Saturday, September 5, 2009

resisitant tobacco

Resistant tobacco

What you resisit persists ,, one of those sound bites young master .. a remeinder easy to remember …… the negative training as it pertains to what everyon else sees as PROBLEM their choice of FOCUS on the negative the national obsession passesd down genenration to genenration , to focus on fear … hey remember to focus the slave of fears kept them motivated without having to spend all day … whipping them into action ….

So the habit pattern of identifying something to be scared of them …. Thinking aobut .. is a generational habit pattern inhumanity ,,,, IN SOCIALIZED HUMANITY … for fucking eons .

The sage says choose something anything … from your available choices and ALIGN with it … aligning means finding the good feelings that you have associated with that ..thing person place or activity ,, and reminding yourself about them …..

Many people think they live between a ROCK AND A HARD PLACE … when in reality there is most probably some thing pleasant to be found to be noticed in eacho f those UNCOMFORTABLE situations … and you have the free choice of remeinding yourself constantly about the unwanted aspects of the places of the ….. butterflys and daisys outside of the prison windows , ignoring the vision of the bars and noticing ..whatever beauty is there …

Why did you start to smoke tobacco ? can’t really remember? Well it was mostly a social activity , the expression of wanting to leave the …home area ..but feeling trapped by social conventions .. by artifiacl rules .. so you expressed revolt in using the BAD STUFF …. Along with others who felt and were trapped like yourself ….

The cigarette became a mental symbol of FREEDOM of self empowerment …. Hey freedom and self empowerment are both real positive things ,,they are BUTTERFLYS AND DAISYS OUTSIDE OF THE PRISON WINDOW ..but the world around you keep remeinding you of the evidence trail THEIR science has observed aound the constant and chronic use of things …rocks thrown into the air …. Do fall .

You can focus on the rocks and feel problems in the bio machine …. You can follow bliss patterns more and more and will find out that as you express your freedom of choice to foolow your own bliss you will move towards better and more healthier expression sof living … because smoking is not a food needed by the bio machine … you have been trained by a FOR PROFIT system that it is a chemical addiction for which they can SELL YOU RELEIF … sell you more shit train you further into dependency at the same time …. Use the natural form grown in the ground by nature used by humaity cultures for 1000’s of years for herbal and relaxtion properties in a balanced life style and live to 100 ……or become a slave and live fear buy into the vdence trail of SELECTIVE data useful for profiteers .

When you live free … you move form good feeling activity to other good feeling activity .. and maybe tobacco use will be 1 .. but while involved in something else which is also and expression of BLISS … may like sex ….. you will not be smoking ….. notice it in your own life . when you are in the zone of living you can go a long time without remembering that you have not had a cigarette …

If you continue to smoke atleast forget the fear aspects ,, notice the healty aspects of life ,( hard to do your PROGRAMING IS DEEPLY INTRENCHED ) .. healthy aspects outside and not connected with the FACTS of life ..the rocks that will fall to the gorund aobut the use of tobacco over a life time ,,,,AHHH THE FACTS IS THAT YOUR BODY CAN AND WILL HEAL ITSELF EACH AND EVERYDAY . depending on the amount of exposure ….. and as the meantl need to express feedom of choice thru smoking is replaced by the action of living FREEDOM of choices an becoming engrossed in PASSIONATE ACTIITYS …. The smoking becomes a non issue ,, but still can be enjoyed … for good memeorys and APPRECIATED FLAVORS … your first atste of coffe was one of YUCH now it is an PARRECIATED lfavor same with ROTTEN Barley juice called beer ,,,, or grape juice that had gone bad called wine ….. or the bitter alkaloid called choclate …. Each an APPRECIATED FLAVOR . each with potentials of negatives to be found in them if used to escape the BONDAGE of living in the confuse and conquer economic system ….

Bliss moving towards bliss have you ever realy let yourelf be free enough to even totally think about what that means ever ? even allow just daydreams with the understanding that you are daydreamsing about personel BLISS ..? the book of positive aspects ,,, what things can you write in the book about tobacco ?
( even the thought brings up the negative programming , yet all the negative programming has not scared you away form using the subastance now has it ? so why not ALIGN with the positive aspects ? since it seems you wil continue to use it until such time as you feel free enough to live your bliss and at that time th tobacco will become much more of a flover experience than .. and expression of SELF estemm of your cool . of passing time because your are bored or activity to keep your mind off of the trapped feeling of living in confusion …. Confused living the right life as you were trained to , but that training took you away from your own emotional guidance and trust in the eveidence trail that humanity is a nice loving species like gorilla ( again look the simaltiries between us and gorilla . notice that they to have survived even thought TRIBEAL humanity keeps trying to kill them off cage them in zoo’s sell gorund up goriila dick as an herbal medicine .. or make ashtrays from their dead dryed up hands . …BUT THEY SURIVIE …why because they love themselves and their family units and their children and do not fight each others tribes but coexisist … and when teens need to LEAVE HOME instead of trapping them into social convention where they will express freedom thru tobacco ..the teens get to move ..the girls to meet the next young male who has WORKED ahrd to develop a safe territory …. The young men to …. Prove themselves to be worthy males first for NO GIRL gorilla will fuck a landless terretorialess bum . ) they surive the pressures because of their good nature ..if they were social pathic in large numbers … gorillas would be so self centerd less of them would survive ….. self CENTERED
The Thoughts I Think Determine the Relationship I Attract... You are the thinking, Vibrating attractor of your experience; and the thoughts you think determine everything about the life that you live. As you turn your attention toward the positive aspects of the personalities and behaviors of others with whom you share your planet, you will train your point of attraction in the direction of only what you desire. Not only does the power of your thought determine which people make their way into your life, but the power of your thought determines how they behave once they get there.--- Abraham
Excerpted from from Abraham's newest book, "The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships "
We like to see each other smile it is whay we give gifts during xmas and birthdays to the the SMILES the happiness

( A Reach … you can not hold 2 thoughts 2 vibrations at the ame time … it is hard to hold a cigatee in your mouth and still give a braod smile at the same time ,, the tobacco stick must be atleast TEMPORARLY held in the hand to allow for the epsression of the BLISS thinking . )

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