Wednesday, September 16, 2009

candied pussy

Candied pussy

Young master , for your own good .. was the them of your mind fucking ..teaching to do what others wanted ..being trained very young a dn very helpless to respond to the smiles and frowns of those around you ….

A young girl at college feels trapped in her is a free spirit , yet her family has psent so uch $$$ and and she had spent so much energy ..chasing the dreams presented to her when she was so young …. That to leave the path of those dreams now seems like ike would hurt others , yet to stay on the path is hurting herself now …. Confuse and conquer …either way the thought form economy gets what it wants ,,it gets the super achiever ,,, tempered by the trials and tribualations and that choose not not not to follow self love or the message of source about what REALLY feels good ..but to find some sort of feeling good in the expectations of the teachers of HER OWN GOOD . in their eyes …

Or she will collapse maybe drug herself into submission to ignore her own inner commucation with inner source the quantum self about what she feels would be good now that she has had a chance to be exposed to ALTER NATIVES . drug herself into submission and go seek the help of the drug pushers , representatives of the eoconmy who will teach about bio mechanics … and tell her she is vicitum ..not creator … take these they will make it all better stay in the system and you will forever be able to get new and better pills so that you can ignore your won inner guidance for the rest of this life and ..someday enter the kingdom heaven of the god king …. And find peace from the mind fuck .

Or she will collapse even further and get even further and self medicate …. On SURGAR and the designer foods of the fooed industry created not to FEED THE BODY but to stimulate feel good hormones stimulated by taste …

We sold our souls I think for SURGAR white death , a poison really in that pure pure form ….. sure we as a speices gravitte to sweet tastinging things ,, it shows the evidence trail along with the sensitive fingers opposable thumb and up right walking reaching ablity …. It shows how we are FRUIT EATERS ,, and over time the sweeter a fruit tree was the more of those seeds got spread around by human activity . sure we learned about honely after fires swept the plains and the bees adead of stuned by smoke we helpless we gather this TREAT ! ….treat .. occasional treat …. Ahhh but to be mind fucked and confused , rewArded with Pure white death …surgar … when we acted in ways that pleased others and not ourselves ,,when we bought into the idea that you WERE BAD in fa ct HUMANITY IS bad because it does not act in accord with the WANTS OF TH … GOD KING ,, so humanity must be EVIL … when of course when you open your eyes and see the overwhelming love and caring and friendship we have for each other and even for strangers ….. it shows that the vast mojarity of us are nice AUTOMACITCALLY instinctually ,,, in fact it is in this co operative example of our group family DNA expression .. ( again I would say much more gorilla like that the MURDEROUS chimp world and it’s 14% infantincid rate . )

But she is now being exposed to alter anitvie life PATHS , does AHPPINES REVOVLE AROUND GETTING MORE $$$$$$ over and over getting the more better or is happiness in the smiles of friends and loved ones ,,, is happiness in the FEAR OF THE LOSS ..of love? So that she acts from the FOCUS and basis of fear while manipulating love and sexual stimulation in a boyfriend .to illict the HONOR STATEMENT of love .a dnf riendship when it is his nature to be that friend and lvoer , but a smooth talking gorilla who had not set about his life to eat really good fruit and foods and shit the seeds out in an area he claims as his own territory ….

Then go and put on a show ..the BLUSTER not really wanting to take over a harem form the other male , but to alert the young up and coming teens chicks that HEY BABY YO BABY I live 3 banana trees west of here come on over and graze and if you like it stay ….. relationships not permanent .. always free to evolve of by FREE CHOICE of inner wants forever ….free choice expressing the inner good and stability that will provide for the happiness of the mom and a hppy mom makes for happy kids …. Hmmm think think think ( for yourself )

To live to satisfy their wants ? why just out of GUILT ? a sublte manipulation form polished art forms of churchs …. with far reaching results and expressions in negative expression symptoms . ?

Ohh but I was all about the selling our souls for surgar ….. for white death … for the stimulation of creations made in test tubes in industrial kitchens that stimulate seritions and endorphins reactions in humans … addictive food addivtes . AN ALTER NATIVE FAMILY LIFE STYLE …. the chance to FEEL ONCE MORE the commication with self .. the possibility of focus from the NO 1 THING . un limited possibles not realy talked about by Buddha .. whose teaching revolved around his own ,,, abitly to translate the UNTHINKABLE into owrd tools . that he wanted and wish ed would ease the suffering of the those trapped in lives rules by socio paths .

Unless you do something about your vibrational countenance, nothing can change. Nothing long term will change, that's certain... Haven't you noticed that a new disease pops up, and humanity finds the cure, only to find another disease popping up? Don't you think it's interesting that you don't get to the end of those diseases? The reason you don't, is because you have not yet come to the end of pushing against things.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Diego, CA on Saturday, August 13th, 2005

Now I accept the tools of HAPPY HEALTHY HAPPY HEALTHY HAPPY HEALTHY dead! And micro scopic FRIENDS can help weaken the body so that in a few short days of uncomfrot the bio machine can slip inot shock or sleep or coma and die …. And the USED who beleieved for the game the adventure it was a SELF can re unite with unthinkableness of no self only to then become the EXPRESSION of the unthinkable as the illusion of self once more …being ..
And since the bio machine of NATURAL human is to get stronger and stronger disease lill always sow up …. Ahh but when we buy our health from the CORPARATION the drug companys , the speices human becomes weaker and weaker
To tool of transition and the lack of fear about what ever the tool is that hlps us ….. live activity heappy healthy etc etc and DEAD …. …. Is not some to be destroyed or fought against but to find the positive ASPECTS OF AND thus in finding good you live not in FEAR but in HAPPY INESS , that happy healthy thing again .

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