Friday, September 4, 2009


Sweet size 0

Young master ,,being skinny actually is healthy and is achieved by living naturally if the human grazed maninly from their own FOOD FOREST ..the active human lifestyle balances thngs the PERMACULTURE the idea that food is a weed ….

But she trys and trys to achieve …. Size 0 to prove to a HIM …. She too is a victim of the MANIPULATION … to prove to a him ? to achieve a STATUS among her competitors other girls … in the expectations programmed in to her culture …… and actually ,,the WORK of striving for size 0 … brings her out of SOCIETY .. often .. it is like a sickness is to others helping them to excape the UN LIVE ABLE UP TO NESS …. Of social expectations ,, like a drug addict excapes the confuse and conquer of the society thru dope …. Her is one of ..FOUCS ON un real wants . it is very comparable to the male expression of the MO”BETTER a faster car a bigger truck … larger mulsces …did you experiment Roids ? why ? maybe your mo’better was being the one with the best Dope ? and her is her size zero … expression of manipulations … the mo’beeter understand thru this program

When in truth a naturally healty body living a naturally healty active life will be an expression fo thinness most of the time ..healthy thinknes …. Of aboringal peoples before they got feed MEAT FOR THE KING AND WINE FOR THE CHURCH DIETS of western humanity …

But in her TRAP of having no other opportunity ,, no option males with guts to express the …… lie stlye in its totality , including the poly aspects …. ...there is no FREE ChOICES present to choose from ….. hmmm ? hy is that well it is for one thing because of your FEAR to be different ! and do something different . so that she can see live taste experience ..choose … contraste the wanted ,, and unwanted for the oppurutunity to experience something outside of society that is TRAPPING HER ….

Yet a trapp she believes she has freely choosen ….. sweet size 0 …… you know young master that way back in the time of Buddha the same shit was going on ,,the lives of kings and queens of princes and princess …. Focused on the way they are seen , and even the Buddha was tainted by this expecatation that was natural humanity . ..but not to Zhauangzi just a country over …..

Now the opurtunity for the next genenration maybe held in the 1 more free choice of … .. the source within is c alling you to a better feeling place …. And maybe the only place you can thinkabout is chasing the MO “BETTER …. The effects of the confuse and conquer and socialization … pharohs king queens rich and powerful ..fear of loss of all that $$$$ fear fear fear … transition will happen to even the richest of PHAROH .

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