Rafiki Girls – bi sexual
Young mater scores of books could be written by psychologists around the simple interactions of those 3 girls and 1 lil’ daughter “ not quite 2 yet “ in the stroller , and a kind hearted grandmother ( some one else’s grandmother ) last night a Jammin in Jensen…. What great lillte town Jensen beach , the key west north we a have a fairly large accepted gay/lez/bi population that adds new comparision points , ready reminders that there is more than 1 choice and it is a free human choice to choose from them or combine them into something that works for you ,,,, weel like a fly on the wall I got hear tid bits of conversation that at first seemed so common but leading into even more varied topics of exploration ,,,,, I have goona have write down some notes look for supportive evidence trails and the make the links on some topics over time ….. good fun .
But here I am gonna stick as much as I can to the dyamincs of the converesation the 3 girls firneds were having about THEIR? Baby …. The flow of talk with a Grand mother type lady on the bench was great i..the mom and friends were like 1 mother …. And the grand mother was a visiting a vacationing grand mother she was just asking common polite questions but …asking varied …questions of which led to open answers on the parts of the 3 young mothers of the 1 ….
Where at first glance it looked like a common site a young mom with baby daughter our with two girls friends turns out to be a yes single mom but now in a more or less long or short term commited family unit with the 2 girls friends of many years .. all hetro sexual yes ,, all hurt and confused yes ,,, all with a playful bi sexual past in their history with each other ….. all with a love and interaction with the baby daughter since time of birth … ( you can gather so much information over hearing stuff ..the grand mother was very very interested … the world had been changing even her own daughters had issues brought about divorces about their now wanted relationship form )
So what I SEE IS NOT …DNA …homosexuality but again the effects of manipulation the confuse and conquer and the and 5 steps ,,, and today homosexuality is an accepted relationship form ,,where poligmy is not ..even thought poligmy maybe be the most INSTINCTUAL and family supportive and allowing for bi-sexual expression of INTIMACY … which is a DNA need of the female ,, males are much much more solitarty animals even DR> GRAY of the mars and venus fame talks about the BEAR in the cave aspect of MALE … the solitary aspect ….
DNA …. About 120,000 babies (1 in 33) in the United States are born each year with birth defects (1). A birth defect is an abnormality of structure, function or metabolism (body chemistry) present at birth that results in physical or mental disabilities or death. Thousands of different birth defects have been identified (2). Birth defects are the leading cause of death in the first year of life (3). This is from the march of dimes site .. 1 in 33 is that 3% I have refered over the years …… there are 1000’s expression of a defect and yet only 1 person in 33 will manifest it…
You ..young master with your swinging dick between your legg is an example of DNA bio mechanics ,, that swinging dick …. Means your body produces ceratin chemicals in support of the vidence trail of that swinging dick …. Hormones that PREDISPOSE you top like PUSSY … and like wise that wet hole between her legs means she likes to get fucked by COCK not plastic ,, she is predisposed to being PENTRTED . http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html
We human can over ride our DNa design we can act outside of our instinctual design … smoking tobacco makes you cough at first but you push thru the uncomfort …. The same with drinking ..the ame with many things .. you act UNANTURALLY …. Over power nature …… HARD WIRED HOME SEXUALITY WOULD be 1 or the many 1000;s of possible expressions of dna mutation … FREE CHOICE … http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html I am all about free choice ,, changing your hai color is forcing nature to be unnatural ,,, helld riving acar is unnatural I am all aobut FREE CHOICE …. Being ay , lez , bi …FREE CHOICE .. adaptations to the STRESS of living a confuse and conquered exsisitance ,,,, trying to get out of Thoreau ‘s condtion he described as SILENT DESPERARTION …. Being creative in the http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html use of learning abot the WANTED .
The girls the grandmother talking about her daughters ,,, the gay guy who was Pal’ ing around with that supper hot chick that the glass blower came to and said I COULD NOT BE GAY AND HANG AROUND WITH piece of pussy like that ,,,, it is impossible .. she would have to stir some sort of interst even in that FLAMER … I believe it would have years ago before he chose to refer to himself as GAY ..this power changed his , biology over time … tillhe now is BIO LOGICALLY DIFFERRNT creating new hormone set to support his self image practiced over years .. it is not the effect of the manifestation of 1 form of mutatuion or defect of 1000’s being that of hormonail irregulatiy .. being expressed in the 3% …. 1/10th of a percent of 3% is a tiny population number … yet we can change our hair color a hard fast DNA expression our hair color ,, we can over eat and become UNANTURALLY FAT ….. effecting our biologoly .. we can think thoughts and act in certain and result in training new hormone respresentations , production in self …. To support the new self image .. FREEDOM OF CHOICE in the path of trying to FEEL BETTER and BETTER becoming in aligment with source .fine fine fine …
Girls are DNA designed to find HEALTH AND HAPPINESS AND SUPPORT in the daily presence of other women … in a suuporitive harem family bi sexuality is antural … http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html … and still desire PENENTRATION ,, from the likes of ME not a piece of plastic , yet ,, yet ,, like driving a car is fun so ,is the creative use of sex toys ..learn more young master get http://www.amazon.com/Loving-Dominant-John-Warren/dp/1890159727/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1214744584&sr=1-1 we use light bulbs unnatural ..etc etc etc .. yet she is designed to like getting fucked http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html but because of stress ,,and then created a new self image over time she will become and look more MAN LIKE …. Bummer !
And then the PROGRAMING the example that the child will grow up seeing thus installing the expectation into its mental map … of the MALE-IZED mommy all because of not understanding the effects fo the CONFUSE AND CONQUERING of humaity at large ..or our inner good naturaof looking for alignment with SOURCE and trying EVERYTHING and ANYTHING to achieve said RESULT of feeling better and better .
http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html is 1 more free choice to explore also .
When you find yourself critical of the way anyone has attracted or is using money, you are pushing money away from yourself. But when you realize that what others do with money has nothing to do with you, and that your primary work is to think and speak and do what feels good to you, then you will be in alignment not only about the subject of money, but about every important subject in your physical experience.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
You can swap the word MONEY for so many other things we all use as our way to achieve alignment with source or that concept of FEELING BETTER ….. one person can be a BILLIONAIRE and find his real HAPPINESS IN growing FREE SEED ..into food .. 1 a seed he collected for free and had nothing to do with the 1000’s of millions of dollar he has ,, hell you can get a free tomatoes seed from the rotten tomatoes throw away at any food market …. When you find yourself critical about anyone’s way of trying to feel BETTER even being GAY or lez or bi ( which bi is natural and in harmony with DNA design in ALIGNMENT with source expression of female relationships ) when you realize what any one else does with ther FREE choice to choose has nothing to do with WHAT YOU ARE FREE TO DO !
Saturday, September 26, 2009
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