Monday, May 17, 2010

Can't , has , have pussys

Can’t , has , have pussys

I gotta bring in that wet moist fold of skin that is so sensitve and fun to play with , for we both enjoy it , this is again the TRUTH about good human nature not PYSCHOPATHIC .. illness ,,, we are naturally ALL TURIST . we enjoy each other enjoying ….

Where is the GUN TO YOUR HEAD that must be behind your use of the terms ,,,,, I CAN’T ,,,,, I HAVE TO …. Or he has to …. The gun that limits free choice if you are so called FREE ? where does all these HAVE to’s come from where is the gun that stops you from EVN THINKING about another view point with a fear that mimics fear of DEATH like some one some how was holding and invisisble gun of life and death to your head , and if you did not live up to social expectations you would surely DIE …

The topic of my VIEW POINT about my sons re-action to the confusion THRUST UPON his INSTINCUTAL mind by the experience of current culture ,,current culture …. ….. current ,,not over all for ever in to the past equality for everyone … but some thing actually new lesss that 100 years old ..FORECED UPON and DNA BIO MACHINE with expectataion so reality written in the library of successful living … adaptionsafter adaptions , caused by the daily life success of the DAD whose DNA is created DAILY …. In his sperm bringing with it his LIBRARY of successful living , that is why westerm man was able to live thru PANDEMICS while other like america’s 1st nations people died to the tune of 95 in 100 …. The gift of adaptive expecations built in ,,,, hey but they had adaptions to MALARIA ( science now wants to sell new malaria vaccines when in fact they lived with it until we killed off or polluted their gentic base thru our RAPE culture )

Sci-am oct ’09 pg.67…. the KUIKURO are repopulationing themselves … human had been on the land mass for 18k years , they had developed … sustainable ..( phil you have no imperical evidence for that claim ..correct we killed off the functioning society because the church feared new evidence trails of OTHER WAYS OF THINKING OR LVIVING would p[ollute the soldiers minds … it is the job of the PRIEST to protect the flock from NEW IDEAS ! ) BUT THE WORDS OF THE EXPLORERE IN 1500 …islands in the amaon jungle ( full of malaria and pathogens they had adapted to whites died from ) held settlement so mumerous they were un countable , they danced played music in celebrations …… these people exisit in such vast quantitiy they were impossible to count their …roads were straight and wide kept so clean not a fallen leaf was to bee seen ,,,,

Could the great citys of Europe claim clean streets or streets full of domestic animal shit and CHOLERA …

And you tell me ,,,my ideas of child raising are flawed that my baby boy HAS TO … learn how to live in this confusion as if there is nothing else and never was any other models ..of REAL HUMNA LIVING ? I have no gun to my head ,, but you in your replys to me while we talk show you have an invisible gun of fear of JUDGEMET …. Of the world of 2nd mind ..of the economy and culture that grew from the PYRIMID blocks of PHAROH … amenhotep .. amen is satified it means , strange how even today we stillrespect the ..god of TRUTH as told for us to do in the books of DUETROMY A nd numbers ,, WE RESCT STILLLL amen , ( or dialect amun or amon , amen ,, accents ahnge from region to region decade to decade … now add 1000’s of years but cores linguistics are still present …… MYTH is not about some fACT OF THE WORDS but the theme ….. when aristophines talks about the goods worrying about who will give them SACRIFICES and Worship ,,, that is the PHAROH classes of today worryinga bout their FUNDING …… core theme …. Linguistics . ( thatnk you Dlab for giving the confidence to say I have right to talk like a linguist … because my book cover shows I nothing but a stupid barbarian fisherman window washer dude )

My child is forced inot living in a world that his BIO MACHINE IS NOT ADAPTED TO … even though he inhis survival willb ring with him the DNA success of living thru it …but again really look at ,,birth rates WHO IS BREEDING …….. so you bring up to me a show I have not heard about …… the L word … is for …Lessbo ….. no judgement gay or les …. Both expressions of finding some peace in the insanity , non , DNA expansive ,,, actually thus could be consicidered in bradest terms to inc. pyshcopathy .

I bring up in the idea of over stimulation , bring up ideas that sure learning to functioni n the ECONOMY is important but ..let the human child MATURE a bit first ..but you want to argue that I in my desire for stability of my children am doing them disservice and I do not rust your data or evidence trails .. and I do ot have other . data just ignore other building blocks of pOSSIBLES . because of the invisible gun of HAVE TO’S is no the action of a good parent . ..there si is enough to stimulate your own thnking I am neer supposed to be the preachers but only the stimulator of your own exploration of ALTER NATIVES ..alternatives …

Back to pussy …. Miss pretty pussy USA stumbles on stage …? Now this is HEADLINE NEWS? God dam we are fucked up …. And NO the male s of her life did not bring about beauty pagents …. He dad probably could have taught her how to go fishing but not put on make up ….. beauty pagenents were the SEXUAL MANIPULATION tool dating back to how TYE got noticed by Amenhotep 3 …… then learn more about eh EVE SPIRIT expression of her continues BRILLANT USE of power thru her life and her DNA .. the 1 who died and the weak one she groomed for power later thru proper use of …. Advertising and myth .. and let GO of the importance of the word tool EVE …but look to core lingusitcs …themes ..commications ,, that is what linguistics is about … THE COMMICATION ..not the vehicle of .. but what is the core information being conveyed .

There is no risk for you out here on the leading edge, ever. And when you come to understand the true nature of Well-being in which you have come forth--then you can relax and begin to enjoy this magnificent adventure which is your creative life experience. We are not here to guide the specifics of that which you choose. You get to choose that, and you can't get it wrong. We are here to assist you--only to assist you--in finding vibrational harmony with your desire; knowing that when you find vibrational harmony with your desire, you are, in this moment, a joyful Being. And that is our dominant wish for you.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Kansas City, MO on Saturday, June 1st, 2002
No fear is what your bumper sticker proclaims but in reality it is social porgraming teacing the next genenration to be ready to man theDEATH ARMY of the pharoh class .. to fight your own FRIENDS not yet met ( mark twain ? a stranger is a friend I have not met ) ,,,,,,,, we are not here to guide SPECIFICS … the words of the sages from ages past were only to help us think once more for ourselves , the growth of any 1 sage THREAD was quickly ID’d by the manipulative class and brought into use by that class as RELIGON . no risk for when you get the idea of BEING …is not that we human on this lil 3rd rock near a sun out of billions in a galaxy that is ..well take a dime put it up to the night sky at arms length and realize behind that DIME if you have the right Scope .. you will sell 10,000 galaxys like ours .. with each having BILLIONS OF SUNS ..and lots ofn UN IMPORANTT ROCKS …
Being …. The use of pyarimds … of other states of being ness …. From the inflation of ..i , questioning itself , becoming 2 I’s … and then actuall a thried3rd I … the I of having the other 2 equal I’s inside …. The big bang … in a TAO of no time space ,, so NO TIME … what is 1 QUADRENTIAL of a second or 1 second or …14 billion revovlutions areond a sun by a tiny rock . in comparion to IN FI NITY . ( beyond the 2 gigs of your thinking ability ? do you need some Eloquent solution like GOD or Equation to DEAL with the pressure …… SHOULD YOU deal ..? or just enjoy because TRANSITION will happen ….. the importance over the invisible GUN now MUTE .

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