Ohh man turtle
Young master I Ref’d before the all possibility of OMENS …. Who am I to limit toa , when the UN COMMON IS common waz! UP with that ,, when streams of lfow in my writing keep going in ceratin directions I go waz! Up with that …..
So I caught a baby barracuda today and released it and what came to mind is that if it lives to reproduce the events of its capature willb e recorded in the DNa ½ of seuxual reproduction on the part of that Cuda , ( being fish the male and female are both activity gentic mutators and evovlers being that the eggs are created yearly not in advance like human ..where it is the male who ADDS THE EVOLUTIOANRY DNA data for future generations to benifit from ) hmmm I have seen this event happen in many species as they become accustomed to the techniques of the anglers they evolve and survive it is only when the fisherman kills off all they catch and nothing survivies in numbers enough to geneitcaly effect future generations that problems happen or no apdaptation becomes event over a decade . and while fishing I saw again the TURTLE …. Why is the sea turtle OMEN , well I have lived here now 15 years … had an Osprey come and go running with me it flying from elcetri pole to electric pole all along my mile run in the morning and come back it idi every day for a week and the day I came out eary ,, it flew in to my running pattern while I was about half way thru ….. hmmmm ,,, I have conoes day after day with wild porpsoe who who glide along with me as interested in looking up at me with that great big eye as I was excited in gliding in the ater with them ….. the 3 coral sankes of a few months past , very strange …. This turtle shows up about a week ago ,, and then there was a dream ….
Now you sleep not because the TOA self needs sleep but because the BIO MACHINE evolved around having down time for self repair ,,, along the lines of lifestyle based upon LIGHT .. nocturnal or day light living …. You ..the you that uses the bio machines ,,DE-focus’s from the activity of the bio machine and returns to the UNTHINKABLE …. In the UNTHINKABLE , you may dream? Be active in unthinkable ways ? and how can you remember this activity and translation unless you remember it interms of this ATOMIC AGREEMENT STATE , without references to this atomic life it would be UN- understandable or processable by our brains … crazy dream ever have 1? Well that is the explanation of th sages . …me I dream very rarely they say , I so content with my now that the UNTHINKABLE holds nothing much for me to bring back ..to the adventure I already and engrossed …. But I had a dream …and a turtle ….. and few other dreams along the same theme and more of the turtle themes in my Stream of Consciousness writing that I almost try to resist yet it is the theme I get the urge to write about while I am running ….. strange … some goals are best kept to SELF ..to say a goal has been born … no , it would be just the law of attraction being the …… under lying force ….a force … not a goal of the likes that would cause me , uncomfort in the not achieving …. Yet the evidence trail of BELIEF is needed for any goal to be .. do you believe it is possible ? form the expression of atomic structure would it could it be possible ? and who would do the limiting of it? If the possibleity of it is atomically possible?
Who then is standing in the way of you manifesting what you want other than your acceptatnce of the PROgraming THAT you WERE TRAINED in ?
The wise old turtle …………… the omen of what history tells from the storys of myth when a turtle comes to the ABORINGAL American …… what did the sage say ? and how does it relte to the themes I seem to be writing I wonder …. Hmmm . the Baracude itself is kinda weird …. I have not caught one of those the years back when I first moved here , I was happy to see cuda that summer since I grew up eating cuda ,,, but the years went by and the regular local species came to bite my hook and give me fresh meat … and the thought of CUda was lost ….. hmmmm . fun fun fun ….. adventures and un expected ideas … and then it really comes down to the FEELING …is there RELEIF , fun … involved in the thoughts in the activity is it a flow of Tao when the thoughts come ? ..Relief is the letting go of RESISTANCE … going down stream . and the turtle ever watch the turtle swim around in nature .. in the flow ,,,,,
The land torise around here seems to struggle its way around . the see turtle glides thru the atmosphere of water finding abundance …. With the flow.., less micro management ,, with the flow and with flow I was choosing anew book out of my libarary and I am suprized at what I picked what flew into my hand … and the amount of under lining and margin writing I had done in that book in years past in fact I am kinda suprized I own that title ….. I have in pat refered to other titles exactly but not that one that I remember , so it will be fun to see response to this book laying on the table at Jammin in Jensen luckly the cover and title do not realy expsoe the true nature of its content … and now seeing it from the view point of …. http://www.instinctualism.org/book_of_positve_aspects.html
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
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