Sunday, May 10, 2009

eskimo pussy

Eskimo pussy the giaga .... the more complex being than we realy understand it is earth … bio dynamic … we can shit and piss our cage even pollute it to the point we can not live here but it will survie the infestation called human . ….
the confuse and conquer .. young master ,,the double talk to the point who knows who is realy right ….. at first 1 evidence trail shows up then when it looks like someone will lose BILLIONS upon billions of $$$ then other evidences are located to cause DOUBT and confusion . what is the evidence trail ? what are the real STATS ..if I was owner of the Saudia Oil fields I sure would pump a ton of cash inot research to support another view about global warming so that I could continue to pump more oil for a decade GREEDY old me ..the evidence trail of the SOCIO PATH is to think about self . in fact LIE and manipulate ..well because I am a soicio path remember . ……. Was pharoh the sage or the greedy socio path thru out history …? Is the ice cap getting thicker are those islands realy going under water? Are the glaciers realy disaapering to levels never seen before ? ahh but this piece of ice here is thicker the stats are under question CONFUSE AND CONQUER ….

EVAPORATION CAUSES COOLING .. if the change for liquid state to vapor stae expresses heat , then would not the chnge form solid state ( ice ) to liquid state also create some cooling an expression of release of heat yet not a totality of cooling as to defy pyshihcs and refreeze to e the solid ice already changed back inot solids what has been melted…. Hmmmmm my science I know is way fucking debatable .

And could ,is there historical evidences from many many sousrces of ROT coming from within ,,the mainpoulations of outside of a country some other foreign power able to exploit the greed in the minsters of another country as to use that against the best interests of the afore mentioned ..was this greed not how the mongels BRIbbED the guards at the great wall and thus rode their horses thru the gates to become be came rules of all china , has not this Greed beent he down fall of European government at times … and since we do not realy learn the lesson of greed can it not be happening now withour MULTI NATIONAL CORPARTIONS ? AND OIL BARONS . USING HE TOOL OF MILITARY SALITTES TO LOCATE SMALLL EXAMPLES OF THIHCKENING ICE .?
THICKENING ICE CAPS EACH YEAR ABOUT 8 mm of water in the form ofof snow pack is droped …. So of course sarea will develop thihcker pads than others , yet glogal tide records show a net increase in water depth world wide …… to the tune of 2mm per year and growing faster .
Remember young master about feeling your won stresses about JOB SECURITY …. AND NEEDING TO SEEL OR FIND WAYS TO PROTECT YOUR OWN greedy SELF FROM LSOING OUT ,,,NOW DO THAT AT A GLOBAL SCALE ,, WITH UN BIRIDALED greed …… AND SOCIO PATHIC disregard for over all human welfare ….. Dubia …….. is humane in it law that after it reaches over 120 degrees during the day the working class can take a break …ohh thanks over 120 degress PHAROH us your slave grass cutting building workers get to take a break …thanks the fuck a lot god/kings fo this age ….

But you ,,are the cause for it all ,,, the grass rotos ,,comfy woman ? who is fashionably ..selling ORGANICN FOODS ..driving the hybrid SUV .. living in the 5000 square foot house , with the glass doors left open so that your spirit guide in DOG form can come and go as it pleases while you A/C that monster home down to 72 degees …. Al the while cooling the tropical florida environment those monster A/c units yes state of the art …. Running full boar 24/7 so that the spirit guide in dog form …. Can be treated like a GOD/KING ? the suv for a woman sho is childless ….. the big house for what ? but ALL IS WELL … the earth it self will heal from the infestation of humanity the other EXPERINCERS will be so happy to mankind make its home unlivable ..the myth storys about creation where ,,the animals became silent and NO LONGER TALKED TO MANKIND …. Tolerant waiting out time till the greddy one killed itself off .

Sustainability …in use and enjoyment of economy …in housing foods etc etc …. One more FREE CHOICE not the only but an adaption of general green themes .. …… ohh the sand baggin where is have been using thank you bags wellt he thank you bags are PHOTO degradeable like the heavier duty military spec woven bags …. The expensive lats 6 minths the cheap a 1 month in the sun , but I now see that this degradation can be of good use in allowing for the rootin of the SOD …

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