Wednesday, September 9, 2009

mirror mirror

Mirror mirror

MIRROR MIRROR every fucking where , Tell you the unreality of your own self image , when the truth is the image others see different than the trained IMPERFECTION we see in our selves …. Thru the gift of mirrors we destroy the positive aspects believed by otheres until we tell them other wise .. the SAGE says nothing is more important than I feel good ….. the choice of what I focus on …. And that is my FREE choice so , free I can choose BONDAGE mental bondage

It is like a window that shows what is , but the what is is seen thru a filter ….. young master have you ever heard girls talk to each other ,,friends talking to friends they constantly are talking about and showing each other the POSTIVE ASPECTS THEY keep telling eacho ther about the TOTLA beauty of their friend and if there is an aspect to be changed easly they aid that in with GREAT concern to maintain the positive aspect s about encouragement and possbiltiy for their friend … but then the 1 looks I the mirro and forgets all the good and finds FLAW AFTER FAULT AFTER PROBLEM …

When a person is thinking in terms of I CAN you feel good you feel empowered , you are vibrating positive energy and that shows thru and is what forms the vision others see that the mirro does not show back to you …… but if 1 looks into amirro or at a PHOTO and seees the COMPARISION issues that they do not live up to the models I take as being average or better which we all strive to become ( or give up on and and live a life of the effects of manipulation one of those effects being … just that giving up ) …all based upon trained programming the passed down effect of the confuse and conquering of humanity to serve the on going THOUGHT FORM economy ….. ( you can by free choice choose to OPT OUT for the most part ) …. Then their place on the emotional scale takes a nose dive ,, and you separate yourself from your BRAODER self …. The toa self ..that accepts you as a I as a 1 … unique an uncomparable. Thus the speration forms and is transmitted thru not words but FEELING …. Something beyond matter or word ..but the root of VIBRATING ITSELF the feeling of it all …. You and then the feeling of confusion of negatives of the experience of thing … of contrast ? the chance to create solutions ,,now after years and years of continued STRUGGLE can you not see that the real problem is not the contrast of wanting … but the ..the choice to compare or not ….

If no mirror was there if no PHOTO was taken ,,, if past was allowed to be just that past ( the reflection even from a mirror is a NANO SECOND information stream of a past you …. Then an acceptance of other TRUEs now could be lived , the trues as seen by friends ,, you will live the POSTIVE ASPECTS everyone who means anything sees in you ….. everyone who means ANYTHING …. The comparison of non important people are jus that UN IMPORATNT .

Try to live a while with out a mirror yourself ….. and realize you are AGELSESS INSTINCTUAL SELF .. is one of love for self . acceptance of self …. No other animal has mirrors , and even as far back Greek MYTH …. The understanding about the POISIN OF MIRRORS ..was seen ….

Mirrors are relatively new …. To mankind ..the old wives tale about breaking amirro means 7 years bad luck was born because it took amny people 7 years of extra cash saved to buy a decent sized mirror ,,, mirrors were luxuries …..

If in the poly family the girls cared for each other and lived without mirrors depending on their loved friend and sisiter to aid them in their daily grooming and accepting the truth of their POSTIVE ASPECTS …. And if you TOO were to allow them to shave you and trim your beard and moustache and hair , and accept their love for you to bring out the best in you in the eyes of those who are IMPORANT .. what else could you ever want or them want to jump through FASHION HOOPS of the unimportant flock of sheep who are trained by the media ….. to work like salves to achieve the ever changing impossibility of beauty ?

Can you think about it? And after you think about it and choose to feel it , and practice can you allow yourself to live outside of the box? Free choice you ,,choice of focus … it is life liberty ( in choice to pursue happiness ( or maintain years of pain discomfort slef disgust )
What do you not really believe you are smart enough to NOTICE what feels good to you ? of do you need other to telll you what feels good to you ,, the effect of constant programming done without your understanding of it’s ….IT’S EFFECT .if you did not have amirro or photo ,,,, you would accept all those true words of people who mean something to you …. You would go out into the world and live feeling GOOD

Now if yu can expand this of self ….. then will become what is ..not something dirty nasty sexy ? but …. Natural …… I wonder though why the evolution of lack of hair and why only hair in places we culturally became ashamed of ? maybe the lack of hair became an evolution of cleaneness for an aimal that would live part of the year in cold areas and then in warmer areas so we found we could ADAPT better thru using ainal skins while exploring uncomfortable areas ….. hmmm kinda like us being the only aminal with large tits when not nurseing ,, aclear example of selective breeding .

Our Diversity Supports Our Individual Freedoms... While your societies continue to try to dictate and enforce human behavior to please the majority - because of your diversity, it continues to be an uncomfortable struggle that, again and again, falls of its economic weight. There simply is not enough money in the world to buck the natural currents of individual freedom and independence of thought.--- Abraham
Excerpted from from Abraham's newest book, "The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships "
Ahh just good milatray econicms to make sure the population self governs ….. maybe by instilling fear of UNKNOWNS …. Traiditions of god? Majorities who hae already been so PROGRAMED to not even any longer question WHY ? with any sense of braoder perspectives , …now remember since the TOA is ever expanding there is NO 1 … truth about braoder perspective .

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