Rafiki girls - meet master
Okay write the story the way you want it to happen young master …. The 3 rafifki girls want to meet you ! … YOU have presence some where doing some ting that allows them to meet and engage you on their… THIERS terms and time frame ? like me at jaminn in jesnen girls come by and shop and thus engage with me … to return often week after week to let me ,, know subtle intent .. like the girl gorilla living part time in daddys territory part of the jungle the family/harem still as she samples the new young man 3 bannana trees down the jungle who on occasion shows up on the edge of the family and daddy chases him away …. Realize that even though from our HUMAN VIEW and written MYTH about gorilla the newest studys show that villence is SYMBOLIC ….. TAPOUT OR ..UFC OR HUMAN FOOT … MARSHAL ARTS TRAINING or our love of guns ( why? ) … understand who yuare … actually more important is aceept what you want … for wanting is the expansion of Toa , who are to limit that ? WHAT YOU WANT EXPANDS THE POSSIBLES of free choices for everyone to think about compare with their own experiences and the freely choose and think for themselves …. Going back nature KINDA … living the instinct messages KINDA … free choice . http://www.instinctualism.org/ who are you to limit the life she will live the experiences she will ive even if you are just the 10 % of change time she needs before expreses her own freedom and then is able to start the nest generation …. To make the changes ..to no longer be the slaves of PHAROH ….
BEING A SLAVE OF PHAROH IS FINE ESPECIAL;LY IF YOU understand the mind fuck .. YOU ARE SO FREE YOU CAN CHOOSE SLAVERY ! the word tool of the sage .
The sage did a ramble once saying …. do not say “I want to be over there ,,, because over here sucks “ and then YOU say to the sage when the sage asks ..WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE OVER THERE ..do not say only this ,,because over here sucks , for the sage will say … ok I listen the UWNATED now tell me about the wanted .tell me the story …. But you say I can’t for I have never been over there … I can not tell you the sotry sage … and the sage will say well then you can not go to a place that you can not tell a story about or think about ..or describe in some way ….. for that means it is a palce which is UNTHINKABLE … describe something no matter how vague … says the sage and the laws of attraction will amened the storyf of you as experience with the story leads to the …the experience of WANTED AND UWANTED dynics ….
The lil’ evidence trails are shop in CLIPS a lil’ from this event reltes to your WANTING and an aspect of another comes form a non relted event over and over , until blief is more strong that doubt and Wayne Dyers word ring true ,, YOU WILL SEE WHEN YOU BELIEVE IT ….. is will just happen naturally
Gorilla does not chase pussy but letts pussy come to him when she is wanting …. The violence of the manipulative chimp and the rsulting hierachial life style of the chimp females use of sex to gain attention of the GOD/KING male in a tribe which sets up jealuslys expressed in future battles between females and the murder of children . and the need passed down from genenration to genenration ..mindlessly …to be part of PHAROHS army to be prepared and in fact worship WARFARE , in terms of OFFTBALL … OR TAPOUT ,,, UFC the study of fighting and the CREATION OF PAIN in other humans as the tool for a person learning self displine or self confidence ? or weight control ? http://www.instinctualism.org/dieting.html weight control is about realizing that your fingers and hands even what we like to eat , ispart of the DNA expression of our bio mechanics and we have ignored this to eat RATIONS developed to maintain armys ..convient foods for slave populations …. Those ripped out of natures food forests …. Whose hands eveolved to PICK FRUIT FEEL THE RIPES whose sense of smell detects sweetness ….. front teeth desgned to peel and eat fruits and beerrys not rip the hide form water buffola ..to be ACTIVE FORGERS .. expending calories in haromany with social feeding experiences with the family unit ……. Not EFFEICEIENT FOR PHAROHS SLAVES who needed to build his temples and pyraminds.
That was donwer , but ….back into the evidence trail of the lfow … when a GIRL(s) aready to fuck you know from your past young master there is no stopping them just think about your past ,,,the girls you found making house in your house when you came home from work … those couple of times that they were even asleep waiting in your bed ( I came home realy late because I went fishing not knowing there was a friend wating at home to get fucked ) ,,, to a girl you might have met on the road that you knew from online you meet for coffee and since you are staying the night in a motel in her town she invites herself over which of course you wanted anyway so who invited who ..is never clear … to bumping iinto friend at store who could tell I was distracted only to invite me over to her place to eat the icecream she was there buying and you end up fucking all weekend , to the girl who invited herself on a ROADtrip youu were not even planning but went for it anyway ( ROADTRIP ROADTRIP ROADRTRIP) THEN to have her buy the beers because she says that She nneds to loosen up a bit before we settle into the motel room ,,no hint at getting two rooms ….. over and over young master look back at you life and seee how when they are ready for you …..you seem to be along for HER RIDE … .
Write the story …. In words writin it in picutes …. http://www.instinctualism.org/vision_board.html described the WANST the solutions …the expansive possiblitys you add to the TAO for others to TWEEK eve further and thus expand the IN FI NITE ….
We would focus on everything that mattered to us. It is so satisfying to hold a thought and to find the feeling place and then see the Universe conspire to help you receive it. Oh, co-creation at its best. --- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Chicago, IL on Sunday, November 1st, 1998
So the flow of energy brings the OBERVALBE world that your SENSORY ROGANS will translate in to your life experience of being …. We all EXTRACT different importance form shared events …. Yet our interaction brings about the ablity to TASTE life from an other view point thus bringing in oppututunitys to EXTRACT a different BETTER AND BETTER or wanto for ourselves . ..the better you feel the more you notice better feeling things , the more you look within each event for EvERYDAy IN EVERYWAY THINGS ARE GETTING BETTER AND BETTER …. The more stable life is and enjoyable ..you is the freedom to choose the MINDSET . so free you can choose slavery
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
out cummming
Out cumming
Young master , back in the day when I practiced hypnotherapy … http://www.instinctualism.org/hypnosis.html .. a client would be so STUCK that they would not even allow themselves to feel good …. The sage talks so much about that life is , about feelings ..not the stuff or people but the feelings of the activitys we do … not the stuff we do ..the feeling place .
Now how do you get a real feeling place some times when you are dreaming about something you have not model for …. You have not mentors to mold , it is like reading what someone you respect , reading his article on a certain species of fish and you havehing some chance of going to the area and time ,,to be able to feel what iti would be like to present that specias of fish that type of bait with that type of tackle to achieve that type of …FEELINGS …..
So when I would have a client , I would teach them to NOT SEE THEMSELVES …. Doing or having or experiencing ..but have them see someone else … and often times if the resistance is real strong in the client .. I would work ahrd to make sure they did not associcite themselves with the dream I would walk them thru for if they ,, were secretly thinking that this is just a technique to unblock them and this image is really me she would say to self deeply ,,, her deeper self who has beeen trained well to SERVE PHAROH not self ,, ( our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name THY WILL BE DONE ……. Over and over the mind fuck …live for me said the thought form economy ..fuck you slave think about others first serve slave serve ) would block the benefit form the living the BETTER feeling thru the personage of another person .
So it is a fine line ,,,, between being in the PICTURE and seeing the other having doing succeeding … sometimes to get someone in that FEELING palce so that they can move up their EMOTIONAL SCALE . as it pertains to a WANT http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html ..... so they are evne close enough to allow themselves to ACCEPT the constant FLOW of in-tuition ….. instinct message …
Mediation , daydreaming, hypnosis ( use of sleep ) is all about the same ,,the YOU user of the bio machine is disconnecting focus with REALITY …… allowing an expanded focus out into the UN IMPOSSIBLE .. beyond the spedd of QUANTUM arrivals experience and data formation .. which is real time/space … going out into the unthinkable in THINKABLE parameters of using represenatations you know form this TIME/SPACE …. DAY DREAMING
About some one else …. Having done all that you want to do ,, already and that person MENTORING you ..let the good bad and ugly come thru … make the dayd ream person to not be YOU , and their experiences , can then be real for them ..contrasts which they respond to they tell you about t… so YOU LEARN THE SOLUTION instead of worry about the potential problems …. It is the same thing as good ariticle about fishing where the guy describes all the problems he had along with the success he had ….
This type of activity wills atifiy the urges of the SAGE where it reltes to taking time to mediate and to BRINGING yourself in to better and better feeling …FEELINGs ….. it does not matter what you feel good about just FEEL GOOD …… since that is the only REAL GOAL of life is to FEEL GOOD ..so go ahead and feel good now .
Who would other person be? Or be like remember do not associate yourself with him ( him because it is supposed to be from a similar aspect of ATTRACTION …. The quantum agreement state of ATTRACTION which that which we commonly call gravity for example is OF ) … PUT him ,,now allo the dream to have its own life with very little direct direction from you …. But it would do you no good to day dream about fishing a triple header of the flats with fly rod ,( been there done those dreams maybe not on FLY but that does not call me any more ) he should be in a position like you want. http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html ... are other demensions possible ..wha re you to put a brick wall in heaven to LIMIT THE POSSILBES .. that which is beyond UNTHINKABLITY ….. AND from that dememsion could not a mentor part of the … I ..in … I …. That connection of you and you ….. is not POSSIBLE for him to mentor you … as he is thinking about the possibility of being the mentor …. His day dream of sharing his lie .with some SEEKER …. LIKE YOU . ? possible of course who is to limit possible …… now real is real and real is good , but daydream are an REAL OPTION for enjoying your life ,,do you watch TV is TV real ? no … it is for tv entertainment to sell shit to the mindless zombies ..KILLING TIME .
And he has been ther done that everything in http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html of course in broad terms let his events come out different than what you think or expect …. From the building to buyig land to meeting girls ,to maybe doing it thru a form of an LATER NATIVE GROUP maybe it was mostly an online group … then became meetings over coffee where the skill of practice and confidence learned from http://www.instinctualism.org/dating.html ….. and the out comes are … cummings of all INVOLVED … who have let THEMSELVES BE ATTRACTED …. To the thoughts they had already thought before meeting each other , evne thoughts not exactly like the life as presented but … thongts of possible answer to EACH one’s … contrasting life events . http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
You are non pyshicla energy always , you are non pyshical energy always .. you are that which is unthinkable always ..just for this adventure focused into a bio machine , where you can forget that you are non psychical energy always .
You will always, almost always, most of you, choose negative emotion over no emotion. Because emotion indicates desire. It's exciting! --- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Springs, MD on Sunday, April 11th, 1999
Hmmm a simple lil sentence can actually hold the deepest information … you THRILL at feeling a negative feeling , an UN BETTER feeling for it is the experience of CONTRAST ..the oppurutunity decide what you WANT ! http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html .. the oppurutunity to call forward the EXPANION of infinity outwards constantly …. Towards better and better
You and all life , move towards the BETTER feelings ,,,, notice nature , the plant moves toward sun and water ? animals move away from danger or stress ,,, humans ? because of the confuse and conquer often do not listen to the INSTINCTUAL information provided by EMOTIONS …..
Young master , back in the day when I practiced hypnotherapy … http://www.instinctualism.org/hypnosis.html .. a client would be so STUCK that they would not even allow themselves to feel good …. The sage talks so much about that life is , about feelings ..not the stuff or people but the feelings of the activitys we do … not the stuff we do ..the feeling place .
Now how do you get a real feeling place some times when you are dreaming about something you have not model for …. You have not mentors to mold , it is like reading what someone you respect , reading his article on a certain species of fish and you havehing some chance of going to the area and time ,,to be able to feel what iti would be like to present that specias of fish that type of bait with that type of tackle to achieve that type of …FEELINGS …..
So when I would have a client , I would teach them to NOT SEE THEMSELVES …. Doing or having or experiencing ..but have them see someone else … and often times if the resistance is real strong in the client .. I would work ahrd to make sure they did not associcite themselves with the dream I would walk them thru for if they ,, were secretly thinking that this is just a technique to unblock them and this image is really me she would say to self deeply ,,, her deeper self who has beeen trained well to SERVE PHAROH not self ,, ( our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name THY WILL BE DONE ……. Over and over the mind fuck …live for me said the thought form economy ..fuck you slave think about others first serve slave serve ) would block the benefit form the living the BETTER feeling thru the personage of another person .
So it is a fine line ,,,, between being in the PICTURE and seeing the other having doing succeeding … sometimes to get someone in that FEELING palce so that they can move up their EMOTIONAL SCALE . as it pertains to a WANT http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html ..... so they are evne close enough to allow themselves to ACCEPT the constant FLOW of in-tuition ….. instinct message …
Mediation , daydreaming, hypnosis ( use of sleep ) is all about the same ,,the YOU user of the bio machine is disconnecting focus with REALITY …… allowing an expanded focus out into the UN IMPOSSIBLE .. beyond the spedd of QUANTUM arrivals experience and data formation .. which is real time/space … going out into the unthinkable in THINKABLE parameters of using represenatations you know form this TIME/SPACE …. DAY DREAMING
About some one else …. Having done all that you want to do ,, already and that person MENTORING you ..let the good bad and ugly come thru … make the dayd ream person to not be YOU , and their experiences , can then be real for them ..contrasts which they respond to they tell you about t… so YOU LEARN THE SOLUTION instead of worry about the potential problems …. It is the same thing as good ariticle about fishing where the guy describes all the problems he had along with the success he had ….
This type of activity wills atifiy the urges of the SAGE where it reltes to taking time to mediate and to BRINGING yourself in to better and better feeling …FEELINGs ….. it does not matter what you feel good about just FEEL GOOD …… since that is the only REAL GOAL of life is to FEEL GOOD ..so go ahead and feel good now .
Who would other person be? Or be like remember do not associate yourself with him ( him because it is supposed to be from a similar aspect of ATTRACTION …. The quantum agreement state of ATTRACTION which that which we commonly call gravity for example is OF ) … PUT him ,,now allo the dream to have its own life with very little direct direction from you …. But it would do you no good to day dream about fishing a triple header of the flats with fly rod ,( been there done those dreams maybe not on FLY but that does not call me any more ) he should be in a position like you want. http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html ... are other demensions possible ..wha re you to put a brick wall in heaven to LIMIT THE POSSILBES .. that which is beyond UNTHINKABLITY ….. AND from that dememsion could not a mentor part of the … I ..in … I …. That connection of you and you ….. is not POSSIBLE for him to mentor you … as he is thinking about the possibility of being the mentor …. His day dream of sharing his lie .with some SEEKER …. LIKE YOU . ? possible of course who is to limit possible …… now real is real and real is good , but daydream are an REAL OPTION for enjoying your life ,,do you watch TV is TV real ? no … it is for tv entertainment to sell shit to the mindless zombies ..KILLING TIME .
And he has been ther done that everything in http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html of course in broad terms let his events come out different than what you think or expect …. From the building to buyig land to meeting girls ,to maybe doing it thru a form of an LATER NATIVE GROUP maybe it was mostly an online group … then became meetings over coffee where the skill of practice and confidence learned from http://www.instinctualism.org/dating.html ….. and the out comes are … cummings of all INVOLVED … who have let THEMSELVES BE ATTRACTED …. To the thoughts they had already thought before meeting each other , evne thoughts not exactly like the life as presented but … thongts of possible answer to EACH one’s … contrasting life events . http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
You are non pyshicla energy always , you are non pyshical energy always .. you are that which is unthinkable always ..just for this adventure focused into a bio machine , where you can forget that you are non psychical energy always .
You will always, almost always, most of you, choose negative emotion over no emotion. Because emotion indicates desire. It's exciting! --- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Springs, MD on Sunday, April 11th, 1999
Hmmm a simple lil sentence can actually hold the deepest information … you THRILL at feeling a negative feeling , an UN BETTER feeling for it is the experience of CONTRAST ..the oppurutunity decide what you WANT ! http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html .. the oppurutunity to call forward the EXPANION of infinity outwards constantly …. Towards better and better
You and all life , move towards the BETTER feelings ,,,, notice nature , the plant moves toward sun and water ? animals move away from danger or stress ,,, humans ? because of the confuse and conquer often do not listen to the INSTINCTUAL information provided by EMOTIONS …..
Monday, September 28, 2009
fucking in the lawn
Fucking in the grass
Young master I know that I willw ant to maintain a LAWN ….. well for those times you want to lay out a blanket under the satrs and fuck in the grasss ..o f course .
Ok perma culture PROFESSIONALS , maintain their ablity to be WORTH their FEES by insuring that you fall for the old idea ,,the mind ufck ,,, just like religions about the FACTS ! the improatnce of maybe SCIENCE …science is FACTS ! RIGHT ?
Plasma is the 4th state we now say ….. so thesis proven INVALID …. The fact was NEVER a fact ! but back in the day … calling the sun a burning ball of gas was the FACT … now it is thesis proven invalid ! . Before that the FACT was that the sun revolved around the earth FACT …. Beore that their were only 5 elemnts ,, fire water earth metal wood …. FACTDS of the science of an age ….. and the tool to genenrate states of I KNOW BETTER THAN YOU so shut up you fool ( me ! )
I will have a lwn during my lie time the oil companys will manipulate oil and the economy to insure another 200 years of profit margins for them …. Will always have a lawn mower ….. even most permaculture designer engineers use some forms of plastics or manufactured itmes some where in there designs … the 5 acres site plan ..KISS ..keep it simple stupid ( me !) http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html sure you design the water feature to cath the available run off of the whole property if possible , and of course depending if you live in the ddesert or swamp you will create your own … ideas THINK FOR YOURSELF … to best adapt to your environment …that is what permaculture is all about becoming part of the environment
BUT I AM NOT LIKE SO FUCKING ALIEN FROM FUCKING MARS HERE! I am nature also …. Look at the destruction caused by the young male boar wild pig …. That mother fuck can tear up some shit …. To make the world SUIT HIM and his future family … and well we go ahhh look at nature ..in action …I AM FUCKING NATURE TOO . and I am the FIRE STARTER .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I29-VeX4Dv4 … I am the twisted fire starter !! ( me ! ) ..the recycler of multi EON trapped biological wastes called oil
Understand some basics once more knowledge man used abosorb from the day of being born into an gather hunter world where they still enahced their hunting and gathering area … with permaculture concepts that were instinctuall , sweet fruit .. those trees got care planting of their seeds in new areas , gifts of dead fish etc …. Sour fruited tree becme fire wood … just tweek it …
Adapt ,,, the apple trees you buy from a book are not suited for floirda you gotta get some from a local grower whose trees produce in this area …. Tweek it … cut your lawn fuck in the grass , keep the grass and leaves in a grass catcher for mulch like Emilia Hazelip
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2865701754864235132&ei=uUq-SquPHpbWrQKAy4XaBg&q=+PERMACULTURE+FRENCH&hl=en# MULCH MULCH MULCH YOUR sfg’s .. combining technology …. I am sure you will not lifve without … the sounds of KORN or THE PRODIGY …. So total back to nature is a fools errand. ….. the SFG concept of GRIDs makes it easier for our stupid lil minds to see in compatimentilzed grid ….. and you and run your lawn tractor right up next to it , to keep thinkgs under some control .
EMILA HAZELIP did not follow a system like a religion but adpted THOUGHT FOR HERSELF ….. in the following at first the concept of another she failed when she thought for herself ….. and the world manifested around what she felt BETTER about …… the words of the sage ..thesis proven valid …. Age after age …
Make up your mind that nothing is more important than how I feel now, because now is everything. Now is the whole enchilada. Now is the power of me. Now, now, now, now, now... You might as well start somewhere, and it might as well be now. Why not start improving your life now, now, now?--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Tarrytown, NY on Saturday, October 9th, 2004
If at a quantum level reality only is IS for the exact instant of its experience only , then the words of the sage are currently THINKABLe and proven valid …..
Young master I know that I willw ant to maintain a LAWN ….. well for those times you want to lay out a blanket under the satrs and fuck in the grasss ..o f course .
Ok perma culture PROFESSIONALS , maintain their ablity to be WORTH their FEES by insuring that you fall for the old idea ,,the mind ufck ,,, just like religions about the FACTS ! the improatnce of maybe SCIENCE …science is FACTS ! RIGHT ?
Plasma is the 4th state we now say ….. so thesis proven INVALID …. The fact was NEVER a fact ! but back in the day … calling the sun a burning ball of gas was the FACT … now it is thesis proven invalid ! . Before that the FACT was that the sun revolved around the earth FACT …. Beore that their were only 5 elemnts ,, fire water earth metal wood …. FACTDS of the science of an age ….. and the tool to genenrate states of I KNOW BETTER THAN YOU so shut up you fool ( me ! )
I will have a lwn during my lie time the oil companys will manipulate oil and the economy to insure another 200 years of profit margins for them …. Will always have a lawn mower ….. even most permaculture designer engineers use some forms of plastics or manufactured itmes some where in there designs … the 5 acres site plan ..KISS ..keep it simple stupid ( me !) http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html sure you design the water feature to cath the available run off of the whole property if possible , and of course depending if you live in the ddesert or swamp you will create your own … ideas THINK FOR YOURSELF … to best adapt to your environment …that is what permaculture is all about becoming part of the environment
BUT I AM NOT LIKE SO FUCKING ALIEN FROM FUCKING MARS HERE! I am nature also …. Look at the destruction caused by the young male boar wild pig …. That mother fuck can tear up some shit …. To make the world SUIT HIM and his future family … and well we go ahhh look at nature ..in action …I AM FUCKING NATURE TOO . and I am the FIRE STARTER .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I29-VeX4Dv4 … I am the twisted fire starter !! ( me ! ) ..the recycler of multi EON trapped biological wastes called oil
Understand some basics once more knowledge man used abosorb from the day of being born into an gather hunter world where they still enahced their hunting and gathering area … with permaculture concepts that were instinctuall , sweet fruit .. those trees got care planting of their seeds in new areas , gifts of dead fish etc …. Sour fruited tree becme fire wood … just tweek it …
Adapt ,,, the apple trees you buy from a book are not suited for floirda you gotta get some from a local grower whose trees produce in this area …. Tweek it … cut your lawn fuck in the grass , keep the grass and leaves in a grass catcher for mulch like Emilia Hazelip
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2865701754864235132&ei=uUq-SquPHpbWrQKAy4XaBg&q=+PERMACULTURE+FRENCH&hl=en# MULCH MULCH MULCH YOUR sfg’s .. combining technology …. I am sure you will not lifve without … the sounds of KORN or THE PRODIGY …. So total back to nature is a fools errand. ….. the SFG concept of GRIDs makes it easier for our stupid lil minds to see in compatimentilzed grid ….. and you and run your lawn tractor right up next to it , to keep thinkgs under some control .
EMILA HAZELIP did not follow a system like a religion but adpted THOUGHT FOR HERSELF ….. in the following at first the concept of another she failed when she thought for herself ….. and the world manifested around what she felt BETTER about …… the words of the sage ..thesis proven valid …. Age after age …
Make up your mind that nothing is more important than how I feel now, because now is everything. Now is the whole enchilada. Now is the power of me. Now, now, now, now, now... You might as well start somewhere, and it might as well be now. Why not start improving your life now, now, now?--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Tarrytown, NY on Saturday, October 9th, 2004
If at a quantum level reality only is IS for the exact instant of its experience only , then the words of the sage are currently THINKABLe and proven valid …..
Saturday, September 26, 2009
rafiki girls -bi sexual
Rafiki Girls – bi sexual
Young mater scores of books could be written by psychologists around the simple interactions of those 3 girls and 1 lil’ daughter “ not quite 2 yet “ in the stroller , and a kind hearted grandmother ( some one else’s grandmother ) last night a Jammin in Jensen…. What great lillte town Jensen beach , the key west north we a have a fairly large accepted gay/lez/bi population that adds new comparision points , ready reminders that there is more than 1 choice and it is a free human choice to choose from them or combine them into something that works for you ,,,, weel like a fly on the wall I got hear tid bits of conversation that at first seemed so common but leading into even more varied topics of exploration ,,,,, I have goona have write down some notes look for supportive evidence trails and the make the links on some topics over time ….. good fun .
But here I am gonna stick as much as I can to the dyamincs of the converesation the 3 girls firneds were having about THEIR? Baby …. The flow of talk with a Grand mother type lady on the bench was great i..the mom and friends were like 1 mother …. And the grand mother was a visiting a vacationing grand mother she was just asking common polite questions but …asking varied …questions of which led to open answers on the parts of the 3 young mothers of the 1 ….
Where at first glance it looked like a common site a young mom with baby daughter our with two girls friends turns out to be a yes single mom but now in a more or less long or short term commited family unit with the 2 girls friends of many years .. all hetro sexual yes ,, all hurt and confused yes ,,, all with a playful bi sexual past in their history with each other ….. all with a love and interaction with the baby daughter since time of birth … ( you can gather so much information over hearing stuff ..the grand mother was very very interested … the world had been changing even her own daughters had issues brought about divorces about their now wanted relationship form )
So what I SEE IS NOT …DNA …homosexuality but again the effects of manipulation the confuse and conquer and the and 5 steps ,,, and today homosexuality is an accepted relationship form ,,where poligmy is not ..even thought poligmy maybe be the most INSTINCTUAL and family supportive and allowing for bi-sexual expression of INTIMACY … which is a DNA need of the female ,, males are much much more solitarty animals even DR> GRAY of the mars and venus fame talks about the BEAR in the cave aspect of MALE … the solitary aspect ….
DNA …. About 120,000 babies (1 in 33) in the United States are born each year with birth defects (1). A birth defect is an abnormality of structure, function or metabolism (body chemistry) present at birth that results in physical or mental disabilities or death. Thousands of different birth defects have been identified (2). Birth defects are the leading cause of death in the first year of life (3). This is from the march of dimes site .. 1 in 33 is that 3% I have refered over the years …… there are 1000’s expression of a defect and yet only 1 person in 33 will manifest it…
You ..young master with your swinging dick between your legg is an example of DNA bio mechanics ,, that swinging dick …. Means your body produces ceratin chemicals in support of the vidence trail of that swinging dick …. Hormones that PREDISPOSE you top like PUSSY … and like wise that wet hole between her legs means she likes to get fucked by COCK not plastic ,, she is predisposed to being PENTRTED . http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html
We human can over ride our DNa design we can act outside of our instinctual design … smoking tobacco makes you cough at first but you push thru the uncomfort …. The same with drinking ..the ame with many things .. you act UNANTURALLY …. Over power nature …… HARD WIRED HOME SEXUALITY WOULD be 1 or the many 1000;s of possible expressions of dna mutation … FREE CHOICE … http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html I am all about free choice ,, changing your hai color is forcing nature to be unnatural ,,, helld riving acar is unnatural I am all aobut FREE CHOICE …. Being ay , lez , bi …FREE CHOICE .. adaptations to the STRESS of living a confuse and conquered exsisitance ,,,, trying to get out of Thoreau ‘s condtion he described as SILENT DESPERARTION …. Being creative in the http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html use of learning abot the WANTED .
The girls the grandmother talking about her daughters ,,, the gay guy who was Pal’ ing around with that supper hot chick that the glass blower came to and said I COULD NOT BE GAY AND HANG AROUND WITH piece of pussy like that ,,,, it is impossible .. she would have to stir some sort of interst even in that FLAMER … I believe it would have years ago before he chose to refer to himself as GAY ..this power changed his , biology over time … tillhe now is BIO LOGICALLY DIFFERRNT creating new hormone set to support his self image practiced over years .. it is not the effect of the manifestation of 1 form of mutatuion or defect of 1000’s being that of hormonail irregulatiy .. being expressed in the 3% …. 1/10th of a percent of 3% is a tiny population number … yet we can change our hair color a hard fast DNA expression our hair color ,, we can over eat and become UNANTURALLY FAT ….. effecting our biologoly .. we can think thoughts and act in certain and result in training new hormone respresentations , production in self …. To support the new self image .. FREEDOM OF CHOICE in the path of trying to FEEL BETTER and BETTER becoming in aligment with source .fine fine fine …
Girls are DNA designed to find HEALTH AND HAPPINESS AND SUPPORT in the daily presence of other women … in a suuporitive harem family bi sexuality is antural … http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html … and still desire PENENTRATION ,, from the likes of ME not a piece of plastic , yet ,, yet ,, like driving a car is fun so ,is the creative use of sex toys ..learn more young master get http://www.amazon.com/Loving-Dominant-John-Warren/dp/1890159727/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1214744584&sr=1-1 we use light bulbs unnatural ..etc etc etc .. yet she is designed to like getting fucked http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html but because of stress ,,and then created a new self image over time she will become and look more MAN LIKE …. Bummer !
And then the PROGRAMING the example that the child will grow up seeing thus installing the expectation into its mental map … of the MALE-IZED mommy all because of not understanding the effects fo the CONFUSE AND CONQUERING of humaity at large ..or our inner good naturaof looking for alignment with SOURCE and trying EVERYTHING and ANYTHING to achieve said RESULT of feeling better and better .
http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html is 1 more free choice to explore also .
When you find yourself critical of the way anyone has attracted or is using money, you are pushing money away from yourself. But when you realize that what others do with money has nothing to do with you, and that your primary work is to think and speak and do what feels good to you, then you will be in alignment not only about the subject of money, but about every important subject in your physical experience.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
You can swap the word MONEY for so many other things we all use as our way to achieve alignment with source or that concept of FEELING BETTER ….. one person can be a BILLIONAIRE and find his real HAPPINESS IN growing FREE SEED ..into food .. 1 a seed he collected for free and had nothing to do with the 1000’s of millions of dollar he has ,, hell you can get a free tomatoes seed from the rotten tomatoes throw away at any food market …. When you find yourself critical about anyone’s way of trying to feel BETTER even being GAY or lez or bi ( which bi is natural and in harmony with DNA design in ALIGNMENT with source expression of female relationships ) when you realize what any one else does with ther FREE choice to choose has nothing to do with WHAT YOU ARE FREE TO DO !
Young mater scores of books could be written by psychologists around the simple interactions of those 3 girls and 1 lil’ daughter “ not quite 2 yet “ in the stroller , and a kind hearted grandmother ( some one else’s grandmother ) last night a Jammin in Jensen…. What great lillte town Jensen beach , the key west north we a have a fairly large accepted gay/lez/bi population that adds new comparision points , ready reminders that there is more than 1 choice and it is a free human choice to choose from them or combine them into something that works for you ,,,, weel like a fly on the wall I got hear tid bits of conversation that at first seemed so common but leading into even more varied topics of exploration ,,,,, I have goona have write down some notes look for supportive evidence trails and the make the links on some topics over time ….. good fun .
But here I am gonna stick as much as I can to the dyamincs of the converesation the 3 girls firneds were having about THEIR? Baby …. The flow of talk with a Grand mother type lady on the bench was great i..the mom and friends were like 1 mother …. And the grand mother was a visiting a vacationing grand mother she was just asking common polite questions but …asking varied …questions of which led to open answers on the parts of the 3 young mothers of the 1 ….
Where at first glance it looked like a common site a young mom with baby daughter our with two girls friends turns out to be a yes single mom but now in a more or less long or short term commited family unit with the 2 girls friends of many years .. all hetro sexual yes ,, all hurt and confused yes ,,, all with a playful bi sexual past in their history with each other ….. all with a love and interaction with the baby daughter since time of birth … ( you can gather so much information over hearing stuff ..the grand mother was very very interested … the world had been changing even her own daughters had issues brought about divorces about their now wanted relationship form )
So what I SEE IS NOT …DNA …homosexuality but again the effects of manipulation the confuse and conquer and the and 5 steps ,,, and today homosexuality is an accepted relationship form ,,where poligmy is not ..even thought poligmy maybe be the most INSTINCTUAL and family supportive and allowing for bi-sexual expression of INTIMACY … which is a DNA need of the female ,, males are much much more solitarty animals even DR> GRAY of the mars and venus fame talks about the BEAR in the cave aspect of MALE … the solitary aspect ….
DNA …. About 120,000 babies (1 in 33) in the United States are born each year with birth defects (1). A birth defect is an abnormality of structure, function or metabolism (body chemistry) present at birth that results in physical or mental disabilities or death. Thousands of different birth defects have been identified (2). Birth defects are the leading cause of death in the first year of life (3). This is from the march of dimes site .. 1 in 33 is that 3% I have refered over the years …… there are 1000’s expression of a defect and yet only 1 person in 33 will manifest it…
You ..young master with your swinging dick between your legg is an example of DNA bio mechanics ,, that swinging dick …. Means your body produces ceratin chemicals in support of the vidence trail of that swinging dick …. Hormones that PREDISPOSE you top like PUSSY … and like wise that wet hole between her legs means she likes to get fucked by COCK not plastic ,, she is predisposed to being PENTRTED . http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html
We human can over ride our DNa design we can act outside of our instinctual design … smoking tobacco makes you cough at first but you push thru the uncomfort …. The same with drinking ..the ame with many things .. you act UNANTURALLY …. Over power nature …… HARD WIRED HOME SEXUALITY WOULD be 1 or the many 1000;s of possible expressions of dna mutation … FREE CHOICE … http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html I am all about free choice ,, changing your hai color is forcing nature to be unnatural ,,, helld riving acar is unnatural I am all aobut FREE CHOICE …. Being ay , lez , bi …FREE CHOICE .. adaptations to the STRESS of living a confuse and conquered exsisitance ,,,, trying to get out of Thoreau ‘s condtion he described as SILENT DESPERARTION …. Being creative in the http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html use of learning abot the WANTED .
The girls the grandmother talking about her daughters ,,, the gay guy who was Pal’ ing around with that supper hot chick that the glass blower came to and said I COULD NOT BE GAY AND HANG AROUND WITH piece of pussy like that ,,,, it is impossible .. she would have to stir some sort of interst even in that FLAMER … I believe it would have years ago before he chose to refer to himself as GAY ..this power changed his , biology over time … tillhe now is BIO LOGICALLY DIFFERRNT creating new hormone set to support his self image practiced over years .. it is not the effect of the manifestation of 1 form of mutatuion or defect of 1000’s being that of hormonail irregulatiy .. being expressed in the 3% …. 1/10th of a percent of 3% is a tiny population number … yet we can change our hair color a hard fast DNA expression our hair color ,, we can over eat and become UNANTURALLY FAT ….. effecting our biologoly .. we can think thoughts and act in certain and result in training new hormone respresentations , production in self …. To support the new self image .. FREEDOM OF CHOICE in the path of trying to FEEL BETTER and BETTER becoming in aligment with source .fine fine fine …
Girls are DNA designed to find HEALTH AND HAPPINESS AND SUPPORT in the daily presence of other women … in a suuporitive harem family bi sexuality is antural … http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html … and still desire PENENTRATION ,, from the likes of ME not a piece of plastic , yet ,, yet ,, like driving a car is fun so ,is the creative use of sex toys ..learn more young master get http://www.amazon.com/Loving-Dominant-John-Warren/dp/1890159727/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1214744584&sr=1-1 we use light bulbs unnatural ..etc etc etc .. yet she is designed to like getting fucked http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html but because of stress ,,and then created a new self image over time she will become and look more MAN LIKE …. Bummer !
And then the PROGRAMING the example that the child will grow up seeing thus installing the expectation into its mental map … of the MALE-IZED mommy all because of not understanding the effects fo the CONFUSE AND CONQUERING of humaity at large ..or our inner good naturaof looking for alignment with SOURCE and trying EVERYTHING and ANYTHING to achieve said RESULT of feeling better and better .
http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html is 1 more free choice to explore also .
When you find yourself critical of the way anyone has attracted or is using money, you are pushing money away from yourself. But when you realize that what others do with money has nothing to do with you, and that your primary work is to think and speak and do what feels good to you, then you will be in alignment not only about the subject of money, but about every important subject in your physical experience.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
You can swap the word MONEY for so many other things we all use as our way to achieve alignment with source or that concept of FEELING BETTER ….. one person can be a BILLIONAIRE and find his real HAPPINESS IN growing FREE SEED ..into food .. 1 a seed he collected for free and had nothing to do with the 1000’s of millions of dollar he has ,, hell you can get a free tomatoes seed from the rotten tomatoes throw away at any food market …. When you find yourself critical about anyone’s way of trying to feel BETTER even being GAY or lez or bi ( which bi is natural and in harmony with DNA design in ALIGNMENT with source expression of female relationships ) when you realize what any one else does with ther FREE choice to choose has nothing to do with WHAT YOU ARE FREE TO DO !
Friday, September 25, 2009
juicy flesh
Juicy flesh
Young master ….. Maslow’S Hierachey of needs …. What is REAL WEALTH sweet juicy red flesh can be a persons inner wealth .http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs i refer to this a lot right? ,,, well yesterday from the mouth of a client .. growing those tomatoes from seed makes me feel … I don’t know some how empowered ….. ( cool he is gonna save few plants for me this year ) who is he and why is this important? he lives part of the year on JUPITER ISLAND as wiki descirbes it “Some of the wealthiest people in the United States live in Jupiter Island; it has the highest per capita income of any inhabited place in the country.” Get the idea ….. if you want to learn about $$$ buy a millionaire lunch was the old advise .,…. Well how about a BILLIONAIRE …..
This guy likes to come down to surf cast the mullet run off his beach , most of the time I am ushered around by the home manager so that I never enoucnter or disturb the owners , very common with familys like this ..these poor people never get time alone , their homes/estates are like small facotryies or hives of activity 24/7 ( that is poor in that I feel for them not that they need cash $$$ ) welll this guy i had noticed over the years makes Flys for fishing and he had rigged his tying bobbbin the same way I had years ago when I was tying flys ..so this time it is just him a t home ,,,, he is tying flys and I am cleaning inside windows , well he knowing of me over the years bumping into on his property idley telling how fishing had been that day …. Etc , we get talking as ,, I mention how I had the same Bobbin and had customized it the exact same way and how I made Sailfdish and Marlin flys for SEAMASTER out of Miami , ( I droped the names of my own lures to see if he knoew them but no .. the years have gone by and well I never became a national name only a regional name ) so we get talking .. about my past and what lead me here to window washing and he tells me his story ( the very abbrivated version ) “ I was just a salesman , I would kind of walk around and ask people to give me MONEY and they did , and it has never seemed to stop coming “ from what I underrstand he is in insurance and investments .
This guy has about 10 acres of GOD”S Choosen land … and part o that he had made into a private forest , the wife has most of the land tamed and full of stuff but he has his few acres leading to some waterfront down the winding trails …. in that forest I have always noticed the amount of papaya trees loaded with fruit ,a nd have noticed in the kitchen often those wild frits there along with NON market varitiys of banana …. I have seen him walking off into his woods with a snook rod under his arm as he is peeeling a tangrine I just saw him pick off one the trees … walking off into a FOOD FOREST I now know it to be …. Permamculture for recreation . http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html simple food forest plan (remember to adjst for rain water catcing as per the slope of your land )
Ok so I mention how envious I am of his wife’s tomaotes I seeing growning each season , and he corrects me and tells me it is he who starts them each year from seed saved from the season beofre ……. And that is when is … drifts off inot the ENPOWERMENT … of growning food and feeling a sense of EN POWERMENT because of maintainng this connection … , this guys protperty tax bill I remember hearing the property amnager talking one time is like 4 fold my companys total yearly gross income . and this is just the small winter home …. Their other houseup north is the real house … plus of course their presence int NYC ….. it is beyond THINKABLE the amount of $$ is takes just to be him …. Yet to grow something to eat from seed is EMPOWERING ……
So this year he is going to grwm me a couple of tomatoes , I gotta check the green house next time thru he said , but intersting enough he said how each years he gives some of plants away to friends … since it is true I only see 5 or 6 plants year in year out …. Freinds ..like nieghbors borrowing a cup of surgar ?
And I think about another client of mine on the island , a nice talktive man on the board of the Pharmie giants . he just like kid when getting one of the ROLLS ready for a show ,, they are like kids trading poke man cards except their toys start at ½ million a piece ..as long as I don’t lose to much money my wife doesn’t mind he says laughing … I used collect and trade antique fisihing reels , in fact I owned a tuna reel from the family of one of his old dead friend malcom forbes …. So we talk abit him and I // nice guy loves to whistle…. And then I remembered he every year has tomotes plus herbs and stuff ….
Look this guy does not TWIST a wrench on his show cars when he is getting a car ready I mean he has a crew over to the house to ready it for him …… and as he watches them work we talk as he watches me work …. The money he will spend just the year round weekly detailing of these cars is more than a whoel familys yearly food budget ,,but he GROWS tomaotes near the kitchen door .
Earlier this week another old customer and friend who last year I asked him for a bunch of planting stuff left over by the land scape crew after they re designed the house .. he asked so what did you grow ….. he likes to come out and hide smoking a cigartte with me while I am there …. He tells his wife he stopped and has the gradener cover the place where he tosses his butts with mulch , to hide the vidence we all see plainly …. Well I GREW TOBACCO …. Get your seeds here from the link on this page http://www.instinctualism.org/addiction.html .... and kale and lettuce and spicnach and beets and corn etc etc et c… and we talked ,,, here in this country club communty he does not even have a fruit tree because the association does not want rotten fruit on the gorunds …… he laughs this house is for the wife ,,, but back home this summer ,,,, I planted my potatoes and mellons and corns … he was bummed because the over wettness ruined his potooes …. And he said he always looks forward especiall to the potatoes , but it made for some of the finest juicest sweetest mellon and corn that he ahs had for years … this guy …… a general contrator and another person ..who $$$ is no issue even these hard times , are nothing for him he is so well insulated ..that he still makes $$ yet ..he finds a POWER a self determination …. In providing that link with growing his own food ,,,, the BASIC … of maslow still being under his own MASTERY ! beyond investmenst or wall street or interantional events …. He has a sense of depest inner security …. No fear http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html
what is real wealth when you have achieved that much money that a million here or million there is no big deal ? whn you young mster dream about some day making just 1 million ,, what is REAL WEALTH ? after you can buy anything and everything at any time you want any where …? What is real wealth ?
You could stand here sick with ten illnesses today, and tomorrow have no evidence of any of them. Your body has the ability to replenish itself that fast. But most of you do not have the ability to change your thoughts that fast. So the amount of time that it takes between sickness and wellness is only the amount of time that it takes for me to figure out how to let it in -- for me to figure out how to feel good, when I'm looking at something that makes me feel bad--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Atlanta, GA on Saturday, November 4th, 2000
Looking for the wanted , even in small timy BELIEFs or understanding on the fact about the self reparing nature of the bio macine that has the passion for living still flowing within …… http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html ..... wealth? The need for vast amounts of $$$ is not really that important .
Young master ….. Maslow’S Hierachey of needs …. What is REAL WEALTH sweet juicy red flesh can be a persons inner wealth .http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs i refer to this a lot right? ,,, well yesterday from the mouth of a client .. growing those tomatoes from seed makes me feel … I don’t know some how empowered ….. ( cool he is gonna save few plants for me this year ) who is he and why is this important? he lives part of the year on JUPITER ISLAND as wiki descirbes it “Some of the wealthiest people in the United States live in Jupiter Island; it has the highest per capita income of any inhabited place in the country.” Get the idea ….. if you want to learn about $$$ buy a millionaire lunch was the old advise .,…. Well how about a BILLIONAIRE …..
This guy likes to come down to surf cast the mullet run off his beach , most of the time I am ushered around by the home manager so that I never enoucnter or disturb the owners , very common with familys like this ..these poor people never get time alone , their homes/estates are like small facotryies or hives of activity 24/7 ( that is poor in that I feel for them not that they need cash $$$ ) welll this guy i had noticed over the years makes Flys for fishing and he had rigged his tying bobbbin the same way I had years ago when I was tying flys ..so this time it is just him a t home ,,,, he is tying flys and I am cleaning inside windows , well he knowing of me over the years bumping into on his property idley telling how fishing had been that day …. Etc , we get talking as ,, I mention how I had the same Bobbin and had customized it the exact same way and how I made Sailfdish and Marlin flys for SEAMASTER out of Miami , ( I droped the names of my own lures to see if he knoew them but no .. the years have gone by and well I never became a national name only a regional name ) so we get talking .. about my past and what lead me here to window washing and he tells me his story ( the very abbrivated version ) “ I was just a salesman , I would kind of walk around and ask people to give me MONEY and they did , and it has never seemed to stop coming “ from what I underrstand he is in insurance and investments .
This guy has about 10 acres of GOD”S Choosen land … and part o that he had made into a private forest , the wife has most of the land tamed and full of stuff but he has his few acres leading to some waterfront down the winding trails …. in that forest I have always noticed the amount of papaya trees loaded with fruit ,a nd have noticed in the kitchen often those wild frits there along with NON market varitiys of banana …. I have seen him walking off into his woods with a snook rod under his arm as he is peeeling a tangrine I just saw him pick off one the trees … walking off into a FOOD FOREST I now know it to be …. Permamculture for recreation . http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html simple food forest plan (remember to adjst for rain water catcing as per the slope of your land )
Ok so I mention how envious I am of his wife’s tomaotes I seeing growning each season , and he corrects me and tells me it is he who starts them each year from seed saved from the season beofre ……. And that is when is … drifts off inot the ENPOWERMENT … of growning food and feeling a sense of EN POWERMENT because of maintainng this connection … , this guys protperty tax bill I remember hearing the property amnager talking one time is like 4 fold my companys total yearly gross income . and this is just the small winter home …. Their other houseup north is the real house … plus of course their presence int NYC ….. it is beyond THINKABLE the amount of $$ is takes just to be him …. Yet to grow something to eat from seed is EMPOWERING ……
So this year he is going to grwm me a couple of tomatoes , I gotta check the green house next time thru he said , but intersting enough he said how each years he gives some of plants away to friends … since it is true I only see 5 or 6 plants year in year out …. Freinds ..like nieghbors borrowing a cup of surgar ?
And I think about another client of mine on the island , a nice talktive man on the board of the Pharmie giants . he just like kid when getting one of the ROLLS ready for a show ,, they are like kids trading poke man cards except their toys start at ½ million a piece ..as long as I don’t lose to much money my wife doesn’t mind he says laughing … I used collect and trade antique fisihing reels , in fact I owned a tuna reel from the family of one of his old dead friend malcom forbes …. So we talk abit him and I // nice guy loves to whistle…. And then I remembered he every year has tomotes plus herbs and stuff ….
Look this guy does not TWIST a wrench on his show cars when he is getting a car ready I mean he has a crew over to the house to ready it for him …… and as he watches them work we talk as he watches me work …. The money he will spend just the year round weekly detailing of these cars is more than a whoel familys yearly food budget ,,but he GROWS tomaotes near the kitchen door .
Earlier this week another old customer and friend who last year I asked him for a bunch of planting stuff left over by the land scape crew after they re designed the house .. he asked so what did you grow ….. he likes to come out and hide smoking a cigartte with me while I am there …. He tells his wife he stopped and has the gradener cover the place where he tosses his butts with mulch , to hide the vidence we all see plainly …. Well I GREW TOBACCO …. Get your seeds here from the link on this page http://www.instinctualism.org/addiction.html .... and kale and lettuce and spicnach and beets and corn etc etc et c… and we talked ,,, here in this country club communty he does not even have a fruit tree because the association does not want rotten fruit on the gorunds …… he laughs this house is for the wife ,,, but back home this summer ,,,, I planted my potatoes and mellons and corns … he was bummed because the over wettness ruined his potooes …. And he said he always looks forward especiall to the potatoes , but it made for some of the finest juicest sweetest mellon and corn that he ahs had for years … this guy …… a general contrator and another person ..who $$$ is no issue even these hard times , are nothing for him he is so well insulated ..that he still makes $$ yet ..he finds a POWER a self determination …. In providing that link with growing his own food ,,,, the BASIC … of maslow still being under his own MASTERY ! beyond investmenst or wall street or interantional events …. He has a sense of depest inner security …. No fear http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html
what is real wealth when you have achieved that much money that a million here or million there is no big deal ? whn you young mster dream about some day making just 1 million ,, what is REAL WEALTH ? after you can buy anything and everything at any time you want any where …? What is real wealth ?
You could stand here sick with ten illnesses today, and tomorrow have no evidence of any of them. Your body has the ability to replenish itself that fast. But most of you do not have the ability to change your thoughts that fast. So the amount of time that it takes between sickness and wellness is only the amount of time that it takes for me to figure out how to let it in -- for me to figure out how to feel good, when I'm looking at something that makes me feel bad--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Atlanta, GA on Saturday, November 4th, 2000
Looking for the wanted , even in small timy BELIEFs or understanding on the fact about the self reparing nature of the bio macine that has the passion for living still flowing within …… http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html ..... wealth? The need for vast amounts of $$$ is not really that important .
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Erotic Dominance pg 137
Erotic dominance pg 137
Young master I am suprized how many hits this page vision board http://www.instinctualism.org/vision_board.html gets even during the months I don’t write it still gets lots of hit ……. And like I wrote ,,, life is so much more that pussy ,,it is family is sailing it is CANOEING ….. with great grandma .. life is so much more it is watching a lil’one chasing a ball thru the grasss .. it is so much more !
It is LETTING NATURE do its own work on its own time ,,, it is letting the seeds that want to grow to grow ….. adapting beds for others who did not like the last place you planted them …. Letting the ATTRACTION happen ,,, if this place is a good place for plant it will thrive if not it will TRANSISITON ,, but the cosmic C of the plant species , will allow me to attempt again later with the next seeds in a new area …. Letting the ATTRACTION process unfold ….that is you also … you attract and those who will grow by interaction with you will do just aht naturally in their interactions with you, okay so on to the page 137 I guess my going back to this old study book is my current flow of my own book of positive aspects , http://www.instinctualism.org/book_of_positve_aspects.html finding the good in what I may have resisted in the past . my resisitance in this culture was the hidden manipulation of it ,,the topping actually from the bottom as they call it ….
: I have a man now who gets excited by just looking at me , it turns me on and I will do anything for that feeling and to keep it ! “ young master FEEL that .. understand the complexity of the human who speaks or lives it UNSPOKEN … un known to self ,, she will do ANYTHING to KEEP IT ! ..the control thru vast arrays of manipulations . yet the focus is on the fear of the LOSS of the attention from another ..it is on the comparison to life lived in the past ….. other men she had ..had but now gone … . Not to be lost this time! I WILL DO ANYTHING ! ….. plus the FEAR OF OTHER WOMEN getting his attention enough attention to the UNWANTED .. yet BDSM is an exploration of the wanted and the UNWATNED … the UNWATED being un-natural not able to express her nature of being the pentrated … yet it seems to fall off the edge into ENDORPHINE highs .. further escapes becaseu of the ignoreing of the basics … basics in a sceond
Renella http://www.amazon.com/Masters-Manual-Handbook-Erotic-Dominance/dp/1881943038 is just a voice no more or less important than any other from the voices coming down from IVORY TOWERED pro’s or JON DAVIS of korn who is the sound track to this writing , expsosisng his TWISTED MIND and saying HEY LOOK LISTEN TO ME … I AM FUCKIN….WHACK I am starting over as Jon says ….. god is gonna take me out of the confuse and conquer …who is that God perjoritve you sing about …. It you Jon who takes yourself out of the ocnfsue and conquer ….
Jack Rinella when he writes I take liscense to translate the person directly into female …. Those who know Jack know the impsortance of this ,,, a subbie is a subbie ..it is mind set ! that I am getting at .
Being ALONE is a basic ….. the bio machine human likes family ,, we are not chimp .. http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html but more harem gorilla family unit designed … people can complain about feeling lonely in the city of new york where it is impossible to ever be alone ,,, read about the chimp female who has to BE alone so that she protect her new born child from the MURDER of competive females , infanticide …. NOT THE REALITY IN THE SUPPORTIVE GORILLA HAREM FAMILY where females support each other … which we find the evidence trail still active in the hormones of modern day human females http://www.naturalawakeningsmag.com/natural-library/may-2009/friendship-among-women-benefits-health .... the unwated is ALONE …. A method of insuring aLONE DOES NOT HAPPEN AGAIN is to activiely manipulate things which just drives the excapism for the Pussy is not realy exploring their instinct or the unwanted and wanted of penetration instinct bio mechincal expression http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html
Since nothing matters to you other than your personal alignment with your individual goals or desires, then that is where our work is. We are not here to debate the rightness or the wrongness of what you, or anyone, chooses. We are not taking sides, for or against, anything. We are here to help you understand that your life can be as wonderful or as horrible as you allow it to be. It all depends upon the thoughts that you practice. And therein lies the basis of anyone's success: How much do I practice thoughts that bring me joy, and how much do I practice thoughts that bring me pain? --- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in San Francisco, CA on Saturday, March 8th, 2003
And do I understand that my thoughts are TAINT’d with basic programming instilled from my time of birth ,,, fear states that does not serve me , but serves the thought form of economy or PHAROH training me young to serve to consider others first and not turst the good nature of the harem animal which I actually am .
Young master I am suprized how many hits this page vision board http://www.instinctualism.org/vision_board.html gets even during the months I don’t write it still gets lots of hit ……. And like I wrote ,,, life is so much more that pussy ,,it is family is sailing it is CANOEING ….. with great grandma .. life is so much more it is watching a lil’one chasing a ball thru the grasss .. it is so much more !
It is LETTING NATURE do its own work on its own time ,,, it is letting the seeds that want to grow to grow ….. adapting beds for others who did not like the last place you planted them …. Letting the ATTRACTION happen ,,, if this place is a good place for plant it will thrive if not it will TRANSISITON ,, but the cosmic C of the plant species , will allow me to attempt again later with the next seeds in a new area …. Letting the ATTRACTION process unfold ….that is you also … you attract and those who will grow by interaction with you will do just aht naturally in their interactions with you, okay so on to the page 137 I guess my going back to this old study book is my current flow of my own book of positive aspects , http://www.instinctualism.org/book_of_positve_aspects.html finding the good in what I may have resisted in the past . my resisitance in this culture was the hidden manipulation of it ,,the topping actually from the bottom as they call it ….
: I have a man now who gets excited by just looking at me , it turns me on and I will do anything for that feeling and to keep it ! “ young master FEEL that .. understand the complexity of the human who speaks or lives it UNSPOKEN … un known to self ,, she will do ANYTHING to KEEP IT ! ..the control thru vast arrays of manipulations . yet the focus is on the fear of the LOSS of the attention from another ..it is on the comparison to life lived in the past ….. other men she had ..had but now gone … . Not to be lost this time! I WILL DO ANYTHING ! ….. plus the FEAR OF OTHER WOMEN getting his attention enough attention to the UNWANTED .. yet BDSM is an exploration of the wanted and the UNWATNED … the UNWATED being un-natural not able to express her nature of being the pentrated … yet it seems to fall off the edge into ENDORPHINE highs .. further escapes becaseu of the ignoreing of the basics … basics in a sceond
Renella http://www.amazon.com/Masters-Manual-Handbook-Erotic-Dominance/dp/1881943038 is just a voice no more or less important than any other from the voices coming down from IVORY TOWERED pro’s or JON DAVIS of korn who is the sound track to this writing , expsosisng his TWISTED MIND and saying HEY LOOK LISTEN TO ME … I AM FUCKIN….WHACK I am starting over as Jon says ….. god is gonna take me out of the confuse and conquer …who is that God perjoritve you sing about …. It you Jon who takes yourself out of the ocnfsue and conquer ….
Jack Rinella when he writes I take liscense to translate the person directly into female …. Those who know Jack know the impsortance of this ,,, a subbie is a subbie ..it is mind set ! that I am getting at .
Being ALONE is a basic ….. the bio machine human likes family ,, we are not chimp .. http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html but more harem gorilla family unit designed … people can complain about feeling lonely in the city of new york where it is impossible to ever be alone ,,, read about the chimp female who has to BE alone so that she protect her new born child from the MURDER of competive females , infanticide …. NOT THE REALITY IN THE SUPPORTIVE GORILLA HAREM FAMILY where females support each other … which we find the evidence trail still active in the hormones of modern day human females http://www.naturalawakeningsmag.com/natural-library/may-2009/friendship-among-women-benefits-health .... the unwated is ALONE …. A method of insuring aLONE DOES NOT HAPPEN AGAIN is to activiely manipulate things which just drives the excapism for the Pussy is not realy exploring their instinct or the unwanted and wanted of penetration instinct bio mechincal expression http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html
Since nothing matters to you other than your personal alignment with your individual goals or desires, then that is where our work is. We are not here to debate the rightness or the wrongness of what you, or anyone, chooses. We are not taking sides, for or against, anything. We are here to help you understand that your life can be as wonderful or as horrible as you allow it to be. It all depends upon the thoughts that you practice. And therein lies the basis of anyone's success: How much do I practice thoughts that bring me joy, and how much do I practice thoughts that bring me pain? --- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in San Francisco, CA on Saturday, March 8th, 2003
And do I understand that my thoughts are TAINT’d with basic programming instilled from my time of birth ,,, fear states that does not serve me , but serves the thought form of economy or PHAROH training me young to serve to consider others first and not turst the good nature of the harem animal which I actually am .
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
pussy is WORD
Pussy is WORD
Young master … it works Jay Z to ref … the occult … WORD . I do not claim to know the fashions of the 5% or the other 3800 sects of islam/jewish /christian GROUPING OF similar faiths . but .. listen to this and INSPIRE YOURSELF , in spirit action .. inspiration http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=112968197 this woman on NPR has some great books exploring the similarity of most common religions ….. seeing the unity and friendship we all really have . and when you are done realize the important of a hard dick and a wet pussy ,,( put no importance that I use 1 dick and 1 pussy , but expand out to the whole ness of family units and supportive systems for the benefit of all kids moms and dad ….. the poly or harem family unit supportive . ) and traditions unlimited by by blinders of todays socialized fashions …
The basis of Islam/ Judaism / chsritian all in their core . core center baisis theo … has a use of GOD as word tool to describe or put handle on the UNTIHNKABLE …. I still think I did a good job in the guided MED http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html bringing you into unthinkable I was suprized now these years later from writing the script , that I found out thru Walpola’s book http://www.amazon.com/What-Buddha-Taught-Expanded-Dhammapada/dp/0802130313 WHAT BUDDHA TAUGHT and to see the core was UNTHINKABLE NESS .
Pussy is WORD ……. Is bond ? is an UNDE PINNING aspect OF LIFE ITSELF ? well of course dumbass my friend ..with out the pussy where will next generation of followers come form ,,,, pushed out the head of my COCK my cock does not stretch like pussy just look at girls when they play together http://www.instinctualism.org/vision_board.html . Their wrists and hand get forced into each others pussy as they get more and more excited in their private play their recreation their feeling good their ALIGNING WITH SOURCE …. Yet 5 minutes later she well give it a ½ hour she will respond with excitement to just finger and give me an ego grafitiying gasp when I pentrate her with my cock , which fact is fact … short fat ,, more gorilla than chimp designed to stimulate ovulation /orgaism climax thru girth not length ,,, it is not the pencil dick of the HIGHLY sperm competive Chimp …. http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html ( and I just gotta throw in the nature of humanity to ADOPT ..be it loving and caring to a pet or to step children ,,, we are not INFANTICIDE based where a new silver back will kill off the spawn of the last silver back … we do not have the 14% infant murder rate of chimps but the love and family ties of the harem gorilla . PUSSY IS WORD !
I was talking with an old friend today about our kdis .. I say old friend in 2 ways he has been a customer for over 10 years and he is old enough to b emy dad . yet his daughter in a senior in high school and his other daughter is in second in college hell his daughters are younger than his grand kids who already have degrees and familys of their own .
Yesterday was hot and I was feeling it ,, he got talking about age ,, and I said , I felt tired even 10 years ago ….. no different now unless I FOCUs on it and think myself into being 10 years olders …. And he laughed and told me me about his 100 year old grand mom , ( ahh we have similar heritage it semmed …. Both from the northern familys and influenced by MARY BAKER EDDY … 100 years old and still young . .. link on http://www.instinctualism.org/submissive_training.html
And still young she would tell him , but more than that … it was and I translate this into PHIL-EZE .,… she knew that she was not the DATA the MEMORY that created the idea of SELF ….. but that she had been using her mind ..she something that was beyond AGE . hmmmmmm that is fucking deep ….. that is understanding of the sage coming from a person who becaue of the culture of the time ..could never have been allowed to further expand on the thoughts or concepts of fear of social OUT RAGE at un Christian thinking . yet the core of theo ..is the UN-IMPOSSIBLE …. http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
I was talking to him about how I was experimenting with a MIRRROR-LESS life style for if I live with out a mirro , then I get my want ,, that is to just be me not a me that I subltly compare because of the auto action of looking into the mirror the training of mirror use over the years . ,,,,it is an age less life style forgetting the DATA stream of memeory and being ..me … like his grand mom was …she who used the memeory of her life to be the named person of the social world but was not …really her . forgetting the year or my age until forced by someone who may ask , until I then am forced to remember the year , do some subtraction to give then a CHRONOLOGICAL value of myself . no me but of my bio mechanical divise called or named …. Phil ….. but not me ….. I feel the same as I did after a hard sweaty day at work back in high school today , I would get tired then I get tired now ,,, wow …no difference ….hmmmm interesting the under lying message that had to be translated thru CHRISTIANITY that miss Baker was talking about those ages ago .
Next is grey hair and the silver back of the HARME MALE gorilla he does not go out to set up his own harem until he starts to go grey … http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html . Wow ….. if I were a gorilla I would have a problem my head aint got grey … by beard did .. so I guess that counts . this is a bit silly it is looking at what is the PYSHIHCAL like the guy who got the gensisi grant for studying the pulsing wave of a flag and comparing it the the rhythm of how a fish swims … I WONDER IF THAT same mathemicitcs can give a factor to the strength of a CLIMAX CONTRACTION of a girls pussy ? or my cock ? ..it is QUESTIONING the VALIDITY OF DREAMING because it is just an bio mechanical resposnse …REM etc ,,,, yes of course dreaming is REM ..how else can the you …. Or my you ..the NAMELESS me that uses this bio machine and it’s trained memeory personality for time/space adventure how can that YOU translate its experience of re-FOCUS ing into nonpyshihcal except thru ,,, searching the data banks of the brain visisble during REM to somehow translate the things ….. ahh the fun of it all . to forget our NONself ..so to more enjoy this here and now make this life most real … that is living the mr. I do not know flow of Tao. Too… http://www.instinctualism.org/zhaungzi.html
There is no condition that you cannot modify into something more, any more than there is any painting that you can paint and not like and just paint over it again. There are many limiting thoughts in the human environment that make it feel like it is not so, as you have these incurable illnesses, or these unchangeable conditions. But we say, they are only "unchangeable" because you believe that they are--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in San Antonio, TX on Saturday, April 21st, 2001
Where do you want to STOP your adventure and say ,,,THAT IS IT AS PER MY BELIEF SYSTEM I HAVE NO MORE OPPURUTUNITY FOR ALLOWING THE LAW OF ATTRACTION TO ATTRACT ME OTHERS WHO HAVE THEIR OWN PARTS TO PLAY AND SEE ME AS BENEFIT IN THEIR PLAY ….. your choice a canvas can be painted over only 10 times ? to accept incurable is fine , your choosen tool to set up your OWN TRANSITION on your won terms … your version of …happy healthy happy healthy dead .
Young master … it works Jay Z to ref … the occult … WORD . I do not claim to know the fashions of the 5% or the other 3800 sects of islam/jewish /christian GROUPING OF similar faiths . but .. listen to this and INSPIRE YOURSELF , in spirit action .. inspiration http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=112968197 this woman on NPR has some great books exploring the similarity of most common religions ….. seeing the unity and friendship we all really have . and when you are done realize the important of a hard dick and a wet pussy ,,( put no importance that I use 1 dick and 1 pussy , but expand out to the whole ness of family units and supportive systems for the benefit of all kids moms and dad ….. the poly or harem family unit supportive . ) and traditions unlimited by by blinders of todays socialized fashions …
The basis of Islam/ Judaism / chsritian all in their core . core center baisis theo … has a use of GOD as word tool to describe or put handle on the UNTIHNKABLE …. I still think I did a good job in the guided MED http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html bringing you into unthinkable I was suprized now these years later from writing the script , that I found out thru Walpola’s book http://www.amazon.com/What-Buddha-Taught-Expanded-Dhammapada/dp/0802130313 WHAT BUDDHA TAUGHT and to see the core was UNTHINKABLE NESS .
Pussy is WORD ……. Is bond ? is an UNDE PINNING aspect OF LIFE ITSELF ? well of course dumbass my friend ..with out the pussy where will next generation of followers come form ,,,, pushed out the head of my COCK my cock does not stretch like pussy just look at girls when they play together http://www.instinctualism.org/vision_board.html . Their wrists and hand get forced into each others pussy as they get more and more excited in their private play their recreation their feeling good their ALIGNING WITH SOURCE …. Yet 5 minutes later she well give it a ½ hour she will respond with excitement to just finger and give me an ego grafitiying gasp when I pentrate her with my cock , which fact is fact … short fat ,, more gorilla than chimp designed to stimulate ovulation /orgaism climax thru girth not length ,,, it is not the pencil dick of the HIGHLY sperm competive Chimp …. http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html ( and I just gotta throw in the nature of humanity to ADOPT ..be it loving and caring to a pet or to step children ,,, we are not INFANTICIDE based where a new silver back will kill off the spawn of the last silver back … we do not have the 14% infant murder rate of chimps but the love and family ties of the harem gorilla . PUSSY IS WORD !
I was talking with an old friend today about our kdis .. I say old friend in 2 ways he has been a customer for over 10 years and he is old enough to b emy dad . yet his daughter in a senior in high school and his other daughter is in second in college hell his daughters are younger than his grand kids who already have degrees and familys of their own .
Yesterday was hot and I was feeling it ,, he got talking about age ,, and I said , I felt tired even 10 years ago ….. no different now unless I FOCUs on it and think myself into being 10 years olders …. And he laughed and told me me about his 100 year old grand mom , ( ahh we have similar heritage it semmed …. Both from the northern familys and influenced by MARY BAKER EDDY … 100 years old and still young . .. link on http://www.instinctualism.org/submissive_training.html
And still young she would tell him , but more than that … it was and I translate this into PHIL-EZE .,… she knew that she was not the DATA the MEMORY that created the idea of SELF ….. but that she had been using her mind ..she something that was beyond AGE . hmmmmmm that is fucking deep ….. that is understanding of the sage coming from a person who becaue of the culture of the time ..could never have been allowed to further expand on the thoughts or concepts of fear of social OUT RAGE at un Christian thinking . yet the core of theo ..is the UN-IMPOSSIBLE …. http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
I was talking to him about how I was experimenting with a MIRRROR-LESS life style for if I live with out a mirro , then I get my want ,, that is to just be me not a me that I subltly compare because of the auto action of looking into the mirror the training of mirror use over the years . ,,,,it is an age less life style forgetting the DATA stream of memeory and being ..me … like his grand mom was …she who used the memeory of her life to be the named person of the social world but was not …really her . forgetting the year or my age until forced by someone who may ask , until I then am forced to remember the year , do some subtraction to give then a CHRONOLOGICAL value of myself . no me but of my bio mechanical divise called or named …. Phil ….. but not me ….. I feel the same as I did after a hard sweaty day at work back in high school today , I would get tired then I get tired now ,,, wow …no difference ….hmmmm interesting the under lying message that had to be translated thru CHRISTIANITY that miss Baker was talking about those ages ago .
Next is grey hair and the silver back of the HARME MALE gorilla he does not go out to set up his own harem until he starts to go grey … http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html . Wow ….. if I were a gorilla I would have a problem my head aint got grey … by beard did .. so I guess that counts . this is a bit silly it is looking at what is the PYSHIHCAL like the guy who got the gensisi grant for studying the pulsing wave of a flag and comparing it the the rhythm of how a fish swims … I WONDER IF THAT same mathemicitcs can give a factor to the strength of a CLIMAX CONTRACTION of a girls pussy ? or my cock ? ..it is QUESTIONING the VALIDITY OF DREAMING because it is just an bio mechanical resposnse …REM etc ,,,, yes of course dreaming is REM ..how else can the you …. Or my you ..the NAMELESS me that uses this bio machine and it’s trained memeory personality for time/space adventure how can that YOU translate its experience of re-FOCUS ing into nonpyshihcal except thru ,,, searching the data banks of the brain visisble during REM to somehow translate the things ….. ahh the fun of it all . to forget our NONself ..so to more enjoy this here and now make this life most real … that is living the mr. I do not know flow of Tao. Too… http://www.instinctualism.org/zhaungzi.html
There is no condition that you cannot modify into something more, any more than there is any painting that you can paint and not like and just paint over it again. There are many limiting thoughts in the human environment that make it feel like it is not so, as you have these incurable illnesses, or these unchangeable conditions. But we say, they are only "unchangeable" because you believe that they are--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in San Antonio, TX on Saturday, April 21st, 2001
Where do you want to STOP your adventure and say ,,,THAT IS IT AS PER MY BELIEF SYSTEM I HAVE NO MORE OPPURUTUNITY FOR ALLOWING THE LAW OF ATTRACTION TO ATTRACT ME OTHERS WHO HAVE THEIR OWN PARTS TO PLAY AND SEE ME AS BENEFIT IN THEIR PLAY ….. your choice a canvas can be painted over only 10 times ? to accept incurable is fine , your choosen tool to set up your OWN TRANSITION on your won terms … your version of …happy healthy happy healthy dead .
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
ohh man a turtle
Ohh man turtle
Young master I Ref’d before the all possibility of OMENS …. Who am I to limit toa , when the UN COMMON IS common waz! UP with that ,, when streams of lfow in my writing keep going in ceratin directions I go waz! Up with that …..
So I caught a baby barracuda today and released it and what came to mind is that if it lives to reproduce the events of its capature willb e recorded in the DNa ½ of seuxual reproduction on the part of that Cuda , ( being fish the male and female are both activity gentic mutators and evovlers being that the eggs are created yearly not in advance like human ..where it is the male who ADDS THE EVOLUTIOANRY DNA data for future generations to benifit from ) hmmm I have seen this event happen in many species as they become accustomed to the techniques of the anglers they evolve and survive it is only when the fisherman kills off all they catch and nothing survivies in numbers enough to geneitcaly effect future generations that problems happen or no apdaptation becomes event over a decade . and while fishing I saw again the TURTLE …. Why is the sea turtle OMEN , well I have lived here now 15 years … had an Osprey come and go running with me it flying from elcetri pole to electric pole all along my mile run in the morning and come back it idi every day for a week and the day I came out eary ,, it flew in to my running pattern while I was about half way thru ….. hmmmm ,,, I have conoes day after day with wild porpsoe who who glide along with me as interested in looking up at me with that great big eye as I was excited in gliding in the ater with them ….. the 3 coral sankes of a few months past , very strange …. This turtle shows up about a week ago ,, and then there was a dream ….
Now you sleep not because the TOA self needs sleep but because the BIO MACHINE evolved around having down time for self repair ,,, along the lines of lifestyle based upon LIGHT .. nocturnal or day light living …. You ..the you that uses the bio machines ,,DE-focus’s from the activity of the bio machine and returns to the UNTHINKABLE …. In the UNTHINKABLE , you may dream? Be active in unthinkable ways ? and how can you remember this activity and translation unless you remember it interms of this ATOMIC AGREEMENT STATE , without references to this atomic life it would be UN- understandable or processable by our brains … crazy dream ever have 1? Well that is the explanation of th sages . …me I dream very rarely they say , I so content with my now that the UNTHINKABLE holds nothing much for me to bring back ..to the adventure I already and engrossed …. But I had a dream …and a turtle ….. and few other dreams along the same theme and more of the turtle themes in my Stream of Consciousness writing that I almost try to resist yet it is the theme I get the urge to write about while I am running ….. strange … some goals are best kept to SELF ..to say a goal has been born … no , it would be just the law of attraction being the …… under lying force ….a force … not a goal of the likes that would cause me , uncomfort in the not achieving …. Yet the evidence trail of BELIEF is needed for any goal to be .. do you believe it is possible ? form the expression of atomic structure would it could it be possible ? and who would do the limiting of it? If the possibleity of it is atomically possible?
Who then is standing in the way of you manifesting what you want other than your acceptatnce of the PROgraming THAT you WERE TRAINED in ?
The wise old turtle …………… the omen of what history tells from the storys of myth when a turtle comes to the ABORINGAL American …… what did the sage say ? and how does it relte to the themes I seem to be writing I wonder …. Hmmm . the Baracude itself is kinda weird …. I have not caught one of those the years back when I first moved here , I was happy to see cuda that summer since I grew up eating cuda ,,, but the years went by and the regular local species came to bite my hook and give me fresh meat … and the thought of CUda was lost ….. hmmmm . fun fun fun ….. adventures and un expected ideas … and then it really comes down to the FEELING …is there RELEIF , fun … involved in the thoughts in the activity is it a flow of Tao when the thoughts come ? ..Relief is the letting go of RESISTANCE … going down stream . and the turtle ever watch the turtle swim around in nature .. in the flow ,,,,,
The land torise around here seems to struggle its way around . the see turtle glides thru the atmosphere of water finding abundance …. With the flow.., less micro management ,, with the flow and with flow I was choosing anew book out of my libarary and I am suprized at what I picked what flew into my hand … and the amount of under lining and margin writing I had done in that book in years past in fact I am kinda suprized I own that title ….. I have in pat refered to other titles exactly but not that one that I remember , so it will be fun to see response to this book laying on the table at Jammin in Jensen luckly the cover and title do not realy expsoe the true nature of its content … and now seeing it from the view point of …. http://www.instinctualism.org/book_of_positve_aspects.html
Young master I Ref’d before the all possibility of OMENS …. Who am I to limit toa , when the UN COMMON IS common waz! UP with that ,, when streams of lfow in my writing keep going in ceratin directions I go waz! Up with that …..
So I caught a baby barracuda today and released it and what came to mind is that if it lives to reproduce the events of its capature willb e recorded in the DNa ½ of seuxual reproduction on the part of that Cuda , ( being fish the male and female are both activity gentic mutators and evovlers being that the eggs are created yearly not in advance like human ..where it is the male who ADDS THE EVOLUTIOANRY DNA data for future generations to benifit from ) hmmm I have seen this event happen in many species as they become accustomed to the techniques of the anglers they evolve and survive it is only when the fisherman kills off all they catch and nothing survivies in numbers enough to geneitcaly effect future generations that problems happen or no apdaptation becomes event over a decade . and while fishing I saw again the TURTLE …. Why is the sea turtle OMEN , well I have lived here now 15 years … had an Osprey come and go running with me it flying from elcetri pole to electric pole all along my mile run in the morning and come back it idi every day for a week and the day I came out eary ,, it flew in to my running pattern while I was about half way thru ….. hmmmm ,,, I have conoes day after day with wild porpsoe who who glide along with me as interested in looking up at me with that great big eye as I was excited in gliding in the ater with them ….. the 3 coral sankes of a few months past , very strange …. This turtle shows up about a week ago ,, and then there was a dream ….
Now you sleep not because the TOA self needs sleep but because the BIO MACHINE evolved around having down time for self repair ,,, along the lines of lifestyle based upon LIGHT .. nocturnal or day light living …. You ..the you that uses the bio machines ,,DE-focus’s from the activity of the bio machine and returns to the UNTHINKABLE …. In the UNTHINKABLE , you may dream? Be active in unthinkable ways ? and how can you remember this activity and translation unless you remember it interms of this ATOMIC AGREEMENT STATE , without references to this atomic life it would be UN- understandable or processable by our brains … crazy dream ever have 1? Well that is the explanation of th sages . …me I dream very rarely they say , I so content with my now that the UNTHINKABLE holds nothing much for me to bring back ..to the adventure I already and engrossed …. But I had a dream …and a turtle ….. and few other dreams along the same theme and more of the turtle themes in my Stream of Consciousness writing that I almost try to resist yet it is the theme I get the urge to write about while I am running ….. strange … some goals are best kept to SELF ..to say a goal has been born … no , it would be just the law of attraction being the …… under lying force ….a force … not a goal of the likes that would cause me , uncomfort in the not achieving …. Yet the evidence trail of BELIEF is needed for any goal to be .. do you believe it is possible ? form the expression of atomic structure would it could it be possible ? and who would do the limiting of it? If the possibleity of it is atomically possible?
Who then is standing in the way of you manifesting what you want other than your acceptatnce of the PROgraming THAT you WERE TRAINED in ?
The wise old turtle …………… the omen of what history tells from the storys of myth when a turtle comes to the ABORINGAL American …… what did the sage say ? and how does it relte to the themes I seem to be writing I wonder …. Hmmm . the Baracude itself is kinda weird …. I have not caught one of those the years back when I first moved here , I was happy to see cuda that summer since I grew up eating cuda ,,, but the years went by and the regular local species came to bite my hook and give me fresh meat … and the thought of CUda was lost ….. hmmmm . fun fun fun ….. adventures and un expected ideas … and then it really comes down to the FEELING …is there RELEIF , fun … involved in the thoughts in the activity is it a flow of Tao when the thoughts come ? ..Relief is the letting go of RESISTANCE … going down stream . and the turtle ever watch the turtle swim around in nature .. in the flow ,,,,,
The land torise around here seems to struggle its way around . the see turtle glides thru the atmosphere of water finding abundance …. With the flow.., less micro management ,, with the flow and with flow I was choosing anew book out of my libarary and I am suprized at what I picked what flew into my hand … and the amount of under lining and margin writing I had done in that book in years past in fact I am kinda suprized I own that title ….. I have in pat refered to other titles exactly but not that one that I remember , so it will be fun to see response to this book laying on the table at Jammin in Jensen luckly the cover and title do not realy expsoe the true nature of its content … and now seeing it from the view point of …. http://www.instinctualism.org/book_of_positve_aspects.html
dignity of sexual climax
Young master the reason for BEING itself is the chance to form choices that lead to bliss , to happiness to BETTER BETTER feelings ,, ALIGNMENT in the experience of THINGS .. AND with the WHOLE state of I in I .. or Tao . or pure positive energy http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
Tell yourself young master when that lil’ girl is fucking with you when you are both playing getting hotter and hotter with each other ..lost in the ZONE of ..BEING-NESS this is one of those pure states of alignment … . http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html . IT IS FOR SURE USING THE FLOOD of HORMONES highs which we mistakenly call love …… but living ,,, being is the USE OF THE ATOMIC WORLD …. The for us ,,in this experience the use of a BIO MACHINE called human . and like every other animal we are designed to LOVE SEX …. Sex makes sure there are lots of other opurutunitys for Being.. for other player to come forth … and masturbation is included here ..it is the alignment with sourse when interaction with others is not available the alignment can still be available .
Remember the effects of PERJORATIVES … on you just hereing the word god YOU IMEDIATELY deep in your mind seee and old man with white hair sitiing in judgement on a cloud ….. Myth ……
DIGNITY…… when you here that word you see a PICTURE of self that is ofter one of BEING …. ALOOF cold in control …. Is this HAPPYNESS ? alignment with source ..what is really wated in the personel life we live or is the word DIGNITY all about the fashion of being PROUD AND POWERFUL LIKE ….PHAROH ?
Then what is dignity? Is the image of horny girl alone playing with her wet pussy as she trys to IN VISION what type of life she would like to live … doing the 5 steps http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html and in there she sees herself being FEMALE or the pentrated and moaning in DIGNITY as she sexually cummmmmms http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html ...... ( why does that image hae a conflict in you ? it is just your fucking programming ..because dignity should be about the pureness of the TRUTH … and the truth is not about $$$ or power and the pain your power can inflict on humanity ..but in the pureness of your love and ceeptance of SELF and others ……. Exposing your own dignity to be aligned with source and love )
Naturist or nude or nudism celebrate the totlality of humanity the equality and DIGNITY of all in their age sex or condition scared by life ? you are dignified http://www.instinctualism.org/nudist.html
young master I just can not get over ,,, One theory of soulmates, presented by Aristophanes in Plato's Symposium, is that humans originally consisted of four arms, four legs, and a single head made of two faces, but Zeus feared their power and split them all in half, condemning them to spend their lives searching for the other half to complete them ….THIS IS THE CULTURE that formed weatern civilization ? our Plato or Aristole our so-crates ….. the great thinkers that laid the basis for so much of what we take for granted in terms of sciences …. I know Aristotle was a great observer of thenatural world his descriptions of creatures were difinative ….. where o hhh fucking where was the evidence trail of that 4 armed human ?
fairy tale bed time storys gone fucking wild , told to little girls to explain the world as grand mother wanted it to be …… and all the dads and granddads had better TOW THE LINE OR THEY GOT no! PUSSY … ahhh the greeks were very sexually manipulative . … actually poligny ,,, or 1 woman servicing multiple men is what we have in western culture ,,, in fht forms of our sex industry ….. and the cultures that have adopted or be polluted by the GREED of eve and her puppet PHAROH … behind every great man is a great woman .
young master this month I feel is a another good month to remeind ourselves of the constant power of the mind fuck …. Look at the covers of womens magazines this month … look at what they are selling in the way of information to get females to part with their hard earned money in these econimc times of stress …. And think for yourself about what you see as the headlines ….. by now I trust you young master to be able to think outside of the box of your programming … and many younger Eves too can see for themselves what they will be SUCKED inot also …. lest they … help you create the ALTER NATIVE .
There is a big mix out there, and there's lots of different things going on, and there is not one way that was intended to be the right way. Just like there's not one color or one flower or one vegetable or one fingerprint. There is not one that is to be the right one over all others. The variety is what fosters the creativity. And so you say, "Okay, I accept that there's lots of variety, but I don't like to eat cucumbers." Don't eat cucumbers. But don't ask them to be eliminated and don't condemn those who eat them. Don't stand on corners waving signs trying to outlaw the things that you don't like. Don't ruin your life by pushing against. Instead, say, "I choose this instead. This does please me.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Rye, NY on Sunday, October 12th, 1997
This does please me , bring me in alignment with source ….. dignify me http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html
Young master the reason for BEING itself is the chance to form choices that lead to bliss , to happiness to BETTER BETTER feelings ,, ALIGNMENT in the experience of THINGS .. AND with the WHOLE state of I in I .. or Tao . or pure positive energy http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
Tell yourself young master when that lil’ girl is fucking with you when you are both playing getting hotter and hotter with each other ..lost in the ZONE of ..BEING-NESS this is one of those pure states of alignment … . http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html . IT IS FOR SURE USING THE FLOOD of HORMONES highs which we mistakenly call love …… but living ,,, being is the USE OF THE ATOMIC WORLD …. The for us ,,in this experience the use of a BIO MACHINE called human . and like every other animal we are designed to LOVE SEX …. Sex makes sure there are lots of other opurutunitys for Being.. for other player to come forth … and masturbation is included here ..it is the alignment with sourse when interaction with others is not available the alignment can still be available .
Remember the effects of PERJORATIVES … on you just hereing the word god YOU IMEDIATELY deep in your mind seee and old man with white hair sitiing in judgement on a cloud ….. Myth ……
DIGNITY…… when you here that word you see a PICTURE of self that is ofter one of BEING …. ALOOF cold in control …. Is this HAPPYNESS ? alignment with source ..what is really wated in the personel life we live or is the word DIGNITY all about the fashion of being PROUD AND POWERFUL LIKE ….PHAROH ?
Then what is dignity? Is the image of horny girl alone playing with her wet pussy as she trys to IN VISION what type of life she would like to live … doing the 5 steps http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html and in there she sees herself being FEMALE or the pentrated and moaning in DIGNITY as she sexually cummmmmms http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html ...... ( why does that image hae a conflict in you ? it is just your fucking programming ..because dignity should be about the pureness of the TRUTH … and the truth is not about $$$ or power and the pain your power can inflict on humanity ..but in the pureness of your love and ceeptance of SELF and others ……. Exposing your own dignity to be aligned with source and love )
Naturist or nude or nudism celebrate the totlality of humanity the equality and DIGNITY of all in their age sex or condition scared by life ? you are dignified http://www.instinctualism.org/nudist.html
young master I just can not get over ,,, One theory of soulmates, presented by Aristophanes in Plato's Symposium, is that humans originally consisted of four arms, four legs, and a single head made of two faces, but Zeus feared their power and split them all in half, condemning them to spend their lives searching for the other half to complete them ….THIS IS THE CULTURE that formed weatern civilization ? our Plato or Aristole our so-crates ….. the great thinkers that laid the basis for so much of what we take for granted in terms of sciences …. I know Aristotle was a great observer of thenatural world his descriptions of creatures were difinative ….. where o hhh fucking where was the evidence trail of that 4 armed human ?
fairy tale bed time storys gone fucking wild , told to little girls to explain the world as grand mother wanted it to be …… and all the dads and granddads had better TOW THE LINE OR THEY GOT no! PUSSY … ahhh the greeks were very sexually manipulative . … actually poligny ,,, or 1 woman servicing multiple men is what we have in western culture ,,, in fht forms of our sex industry ….. and the cultures that have adopted or be polluted by the GREED of eve and her puppet PHAROH … behind every great man is a great woman .
young master this month I feel is a another good month to remeind ourselves of the constant power of the mind fuck …. Look at the covers of womens magazines this month … look at what they are selling in the way of information to get females to part with their hard earned money in these econimc times of stress …. And think for yourself about what you see as the headlines ….. by now I trust you young master to be able to think outside of the box of your programming … and many younger Eves too can see for themselves what they will be SUCKED inot also …. lest they … help you create the ALTER NATIVE .
There is a big mix out there, and there's lots of different things going on, and there is not one way that was intended to be the right way. Just like there's not one color or one flower or one vegetable or one fingerprint. There is not one that is to be the right one over all others. The variety is what fosters the creativity. And so you say, "Okay, I accept that there's lots of variety, but I don't like to eat cucumbers." Don't eat cucumbers. But don't ask them to be eliminated and don't condemn those who eat them. Don't stand on corners waving signs trying to outlaw the things that you don't like. Don't ruin your life by pushing against. Instead, say, "I choose this instead. This does please me.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Rye, NY on Sunday, October 12th, 1997
This does please me , bring me in alignment with source ….. dignify me http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html
Monday, September 21, 2009
pussy over easy
Young master ,,, unconditional love is or starts in you then projects outside , life experience starts in you then you find it from the in fi nite .. you find what you want to find , so you want to find the acceptance of your wants , but that awareness of DOUBT that others are accepting of you is the condtional love … you are starting within you then finding ….. ( now again remember the program for the bio machine was accepted by a CLEARSLATE .. user of a bio machine who accepted the program of LACK given it from birth by teacher and parents and slave masters … you the I … in … I … know all but choose to forget all to enjoy the oppurutunity to have experience from the view point of a clear slate …. )
Is it possible ? pussy over easy ? what do girls do , in the vastness of their own fanasty world ,,,not the world they live in where they live in their own fears and CONDTIONAL LOVE … of themselves if others love them first ..what if she gets it ? gets all the freedom avaialbe in http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html .....
Ahhh pussy pussy pussy …. That flow of hormones ….. she too is a victim of the bio macnines flood of constant hormones ….. but too is the totality of enjoyable life style to just have the dick and pussy aspect with no supporting life style in place will not provide the stability to keep the flood of pussy coming over easy …
One theory of soulmates, presented by Aristophanes in Plato's Symposium, is that humans originally consisted of four arms, four legs, and a single head made of two faces, but Zeus feared their power and split them all in half, condemning them to spend their lives searching for the other half to complete them LET GET REAL the now adays almost equality between MALE AND FEMALE birth rates are because of UN NATURAL SELCETION , of women for marriages based upon the amount of the MALE birth rate I the family …the need to have more men to serve in the armys of the SOCIO PATHS . ( pharohs , kings etc ) http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html the greeks were on of the first cultures to mandate … 1 on1 marriages , and from this exploration you can understand the sublte amnipulation of the EVE SPIRIT being born ,,,, like a criminal who is always NOT GUILTY and points fingers at others so does the sublte expression ogreed seep from the eve spirit ..to deny what is and focus on the cause being outside of SELF … the problem or the UNWANTED ,, thus never realy explored no FOCUS OF SOLUTION can realy be attempted .
http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html so the rock keeps getting throw up into the ari and it falls …..
http://www.youtube.com/user/mrintegralpermanence#play/all/uploads-all/2/pUrS0nePVlI an intersting young self exploring the ideas of CULTURE part of permaculture …permaculture does not have to be so defined ,, or rigid ,,,, simple expression can be made quickly and more generational expressions will happen by themselves , creating swales of land to trap or guide rain waters in drought prone areas .. are expressesd in the 5 scres site plan with the PIT used for construction material and the resulting recreational swimming areas provided http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html culture is not just agri culture ..but human culture RELATIONSHIPS …. The supportive poly family provides that relaxesd supportive family unit the PERMACULTURE site site is developed around human recreation needs with food being every where ….. as seasons flow .
I have been thinking about my own young expereiment , since I did not develop it from scratch ,, and since it is my kindergarten sand box where I am still learning to write my own mname in fact learning the alphabet , learning the growning habits of the alphabet plants used in my story ….. I feel some pride in having been able to eat everyday from my own land atleast one meal ….. a meal being a few hands fulls of food as that we are designed to GRAZE ove time not feed like SLAVES like PHAROHS industrial machine needs us to . as my fruit supply starts to end ….. ( mine I see avacados on trees bannana all around , cocounts coming ripe , papaya etc etc ..plants I never planted at my house years past or they never took ) I rmember , from may till now the ending of september , daily I had my slald greens ,, plus the Carrisa , mango , wild grape , cocoplum , …. My loquat and babrabos chaerry are seting fruit and the cocoplum is setting the second crop flowers … and I feel that sense of MASLOW HIERACHY of needs being satifyed while I still meanily eat from a grocery store kinda …… oh yeah I forgot about fishing in the front yard and the supply of perserves and juices I put away for later in the year real simple to do eviromentally freiendly since you re use the galss containers , get a link to BALL CANNING from http://www.instinctualism.org/free_food.html …. http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html from the freedom from basic under lying fear issues , natural human bio machine issues comes a sense of peace the ALIGNMENT WITH SOURCE .. that gives then the freedom to dream MUCH MUCH LARGER DREAMS . of pussy coming over easy …… and will that mean ? the skills developed thru the study of http://www.instinctualism.org/dating.html will make the very UNCOMFRATBLE for the masses activity of dating … to be less uncomfortable . you expose your self love unconditional love of who and what and where and why lyou live ,,,, to those who have FREE CHOICE to be attracted ,,, law of attraction and interest .. or not freedom to come and go .
A decision is the focusing of the Energy of desire, and the decision point happens when the desire is powerful enough. --- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Spring, MD on Saturday, April 19th, 1997
Simple words form the sage , when the UNCOMFORTABLE IS Uncomforatble enough you will decide to get up and move …… move where ,,towards what you hope will be BETTER , adapting that , idea of better with each experince event minute
Young master ,,, unconditional love is or starts in you then projects outside , life experience starts in you then you find it from the in fi nite .. you find what you want to find , so you want to find the acceptance of your wants , but that awareness of DOUBT that others are accepting of you is the condtional love … you are starting within you then finding ….. ( now again remember the program for the bio machine was accepted by a CLEARSLATE .. user of a bio machine who accepted the program of LACK given it from birth by teacher and parents and slave masters … you the I … in … I … know all but choose to forget all to enjoy the oppurutunity to have experience from the view point of a clear slate …. )
Is it possible ? pussy over easy ? what do girls do , in the vastness of their own fanasty world ,,,not the world they live in where they live in their own fears and CONDTIONAL LOVE … of themselves if others love them first ..what if she gets it ? gets all the freedom avaialbe in http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html .....
Ahhh pussy pussy pussy …. That flow of hormones ….. she too is a victim of the bio macnines flood of constant hormones ….. but too is the totality of enjoyable life style to just have the dick and pussy aspect with no supporting life style in place will not provide the stability to keep the flood of pussy coming over easy …
One theory of soulmates, presented by Aristophanes in Plato's Symposium, is that humans originally consisted of four arms, four legs, and a single head made of two faces, but Zeus feared their power and split them all in half, condemning them to spend their lives searching for the other half to complete them LET GET REAL the now adays almost equality between MALE AND FEMALE birth rates are because of UN NATURAL SELCETION , of women for marriages based upon the amount of the MALE birth rate I the family …the need to have more men to serve in the armys of the SOCIO PATHS . ( pharohs , kings etc ) http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html the greeks were on of the first cultures to mandate … 1 on1 marriages , and from this exploration you can understand the sublte amnipulation of the EVE SPIRIT being born ,,,, like a criminal who is always NOT GUILTY and points fingers at others so does the sublte expression ogreed seep from the eve spirit ..to deny what is and focus on the cause being outside of SELF … the problem or the UNWANTED ,, thus never realy explored no FOCUS OF SOLUTION can realy be attempted .
http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html so the rock keeps getting throw up into the ari and it falls …..
http://www.youtube.com/user/mrintegralpermanence#play/all/uploads-all/2/pUrS0nePVlI an intersting young self exploring the ideas of CULTURE part of permaculture …permaculture does not have to be so defined ,, or rigid ,,,, simple expression can be made quickly and more generational expressions will happen by themselves , creating swales of land to trap or guide rain waters in drought prone areas .. are expressesd in the 5 scres site plan with the PIT used for construction material and the resulting recreational swimming areas provided http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html culture is not just agri culture ..but human culture RELATIONSHIPS …. The supportive poly family provides that relaxesd supportive family unit the PERMACULTURE site site is developed around human recreation needs with food being every where ….. as seasons flow .
I have been thinking about my own young expereiment , since I did not develop it from scratch ,, and since it is my kindergarten sand box where I am still learning to write my own mname in fact learning the alphabet , learning the growning habits of the alphabet plants used in my story ….. I feel some pride in having been able to eat everyday from my own land atleast one meal ….. a meal being a few hands fulls of food as that we are designed to GRAZE ove time not feed like SLAVES like PHAROHS industrial machine needs us to . as my fruit supply starts to end ….. ( mine I see avacados on trees bannana all around , cocounts coming ripe , papaya etc etc ..plants I never planted at my house years past or they never took ) I rmember , from may till now the ending of september , daily I had my slald greens ,, plus the Carrisa , mango , wild grape , cocoplum , …. My loquat and babrabos chaerry are seting fruit and the cocoplum is setting the second crop flowers … and I feel that sense of MASLOW HIERACHY of needs being satifyed while I still meanily eat from a grocery store kinda …… oh yeah I forgot about fishing in the front yard and the supply of perserves and juices I put away for later in the year real simple to do eviromentally freiendly since you re use the galss containers , get a link to BALL CANNING from http://www.instinctualism.org/free_food.html …. http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html from the freedom from basic under lying fear issues , natural human bio machine issues comes a sense of peace the ALIGNMENT WITH SOURCE .. that gives then the freedom to dream MUCH MUCH LARGER DREAMS . of pussy coming over easy …… and will that mean ? the skills developed thru the study of http://www.instinctualism.org/dating.html will make the very UNCOMFRATBLE for the masses activity of dating … to be less uncomfortable . you expose your self love unconditional love of who and what and where and why lyou live ,,,, to those who have FREE CHOICE to be attracted ,,, law of attraction and interest .. or not freedom to come and go .
A decision is the focusing of the Energy of desire, and the decision point happens when the desire is powerful enough. --- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Spring, MD on Saturday, April 19th, 1997
Simple words form the sage , when the UNCOMFORTABLE IS Uncomforatble enough you will decide to get up and move …… move where ,,towards what you hope will be BETTER , adapting that , idea of better with each experince event minute
Sunday, September 20, 2009
young brave
Young brave
Young master so the question was posed of SOURCE ,, the word tool as the voice of the sage decribes … the imposible to describe but we need a word too to commicate …. to be put inot words UNTHINKABLE , into a word and name called source and Abraham ….. and the question was about death……….. why do we fear it so?
Be cause of your socializing …was the answer …. Until you are socialized to fear it you have no fear of it ….. little play while we greive and cry about death ,,, we cry at the losss of the presence of a friend ,, but we are also crying because of the fear we hold ..of death for ourselves and the fear we project on to tohers important to us …
What about the cultures that taught that death was thransition out of the game just as birth is just the taranstion inot the gaem ,,,, IT IS A GOOD DAY TO DIE …. Our fucked up focus caused by the perjorative meaning stimulated just by the use of the word DEATH ,, or die when the intetn form the speaker was to talk of his PROGRAMING of good times happy happy joy aroung being-ness , IN … IN FI NITE … POSSIBLES … not just pyshihcal and non-physical or Tao ….. but in an unthinkable array of other self forms in between and beyong the thinkable ….. do not forget that UNTHINKABLE NESS way way way beyond the 2 gigiabytes of humanb rain processing power .
But what about the animal or cellaur or dna …WILL TO live survival instinct ….. hey remember can freely choice to go running into a burning house to save some one with all knowing it can cause our death … yet can FREE TO CHOOSE ..that actions shows that celluar or DNA … is just a part of the whole …..not the WHOLE ITSELF …. Fear of death is instinctual ..it serves to insure that we do not act stupidly to often for if we as aspecies we to act that way in large numbers our birth rate would decline ,,,,hmmm interesting to see that as cultures become more greedy and westernized their birth rate ,, sslips into negatives …… life becomes ssuch a hell that you do not want to burden another generation to suffer it …. Confuse and conquer when the abudance has an evidence trail so vast ,,, if only we were taught about the it ,,, to enjoy …relaxtion ..instead of stress ..then maybe HOPE WOULD ABOUND and then laughter would be herad from lil’ running naturally in the grass fear from fear of death and free to enjoy the now they have with the instinctual guidance to act in accord with BIO mechanical design that tends them to be safe sso they can themselves have the enjoyment of being PARENT later on ..to large family …… lots of laughter ,,,
If you understand the ..abundance … and leave out the fears of society and their fashion dictates . ( action life style choices clothes job cars money etc ) or body shape ,,,, eat natural asl you were designed by the actions of nature in the procuring of food and you will express the natural health that kept this form of HOMINID evolving for 12 million years .. the abundance the fun …. Of the minimal ist ?
OK you have acees to my ideas thru www.insticntualism.org .. but remember that is my ideas and from page one it is stated over and over think for yourelf this is just a tool for you to see there is a POSSIBLE ….. the activity after achieving maslow ‘s hierarchy of needs is in the living of life as a family and for them to see and be part of your growth as you expand into new wants maybe it is learning to play the harmonica , or a new aspect of a self employement idea ,,, they the GIRLS get support from watching each others expressions of new wants ….. and the of course the INSTINCTUAL pull of watching children grow ,,wow that is really powerful ..pulling you into the vortex …fear free …
No word of the sage but clip a sound bite … http://www.youtube.com/user/autoayudaespiritual …. Living the positive aspects of now as you realize this is all part and parcel of the becoming of this 1 adventure …. Happy is not in finishing the game with most toys but in the gathering of …..
Young master so the question was posed of SOURCE ,, the word tool as the voice of the sage decribes … the imposible to describe but we need a word too to commicate …. to be put inot words UNTHINKABLE , into a word and name called source and Abraham ….. and the question was about death……….. why do we fear it so?
Be cause of your socializing …was the answer …. Until you are socialized to fear it you have no fear of it ….. little play while we greive and cry about death ,,, we cry at the losss of the presence of a friend ,, but we are also crying because of the fear we hold ..of death for ourselves and the fear we project on to tohers important to us …
What about the cultures that taught that death was thransition out of the game just as birth is just the taranstion inot the gaem ,,,, IT IS A GOOD DAY TO DIE …. Our fucked up focus caused by the perjorative meaning stimulated just by the use of the word DEATH ,, or die when the intetn form the speaker was to talk of his PROGRAMING of good times happy happy joy aroung being-ness , IN … IN FI NITE … POSSIBLES … not just pyshihcal and non-physical or Tao ….. but in an unthinkable array of other self forms in between and beyong the thinkable ….. do not forget that UNTHINKABLE NESS way way way beyond the 2 gigiabytes of humanb rain processing power .
But what about the animal or cellaur or dna …WILL TO live survival instinct ….. hey remember can freely choice to go running into a burning house to save some one with all knowing it can cause our death … yet can FREE TO CHOOSE ..that actions shows that celluar or DNA … is just a part of the whole …..not the WHOLE ITSELF …. Fear of death is instinctual ..it serves to insure that we do not act stupidly to often for if we as aspecies we to act that way in large numbers our birth rate would decline ,,,,hmmm interesting to see that as cultures become more greedy and westernized their birth rate ,, sslips into negatives …… life becomes ssuch a hell that you do not want to burden another generation to suffer it …. Confuse and conquer when the abudance has an evidence trail so vast ,,, if only we were taught about the it ,,, to enjoy …relaxtion ..instead of stress ..then maybe HOPE WOULD ABOUND and then laughter would be herad from lil’ running naturally in the grass fear from fear of death and free to enjoy the now they have with the instinctual guidance to act in accord with BIO mechanical design that tends them to be safe sso they can themselves have the enjoyment of being PARENT later on ..to large family …… lots of laughter ,,,
If you understand the ..abundance … and leave out the fears of society and their fashion dictates . ( action life style choices clothes job cars money etc ) or body shape ,,,, eat natural asl you were designed by the actions of nature in the procuring of food and you will express the natural health that kept this form of HOMINID evolving for 12 million years .. the abundance the fun …. Of the minimal ist ?
OK you have acees to my ideas thru www.insticntualism.org .. but remember that is my ideas and from page one it is stated over and over think for yourelf this is just a tool for you to see there is a POSSIBLE ….. the activity after achieving maslow ‘s hierarchy of needs is in the living of life as a family and for them to see and be part of your growth as you expand into new wants maybe it is learning to play the harmonica , or a new aspect of a self employement idea ,,, they the GIRLS get support from watching each others expressions of new wants ….. and the of course the INSTINCTUAL pull of watching children grow ,,wow that is really powerful ..pulling you into the vortex …fear free …
No word of the sage but clip a sound bite … http://www.youtube.com/user/autoayudaespiritual …. Living the positive aspects of now as you realize this is all part and parcel of the becoming of this 1 adventure …. Happy is not in finishing the game with most toys but in the gathering of …..
Saturday, September 19, 2009
see you shit
See you shit
Young master a preacher I heard once said that ANGLES CAN SEE YOU WHEN YOU SHIT ….. and I took notice of that PREACHER yep yep yep ,, it was so outside of the expected that I had to listen to him , well he thought that when you arrived at a dmenesion that stable point was that what we call the speed of light you would enter heaven and there would humans with wings on their backs muscles and DNA structures that made that possible ( winged beginnings are based upon the LONGING form freedom form slavery ,,the birds could fly in and leave while the slave was trapped by his fear of death ,,forced to serve the god/king PHAROH ) THIS preachers idea or THINKABLE was of course based in 1 possiblityt of the unlimted AND is poosilble given t he parameters of the FORGGETTING we choose to allow … form t he I ,, WHAT IS ALWAYS PART AND STINLL IN THE … IN – N I …. Non self with infinite self possiblite expressions … possible who am I to put a brick wall in heaven http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html just because of a book written by people who heard some one else describe their personel idea about the unthinkable or source like ESTER Hicks does .
Actually this is about the LOFTY IDEAL of UNCONDTIONAL LOVE …. And as you vibrate so you live so if you are HIDING ,, you vibrate fear ….. or NON LOVE ..about as aspect of YOU … yet angels can still this this ? the non pyshical still sees it all in REAL TIME your dead granny seee you hears your thoughts and says ,,YEP YEP YEP iremember hiding the same feeling myself .. the same silent despereation voived by the voice of the SAGE thru SHAKESPEARE ..who talked about silent desperation … opps no not shakes dude but …. http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Henry_David_Thoreau .... Just way to much data to keep corredct about that is why think forysourself do not let me or any one else do theingking .
Un concditional love is first aceepting you ,,, in the eyes of the REAL WORLD … and maybe the idea that the real world is still in and OF THE NON PSYCHICLA will help yuou realize you do not hide anything. that is SELF DELUSISON … as you love self complete unconditionally as you let you self EXPOSE SELF to those who become attracted to you as you are ,,,, you end the trap of comparision a battle within .. WHERE you are at odds with what you see others have and you do not have … or you do and maybe others do not do … the manifestations of the FIGHTING rips you away from your own emeotiona guidance to serve the wants of the socio path PHAROH … in y our confusion easy to be lead by 1 who states they will teach .. when you accept you exhibit the effects of manipulation … and everyone ,, everyone else is living it also ,,, as you accept you you vibrate love … love of you and then love of them arrives as they are not as they SHOULD BE ..UN conditional love .. of another point of focus ,, part of the I IN I …… the soul mate self which is every state of BEINGNESS ,, tree bug human , or rock ,,the being .. of the use of Quantum assembaleges …. LIKE YOU ARE .
But do you realy LIKE you , or are you still comparing yourself ,,does this comparison creep into your FOCUS? Yep sure of course you were trained from day one to compare compare compare and ,,, this LOOKING OUTSIDE of self will allow you to nitice that this 1 or that 1 has some ting or is something that you are not and thus you are lacking . you can give yourself lip service saying you like SELF but as you notice this UN CONCIUOS comparing still creeping in do not RESIST this knowledge but embrace it and find its aspect of psotive for you … so that the program no longer shows you LACK but helps to decern WANTS … happy for them ….. who have that which you do not . for in their having you get the oppurutunity to expand your own WANTING http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html and from this SHIFT in focus or thinking about an aspect ,, the inner choice of you to reframe ….. you enter more and more into UN CONDITIONAL LOVE .
But what about the fear that still creeps in about the un acceptable ness of self in the eyes of those who you thinkyou wish to accept you …is this the LAW OF ATTRACTION attracting to you those who want to know you ? or the forcing ..of you unto others actually …. Hard to put it into words …. If you be and interact and allo others to incounter the real you so that they attract themselves to you for you …. Then there is no worry about if who or what you are is what they would find acceptable …. Or fasionalbe or guessing what they would like … which is the core of living for the wants of others not of yourself ,a nd the wants of others will change like leaves a on tree season to season . and your worry about how they SEE you is the seed of not likeing self , and the cycle of condtional love starts with in you … as you worry if you live up to anothers conditions .
The thoughts that you think will - wanted or not wanted - eventually become manifestation if your vibrational accord is sufficient enough... And so, you could say, as you're launching thoughts of appreciation and things that make you feel good, that you're filling your Vibrational Escrow full of all kinds of things that are going to please you when you get there.--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Sacramento, CA on Wednesday, July 27th, 2005
Vibrational escrow ,, a confusing WORD TOOL … it continues the false idea of separation ,,, of that this , event of faster than NANO SECOND experience of matter is REALLY REAL and there is a….. in here and out there …. When infact there is only the always of being in AND OF ..tao ever expanding in unthinkable ways one of which is the expression of a GAME called THING – NESS or mater or illsusion of IN HERE AND OUT THERE … the escrow is the potential new STORY written by you choice born form the experience of WANTED AND UNWATED … the amount of REAL WANTO you have for that WANT as compared to other things that get your attention is what the sage is refereeing to a vibrational accord …..
But what about the unwated events that show up in life ,,,, a life with NO UNWATED would mean you are still in the state of TAO ….. no feelings since everything is …. Always … the experiences of unwanted are ght gifts from which the wats are better ..crafted designed re-designed and people and events needed for the expansion of the WANTS you have will be come the flow of your experiences . the things that will please you … really there are lots more days that your car starts properly than the one day it does not … there are many more days you breath every few seconds 1000’s upon 1000’s of times than the few days you cough from a cold ….. the OVERWHELMING good is expressed so much we forget to rememeber that over whelming good is what is realy around us ,,,,, 14 people die from a bomb blast in some far off city ,, while at the same time 6 billion people are eating breathing talking to each other kissing fishing FUCKING … playing laughing etc etc etc …… over whelming good .
Young master a preacher I heard once said that ANGLES CAN SEE YOU WHEN YOU SHIT ….. and I took notice of that PREACHER yep yep yep ,, it was so outside of the expected that I had to listen to him , well he thought that when you arrived at a dmenesion that stable point was that what we call the speed of light you would enter heaven and there would humans with wings on their backs muscles and DNA structures that made that possible ( winged beginnings are based upon the LONGING form freedom form slavery ,,the birds could fly in and leave while the slave was trapped by his fear of death ,,forced to serve the god/king PHAROH ) THIS preachers idea or THINKABLE was of course based in 1 possiblityt of the unlimted AND is poosilble given t he parameters of the FORGGETTING we choose to allow … form t he I ,, WHAT IS ALWAYS PART AND STINLL IN THE … IN – N I …. Non self with infinite self possiblite expressions … possible who am I to put a brick wall in heaven http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html just because of a book written by people who heard some one else describe their personel idea about the unthinkable or source like ESTER Hicks does .
Actually this is about the LOFTY IDEAL of UNCONDTIONAL LOVE …. And as you vibrate so you live so if you are HIDING ,, you vibrate fear ….. or NON LOVE ..about as aspect of YOU … yet angels can still this this ? the non pyshical still sees it all in REAL TIME your dead granny seee you hears your thoughts and says ,,YEP YEP YEP iremember hiding the same feeling myself .. the same silent despereation voived by the voice of the SAGE thru SHAKESPEARE ..who talked about silent desperation … opps no not shakes dude but …. http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Henry_David_Thoreau .... Just way to much data to keep corredct about that is why think forysourself do not let me or any one else do theingking .
Un concditional love is first aceepting you ,,, in the eyes of the REAL WORLD … and maybe the idea that the real world is still in and OF THE NON PSYCHICLA will help yuou realize you do not hide anything. that is SELF DELUSISON … as you love self complete unconditionally as you let you self EXPOSE SELF to those who become attracted to you as you are ,,,, you end the trap of comparision a battle within .. WHERE you are at odds with what you see others have and you do not have … or you do and maybe others do not do … the manifestations of the FIGHTING rips you away from your own emeotiona guidance to serve the wants of the socio path PHAROH … in y our confusion easy to be lead by 1 who states they will teach .. when you accept you exhibit the effects of manipulation … and everyone ,, everyone else is living it also ,,, as you accept you you vibrate love … love of you and then love of them arrives as they are not as they SHOULD BE ..UN conditional love .. of another point of focus ,, part of the I IN I …… the soul mate self which is every state of BEINGNESS ,, tree bug human , or rock ,,the being .. of the use of Quantum assembaleges …. LIKE YOU ARE .
But do you realy LIKE you , or are you still comparing yourself ,,does this comparison creep into your FOCUS? Yep sure of course you were trained from day one to compare compare compare and ,,, this LOOKING OUTSIDE of self will allow you to nitice that this 1 or that 1 has some ting or is something that you are not and thus you are lacking . you can give yourself lip service saying you like SELF but as you notice this UN CONCIUOS comparing still creeping in do not RESIST this knowledge but embrace it and find its aspect of psotive for you … so that the program no longer shows you LACK but helps to decern WANTS … happy for them ….. who have that which you do not . for in their having you get the oppurutunity to expand your own WANTING http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html and from this SHIFT in focus or thinking about an aspect ,, the inner choice of you to reframe ….. you enter more and more into UN CONDITIONAL LOVE .
But what about the fear that still creeps in about the un acceptable ness of self in the eyes of those who you thinkyou wish to accept you …is this the LAW OF ATTRACTION attracting to you those who want to know you ? or the forcing ..of you unto others actually …. Hard to put it into words …. If you be and interact and allo others to incounter the real you so that they attract themselves to you for you …. Then there is no worry about if who or what you are is what they would find acceptable …. Or fasionalbe or guessing what they would like … which is the core of living for the wants of others not of yourself ,a nd the wants of others will change like leaves a on tree season to season . and your worry about how they SEE you is the seed of not likeing self , and the cycle of condtional love starts with in you … as you worry if you live up to anothers conditions .
The thoughts that you think will - wanted or not wanted - eventually become manifestation if your vibrational accord is sufficient enough... And so, you could say, as you're launching thoughts of appreciation and things that make you feel good, that you're filling your Vibrational Escrow full of all kinds of things that are going to please you when you get there.--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Sacramento, CA on Wednesday, July 27th, 2005
Vibrational escrow ,, a confusing WORD TOOL … it continues the false idea of separation ,,, of that this , event of faster than NANO SECOND experience of matter is REALLY REAL and there is a….. in here and out there …. When infact there is only the always of being in AND OF ..tao ever expanding in unthinkable ways one of which is the expression of a GAME called THING – NESS or mater or illsusion of IN HERE AND OUT THERE … the escrow is the potential new STORY written by you choice born form the experience of WANTED AND UNWATED … the amount of REAL WANTO you have for that WANT as compared to other things that get your attention is what the sage is refereeing to a vibrational accord …..
But what about the unwated events that show up in life ,,,, a life with NO UNWATED would mean you are still in the state of TAO ….. no feelings since everything is …. Always … the experiences of unwanted are ght gifts from which the wats are better ..crafted designed re-designed and people and events needed for the expansion of the WANTS you have will be come the flow of your experiences . the things that will please you … really there are lots more days that your car starts properly than the one day it does not … there are many more days you breath every few seconds 1000’s upon 1000’s of times than the few days you cough from a cold ….. the OVERWHELMING good is expressed so much we forget to rememeber that over whelming good is what is realy around us ,,,,, 14 people die from a bomb blast in some far off city ,, while at the same time 6 billion people are eating breathing talking to each other kissing fishing FUCKING … playing laughing etc etc etc …… over whelming good .
Friday, September 18, 2009
thirsty pussy
Thirsty pussy
Young master ,,,, you breath air ? your body sweats when it needs to cool down ? your DNA bio amchine will move towards that which feels better for it ,,,, it will commicate with you want is it’s likes ,,, in fact you had to train your body away from this instinct to force it to drink ROTTEN BARLY JUICE or beer as it is better known , you will even drink to the point of poisoning it and it will SELF PRESERVATE and throw up the excess poisins . …… hmmmm you eat if hungry ? you drink when thirsty ?
If really hungry you will eat something that you would not normally eat just because of REAL HUNGER … that same with being thirsty ( I am not talking about beer here ….beer is a society thing , and an escape from the confuse and onquer thing ..thru the effects of the poisins _ ) you will drink what ever is around …..
Instinct ? how about the evidence trail of a wet pussy ? what is her wetness her sweeling clit her pussy telling her that she is ignoring because she is listening more to her PROGRAMING than the thirst of her body …… now there is much good especially for her if she is choosing to live in the STRESS BASED life if economy to listen to the PROGRAMING so that she can succeed in the economic system of the slave human hive . fine fine fine ,,, an example of free choice as long a s the indivivual has true free choice and she is not being prevented from more flie style options because some soicio path is protecting her like she was SHEEP form expanded information steams …. 1 more free choice . http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html .... what does a pussy thrist for …instinctually ?
Ahh what does the user of the bio machine ..thirst for (METAPHORICLLy ) to feel better more states of joy of goodness things aor activities or passions or life giving life oppurutunitys …. We are a blending of the DNA and the user …. And if we resisit one or the other … contrast appears giving oppurutunity for the YOU to choose ,, your own how and what a why you willl change things to move towards the BETTER and better … but are you really allowing the OPENINEss OF POSSIBLES …. Of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness form the position of 1 educated expreincer …
A baby gives a passion for living ….. to them other ….. a new better and better with each new arrival from her body ,,, the same event yet each is different ..to watch grow . yet the fear of baby in the world of ECONOMY …. Thwarts the natural thrist expressed by the evidence trail of a wet pussy .
This striving for joy as it relates to what science is studying called the Grand MoTHER Effect has on human ape longevity ,,, and the lack of the grand Father eFFECT and the evidence trail of the FATHERING effect in in the 124 countrys that still have POLYIGMY … ( IN 64 it is illegal …. Yet no one says you have to get a written marriage lic. http://www.instinctualism.org/id101.html a cut and paste poligmy relationship contract form the sisterwives link )
DNA is a data storage devise , carrying all the success information … I still go back SMALL POX while it was still deadly to the Western peoples maybe to the tune of 20% when the 1st Nation;s People came into contact with this unknown virus type strain … they died to the tune of 90% ,,,, hmm and the survivors . would pass down the EVNTS of survivial thru DNA to the next genenartion until such a time that these peoples would eventually have survival rates over centurys like those of the whites …the . Actually older MALE DNA is potentially more valuable more events had been lived succefully and as such at a unkow data level these transmitted theru the expression of making the DNA the sperm every day … , now some current data models would contest this .. actually fear of Autism shows up , but WHAT is the expression of Autism , which is somtiems and expression MUTATION which provides QUANTUM leaps of mental ablity …. Autrist raits or responses are often because the brain is being over whelmed by DATA collection ..so the brain protects itself with espression activity . but there are HOLES in those statisc also ….. limited populations pools etc. and the example of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masanobu_Fukuoka wisdom about mankinds inability to look at things with aBRAODE ENOUGH scope of , I am looking at a much longer eveidence trail of 12,000, 000 years versus a tainted data trail of limited evidence spaing 40 years . sctuslly the same could be said for the women with POSTIVIE ATTIDTUDES TOWARDS children and child birth later in life … that they would have better GEneic potential in the DNA they supply or am I mistaken and the Eggs are already DNA formed not mature but DNA formed early in life not reformed on a daily basis like male sperm …. I need to study that one … for it is in the new EXPRESSION OF DATA in DNA formed daily that potential positive expression can be passed down ,, and true FORM a metaP standpoint the CONFUSED AND CONQUERED male could potentially passed negatively expective .. or predisposed gentic material , READY already to HIDE IN BEER AND need of anti depressants . so HAPPY OLD COCK MAKES better babies ? shit do we ever get into some weird topics on the street on Thursday night in Jesnen beach . another great vaired night of Earthship housing food forest , Wayne Dyer and
You just cannot kill everybody who doesn't agree with you. You can't do it. You'll kill enough of them, and pretty soon, you'll be down to the nitty gritty that is just you guys, and then you'll start disagreeing with each other... In other words, you cannot get to where you want to be by pushing against what you do not want - it never, ever works.--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Washington, DC on Saturday, May 7th, 2005
And the wisedom of the voice of the Sage ……. Killing off opposing ideas NEVER HAS WORKED ,, as the evidence trail of history has proved .
INSTINCTUALISM is a Holistic ...... STYLE OF LIVING1 more choice to look at , in this world full of choices to freely ........ choose from !
Young master ,,,, you breath air ? your body sweats when it needs to cool down ? your DNA bio amchine will move towards that which feels better for it ,,,, it will commicate with you want is it’s likes ,,, in fact you had to train your body away from this instinct to force it to drink ROTTEN BARLY JUICE or beer as it is better known , you will even drink to the point of poisoning it and it will SELF PRESERVATE and throw up the excess poisins . …… hmmmm you eat if hungry ? you drink when thirsty ?
If really hungry you will eat something that you would not normally eat just because of REAL HUNGER … that same with being thirsty ( I am not talking about beer here ….beer is a society thing , and an escape from the confuse and onquer thing ..thru the effects of the poisins _ ) you will drink what ever is around …..
Instinct ? how about the evidence trail of a wet pussy ? what is her wetness her sweeling clit her pussy telling her that she is ignoring because she is listening more to her PROGRAMING than the thirst of her body …… now there is much good especially for her if she is choosing to live in the STRESS BASED life if economy to listen to the PROGRAMING so that she can succeed in the economic system of the slave human hive . fine fine fine ,,, an example of free choice as long a s the indivivual has true free choice and she is not being prevented from more flie style options because some soicio path is protecting her like she was SHEEP form expanded information steams …. 1 more free choice . http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html .... what does a pussy thrist for …instinctually ?
Ahh what does the user of the bio machine ..thirst for (METAPHORICLLy ) to feel better more states of joy of goodness things aor activities or passions or life giving life oppurutunitys …. We are a blending of the DNA and the user …. And if we resisit one or the other … contrast appears giving oppurutunity for the YOU to choose ,, your own how and what a why you willl change things to move towards the BETTER and better … but are you really allowing the OPENINEss OF POSSIBLES …. Of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness form the position of 1 educated expreincer …
A baby gives a passion for living ….. to them other ….. a new better and better with each new arrival from her body ,,, the same event yet each is different ..to watch grow . yet the fear of baby in the world of ECONOMY …. Thwarts the natural thrist expressed by the evidence trail of a wet pussy .
This striving for joy as it relates to what science is studying called the Grand MoTHER Effect has on human ape longevity ,,, and the lack of the grand Father eFFECT and the evidence trail of the FATHERING effect in in the 124 countrys that still have POLYIGMY … ( IN 64 it is illegal …. Yet no one says you have to get a written marriage lic. http://www.instinctualism.org/id101.html a cut and paste poligmy relationship contract form the sisterwives link )
DNA is a data storage devise , carrying all the success information … I still go back SMALL POX while it was still deadly to the Western peoples maybe to the tune of 20% when the 1st Nation;s People came into contact with this unknown virus type strain … they died to the tune of 90% ,,,, hmm and the survivors . would pass down the EVNTS of survivial thru DNA to the next genenartion until such a time that these peoples would eventually have survival rates over centurys like those of the whites …the . Actually older MALE DNA is potentially more valuable more events had been lived succefully and as such at a unkow data level these transmitted theru the expression of making the DNA the sperm every day … , now some current data models would contest this .. actually fear of Autism shows up , but WHAT is the expression of Autism , which is somtiems and expression MUTATION which provides QUANTUM leaps of mental ablity …. Autrist raits or responses are often because the brain is being over whelmed by DATA collection ..so the brain protects itself with espression activity . but there are HOLES in those statisc also ….. limited populations pools etc. and the example of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masanobu_Fukuoka wisdom about mankinds inability to look at things with aBRAODE ENOUGH scope of , I am looking at a much longer eveidence trail of 12,000, 000 years versus a tainted data trail of limited evidence spaing 40 years . sctuslly the same could be said for the women with POSTIVIE ATTIDTUDES TOWARDS children and child birth later in life … that they would have better GEneic potential in the DNA they supply or am I mistaken and the Eggs are already DNA formed not mature but DNA formed early in life not reformed on a daily basis like male sperm …. I need to study that one … for it is in the new EXPRESSION OF DATA in DNA formed daily that potential positive expression can be passed down ,, and true FORM a metaP standpoint the CONFUSED AND CONQUERED male could potentially passed negatively expective .. or predisposed gentic material , READY already to HIDE IN BEER AND need of anti depressants . so HAPPY OLD COCK MAKES better babies ? shit do we ever get into some weird topics on the street on Thursday night in Jesnen beach . another great vaired night of Earthship housing food forest , Wayne Dyer and
You just cannot kill everybody who doesn't agree with you. You can't do it. You'll kill enough of them, and pretty soon, you'll be down to the nitty gritty that is just you guys, and then you'll start disagreeing with each other... In other words, you cannot get to where you want to be by pushing against what you do not want - it never, ever works.--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Washington, DC on Saturday, May 7th, 2005
And the wisedom of the voice of the Sage ……. Killing off opposing ideas NEVER HAS WORKED ,, as the evidence trail of history has proved .
INSTINCTUALISM is a Holistic ...... STYLE OF LIVING1 more choice to look at , in this world full of choices to freely ........ choose from !
Thursday, September 17, 2009
blood talk
Blood talk
Young master even though , you really do not hve to live in the world at large having a form of POSTIVE ASPECTS thinking focus goin on in your mental back ground does ffect the whole of the QUANTUM playing feild which you are the most important aspect of .. you are the center of a universe and so am I and so is everyTHING …. I know that is UNTHINKABLE and that is why …. Just leave it there ,, as the UNTHINKABLE .the tao …. The unlimited possible whate ever I can Can THINK ABOUT IS POSSIBLE GIVEN PROPER PARAMETERS ( flying metal airplanes were impossible to PHAROH s of history )
Positive aspect aboput WARFARE and horror is that an IN FI NITE aspect of I ( that includes me when I am not in a state of forgetting my connection …in … I IN I ) http://www.instinctualism.org/book_of_positve_aspects.html so who am I to deny an EQUAL of me , to the adventure of reading horro story just because I do not want to live it? The best you can get the sages say ,, is when you can see YOUR unwanted lived in others and ALLOW them that . allow them their adventure in this tiny aspect of time/space from the umlimited ness of unthinkable possible expressions of self forms living new adventures ,,,NOT retaining personage or name labels .
To understand …the same happesn here …blood talk instead of talk ,,, a preacher of a Baptist church says … to a seeker ….. I WILL PROTECT MY FLOCK FORM YOUR POISIN ….. insure that his sheep have not oppurutunity to be exposed to other streams of information …..
In war we shot instead of talk ,,,, shoot first and the losers better listen or we will keep on blood talking ….
The traditions of MANSONIC associations is a good example of co-exisit ,,, men gathering together accepting each ahs an idea of the UNTHINKABLE or god what ever word tool you want to use to describe the UNTHINKABLE … that agreed upon lets talk about other shit ,,now in the other shit many times ,,, the wisdom of MASANOBU FUKUOKA is proven again . http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html
"When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masanobu_Fukuoka
all the issues are mainly symptoms of the basic confuse and conquering of humanity the and expression of a TWISTED ISNTINCT which it turns out having become helpful to the bioshere as a whole or gia as we now a HIVE activity recles traped bio wastes sludges and oils and desposits of old shell fish into cememnt .
your relaxed thinking in terms of positive aspect puts out the energy of friendship from which the formation of talking can occur ,, in your hatered or worry ,,in your stress only more stress will manifest ,, in your relaxation will come relaxtion and the oppurutunity froma relaxed state that you or OTHERS can talk in a relxed manner instead of blood talk .
It should only be talked about if the talking will make you feel better. It is of no value, ever, to activate and talk about something that doesn't feel good, because it reactivates it in your vibration; it makes it another point of your point of attraction so you're less clear.
In other words, when you focus upon the problems of others, you diminish your ability to help them. People believe that you've got to focus upon the problem in order to find a solution. And we say, no solution ever comes forth - it's never inspired; you never recognize it, and you are never able to facilitate or achieve it - from your place of focusing on the problem. They are two entirely different vibrations. If you have someone who has many things going wrong and one thing going right, beat the drum of what's going right, and let that be your point of attraction. If you focus upon their problems, you achieve vibrational harmony with something other than the Source that gives you solution.--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in San Diego, CA on Saturday, August 23rd, 2003
Ahh the words of th sage , support what blither I spilled out ….. thinka bout a positive aspect , think about the ( NO THE ! AS IN 1 …. Opps my bad and old habit in writing it ) think about A possible solution for infi nity is so big that the solutions the expressions of WANTS can come in many forms and many ways …. Everyday in every way things can get better and better if you look at them as such .
Young master even though , you really do not hve to live in the world at large having a form of POSTIVE ASPECTS thinking focus goin on in your mental back ground does ffect the whole of the QUANTUM playing feild which you are the most important aspect of .. you are the center of a universe and so am I and so is everyTHING …. I know that is UNTHINKABLE and that is why …. Just leave it there ,, as the UNTHINKABLE .the tao …. The unlimited possible whate ever I can Can THINK ABOUT IS POSSIBLE GIVEN PROPER PARAMETERS ( flying metal airplanes were impossible to PHAROH s of history )
Positive aspect aboput WARFARE and horror is that an IN FI NITE aspect of I ( that includes me when I am not in a state of forgetting my connection …in … I IN I ) http://www.instinctualism.org/book_of_positve_aspects.html so who am I to deny an EQUAL of me , to the adventure of reading horro story just because I do not want to live it? The best you can get the sages say ,, is when you can see YOUR unwanted lived in others and ALLOW them that . allow them their adventure in this tiny aspect of time/space from the umlimited ness of unthinkable possible expressions of self forms living new adventures ,,,NOT retaining personage or name labels .
To understand …the same happesn here …blood talk instead of talk ,,, a preacher of a Baptist church says … to a seeker ….. I WILL PROTECT MY FLOCK FORM YOUR POISIN ….. insure that his sheep have not oppurutunity to be exposed to other streams of information …..
In war we shot instead of talk ,,,, shoot first and the losers better listen or we will keep on blood talking ….
The traditions of MANSONIC associations is a good example of co-exisit ,,, men gathering together accepting each ahs an idea of the UNTHINKABLE or god what ever word tool you want to use to describe the UNTHINKABLE … that agreed upon lets talk about other shit ,,now in the other shit many times ,,, the wisdom of MASANOBU FUKUOKA is proven again . http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html
"When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masanobu_Fukuoka
all the issues are mainly symptoms of the basic confuse and conquering of humanity the and expression of a TWISTED ISNTINCT which it turns out having become helpful to the bioshere as a whole or gia as we now a HIVE activity recles traped bio wastes sludges and oils and desposits of old shell fish into cememnt .
your relaxed thinking in terms of positive aspect puts out the energy of friendship from which the formation of talking can occur ,, in your hatered or worry ,,in your stress only more stress will manifest ,, in your relaxation will come relaxtion and the oppurutunity froma relaxed state that you or OTHERS can talk in a relxed manner instead of blood talk .
It should only be talked about if the talking will make you feel better. It is of no value, ever, to activate and talk about something that doesn't feel good, because it reactivates it in your vibration; it makes it another point of your point of attraction so you're less clear.
In other words, when you focus upon the problems of others, you diminish your ability to help them. People believe that you've got to focus upon the problem in order to find a solution. And we say, no solution ever comes forth - it's never inspired; you never recognize it, and you are never able to facilitate or achieve it - from your place of focusing on the problem. They are two entirely different vibrations. If you have someone who has many things going wrong and one thing going right, beat the drum of what's going right, and let that be your point of attraction. If you focus upon their problems, you achieve vibrational harmony with something other than the Source that gives you solution.--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in San Diego, CA on Saturday, August 23rd, 2003
Ahh the words of th sage , support what blither I spilled out ….. thinka bout a positive aspect , think about the ( NO THE ! AS IN 1 …. Opps my bad and old habit in writing it ) think about A possible solution for infi nity is so big that the solutions the expressions of WANTS can come in many forms and many ways …. Everyday in every way things can get better and better if you look at them as such .
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
candied pussy
Candied pussy
Young master , for your own good .. was the them of your mind fucking ..teaching to do what others wanted ..being trained very young a dn very helpless to respond to the smiles and frowns of those around you ….
A young girl at college feels trapped in her is a free spirit , yet her family has psent so uch $$$ and and she had spent so much energy ..chasing the dreams presented to her when she was so young …. That to leave the path of those dreams now seems like ike would hurt others , yet to stay on the path is hurting herself now …. Confuse and conquer …either way the thought form economy gets what it wants ,,it gets the super achiever ,,, tempered by the trials and tribualations and that choose not not not to follow self love or the message of source about what REALLY feels good ..but to find some sort of feeling good in the expectations of the teachers of HER OWN GOOD . in their eyes …
Or she will collapse maybe drug herself into submission to ignore her own inner commucation with inner source the quantum self http://www.instinctualism.org/quanta.html about what she feels would be good now that she has had a chance to be exposed to ALTER NATIVES . drug herself into submission and go seek the help of the drug pushers , representatives of the eoconmy who will teach about bio mechanics … and tell her she is vicitum ..not creator … take these they will make it all better stay in the system and you will forever be able to get new and better pills so that you can ignore your won inner guidance for the rest of this life and ..someday enter the kingdom heaven of the god king …. And find peace from the mind fuck .
Or she will collapse even further and get even further and self medicate …. On SURGAR and the designer foods of the fooed industry created not to FEED THE BODY but to stimulate feel good hormones stimulated by taste …
We sold our souls I think for SURGAR white death , a poison really in that pure pure form ….. sure we as a speices gravitte to sweet tastinging things ,, it shows the evidence trail along with the sensitive fingers opposable thumb and up right walking reaching ablity …. It shows how we are FRUIT EATERS ,, and over time the sweeter a fruit tree was the more of those seeds got spread around by human activity . sure we learned about honely after fires swept the plains and the bees adead of stuned by smoke we helpless we gather this TREAT ! ….treat .. occasional treat …. Ahhh but to be mind fucked and confused , rewArded with Pure white death …surgar … when we acted in ways that pleased others and not ourselves ,,when we bought into the idea that you WERE BAD in fa ct HUMANITY IS bad because it does not act in accord with the WANTS OF TH … GOD KING ,, so humanity must be EVIL … when of course when you open your eyes and see the overwhelming love and caring and friendship we have for each other and even for strangers ….. it shows that the vast mojarity of us are nice AUTOMACITCALLY instinctually ,,, in fact it is in this co operative example of our group family DNA expression .. ( again I would say much more gorilla like that the MURDEROUS chimp world and it’s 14% infantincid rate . http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html )
But she is now being exposed to alter anitvie life PATHS , does AHPPINES REVOVLE AROUND GETTING MORE $$$$$$ over and over getting the more better or is happiness in the smiles of friends and loved ones ,,, is happiness in the FEAR OF THE LOSS ..of love? So that she acts from the FOCUS and basis of fear while manipulating love and sexual stimulation in a boyfriend .to illict the HONOR STATEMENT of love .a dnf riendship when it is his nature to be that friend and lvoer , but a smooth talking gorilla who had not set about his life to eat really good fruit and foods and shit the seeds out in an area he claims as his own territory ….
Then go and put on a show ..the BLUSTER not really wanting to take over a harem form the other male , but to alert the young up and coming teens chicks that HEY BABY YO BABY I live 3 banana trees west of here come on over and graze and if you like it stay ….. relationships not permanent .. always free to evolve of by FREE CHOICE of inner wants forever ….free choice expressing the inner good and stability that will provide for the happiness of the mom and a hppy mom makes for happy kids …. Hmmm think think think ( for yourself )
To live to satisfy their wants ? why just out of GUILT ? a sublte manipulation form polished art forms of churchs …. http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html with far reaching results and expressions in negative expression symptoms . ?
Ohh but I was all about the selling our souls for surgar ….. for white death … for the stimulation of creations made in test tubes in industrial kitchens that stimulate seritions and endorphins reactions in humans … addictive food addivtes . AN ALTER NATIVE FAMILY LIFE STYLE …. http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html the chance to FEEL ONCE MORE the commication with self .. the possibility of focus from the NO 1 THING . un limited possibles not realy talked about by Buddha .. whose teaching revolved around his own ,,, abitly to translate the UNTHINKABLE into owrd tools . that he wanted and wish ed would ease the suffering of the those trapped in lives rules by socio paths .
Unless you do something about your vibrational countenance, nothing can change. Nothing long term will change, that's certain... Haven't you noticed that a new disease pops up, and humanity finds the cure, only to find another disease popping up? Don't you think it's interesting that you don't get to the end of those diseases? The reason you don't, is because you have not yet come to the end of pushing against things.--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in San Diego, CA on Saturday, August 13th, 2005
Now I accept the tools of HAPPY HEALTHY HAPPY HEALTHY HAPPY HEALTHY dead! And micro scopic FRIENDS can help weaken the body so that in a few short days of uncomfrot the bio machine can slip inot shock or sleep or coma and die …. And the USED who beleieved for the game the adventure it was a SELF can re unite with unthinkableness of no self only to then become the EXPRESSION of the unthinkable as the illusion of self once more …being ..
And since the bio machine of NATURAL human is to get stronger and stronger ..new disease lill always sow up …. Ahh but when we buy our health from the CORPARATION the drug companys , the speices human becomes weaker and weaker
To tool of transition and the lack of fear about what ever the tool is that hlps us ….. live activity heappy healthy etc etc and DEAD …. …. Is not some to be destroyed or fought against but to find the positive ASPECTS OF AND thus in finding good you live not in FEAR but in HAPPY INESS , that happy healthy thing again . http://www.instinctualism.org/book_of_positve_aspects.html
Young master , for your own good .. was the them of your mind fucking ..teaching to do what others wanted ..being trained very young a dn very helpless to respond to the smiles and frowns of those around you ….
A young girl at college feels trapped in her is a free spirit , yet her family has psent so uch $$$ and and she had spent so much energy ..chasing the dreams presented to her when she was so young …. That to leave the path of those dreams now seems like ike would hurt others , yet to stay on the path is hurting herself now …. Confuse and conquer …either way the thought form economy gets what it wants ,,it gets the super achiever ,,, tempered by the trials and tribualations and that choose not not not to follow self love or the message of source about what REALLY feels good ..but to find some sort of feeling good in the expectations of the teachers of HER OWN GOOD . in their eyes …
Or she will collapse maybe drug herself into submission to ignore her own inner commucation with inner source the quantum self http://www.instinctualism.org/quanta.html about what she feels would be good now that she has had a chance to be exposed to ALTER NATIVES . drug herself into submission and go seek the help of the drug pushers , representatives of the eoconmy who will teach about bio mechanics … and tell her she is vicitum ..not creator … take these they will make it all better stay in the system and you will forever be able to get new and better pills so that you can ignore your won inner guidance for the rest of this life and ..someday enter the kingdom heaven of the god king …. And find peace from the mind fuck .
Or she will collapse even further and get even further and self medicate …. On SURGAR and the designer foods of the fooed industry created not to FEED THE BODY but to stimulate feel good hormones stimulated by taste …
We sold our souls I think for SURGAR white death , a poison really in that pure pure form ….. sure we as a speices gravitte to sweet tastinging things ,, it shows the evidence trail along with the sensitive fingers opposable thumb and up right walking reaching ablity …. It shows how we are FRUIT EATERS ,, and over time the sweeter a fruit tree was the more of those seeds got spread around by human activity . sure we learned about honely after fires swept the plains and the bees adead of stuned by smoke we helpless we gather this TREAT ! ….treat .. occasional treat …. Ahhh but to be mind fucked and confused , rewArded with Pure white death …surgar … when we acted in ways that pleased others and not ourselves ,,when we bought into the idea that you WERE BAD in fa ct HUMANITY IS bad because it does not act in accord with the WANTS OF TH … GOD KING ,, so humanity must be EVIL … when of course when you open your eyes and see the overwhelming love and caring and friendship we have for each other and even for strangers ….. it shows that the vast mojarity of us are nice AUTOMACITCALLY instinctually ,,, in fact it is in this co operative example of our group family DNA expression .. ( again I would say much more gorilla like that the MURDEROUS chimp world and it’s 14% infantincid rate . http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html )
But she is now being exposed to alter anitvie life PATHS , does AHPPINES REVOVLE AROUND GETTING MORE $$$$$$ over and over getting the more better or is happiness in the smiles of friends and loved ones ,,, is happiness in the FEAR OF THE LOSS ..of love? So that she acts from the FOCUS and basis of fear while manipulating love and sexual stimulation in a boyfriend .to illict the HONOR STATEMENT of love .a dnf riendship when it is his nature to be that friend and lvoer , but a smooth talking gorilla who had not set about his life to eat really good fruit and foods and shit the seeds out in an area he claims as his own territory ….
Then go and put on a show ..the BLUSTER not really wanting to take over a harem form the other male , but to alert the young up and coming teens chicks that HEY BABY YO BABY I live 3 banana trees west of here come on over and graze and if you like it stay ….. relationships not permanent .. always free to evolve of by FREE CHOICE of inner wants forever ….free choice expressing the inner good and stability that will provide for the happiness of the mom and a hppy mom makes for happy kids …. Hmmm think think think ( for yourself )
To live to satisfy their wants ? why just out of GUILT ? a sublte manipulation form polished art forms of churchs …. http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html with far reaching results and expressions in negative expression symptoms . ?
Ohh but I was all about the selling our souls for surgar ….. for white death … for the stimulation of creations made in test tubes in industrial kitchens that stimulate seritions and endorphins reactions in humans … addictive food addivtes . AN ALTER NATIVE FAMILY LIFE STYLE …. http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html the chance to FEEL ONCE MORE the commication with self .. the possibility of focus from the NO 1 THING . un limited possibles not realy talked about by Buddha .. whose teaching revolved around his own ,,, abitly to translate the UNTHINKABLE into owrd tools . that he wanted and wish ed would ease the suffering of the those trapped in lives rules by socio paths .
Unless you do something about your vibrational countenance, nothing can change. Nothing long term will change, that's certain... Haven't you noticed that a new disease pops up, and humanity finds the cure, only to find another disease popping up? Don't you think it's interesting that you don't get to the end of those diseases? The reason you don't, is because you have not yet come to the end of pushing against things.--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in San Diego, CA on Saturday, August 13th, 2005
Now I accept the tools of HAPPY HEALTHY HAPPY HEALTHY HAPPY HEALTHY dead! And micro scopic FRIENDS can help weaken the body so that in a few short days of uncomfrot the bio machine can slip inot shock or sleep or coma and die …. And the USED who beleieved for the game the adventure it was a SELF can re unite with unthinkableness of no self only to then become the EXPRESSION of the unthinkable as the illusion of self once more …being ..
And since the bio machine of NATURAL human is to get stronger and stronger ..new disease lill always sow up …. Ahh but when we buy our health from the CORPARATION the drug companys , the speices human becomes weaker and weaker
To tool of transition and the lack of fear about what ever the tool is that hlps us ….. live activity heappy healthy etc etc and DEAD …. …. Is not some to be destroyed or fought against but to find the positive ASPECTS OF AND thus in finding good you live not in FEAR but in HAPPY INESS , that happy healthy thing again . http://www.instinctualism.org/book_of_positve_aspects.html
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
splat worthy
Splat worthy
Young master , I am continually remeinded about how few , teachers of ALTER NATIVES , there actually are ou there expressing themselves in some way ,,,, I see people who have a little training opening churches funded by mega Coprations church internationals that back them with financing …… and because of the overwhelming advertsisng social support and recruiting efforts these churches just keep on keeping on ,,HELPING PEOPLE …. Yes I said helping people ….. treating symptoms of HOPELESS with hope .treating the symptioms of manipulations with umfortunately more manipulations ? http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html yjry fo great and good works but do not allow for the expression of ALTER ANTIVE ideas for that may unstablize the PROFIT system whihci is the basis for being able to expand and help more people ….
But the sage talks about the equaltiy of all …. The American indain myth of the wise chief teaching that the spirit of earth runs thru everything , from rocks to bee to birds animals and man all expression of the same movement or being of spirit … SPLAT ALL WORTHY .
Where eles in nature do you see such ..levels of TRAINING the young about how UN WORHTY THEY are because they have not yet , reached levels of proficiency in general skills of human ablity . instead of letting them live ,, yes living will mean for me you and them also dieing ,,transisitonsing ,,, if in nature and animal does not become profiencinet is dies off and does not leave a DNA trail of children … helping to strengthen thru adversity of lvivng the helath and well ness of the species .
In fear and proctection of the PHAROH system … the improatnce of keeping alive even sickly young GOD KINGS was very improatnt this filtered down into the general population ..this FEAR ..of transition ….. and too the MORE WORTHY and the less worthy … god kings and those closey relted to the day to day life style of the god kings more worthy the general harvested slave less worthy ….
And TODAY so many people have in them a CONFUSION about their worthyness …. Always trying to achieve some .. VISION of worthyness set by others …. Do not worry about what makes you happy ,,,, worry about making me happy is what the system created ,,, to amny live in this trap ,, it is theis trap to MODIFYED to be inclusive is the theme of the church …. Live for god king and the KINGDOM OF HEAVEn THE End TO SUFFEREING .
Life and death happens …… even to the followers of GOD KINGS …. Just like birds and trees and bugs . to FEEL real FEELING as it pertains to SPLAT you are worthy ….. after being programmed to ignore your inner self and the feeling of equality …. Suppressed till it never is thought about . how can you then realy understand where you are on the emotional scale …… http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
SPLAT WORTHY ,,,,,, what evidence trail can you find ,,, from the tiny amounts of evidence trails you finnaly begin to accept and build inner beliefs … the vastness of QUANTUM potential http://www.instinctualism.org/quanta.html …the un limiting of the POSSIBLE . will change you let you ATTRACT for the IN FI NITE others who want to experience their own splat worthyness ….. in ALTER NATIVE’s
I'll Not Ask Others to Become Different for Me... Let your Vibrational Escrow percolate, and you do your best to give it your undivided attention so that you become a Vibrational Match to it. And then, when the Law of Attraction brings all of it together and brings you, because you're a match, together with it - then there aren't any bugs to work out. Don't ask the person, or people, that helped you to define what you want to become what you want so that you can have what you want. (Oh, that was so good.) Instead, let them be the Step One part of it (the asking part). Use your willpower and your decision to focus upon what you want - and then the Universe will bring you what you want. --- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from from Abraham's newest book, "The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships "
( oh that was so good ) …. Her own thenetratainers own suprize at the ideas that come flowing out of her in her expression … in the expression there are many who payu cash $$$ and it is from that flow of cash that the message expands out further and further the SUCCESS TRAIL OF THE CHURCH . of any business …. You can only help others thru your abundance not thru your poverty ….
Do not ask others what are your WANTS … let your self feel worthy enough to express the wants that YOU want . splat worthy .
Young master , I am continually remeinded about how few , teachers of ALTER NATIVES , there actually are ou there expressing themselves in some way ,,,, I see people who have a little training opening churches funded by mega Coprations church internationals that back them with financing …… and because of the overwhelming advertsisng social support and recruiting efforts these churches just keep on keeping on ,,HELPING PEOPLE …. Yes I said helping people ….. treating symptoms of HOPELESS with hope .treating the symptioms of manipulations with umfortunately more manipulations ? http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html yjry fo great and good works but do not allow for the expression of ALTER ANTIVE ideas for that may unstablize the PROFIT system whihci is the basis for being able to expand and help more people ….
But the sage talks about the equaltiy of all …. The American indain myth of the wise chief teaching that the spirit of earth runs thru everything , from rocks to bee to birds animals and man all expression of the same movement or being of spirit … SPLAT ALL WORTHY .
Where eles in nature do you see such ..levels of TRAINING the young about how UN WORHTY THEY are because they have not yet , reached levels of proficiency in general skills of human ablity . instead of letting them live ,, yes living will mean for me you and them also dieing ,,transisitonsing ,,, if in nature and animal does not become profiencinet is dies off and does not leave a DNA trail of children … helping to strengthen thru adversity of lvivng the helath and well ness of the species .
In fear and proctection of the PHAROH system … the improatnce of keeping alive even sickly young GOD KINGS was very improatnt this filtered down into the general population ..this FEAR ..of transition ….. and too the MORE WORTHY and the less worthy … god kings and those closey relted to the day to day life style of the god kings more worthy the general harvested slave less worthy ….
And TODAY so many people have in them a CONFUSION about their worthyness …. Always trying to achieve some .. VISION of worthyness set by others …. Do not worry about what makes you happy ,,,, worry about making me happy is what the system created ,,, to amny live in this trap ,, it is theis trap to MODIFYED to be inclusive is the theme of the church …. Live for god king and the KINGDOM OF HEAVEn THE End TO SUFFEREING .
Life and death happens …… even to the followers of GOD KINGS …. Just like birds and trees and bugs . to FEEL real FEELING as it pertains to SPLAT you are worthy ….. after being programmed to ignore your inner self and the feeling of equality …. Suppressed till it never is thought about . how can you then realy understand where you are on the emotional scale …… http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
SPLAT WORTHY ,,,,,, what evidence trail can you find ,,, from the tiny amounts of evidence trails you finnaly begin to accept and build inner beliefs … the vastness of QUANTUM potential http://www.instinctualism.org/quanta.html …the un limiting of the POSSIBLE . will change you let you ATTRACT for the IN FI NITE others who want to experience their own splat worthyness ….. in ALTER NATIVE’s
I'll Not Ask Others to Become Different for Me... Let your Vibrational Escrow percolate, and you do your best to give it your undivided attention so that you become a Vibrational Match to it. And then, when the Law of Attraction brings all of it together and brings you, because you're a match, together with it - then there aren't any bugs to work out. Don't ask the person, or people, that helped you to define what you want to become what you want so that you can have what you want. (Oh, that was so good.) Instead, let them be the Step One part of it (the asking part). Use your willpower and your decision to focus upon what you want - and then the Universe will bring you what you want. --- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from from Abraham's newest book, "The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships "
( oh that was so good ) …. Her own thenetratainers own suprize at the ideas that come flowing out of her in her expression … in the expression there are many who payu cash $$$ and it is from that flow of cash that the message expands out further and further the SUCCESS TRAIL OF THE CHURCH . of any business …. You can only help others thru your abundance not thru your poverty ….
Do not ask others what are your WANTS … let your self feel worthy enough to express the wants that YOU want . splat worthy .
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