Saturday, May 16, 2009


Recurring payments

Young master are an EXPECTATION … so completely programmed into you SNAPES associated data processing brain which creates the expectation of how TIME?SPACE will continue to manifest as an agreed upon state so that so many DIFFERENT perspectives of the Tao can play together in on a common playing field of nano second expression of THINGS assembling and de assembling . . with all ppotential to manifest ever and ever smaller things THINGS expressions of Quanta . .to be named . oppurutuniys to play fo the scince freek ,,but no my life … it does not help me in my growing of tobacco plants …

But back to PAYMENTS like rent or maotgage or insurance or electric or phone or cable or internet ..or CAR PAYMENTS …back on the farm in homestead when I had 4 active crab boats running my sholesale company ….. I had a line of used 35 OMC’s if there was any problem all a captian had to do was lift off his motor put on the next one in line and head back to the ramp ….. he would be 2 hourss late but his product would be then destined for retail instead of the wholesale route ….. no new engine payments .

And a different timespace period for myself . my current business …. My shop my store front is some thing with wheels if it isnot running well I am nout of business and that is BAD FOR BUSINESS ….i do not have a farm where I can hide 3 or 4 cars out behind the barn and have them rebuilt at my leasure and withing budgets ….

Nope I have been lucky for over decde to have gotten into a nice repo from one of my dealerships … and ran the to the point it needs caring for …. FREE STORE FRONT RENT no payments ….. but now I will have payments …. Could I deplete my cash reserves to buy out right yes ,,, but there is always a reason to spend cash and if I do that I will never have any cash reserves …. EXPECTATIONS ..revovling around the flow of $$$$ ..some people just seem to have $$$ always flowing into their world in amounts exceeding their speding caspacity … but the fact like the AGREEMENT STATE of gravity of NO’s ….. is that 96 out of 100 will struggle with $$$ the odds are you are part of the 96 . the evidence trail of your current adenture is of that .it is the programming expectation .

You came to NOT LIVE A LIFE of SNAP YOUR FINGERS MAGIC …. You came inot contrast to experience the oppurutunity to have to be creative and decide your want form the experience of unw wanted …with though the understand that ALL IS WELL and this is just a dream ….. yet a dream we wanted . that idea of a dream of problems we wanted so that we could FEEL …… the differences between the ALL POSIBLEITY TOA …. And the expeince of THING ….. the forgetting …fore the getting or remembering …. Of the state of I IN IN ..the all posiblity the un impossiblie …

The game I wanted … yet if feels bad my position on the emotional scale is fucked 3 different OPTIONS EACH with good’s attached which to choose …. And once choosen to be lived from .IN SPIRIT ACTION …. Inspiration …. In the zone …. Expectation of ending up in the all is well for I am realy always connected to it …. But wanting to experience LACK or uwanted for the oppurutunity of conparision ….. with the deep inner securioty of all is well….. it is a good day to die to transition …. Every onw will be ok without me …… for the world keeps on going so many billions have come been born and died and the world has not stopeed . but

Payments are out side of my PLAN …… or are they ? to journal your ideas young master to TOOL ..of writing … is helpful cn you feel the movement up the emeotianl scale … . And wht is is all about …. It is about the movement up the scale in each now …. For a BRINKS truck will not follow me to the grave .

How do you feel about those things that you are giving most of your attention to? If there is something in your life that gives you negative emotion almost every time you think about it, we would do anything that we could do to get that negative thing out of our awareness. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Phoenix, AZ on Sunday, April 5th, 1998
Working within the AGRREMENT state realizing we are not going to be MAGICAL … we came here to be UN MAGICAL ….. so learning to use an operate within the 2 giga bytes of processing power ..THE CHOICE OF WHAT FOCUS WILL I LET MY 2 GIGS work with for as my emergy of focus is expressed more like things wiil come into awareness …… THE AGREEMENT STATE OF ATTRACTION .

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