Saturday, May 9, 2009

open Faith's box

Open Faith”s box

Young master the box is her pussy and is faith a proper name a chicks name ? OPENING HER BOX is a want of yours ….to have her box opened stretched and fucked is A WANT of hers … … and this is co creation . talked so much about by the entertainer Ester Hicks ,,that we are all here to CO CREATE …
The sages of old new the power ot thought is has been described in faiths and religious texts as back as man kind has enjoyed the MAGIC of WRITTEN MEMORY ..the magic of expanding our 2 gis of processing power thru the use of memeory devises ..extra storage systems like writing . and we will be LIKE GODS ..Eve thought after talking with the TROUSER SNAKE ….. myths and fairy tale born form the real life …chirt based FAITHS talk about FAITH about knocking oa door ….. ask and it is given … and do not keep DOUBTING opening up Faiths box to see if the WANTED is really in there or not for that is not FAITH but doubt …. Different word tools that ESTER HICKS but the same themes. The LAW OF ATTRACTION …. Law WRONG not a law but an agreement state of the … I – in – I of equals of IN FI NITES …… with out fear of limited time spans of lives for they KNOW THEY WILL be each grain of sand each person … each possible thought out unto the UNTHINKABLE . way beyond our ablity to process way past the 2 gigs of thinking power or the storage in any form of memeory for the use of creating EXPECTED experiences to come into ASSEMBALGE of quantas.

From each and every UNWANTED auto mactically a want is born a thought is born often so fast you do not realize it ,,,, that thought that piciture of the something BETTER … that formation ..that POSSIBLE …. Is …. IN THE ethereal ..THE ETHERS OF tao WE THINK IT to be Ether or gas or beyond a VAIL the spirit world ….. but that is reality we are just anao second of AGREEMENT FORM ….. the wxprience the memeory of the lived is NOT REAL ANY MORE just DATA ….. the expected wanted the up coming assemembale ….. not here either infact the world the EARTH I see ahead of me , is YES there .. but when I get to that point a little farther down the roda ,,those mintues away actually it is a WHOLE NEW epxrieons of QUANTAS that have flashed in and OUT of exixitance …and each exisiatnce no matter how short is a s valid as any other ….. ZHAUANGZI and the sotry about the red wood tree the turtle the man and the fruit fly …… all live different life spans each life experience valid for what it is thru the BIO MACHINE sued for that experience .

The WANTED stimulated by the unwanted ….. can leave you feeling EMPTY as you feel the ..LACK ….. and as you feel you bring LIKE TO LIKE ….. as you VIBRATE … that bouncing back and forth from the YOU STILL IN TAO who knows all is WELL and the you here in the playground of NO’s … of limted ablity of 2 giga byes of processing power …. The differnec of the two set points …. The one of complete magic where every thougth is always .. never the oppurutunity to FEEL any difference for it is … IS … always in all ways for ever THERE in you and of you to the over whelming point of being a NO 1 THING ….nothing . but everything .

The wanted …….. it’s lack and the repeated training you got a s a child to EXPECT LACK and STRIGGLE ( slave traing expect life to be hard and if you serve GOD/kings pharohs well you will get a reward in an after life …fairy tale storys of conrol ) . the wanted is in FAITHS box .

Just the vision the assemblage of thoughts means that in that second a sptroy a possible which in cledes the SOLUTION to your UNWANTED is …is ..already DONE DONE DONE … in the box of Faith ,in the tao …. Now to let yourself become with it a

CO CREATIVE ….. time/space game ….. it is possible every thought which is thinkable is …. Thinkable and so possible …. My desire is XYZ …… surprise surprise to find that THE OTHERS around have wants to that often over lap my wants ….. and each gets what they want ..if you chill and let the TAO SELF TALK TO YOU thru INSPIRED ACTION …. When the feeling is so intenst that wild horses could not stop you …. RIGHT OR WRONG ..that is what you should do it is what you will do ….and the story goes on … and … on … and on … the adventure RIGHT OR WRONG IN THE EYES of others … in the eyes of others fuck the others ….
ALL IS WELLL ..row row row your boat gently down the stream merrly merrrly merrly life is but a dream .

Remember the fact that 99.9% OF humaity is very nice to each other especially when they are unstressed and understanding their trues nature that all is well and the lie of PHAROH of greed is just that ,,the lie of that 1 in 1000 birthe defect socio path . ahh which is a story book …. Co creative event allowing for even more complex NOVELS OR ADVENTURES for an infinte user of quantum assemblages or bio macheins to live … you ….

You want is ther done …. Act on inspired action even if it may seem wrong for in ti isGREAT LEARNING and Clairty ….. AND RELIZE YOU CAN AND SHOULD NOT DO THE WORK OF OTHERS WHO WILL MOST likely be involved in the creation or assemblage in TIME SPACE of that want you placed in the POSSIBLE …..but for that WANT to arrive yu will have to vibrate like it is ….. not vibrate the lack of it ….so to look inside the box in worry is to think or vibrate and live the experience over and voer and over of the LACK of the wanted unti ssuch time as you can allow yourself to forget about the HURT OF NOT HAVING …. And enjoy fully the having of what you are living …… this living and enjoying of the CURRENT ABUNDANCE .. is a vibration which allows for more abundance to arrive tht want you put inot vibrationa escrow …that is…. Complete in the ether of toa. ….

What we would do for yourself -- for your next physical experience (and you can do this). . . We would begin, right now, by infusing this physical time/space reality with as much understanding of the Law of Attraction as you can, so that you add to this vortex of knowing. That makes it more likely that -- as you and others participate within it -- you will have easy access to this understanding that all is well.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Los Angeles, CA on Sunday, January 31st, 1999
Your next pysichical experience will happen in a NANO SECOND FORM NOW …. Ooops a you of the …I in I ,,just died but you are still here ..toa is unthinkable remember ! want everything , need nothing be happy now ..want purely with out limtes with out worry of thought of lack ….. reveal be happy in the experiences avaialbe to you now …. All is well . time unlimted so far beyond your scope of THINKABLE. Do not fear! Transition today is a good day to die ….. with each trillion nanoseconds passed thru.

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