Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Return on investment

ROI ,,,, young master in my opinion I feel like the for profit stock market system in many respects has lied to me ……. Ohhh everything will be just fine if you do XYand Z then the confuse and conquer ,,, the next advisor says …OHH but ,,, a Q, W V plan shows great promise and of course the fine print on all proseptcisus is ,,, there are no , no guarnetees …hmmmmm personel evidence trails of myself and people I know personally not the examples given by the MARKETER the PROFITEER …. But my own explorations of the people I know the 94% of the population the masses shows …. There is a flaw in the golden streets dream for almost 94% of the general population …

Look like Zhauangzi http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html did with the eyes of the toasit to the music of nature ….. look at the forests all around look at how nature will reclaim vacant lands and abundance of green shows up …. Now just give that nature a little guidance not force it just , guide it .

A four year plan http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html . of investing ..the return is different than what your social programming has trained you to expect .. it is like comparing apples to oranges ….no actually comparing apples AND oranges to …printed paper and formed discs of metal embossed with the picture of PHAROH…. Of ceasars of history .

One plan sold by the PROFITEER has a 40 year RIO the plan of permaculture has a 4 year return on a much much much smaller startup investment . the RIO is housing comfort and sustancenace ..freedom to then enjoy the activitys that create streams of PRINTED PAPER and discs of metal which can then be GAMBLED into the Schemes of the PROFITEER ,, with out the FOCUS OF ……FEAR or worry since the first few important levels of MASLOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS HAS BEEN taken care of using the evidence trail of MILLIONS …….NO! billions of years of suceess ….NATURE’S success and doing what is does grow stuff all by itself .

I have been schooling on proper investing THEROY since I got my first paychecks when I was like 12 years old , opening bank accounts being present while my folks met with their ( then , sened to change every few years ) trusted financial advisor . I have been trained even by the school systems , even trained to possiblely enter that work arena ….

I have had NO TRAINING IN …… permaculture ,, http://www.instinctualism.org/free_food.html training that used to be taught thu life experiences of growing up in the hunter gathere familys of mankind that …. As we now know have 12 million years old roots of homind development …. The new fossil found in Europe …. Looks nothing like MODERN MAN … but honestly does a sheep dog look much like a Tea Cup Chihuahua dog ? the same general line of DNA yes but way different ,,,, modern man looks generally the same , white yellow or black ….. kinda like a Golden retriever a , yellow Lab and a Wimmeraner dog …… millions of years of life ….. millions of years of humaitys forms living lives that most probably reached into the 70’s ..take that based on today we still learn most about longevity from primitive or rural cultures not NOT effected greatly by city life . http://www.aarpmagazine.org/lifestyle/living_healthy_to_100.html

Now I have a little over 1 years of SFG experimenting ..learning by TRAIL and ERRORS … learnng about cycles that do not show themselves for months and as I am finding even the whole year ….hmmmm a difficult concept to FEEL your way throught when my whole life has been about INSTANT graifaction , FAST food ,,,, and security coming the form of CHECKS and $$$ tht flows in weekly pay checks or from the end of daily jobs . programin programming programming all effecting my feelings on the emotional scale ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html

Never get it perfect never get it done ,,but have the opportunity to use the evidence trails visible all around you ……… here is a plan kinda like the PROFITEER . sells but this one is frre to learn from and actually cheap to start , remember ,,,, planting an INVESTMENT …. The 1st year the investment sleeps , the 2nd year it creeps , the 3rd it leaps , the 4th you reap ……. Now speices that do not bear for 10 years like Standard size trees ,, the investment in buying a 5 years old tree for 40 bucks is a smart move .

The Essence of My Every Desire Can Be Fulfilled... If your time-space reality has the wherewithal to inspire a desire within you, it is our absolute promise to you that your time-space reality has the ability to deliver, in full-manifested form, the reality of the desire it has inspired. Any and all desires can be fulfilled unless you are holding yourself out of alignment with your own desire. The feeling of competition or shortage, or limitation of resources, means you are out of alignment with your own desire.--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from from Abraham's newest book, "The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships "
The for profit voice of the sage ……. Ahhh what FEELINGS does the words shortage or limits generate in you? That is the focus …the creative energy of chi ..is MASLOWS needs were taken care of .. then who cares? A billion year old evidence trail of support follows you ..( oooh you will stil eventually CROAK , die , transition ) …. The little events of today are all the hlp the oppurutunitys for seeing things a you want it be ,,everyday in every way it is getting better and better ….

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