Sunday, April 12, 2009

the pounded pussy gasp

The pounded pussy gasp

Is a post manifestation(al) awareness event young master a …. It is a segment event also…think about the sound you hear from her after each of the many PENTRATIONS SHE DOES RECEIVE DURING A good FUCKING NOT THE TIME YOU JUST ENTER HER ONCE AND RIDE TILL YOU ..POP and then roll over and go to sleep . but what you be the Norm ,,,, a good fucking ,,the Recreation of humanity SEX .. that wet pussy who has become natural SUBMISSIVE in anticipation of penetrations ( her nature ) each of her gasps ,, maybe from when you pulled out and rubber your hard cock thru her clips and then shoved it back in … or when you pulled out to finger fuck her to get her pussy tightened up on the finger so she could enjoy yhe stretch of my cock as I push it back in ….. or even better the after her climax fucking where when you give her a 15 to 30 second breather onlnly to force you dick back in not needing to aim but from experience with that pussy a direct shot is felt deeply by her and her squirms of ½ attempts of escape …. Commicate to you .. her POST MANIFSTATIONAL AWARENESS of what she has gotten herself into again the horny lil’slut . pma as described by the entertainer Abraham and discussed by others like )

Now as you CHOOSE to think you vibrate …. The energy the UNTHINKABLE YOU … does or acts in ways we can only use WORD TOOL to commicate about and so we call it vibrate .. or THINK or thoughts …. Each nano second and less is a segment now us HUMANS and not perceive nano seconds we have a hard time just dealing with he 2 GIGs per sec ond of processing power our bio machine provides us with … so we deal with larger segments of time ..time/space events .. like the time to pentrate a pussy feel it’s warmth and wetness on your cock and then process the sounds of her GASP .

I just left a segement just before entering this writing segment … ( ohh I ma writing again after months of not writing because the family is gone for a few weeks showing off the new baby so , I will write for a while ) my last segement was COFFEE TIME ….. I had the choice ,,the FREE CHOICE to notice things about that segement ,,the EXPERIENCE of that segement were the RESULTS of my own actions mintues , hours , days weeks and years in the making ,,the assemble the Quantas of time/space that I in the human bio machine call SEGMENT ….. ( quantas and the guided mediation of being single quanta )

Coffee time was ,, and experience with many different oppurutnities to choice to choose my FOCUS on the wanted and unwanted … and what you focus on you attractract like a magnet .. getting more of that FEELING to notice ,,not EVNTS of things or material POSSESIONS per se but the feelings from them the Emotional recreation . or emotioanl guidance the core of life is to do thngs that feel better ….. moving un the scale …. Noticing the Adventuree of unwanted to noticing the wanted ….

Coffee time ,,,,, I was out of WHITE DEATH …… I forgot yesterday to buy surgar …. So I used Panella ..the hard brick brown surgar left over from the ancient method of pan proiducing surgars a common item of Latino homes or we Know it in its ABORTED form as brown surgar ….

So I had the choice or FOCUS to concentrate on the FUCKED UP flavor of my coffee ,,, but st the same time during my second by second experience of being I was processing the view across the INDIAN RIVER …. The boats going by the seagulls flying the waves rolling and my neighbor hooking up and landing this fucking A big ass old redfish ,,,,,,,, AHHHH a choice of focus because while during the whole event of watching them fight and get ready to land that fish I was no longer focused on the Fucked flavor of my coofee which I do like to be a certain way and if it is not well it is nOT RIGHT ( for me ,,, ok but not right different maybe good but not right ) and well it was fucking hot out on the patio he sun reflecting off the deck it was just fucking hot , but I also notieced the scent of JASMINE in the air and the breeze coming from under the trees cooled of by the EVPORATIVE cooling nature that insures the plant stays comfy ….. well I go to enjoy a mixture of SENSATIONS …

Like sex a mixture of things ….. of sounds of smells of wetness of struggles of .. wanted and unwanted and esxperincing of the manifestation we both created prior to me fucking the hell out of her …..

And during coffee time I also had thoughts about my next segment which is EARTH MOVING time …… and the feeling of DREAD of work and then the realization of I am not a slave but I am CREATING a future manifestation in the choice to move earth …. Like I was experiencing the manifestation of drinking coffee sweetened by the complex flavor of PANELLA brown surgars … ( still aint right different but not RIGHT ,, I gotta go buy some white death )
Ahhh next segment ,,, what focus do I want to …. VIBRATE with during the experience of the segament ,,the manifestation of events I had put inot action before the dirt arrived in my front yard …. Things dating back 15 years when I was choosing to buy this waterfront home in fact ……. THE TIME LAG INVOLVED in your current and future manifestations can date back to thoughts you had action pathways foolowed decades before …… and the segements of living you will experience next week month year ..will be effected by the choices of following the WANTS and unwants , the emotional recreations to your NOW …… do you get any of this dumshit? Thn for yourself .

So I go to dig dirt feeling the wind and sun , the dirt the dreams of why I am digging dirt the sounds of birds and the pride of constructions and the pleasant dreams of future …or the dread of wortk ? freedom of choice what will you focus upon as you enter the next segment of living the manifestation you created by your past living …… ? it is all aobut you ,,you are not a VICTIM ……. An adventurere sometimes in a novel that goes beyond the awareness of the bio machine used to experience it YES but not victim .

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