Pussy is WORD
Young master … it works Jay Z to ref … the occult … WORD . I do not claim to know the fashions of the 5% or the other 3800 sects of islam/jewish /christian GROUPING OF similar faiths . but .. listen to this and INSPIRE YOURSELF , in spirit action .. inspiration http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=112968197 this woman on NPR has some great books exploring the similarity of most common religions ….. seeing the unity and friendship we all really have . and when you are done realize the important of a hard dick and a wet pussy ,,( put no importance that I use 1 dick and 1 pussy , but expand out to the whole ness of family units and supportive systems for the benefit of all kids moms and dad ….. the poly or harem family unit supportive . ) and traditions unlimited by by blinders of todays socialized fashions …
The basis of Islam/ Judaism / chsritian all in their core . core center baisis theo … has a use of GOD as word tool to describe or put handle on the UNTIHNKABLE …. I still think I did a good job in the guided MED http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html bringing you into unthinkable I was suprized now these years later from writing the script , that I found out thru Walpola’s book http://www.amazon.com/What-Buddha-Taught-Expanded-Dhammapada/dp/0802130313 WHAT BUDDHA TAUGHT and to see the core was UNTHINKABLE NESS .
Pussy is WORD ……. Is bond ? is an UNDE PINNING aspect OF LIFE ITSELF ? well of course dumbass my friend ..with out the pussy where will next generation of followers come form ,,,, pushed out the head of my COCK my cock does not stretch like pussy just look at girls when they play together http://www.instinctualism.org/vision_board.html . Their wrists and hand get forced into each others pussy as they get more and more excited in their private play their recreation their feeling good their ALIGNING WITH SOURCE …. Yet 5 minutes later she well give it a ½ hour she will respond with excitement to just finger and give me an ego grafitiying gasp when I pentrate her with my cock , which fact is fact … short fat ,, more gorilla than chimp designed to stimulate ovulation /orgaism climax thru girth not length ,,, it is not the pencil dick of the HIGHLY sperm competive Chimp …. http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html ( and I just gotta throw in the nature of humanity to ADOPT ..be it loving and caring to a pet or to step children ,,, we are not INFANTICIDE based where a new silver back will kill off the spawn of the last silver back … we do not have the 14% infant murder rate of chimps but the love and family ties of the harem gorilla . PUSSY IS WORD !
I was talking with an old friend today about our kdis .. I say old friend in 2 ways he has been a customer for over 10 years and he is old enough to b emy dad . yet his daughter in a senior in high school and his other daughter is in second in college hell his daughters are younger than his grand kids who already have degrees and familys of their own .
Yesterday was hot and I was feeling it ,, he got talking about age ,, and I said , I felt tired even 10 years ago ….. no different now unless I FOCUs on it and think myself into being 10 years olders …. And he laughed and told me me about his 100 year old grand mom , ( ahh we have similar heritage it semmed …. Both from the northern familys and influenced by MARY BAKER EDDY … 100 years old and still young . .. link on http://www.instinctualism.org/submissive_training.html
And still young she would tell him , but more than that … it was and I translate this into PHIL-EZE .,… she knew that she was not the DATA the MEMORY that created the idea of SELF ….. but that she had been using her mind ..she something that was beyond AGE . hmmmmmm that is fucking deep ….. that is understanding of the sage coming from a person who becaue of the culture of the time ..could never have been allowed to further expand on the thoughts or concepts of fear of social OUT RAGE at un Christian thinking . yet the core of theo ..is the UN-IMPOSSIBLE …. http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
I was talking to him about how I was experimenting with a MIRRROR-LESS life style for if I live with out a mirro , then I get my want ,, that is to just be me not a me that I subltly compare because of the auto action of looking into the mirror the training of mirror use over the years . ,,,,it is an age less life style forgetting the DATA stream of memeory and being ..me … like his grand mom was …she who used the memeory of her life to be the named person of the social world but was not …really her . forgetting the year or my age until forced by someone who may ask , until I then am forced to remember the year , do some subtraction to give then a CHRONOLOGICAL value of myself . no me but of my bio mechanical divise called or named …. Phil ….. but not me ….. I feel the same as I did after a hard sweaty day at work back in high school today , I would get tired then I get tired now ,,, wow …no difference ….hmmmm interesting the under lying message that had to be translated thru CHRISTIANITY that miss Baker was talking about those ages ago .
Next is grey hair and the silver back of the HARME MALE gorilla he does not go out to set up his own harem until he starts to go grey … http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html . Wow ….. if I were a gorilla I would have a problem my head aint got grey … by beard did .. so I guess that counts . this is a bit silly it is looking at what is the PYSHIHCAL like the guy who got the gensisi grant for studying the pulsing wave of a flag and comparing it the the rhythm of how a fish swims … I WONDER IF THAT same mathemicitcs can give a factor to the strength of a CLIMAX CONTRACTION of a girls pussy ? or my cock ? ..it is QUESTIONING the VALIDITY OF DREAMING because it is just an bio mechanical resposnse …REM etc ,,,, yes of course dreaming is REM ..how else can the you …. Or my you ..the NAMELESS me that uses this bio machine and it’s trained memeory personality for time/space adventure how can that YOU translate its experience of re-FOCUS ing into nonpyshihcal except thru ,,, searching the data banks of the brain visisble during REM to somehow translate the things ….. ahh the fun of it all . to forget our NONself ..so to more enjoy this here and now make this life most real … that is living the mr. I do not know flow of Tao. Too… http://www.instinctualism.org/zhaungzi.html
There is no condition that you cannot modify into something more, any more than there is any painting that you can paint and not like and just paint over it again. There are many limiting thoughts in the human environment that make it feel like it is not so, as you have these incurable illnesses, or these unchangeable conditions. But we say, they are only "unchangeable" because you believe that they are--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in San Antonio, TX on Saturday, April 21st, 2001
Where do you want to STOP your adventure and say ,,,THAT IS IT AS PER MY BELIEF SYSTEM I HAVE NO MORE OPPURUTUNITY FOR ALLOWING THE LAW OF ATTRACTION TO ATTRACT ME OTHERS WHO HAVE THEIR OWN PARTS TO PLAY AND SEE ME AS BENEFIT IN THEIR PLAY ….. your choice a canvas can be painted over only 10 times ? to accept incurable is fine , your choosen tool to set up your OWN TRANSITION on your won terms … your version of …happy healthy happy healthy dead .
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
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