new IDEAS ARE BUILT …. Every new thing isrealy just re worked old things …. The computer is not alien magic it is simple pyshics that have been possible on planet earth evn in the times of PHAROHS …. Nothing new except the using of history NEWLY …. BUT TO get stuck just thinking in terms of history not being SELF creative ….. there is when repeating will come in ,,just laying on the couch complaining to the professional about how bad it was keeps that ATTRACTION FRESH ..
Writing a new script describing what new thing you will do … with the expcitement of the learning form the old to create this new …well the ATRACTION point is not on the past ..for the past is moved back wards the attraction point is on the new idea and plans being clarified more and more each day . in small ways in UNLIKELY EVENTS … silver lining to dark clouds …. Proving points to yourself …out of the box of everyones elses expectations .
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
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