Monday, May 18, 2009

a right fuckin'

A right Fuckin’

Young master do what is RIGHT , live BE HERE BE NOW BE EXCITED , but first get or go over the suggested RIGHTS for you that you have heard others talk about ,,, and live that …….and when the next person comes to you .listen to them and change everything just because they said THIS OR THAT is Righter for you … ohhh yes first make sure they have a Stack of paper work showing their QUALIFAACTIONS to give advise to teel you what is right for you ….. degrees what does it say on like the 4th line …. Think in terms of what others tell you to do !

if a species did not INSTINCTUALLY act in a nice and caring over all way towards itself and its species members what would the SURVIVAL RATE opf that species be …. An defective expression of socio path on the naturl birth defect rate of 3% that is not 3% socio pathic but 3% over all birth defect rate ,,,, missing fingers , blindness , etc etc etc and Socio path being just one form of defective animal …. The species would stillg row and flourish …. Because the OVERWHELIMING 97% would be co-operative instinctually ,,, without books or teachers with degrees having to EDUCATE the speicies on MORALITY ..the blue Jay does not go to church to learn morality . nor does the raccoon , or bobcat ,, or for that matter the wild house cat .

what would you life be like if you had to change you PASSIONS to meet the best advise of everyone else who showed up with a stack of paper work showing that they went to schools to KNOW BETTER what is right for you than the instinctual nature of you DNA with a 6,000,000 hsitorial data memeory built into each and every SUCEEDING genernation ,,success in DNA terms being that is survived to reproduce itself and with that it carried new small adaptations ..MEMEORY of the parentns that came before . now that is a lot of paper work that is a lot of study that is a degree in and of itself already instinctually present in you .

if a na animal does not INSTINCTUALLy care for itself or its offs pring then the animals or that DNA would mostly not succeed …… ahhh but if the newer human GENOME is one of PHAROH …the god/king ….. hmmmm 10k years out of 6 MILLION years relflects only 1/10 of 1 % of the memeory or success of the bip[edal human DNA an animal with a history of polygamy

but …….learning to learn means learning to examine the INFORMATION which you are able to gather from all sources ……WHY IS IT …X …Y ….or Z out of the infinte amounts of data ..why is it the such and such events ..come in to your SPECIAL AWARENESS …… the 3 coral snakes in 1 week s compared to 2 coral snakes in 48 years ….. WHY was I not able to buy a coar twice when since I was 18 I have always had new cars …. I liked tha security of the warrenty period ….. the mindlessness of …. OMEN was the word used by the sages ….. the BUGHA BUGHA shit of spirituality of religons of meta pyshihcs …..

of the attraction agreement? ……. The law of attraction …. Why do Quantas even come together at all there is not LAW or a quantum police force or a quantum judge .. who doles out quantum prisen sentences to spend 20 years at STARK in Fla. Nope ther is no wing at STARK for non comforting quantas .
an agreement state of state of WANTING TO so that aplyground for the IN FI NITE can be…… to be a grain of sand for a billion years WHO CARES once back in toa a mbillion years is less that a NANO second to in fi nity …..

attracting the Information IN WAYS THAT WILL BE MOST HELPFUL for you to grow into that which is your OWN WANT …… and do you want to be RIGHT IN THE EYES of others? Then you will attract the others for whom you will dance for … trying to live as they say , changing for ever based upon their WANTO’s

mr. I do not know …..lived in a ZONE ..lived the ZONE he was not the seeker but lived … the seeker is asking everyone WHAT IS THE RIGHT WAY ….. mr. I do not know had not the population of every fucking body else to confuse him but lived the SUCCESS BLUE PRINT of the 99.7 % rate of surviors or the prosperus …. Hauman fore moms and and dads which left their life history on the DNA mr. I do not know now uses.
Rather than trying to monitor your thoughts, we encourage that you simply pay attention to how you are feeling. For if you should choose a thought that is not in harmony with the way that broader, older, wiser, loving Inner Being part of you sees it, you will feel the discord, and then you can easily redirect your thought to something that feels better, and therefore serves you better.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham on Saturday, July 1st, 2006
Doesn’t feeling good feel good? ahh why ha eth omens helped prevent me form getting involved in a new debt ? even in the smart car , my EGO wants it BAD …. And the IN SPIRATION ….was to not allow it gently …. Nope the comp’s are slow and we are not getting the right quates we’ll talk to tomorrow , but the while the salesman was interested in why I have not REBUILT THE TANGO ……hmmm why have I not rebuilt the tango ? hmmmm how does it feel now how did I feel back when I bought it? What EGO aspects AM I learning about myself …… am I living to fit into the RIGHT of others in reality at a deep confuse and conquer level that I am not fully conscious of doing ? should I ask you ? or you ? what to do …. Or FEEL where I mayelf am at on my on scale of feelings and trust all is well all is learning today is a good day to die/transition a dn live fully today as it is feeling for me not for thaw others think ……. Learning experiencing my own ADVENTURES …… not having to ask some one else every time I was planning to make a cast whither they thought there was a fish there or not but living based upon my own …. My ……

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