Thirsty pussy
Young master ,,,, you breath air ? your body sweats when it needs to cool down ? your DNA bio amchine will move towards that which feels better for it ,,,, it will commicate with you want is it’s likes ,,, in fact you had to train your body away from this instinct to force it to drink ROTTEN BARLY JUICE or beer as it is better known , you will even drink to the point of poisoning it and it will SELF PRESERVATE and throw up the excess poisins . …… hmmmm you eat if hungry ? you drink when thirsty ?
If really hungry you will eat something that you would not normally eat just because of REAL HUNGER … that same with being thirsty ( I am not talking about beer here ….beer is a society thing , and an escape from the confuse and onquer thing ..thru the effects of the poisins _ ) you will drink what ever is around …..
Instinct ? how about the evidence trail of a wet pussy ? what is her wetness her sweeling clit her pussy telling her that she is ignoring because she is listening more to her PROGRAMING than the thirst of her body …… now there is much good especially for her if she is choosing to live in the STRESS BASED life if economy to listen to the PROGRAMING so that she can succeed in the economic system of the slave human hive . fine fine fine ,,, an example of free choice as long a s the indivivual has true free choice and she is not being prevented from more flie style options because some soicio path is protecting her like she was SHEEP form expanded information steams …. 1 more free choice . .... what does a pussy thrist for …instinctually ?
Ahh what does the user of the bio machine ..thirst for (METAPHORICLLy ) to feel better more states of joy of goodness things aor activities or passions or life giving life oppurutunitys …. We are a blending of the DNA and the user …. And if we resisit one or the other … contrast appears giving oppurutunity for the YOU to choose ,, your own how and what a why you willl change things to move towards the BETTER and better … but are you really allowing the OPENINEss OF POSSIBLES …. Of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness form the position of 1 educated expreincer …
A baby gives a passion for living ….. to them other ….. a new better and better with each new arrival from her body ,,, the same event yet each is different watch grow . yet the fear of baby in the world of ECONOMY …. Thwarts the natural thrist expressed by the evidence trail of a wet pussy .
This striving for joy as it relates to what science is studying called the Grand MoTHER Effect has on human ape longevity ,,, and the lack of the grand Father eFFECT and the evidence trail of the FATHERING effect in in the 124 countrys that still have POLYIGMY … ( IN 64 it is illegal …. Yet no one says you have to get a written marriage lic. a cut and paste poligmy relationship contract form the sisterwives link )
DNA is a data storage devise , carrying all the success information … I still go back SMALL POX while it was still deadly to the Western peoples maybe to the tune of 20% when the 1st Nation;s People came into contact with this unknown virus type strain … they died to the tune of 90% ,,,, hmm and the survivors . would pass down the EVNTS of survivial thru DNA to the next genenartion until such a time that these peoples would eventually have survival rates over centurys like those of the whites …the . Actually older MALE DNA is potentially more valuable more events had been lived succefully and as such at a unkow data level these transmitted theru the expression of making the DNA the sperm every day … , now some current data models would contest this .. actually fear of Autism shows up , but WHAT is the expression of Autism , which is somtiems and expression MUTATION which provides QUANTUM leaps of mental ablity …. Autrist raits or responses are often because the brain is being over whelmed by DATA collection the brain protects itself with espression activity . but there are HOLES in those statisc also ….. limited populations pools etc. and the example of wisdom about mankinds inability to look at things with aBRAODE ENOUGH scope of , I am looking at a much longer eveidence trail of 12,000, 000 years versus a tainted data trail of limited evidence spaing 40 years . sctuslly the same could be said for the women with POSTIVIE ATTIDTUDES TOWARDS children and child birth later in life … that they would have better GEneic potential in the DNA they supply or am I mistaken and the Eggs are already DNA formed not mature but DNA formed early in life not reformed on a daily basis like male sperm …. I need to study that one … for it is in the new EXPRESSION OF DATA in DNA formed daily that potential positive expression can be passed down ,, and true FORM a metaP standpoint the CONFUSED AND CONQUERED male could potentially passed negatively expective .. or predisposed gentic material , READY already to HIDE IN BEER AND need of anti depressants . so HAPPY OLD COCK MAKES better babies ? shit do we ever get into some weird topics on the street on Thursday night in Jesnen beach . another great vaired night of Earthship housing food forest , Wayne Dyer and
You just cannot kill everybody who doesn't agree with you. You can't do it. You'll kill enough of them, and pretty soon, you'll be down to the nitty gritty that is just you guys, and then you'll start disagreeing with each other... In other words, you cannot get to where you want to be by pushing against what you do not want - it never, ever works.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Washington, DC on Saturday, May 7th, 2005
And the wisedom of the voice of the Sage ……. Killing off opposing ideas NEVER HAS WORKED ,, as the evidence trail of history has proved .
INSTINCTUALISM is a Holistic ...... STYLE OF LIVING1 more choice to look at , in this world full of choices to freely ........ choose from !
Friday, September 18, 2009
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