Sweet cunt
Young master ….. ? you say how ca I call you YOUNG? My frind , it was your Wandering the streets later in the night than usual for you … it was the expression of I AM NOT being WHO AND WHAT I AM …. your attention to the number is creating the reality that you see and thus expect everyone else to see of you …of ..of ..not in you but of … surface projection of your trained expectation of living up to how others respond based on the starting training when you were a baby ….. make them smile ,, make the big people smile so I can thrive for I donot thrive if the big people are not smiling at me …deep repeative taining and fear based programming … never really explored by YOURSELF as to how it has effected and been compounded onto without ..traiings of making your teacher and your boos and later you wife …
Ahh but the wife . that light of your life the PASSION the energy that you say made you move forward when in the insanity of living was just aht so UNREAL ,, it was she and your providing for She that gave life meaning ….. god rest her soul .. to use words common to our cultuere of soice in your missiner of her BIO mechanical presense now … her death her transition , the last few years … time heals woulds …Ok some what ..but it is also the experience of having now feelings and confusions about what is my NOW PASSION … the wanted and UN wanted ….. passion want ..the flow of energy ..the expression of IGNORNACE like in that book about Buddha …. And the core it seems is IGNORANCE .. that is starting of the flow from the no1thing and thing …
And why not another ? oh you look within the CONDITIONED PARAMETERS of social expecatitions for some one with the COUNTED years of oving that you have . and you feel a DISCORD within you ..some one isi FORCING YOU to live and express within their boundrys ,,, and you told yourself upon her death you would live the expression of you’re your OWN GOOD … the natural good of the human animal not societys rule of good which they break all the time their own rules about murder hiding it in the act of WAR when in fact is is the action of profiteering for the benefit of the FEW PHAROHS ….. the socio path … http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html
YOU ARE AGELESS … ahh sounds like a BUZZ word rhetoric to stimulate emotional pumping of you …. Now I am again being meta ,, and I will accept the NO SELF of Buddha because I am of the I IN I ,, word tool user … you are unthinkable . but in a thinkable FOCUS like the action of USING A BIO MACHINE … you wht UNBORN you of the I IN I … is ageless. And you know that when you play your saxophone in the park you are ageless http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
We think fo children as being young , but the USER of the bio machine called LIL’ HUMAN .. the user is agelss ,it is in the learning process of driving the bio machine around time space that they are YOUNG AND LESSS SKILLED THAN YOU only !the user self that they are is equal to you now ..so
So .. so … that young single mom whose ablity to talk think engage in discussions of Buddha with you while the lil’ daughter plays in the park …. After it was her in her freedom of wanting to know came to listen to the sounds made by HAT MAN .. causes what I disrespectfully name now as SWEET CUNT to come and interact with you
This choice FREE CHOICE on her part is and expression of her life , her living of her own contrasts ,,her own sifting throught the UNWANTED of the experience of the father of that beautiful lil daughter and … her sifting thruouigh the world of FREE CHCOICES … to find ..WANTS ….. but she too … is trained to live up to the expectations of her mind ..her programming the expecations of everyone … so much as to ignore her own …
Feelings …..what feels good ..bliss passion ….. move towards that .. what feels good like the males of her peer group move away from …. Hmmm complex in in that we still have running thru the BIO MACHINE all the programming of social expectation ,, ignoring our MYSTIC SELF . ( mysitic your words ) http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
And so I bring up animals , and remind you the music of nature ..the words of the SAGE …. Who looked at the others on this rock living with us ..who freely choose from within DNA limites their free will of life .. be them the plant growing towards the sun ..or the bird tasting fruit from the tree passing on the sour unripe ones for the ripers ones that have the benefit also of the protein of a fruit fly worm within YUMMMY ! …. And the sage noticed they did not count years they did not have birthday PARTYS .
And I remeind you about how PHAORH expression conditioned ,,,, the birth of PHAROH’S son was and expcuse to demand extra WORSHIP from the slaves ,,expression of the socio path …. So a tradition of counting birthdays was born carried on and morphed into the tool of PAHROH to not over work his slaves but to allow them some DOWN TIME so they can work harder faster later the promoting of everyone to take time to celebrate birthdays ..was born ….. ahhhh but in that is a SUBLTE POISIN the expecatation of DECAY AND DEATH a new foucs ..of theventuallity of death
I know that in your life you have escaped NEAR MISSES brushes with acceedents that meant DEATH many timew we all have had such events .. even people who are young have such expreinces ….. the time of DEATH is an VARIALBE … not concrete based upon NUMBERS .
THAT SWEET CUNT if the bum which is the father of that lil angle ,, had been a good worthy male ,,, still may have TRANSITIONED by accendent at any time in any second …. Not WARRENTY NO GUARNTEE for Wallmart of life spans for anyone . you him her the lil angle . no one .
But we all have the choice FREE CHOICE to live now thru frre choices allowed WITHIN SOCIAL PARAMEMTERS .. actually we have much more FREEDOM than we allow ourselves to think about … you do ..she does … have freedom to meet again and again and again … and even though you fear your own ablity to produce live sperm … that is only because of you training and expections as relted to the NUMBER of age ,,,, and not the truth of the design of the BIO MECHINCAL machine you use … are you getting any of this young master ? let iGell and expand …. Think for yourself .
The Law of Attraction Assembles Happy Relationships... Asking your relationship with any other to be the basis of buoying you up is never a good idea, because the Law of Attraction cannot bring to you something different from the way you feel. The Law of Attraction cannot bring you a well-balanced, happy person if you are not yourself already that. The Law of Attraction, no matter what you do or say, will bring to you those who predominantly match the person who you predominantly are. Everything that everyone desires is for one reason only: they believe they will feel better in the having of it. We just want you to understand that you must feel better before it can come to you.
In simple terms, if you are not happy with yourself, or with your life, the attraction of a partner will only exaggerate the discord, because any action taken from a place of lack is always counterproductive.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from from Abraham's newest book, "The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships "
Aand so if your thining is stinking … your result will be like your thinking , if you are ..the EQUAL of all .. experessions of BEINGNESS ….. the rue ageless self you show in the playing of music self ….. then ……… where is the SMELL OF SHIT expect in the concern about the expectations of living up to societys PROGRAMING ? what is your blis and the bliss of some ones ..look at the birds and the flowers once more ,,, one birds type likes this fruit another likes that fish ,, this plant needs lots of sunshine the other needs the shade of the oak tree …… follow your bliss and let her follow hers ...
( ahh I felt the fear ? of rejection …… never make 1 person the most imporatn thing ! http://www.instinctualism.org/dating.html honestly it is amanipulation to deal with manipulation 2 wrongs? Making a right? ) and that is why I project just epress the over all http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html life stlye and let the law of attraction do the rest …… AGE AGAIN FUCK THAT MIND SET THAT CONCERN … and follow your bliss ….. words of Buddha that follow of bliss thing …
Friday, September 4, 2009
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