Sunday, April 12, 2009

smart cunt

Smart cunt

Young master you must know by now that my o’feensive wording choices is to attraction coorect?well I was lucky enough to be talking with an old friend a few weks back this woman has all the Cred’s to shut my stupid fucking mouth up ,,,the pieces of paper given her by others like herself say that she is fucking a SMART Cunt … smart in reality because she can repeat THE known and commonly accepted ..she can repeat the shit back to the others who will grade her and in the END the each maintain the security in the hieracrhys dating back to times of PHAROHS … known knowlegdes that do evolve I give it that ,,but STATS are baased upon flexible parameters … I go the smart cunt to argree upon the MOLD-ABLITY OF statistics … yet in the end she repeated only that which fit her ..PERSPECTIVE ..her free choice of life path from withini the limits she accepts … ( good and evil forces ? and you call yourself the CHOICE minds of our times ? )

I know this lil’ girl age 8 who found an error in a text book wreiteen by such a smart cunt as the one I was talking to ……. Luckly this girl was brought up in home where she was trained in the idea the OLD HIPPIE concept of Question Authority ! and so she did and that text had to be PULLED because she had a point a proveable point to question Authoritys DATA ….

So the CUNT said women lived till 35 in the olden days ,, and I said YES but those STATS are based upon a human who is living and UNATURAL LIFE … AND THE EXPERIENCER LIFE FORCE WAS DEPRESSED CONFUSED AND WANTED RELEASE SO ,,THE CHOICE OF THE TAO was one of …….. death or TRANSITION ….. today is a good day to die , the aboringal sage would say ,,, the world is of one ..1 enenrgy force EQUAL ….. energy ( energy being only a word tool we use to describe the unthinkableness of Tao . )

And so I kept repeating my questioning of the AUTHROTIY OF her data … to no avail , even the satatement on my part to say ,,,I AGREE TO DISAGREE with you lets us move on to exploring the two ..lines of thoughts based on upon 2 data moldes was to no avail ..the PHD smart cunt so ,,EGO set , would have none of it … only to make sure that everyone else knew of her PIECES OF PARER proff of her RIGHTNESS ,DO NOT QUESTION her AURTHORITY . ( ooh yeah did I say she was admamant about the idea there are forces beyond herself forces of good and evil … beyond herself like she is better than the worm or nature the DNA strands life forms … just like human who are just DNA strand life forms , bio machine tools of thought form users )

Young master ……. Think for your self ,,,means ….. ask WHY ? question authority always in all ways ….FEEL and explore this life expeince for yourself based upon the KNOWING that the ddeepest part of you the Tao 1 in=fi=nite part of the I in I …. Never was born in terms of time/space as can be described by word tools and does not die just because of TRANSITIONS in the use of a bio machine …..

Our DATA collection of animal or human life spans did not realy start to be real unitl this century … most aboriginal cultures did not count days or have writien histories like we who stem from PHAROH have …. And remember the last few 1000 years of PHAROH styled god/king emporoer president etc culture forms or ecomony forms or thought forms …… rep only a fraction of a percent of the life span of the SAVANNAH APE the walk on two legs ape human life time which wee have found to start about 6,ooo,ooo years ago as compared to a few 1ooo years ago ….

The collection of data on the life span of gorilla for example has only just started in the last 20 or 30 years but Gorilla colonies are living INFECTED and EFFECTED by the stress of humanity all around them ….. yet males and females live to close to 70 years we think in the wild …

Why did human FEMALE who lived as an ECONOMIC salve striving in GREED to be like the kings/ and queens ( her secret goals ) want to die and id die at age 35 all to often … as the stats do show I do not deny that fact but …… we have no DATA on the life span of aboriginal tiribes which had not INFECTION or effection of PHAROH tainted humans real leagion tainted humanity ,, we have no life span data for when we humans encountered then we killed them OFF ……. Or changed them enslaved them then started counting and taking data of a TAINTED staticall pool

Written in our books of MYTH ( myths are based upon ancient fact and concepts just built into …… escapest sotry ) from Hebrew history ..there is stated that the life span of man kind is that of over 70 years ……. Yet the SMART CUNT held to her DATA and aurthouirty to not allow any other form of information to INFECT her culture in fear of changes to the power system she enjoys ..her close positioning to the PHAROH CLASS because she kissed ass in schools and got a PHD .)

AHH the word tools of a current ENTERTAINER a sage of our age …. Not afraid ( NO FEAR ! ) to speak out ….
We want you to know that energy is energy and that come here to your pyshihcal experience with the different INTENTION . But it is the same NON pyshical energy stream ……… what is your intention ?

1 comment:

Twistedinstinct said...,M1

we have a piss poor level of age dating fossil humans to the tune of +/- 24 years .... those 35 year old fossils may realy being thier 60's