See you shit
Young master a preacher I heard once said that ANGLES CAN SEE YOU WHEN YOU SHIT ….. and I took notice of that PREACHER yep yep yep ,, it was so outside of the expected that I had to listen to him , well he thought that when you arrived at a dmenesion that stable point was that what we call the speed of light you would enter heaven and there would humans with wings on their backs muscles and DNA structures that made that possible ( winged beginnings are based upon the LONGING form freedom form slavery ,,the birds could fly in and leave while the slave was trapped by his fear of death ,,forced to serve the god/king PHAROH ) THIS preachers idea or THINKABLE was of course based in 1 possiblityt of the unlimted AND is poosilble given t he parameters of the FORGGETTING we choose to allow … form t he I ,, WHAT IS ALWAYS PART AND STINLL IN THE … IN – N I …. Non self with infinite self possiblite expressions … possible who am I to put a brick wall in heaven just because of a book written by people who heard some one else describe their personel idea about the unthinkable or source like ESTER Hicks does .
Actually this is about the LOFTY IDEAL of UNCONDTIONAL LOVE …. And as you vibrate so you live so if you are HIDING ,, you vibrate fear ….. or NON LOVE ..about as aspect of YOU … yet angels can still this this ? the non pyshical still sees it all in REAL TIME your dead granny seee you hears your thoughts and says ,,YEP YEP YEP iremember hiding the same feeling myself .. the same silent despereation voived by the voice of the SAGE thru SHAKESPEARE ..who talked about silent desperation … opps no not shakes dude but …. .... Just way to much data to keep corredct about that is why think forysourself do not let me or any one else do theingking .
Un concditional love is first aceepting you ,,, in the eyes of the REAL WORLD … and maybe the idea that the real world is still in and OF THE NON PSYCHICLA will help yuou realize you do not hide anything. that is SELF DELUSISON … as you love self complete unconditionally as you let you self EXPOSE SELF to those who become attracted to you as you are ,,,, you end the trap of comparision a battle within .. WHERE you are at odds with what you see others have and you do not have … or you do and maybe others do not do … the manifestations of the FIGHTING rips you away from your own emeotiona guidance to serve the wants of the socio path PHAROH … in y our confusion easy to be lead by 1 who states they will teach .. when you accept you exhibit the effects of manipulation … and everyone ,, everyone else is living it also ,,, as you accept you you vibrate love … love of you and then love of them arrives as they are not as they SHOULD BE ..UN conditional love .. of another point of focus ,, part of the I IN I …… the soul mate self which is every state of BEINGNESS ,, tree bug human , or rock ,,the being .. of the use of Quantum assembaleges …. LIKE YOU ARE .
But do you realy LIKE you , or are you still comparing yourself ,,does this comparison creep into your FOCUS? Yep sure of course you were trained from day one to compare compare compare and ,,, this LOOKING OUTSIDE of self will allow you to nitice that this 1 or that 1 has some ting or is something that you are not and thus you are lacking . you can give yourself lip service saying you like SELF but as you notice this UN CONCIUOS comparing still creeping in do not RESIST this knowledge but embrace it and find its aspect of psotive for you … so that the program no longer shows you LACK but helps to decern WANTS … happy for them ….. who have that which you do not . for in their having you get the oppurutunity to expand your own WANTING and from this SHIFT in focus or thinking about an aspect ,, the inner choice of you to reframe ….. you enter more and more into UN CONDITIONAL LOVE .
But what about the fear that still creeps in about the un acceptable ness of self in the eyes of those who you thinkyou wish to accept you …is this the LAW OF ATTRACTION attracting to you those who want to know you ? or the forcing ..of you unto others actually …. Hard to put it into words …. If you be and interact and allo others to incounter the real you so that they attract themselves to you for you …. Then there is no worry about if who or what you are is what they would find acceptable …. Or fasionalbe or guessing what they would like … which is the core of living for the wants of others not of yourself ,a nd the wants of others will change like leaves a on tree season to season . and your worry about how they SEE you is the seed of not likeing self , and the cycle of condtional love starts with in you … as you worry if you live up to anothers conditions .
The thoughts that you think will - wanted or not wanted - eventually become manifestation if your vibrational accord is sufficient enough... And so, you could say, as you're launching thoughts of appreciation and things that make you feel good, that you're filling your Vibrational Escrow full of all kinds of things that are going to please you when you get there.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Sacramento, CA on Wednesday, July 27th, 2005
Vibrational escrow ,, a confusing WORD TOOL … it continues the false idea of separation ,,, of that this , event of faster than NANO SECOND experience of matter is REALLY REAL and there is a….. in here and out there …. When infact there is only the always of being in AND OF ..tao ever expanding in unthinkable ways one of which is the expression of a GAME called THING – NESS or mater or illsusion of IN HERE AND OUT THERE … the escrow is the potential new STORY written by you choice born form the experience of WANTED AND UNWATED … the amount of REAL WANTO you have for that WANT as compared to other things that get your attention is what the sage is refereeing to a vibrational accord …..
But what about the unwated events that show up in life ,,,, a life with NO UNWATED would mean you are still in the state of TAO ….. no feelings since everything is …. Always … the experiences of unwanted are ght gifts from which the wats are better ..crafted designed re-designed and people and events needed for the expansion of the WANTS you have will be come the flow of your experiences . the things that will please you … really there are lots more days that your car starts properly than the one day it does not … there are many more days you breath every few seconds 1000’s upon 1000’s of times than the few days you cough from a cold ….. the OVERWHELMING good is expressed so much we forget to rememeber that over whelming good is what is realy around us ,,,,, 14 people die from a bomb blast in some far off city ,, while at the same time 6 billion people are eating breathing talking to each other kissing fishing FUCKING … playing laughing etc etc etc …… over whelming good .
Saturday, September 19, 2009
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