Juicy flesh
Young master ….. Maslow’S Hierachey of needs …. What is REAL WEALTH sweet juicy red flesh can be a persons inner wealth .http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs i refer to this a lot right? ,,, well yesterday from the mouth of a client .. growing those tomatoes from seed makes me feel … I don’t know some how empowered ….. ( cool he is gonna save few plants for me this year ) who is he and why is this important? he lives part of the year on JUPITER ISLAND as wiki descirbes it “Some of the wealthiest people in the United States live in Jupiter Island; it has the highest per capita income of any inhabited place in the country.” Get the idea ….. if you want to learn about $$$ buy a millionaire lunch was the old advise .,…. Well how about a BILLIONAIRE …..
This guy likes to come down to surf cast the mullet run off his beach , most of the time I am ushered around by the home manager so that I never enoucnter or disturb the owners , very common with familys like this ..these poor people never get time alone , their homes/estates are like small facotryies or hives of activity 24/7 ( that is poor in that I feel for them not that they need cash $$$ ) welll this guy i had noticed over the years makes Flys for fishing and he had rigged his tying bobbbin the same way I had years ago when I was tying flys ..so this time it is just him a t home ,,,, he is tying flys and I am cleaning inside windows , well he knowing of me over the years bumping into on his property idley telling how fishing had been that day …. Etc , we get talking as ,, I mention how I had the same Bobbin and had customized it the exact same way and how I made Sailfdish and Marlin flys for SEAMASTER out of Miami , ( I droped the names of my own lures to see if he knoew them but no .. the years have gone by and well I never became a national name only a regional name ) so we get talking .. about my past and what lead me here to window washing and he tells me his story ( the very abbrivated version ) “ I was just a salesman , I would kind of walk around and ask people to give me MONEY and they did , and it has never seemed to stop coming “ from what I underrstand he is in insurance and investments .
This guy has about 10 acres of GOD”S Choosen land … and part o that he had made into a private forest , the wife has most of the land tamed and full of stuff but he has his few acres leading to some waterfront down the winding trails …. in that forest I have always noticed the amount of papaya trees loaded with fruit ,a nd have noticed in the kitchen often those wild frits there along with NON market varitiys of banana …. I have seen him walking off into his woods with a snook rod under his arm as he is peeeling a tangrine I just saw him pick off one the trees … walking off into a FOOD FOREST I now know it to be …. Permamculture for recreation . http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html simple food forest plan (remember to adjst for rain water catcing as per the slope of your land )
Ok so I mention how envious I am of his wife’s tomaotes I seeing growning each season , and he corrects me and tells me it is he who starts them each year from seed saved from the season beofre ……. And that is when is … drifts off inot the ENPOWERMENT … of growning food and feeling a sense of EN POWERMENT because of maintainng this connection … , this guys protperty tax bill I remember hearing the property amnager talking one time is like 4 fold my companys total yearly gross income . and this is just the small winter home …. Their other houseup north is the real house … plus of course their presence int NYC ….. it is beyond THINKABLE the amount of $$ is takes just to be him …. Yet to grow something to eat from seed is EMPOWERING ……
So this year he is going to grwm me a couple of tomatoes , I gotta check the green house next time thru he said , but intersting enough he said how each years he gives some of plants away to friends … since it is true I only see 5 or 6 plants year in year out …. Freinds ..like nieghbors borrowing a cup of surgar ?
And I think about another client of mine on the island , a nice talktive man on the board of the Pharmie giants . he just like kid when getting one of the ROLLS ready for a show ,, they are like kids trading poke man cards except their toys start at ½ million a piece ..as long as I don’t lose to much money my wife doesn’t mind he says laughing … I used collect and trade antique fisihing reels , in fact I owned a tuna reel from the family of one of his old dead friend malcom forbes …. So we talk abit him and I // nice guy loves to whistle…. And then I remembered he every year has tomotes plus herbs and stuff ….
Look this guy does not TWIST a wrench on his show cars when he is getting a car ready I mean he has a crew over to the house to ready it for him …… and as he watches them work we talk as he watches me work …. The money he will spend just the year round weekly detailing of these cars is more than a whoel familys yearly food budget ,,but he GROWS tomaotes near the kitchen door .
Earlier this week another old customer and friend who last year I asked him for a bunch of planting stuff left over by the land scape crew after they re designed the house .. he asked so what did you grow ….. he likes to come out and hide smoking a cigartte with me while I am there …. He tells his wife he stopped and has the gradener cover the place where he tosses his butts with mulch , to hide the vidence we all see plainly …. Well I GREW TOBACCO …. Get your seeds here from the link on this page http://www.instinctualism.org/addiction.html .... and kale and lettuce and spicnach and beets and corn etc etc et c… and we talked ,,, here in this country club communty he does not even have a fruit tree because the association does not want rotten fruit on the gorunds …… he laughs this house is for the wife ,,, but back home this summer ,,,, I planted my potatoes and mellons and corns … he was bummed because the over wettness ruined his potooes …. And he said he always looks forward especiall to the potatoes , but it made for some of the finest juicest sweetest mellon and corn that he ahs had for years … this guy …… a general contrator and another person ..who $$$ is no issue even these hard times , are nothing for him he is so well insulated ..that he still makes $$ yet ..he finds a POWER a self determination …. In providing that link with growing his own food ,,,, the BASIC … of maslow still being under his own MASTERY ! beyond investmenst or wall street or interantional events …. He has a sense of depest inner security …. No fear http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html
what is real wealth when you have achieved that much money that a million here or million there is no big deal ? whn you young mster dream about some day making just 1 million ,, what is REAL WEALTH ? after you can buy anything and everything at any time you want any where …? What is real wealth ?
You could stand here sick with ten illnesses today, and tomorrow have no evidence of any of them. Your body has the ability to replenish itself that fast. But most of you do not have the ability to change your thoughts that fast. So the amount of time that it takes between sickness and wellness is only the amount of time that it takes for me to figure out how to let it in -- for me to figure out how to feel good, when I'm looking at something that makes me feel bad--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Atlanta, GA on Saturday, November 4th, 2000
Looking for the wanted , even in small timy BELIEFs or understanding on the fact about the self reparing nature of the bio macine that has the passion for living still flowing within …… http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html ..... wealth? The need for vast amounts of $$$ is not really that important .
Friday, September 25, 2009
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