Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Pussy Crack

Young Master , the smell of fresh pussy is a drug it carries with it is the Pheromones , subtle drugs produced by her body which your male body is designed to respond to . And well it is just fucking fun to listen to her repond to relax and expect even more even futher stimulation . to let your female remember that she is also ,, ALSO driven by her sex drive the drive of finding her BLISS of finding natures happiness .

It has nothing to do with thing with what money can buy ,,, in fact to realy enjoy the feelings of getting her pussy licked , her body touched she has to submit , to allow my tongue to explore her body to explore the folds of the lips of her pussy . She must be still to allow me to flick her clit to circle her clit with my tongue . to dips ans force my face , my tongue into the hole of her pussy as I search for more and more success …. SEARCHING FOR SUCK CESS ….. THAT sound of her responding to my actitiy … and during the whole pussy licking I get higher and higher … from that scent and taste of her animal hormones . this has nothing to do with money but is sure is fun ,,,, it is something that can be enjoyed where ever and whenever ,,, well those words would be more real if we ,, as a culture a society realized and acted in accord with the animal side which we have ignored .

But over and over just look around and also dipshit realize your own responses …. To the hope anw wish we have for the FAIRY TALES of love we see around us ….. I too , hope the best for everyone I hear that feels they have found that 1 special someone ,,,,, I love to see the smiles , the drug like giggdyness of the chemicals of love which flood the human body because of love and lust ,, the synengery of a good friendship and a sexual actraction ,,, the trust of freindship that helps aperson to feel connected and safer in an unpredictable world and life ….. that is a high in itself the opportunity to relax and trust something ….. and the then smelll of pussy .. or for the girl it would be the smell of her own pussy on the male . god dam girls can and do smelll pussy as much as we do , the scents of other women in and around the home or work place eefect the reproductive cycles of the women . so dumbass understand your soft spot for the fairy tale …

But does this soft spot ofr the fairy tale have to mean that creating the POLY is without SPECIALNESS? Being special is very important … and it is impossible for a human to not be special ,,, UNLESSS , that person creates in themselves the aura of NOTHING – NESS . or being unworthy of specialness .

But be understanding even at you syouthful age that you will treat each women with , specialness it is not something that you have to learn it comes naturally ,,, the fear of not neing special is that GREED OF EVE …. That FEAR . you treat all you male friends specially , you treat everyone of importance in your life already uniquely …… when you become a Daddy it is natural to love each child in that childs special way yet you … you DO love all your children not one more than an other ,,, you love the children ALL . you love everyone and each person , brothers sisters cousins mom and dadn and friends each you love and each person is AUTOMACTICALLY treated uniquely ,, WIT SPECIALNESS . it is only in the mind of the girl that UN WORHTYNESS , comes in … and she feels the only way ,, THE EASIEST way to change that is to force you! Into say

SAY THAT YOU LOVE ME ,,, become my I LOVE YOU SLAVE ,,,, give me that words , that vow ,, which the soldier inside you that warrior deep inside of you with attempt to honor with its life .

A movie , our movies expose us as a culture ,, comedians also expose us ,,, the average [person in this world … a movie Lonely Hearts ,,, the core is THE GREED OF EVE …and the GREED OF ADAM …. Her desire to be special to the 1 and him the desire to make a female happy ,,, yet once pushed to prove his VOW of love to prove and prove and prove …. In this movie based on facts , the proof was to murder murder murder ….. fucked up… onw the girl it is said was the VICTUM of sexual child abuse ….explore that and find out it comes out of this confused sexuality of the 1 on 1 … the trap of the fairl tale love gone NUTS , where the CONTROLED MALE , expressed thru controlling the weaker humans he has around ,,,,, even though in public a husband can seem to be controlling of the female , in the end when he finds that he hurt his female ,,, the abusive male …. Gets on his KNEES to beg of the female forgiveness …. To show her who is reality in power .

Dipshit this is very subtle almost invisible ,,, macro and micro …. The whole universe is shaped by the unseen force of dark matter gentlely ahpping things and cotnroling actions , yet that gentle constant force ,,,, looks weak in the face of a SUPER NOVa ,,, a woman looks weak in the face of the angery male ….nut dipshit ,,, if it were not for the times that the male had begged and promeised to be tter ,, gave his vow of love and asked her for her understanding that is just a male and males are violent …. Etc etc … but listen and look … at the real power and control

Then like in TWISTED INSTINCT as I went over that list of the effects of coercion … of control … and you will see that power play that child sexual abuse is ,,, is nothing but the effects of that power sometimes modeled over generations ….. repeating of a patterns almost like an AUTO POLIT diss ease ……. Fucked up

The PLY , the three girls gives a great number a good dynamics of personalities , of friendship of commitments , of safety and trust …. Especially when it is a good group of you and understand desiring rils who create the pOLY family …. Understanding each person motivies for searching out and ALTERNATIVE

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