Saturday, May 31, 2008



piece of ass ? young master or piece of history , how did the eve spirit the greed aspect infect that ahrem animal life of humanity … of us the savanah gorilla …. now what I am goint to write is IMPOSSIBLE , it is wrong and illogical and there is no way in this extremely complex world that nay of this could have ver happened …… so the conclusions drawn are inherently flawed , but luckly for me a biasic Taoist one who thinks that um-impsosiblity is the turht ….. I want you to want to think about this ,,, there are Great Dane Dogs and Toy poodle dogs ,,,,, now if a great dane fucked a female toy poddle his dick would rip that femal apart ,,, and male toy poddle conlud never in any natural or unnatural way evene pentrated a female great dane ….. but if theier eggs and sperm were combined in a test ube and then inserted into the womb of a great dane , then anew dog may be born …. Yet dan they sure are a lot different to look at , would you agree?

The Mountain gorilla , lowland gorilla , the old man of the forest
O rang U tang , chimp and bonobo ,,,,, human ( white , red , yellow , inuit ( cold weather ) black ( extremely tall and pigmy ) the gorilla by virture of size controlled the rich lands of the JUNGLES … the chimp by virture of size took the niche of the smaller …… the old man took the niche of the trees ….. like there are elephants thru out the world , and rhinos also so were there large areas of apes …. The ecoclogy of the MARGINAL lands demanded that the apes forced from the rich jungles to survive in the open lands …. Well

First they became ,, a PREY speices …. And that mean they had to learn to reproduce faster than one bay every 5 years like theos who lived in the rich jungle ….. any fisherman understands the nature of large number of presy animals , in mullet or shiners or gizzard shad or sardines …. Hunters understand the nature of the herd HAREM of the deer another presy speices often forced by good grazing inot being exposed and presyed upon . evidence of 6 million years ago shows that baby human fossils were even prey for large birds of prey on top of lions and packs of hyeienas and leopards etc …. Us the animals with a DICK like that of the gorilla with dna close to Gorilla yet also close to chimp ….. we are not exactly like our cousins we observe now 6 million years later …. This human savannah ape being ape to survie in MARGINAL land was able to move about more freely in fact EXPAND where the jungle cousins were actually limited to their individual islands of JUNGLE . we moved about the the rivers of MARGINAL land savannah and deserts ….. and we survived … so we aspead out ….. thru out the world ….. examples of stone age tools from 2 million years and acautlly skulls from 1.7 million years ago spread thru out the Europes … but his was not the MODERN HUMAN ….. this was gorilla human ,, this huma lacked the MALL FORMED lower jaw and recessed untprotective eye brow ….

But we like the dogs of today were 1 of a mix of apes that survived and found a NICHE to live in ….. we got pushed out of apradsie , we stood up right to feed on the fruilt of the short trees and brushes that grow in MARGINAL lands and deserts ,,,, we learned to live with an use fire because fire is part of grassland ecosystlems …. Being in MARIGINAL lands we had to EVLOVLE LONG TERM MEMORIES like the elepahant did , so we could pass down information about the wherea abouts of something as important as water …. In the jungle the gorilla moves from his now of this mango fruit to hism now of that mango fruit ,, moving from green lusheness to tgreen lusheness ….

Sananah man had to pass down information about dryed up rivers … he had to understand periods of droughts …. Complex memelry storage coupled with the basic language forms of Gorilla and chimp or the jungle ….. came our great minds . and stone tools ,,, because our play things were rocks ….. we no longer had ttrrees to climb as children to escape predators , we scurried up rocks piles instead , this meant a diffent body shape ,,,, not hanging from trees .

Ok they say 70,000 years ago a genetic abnormality cam inot the human blood line ….. not the gorill bood line or the chimp blood line ,,,, but the human ape showed signs of CHANGES …. Actuall bond structure changes … like from Great DAN dog to a toy poople dog … real changes in bone structure / form same bones just different . plus this new UGLY APE acted differently not like the ape of the last 5 million nine humdered thousand years … 5,900,000 this last 100,000 years that human / ape who BREEDS FAST , the breading ehnaced like that of the DEER because of the stability of HAREMS and male protection …..

Today a reasearcher can slowly be-friend a troop of wild chimps or bonobos or gorilla , over time almost be some what ADOPTED in to the FAMILY OF THE GORILLA and the male gorilla will protect that human like a family member ……

100,000 years ago a troop of African humans was acttaed by a pride of lions ,,,,,, the dom amle was killed many of the moms were injured one young mon escaped and ran into the jungle ….. and hid , but her injures were great and she died her week old ape like baby lived ….. a GREIEVING mother bonobo whose baby was just killed by the HIERACHY female of her fission/fussion group …. In her grief ( chimp grief is evidenced even today , adotive nature of chimps is evidenced today ) finds the baby not that much larger than hers that got killed ,,, very similar in size shape and sounds making . ( for enample gorilla and chimps have on average around a basic vocalbualry of 24 sounds … humans make 20 + plus which are the basis for our language .. ) the grieving mom adopts this baby

this event happened often over millions of years with humans to chimps or bonobo or gorilla since they only have kids once every 5 years ,,,, human/apes have kids every 18 months ( the reason our tits stayed large was because of constant floow of children because they were PREYED UPON by so many while the babiew were exposed feeding on the savannhs ….

But this time ….. this one more time …. The FEMALE baby human , grew up to be a large BOnobo ,, which meant she was going to grow up being more sexuall than even humans ….. she would mate with all the males and she conceived ….. lke had happened over the past 5,900,000 ….. she had more femal bablies than male babies … like today ,,, if the huma female is in a house hold LACKING A STRONG SECURE male ….. the number of female births rises … the huma animals sensing the need to ameks ure that female births so that she can give BIRTH NOT JUST SPERM ,,,, the DOM will find the baby and in time 1 male will have several females … but if there is not a male the female needs to COPY HERSELF as fast as possible …. THE HUMAN CHILD growing up in the bononbo truop where the leadership is in reality females , and the amles are just around for fucking ….. her TWISTED INSTINCT produced female baby after female baby …. This bonbo troup being close to the savannah land ,,, in time has contact with humans again …. A young male who is looking to secure his own territory .. roaning the land , traveling finds this troops of bononbos …. And here he finds , horny not bonbobo but humans females ,,, genticall y very close to him , not exactly like him but …. But close enough to fuck …. Not bonobo since when he came around the bonbobo hid in the trees while the half and half girls could not climb as well …. So they were visisble and noticalbe ….

He is looking for mates , he is bigger and stonger than the males of the bononbo group , he is INSTINCTUALLy attractve to these girls … a new .. tribe was formed …..the young masn had 6 new wives ,,, but wivers who carried new gentic ideas , things written into their DNA ……. The spirit of EVE …..

Look at the birth abonormalities we humans REGULARLY …. Drastic birth defects or , REoccurances .. of ROOT DNA’s vaisarlbes that we , the HORNY breeder prey animal just gathered in our varied reproductive activities , ( look at us the mixing of colors of races is only limited by social customes not by the hardness of my cock or the wetness of and empty pussy ….. we make mixed races like wild fire if allowed ) but back to abonormalities which shows up in human very regulary in the total number of births when compard to other speices ,, thinks like DWARFISM , or downs syndrome .. the occurance of males with thick brows or weak chins ….. drastic bone structure diffenercnes that we still carry .

Now the DNA of the bonobo ,, the use of sex by the female control and manipulate the TRIBE …… plus the increased breeding nature of humans … spread out across the savannah of Africa 70,000 yearsa ago … still proteceted in the HAREM .. where a female can have a child every 18 months … not in competition of in fighting no 15 percnt infantice rate …. Of the chimp world but the almost 0 infanticide rate of the GORILLA . being that these NEW humans ,,, who now even look NOT HUMN OR BONOBO , but as different as a downssysndrom child or dwarfism child does to its parents …. This new colony of MAL-SHAPENED humans breed and bred …. Startomg woth ¾ human ¼ bonobo dna …… that written event history and INSTINCTUAL EXPECTATIONS ….. the eve spirit ,, the spirit or dirve to FORM CITY fusion/fisons of harems and night times of returning to a single colony tree like the DNA of the Bononbo father gave to the original human mother ,,,,,

Now the DOM gorillA male is very LOVING and protective …. He is desgined to give his life for his family …… the bononbo male is designed to RUN up a tree and hide in the LUSHNESS OF THE JUNGLE SAFETY . the bonobo male ,,, expects to mate with who ever mommy tells him to … so over the course of the 30,000 years from the first 100,000 years ago of the lsot baby , till the EVE that anthropoligts search for today of 70,000 years ago ,,,, just realize how many familys lived and died in our written history which is only 5 ,000 years old …. Just thinka bout 30,000 years ….. the idea of the same story ,,, happened over and over since we did live next to each other them in the jungle us on the edge of the jungle …. The by MSITAKE blending of blood lines can happen ….. and eventually that nature of building of city to protect the ahrems …. That lead to the human female who already talks more than the male …. To again become the DOM force that subtly leads the whole of the city ,,,,, the sub current like the effects ot eh female chimp to cause male chimps into battles and infanctide activities ….. to fulfill the selfish nature of the 1 st wife of the alpha male …….

So the peacefull human who has spread out acroos the connected land masses of affica and eoropes ,,,, the ape smart enough to SURVIE IN DESERTS …. And frozen forests …of the north …. As the new SPIRIT of greed flowed thru RECREATIOANL sexual nature of the bonobo …. ( 10 times the recreational sexual activity of the gorilla ) coipled with the human design to have babys 3 times as fast as cshimps or bobonbos or jungle gorilla ….. ) oooh the diffenrece in dicks ….. the human savannah apes could accepts and get impregnated by the action fo a chimp like as easy as a gorill dick , the chimp dick is designed to place sperm right at the door of the womb .
The newer male had now longer dicks still with the acorn shape of his GORILLA PAST ….. so he placed more sperm coser to the womb door he repsoruced faster and better ……. Yet he also expected to let mom direct thing more than other human groups …. And mom since she is greedy thinking in terms of 5 years ,,, the world of a chimp mom REVOVLES A ROUND THE LIFE OF THAT ONE CHILD .. the male gorilla thinks in terms of the lives of the whole famly …. Can you young master draw any ? any of your own conclusionsa bout the evovlution ….or US …. The stone tool amkers of millions of years the walkin up right ape of 6,000,000 years ,,, the war like greedy infiantice thru warfare …. Us of TODAY …. This human who breed it ways into everywhere . w like we do today .

Thursday, May 29, 2008

pussys cabin

Pussy’s cabin

Young master , I am surperized you just do no tget it , but I gotta rmember ,, how can you get something abstract if the concepts have never been heard ,,,instilled , installed , programed in by exposure ,,, the sexposire of your life to date iw hy , you want to build that 3 story monster of a home you were describing to me ,,, and It took me a half hour od discussing the idea of ecominc salvery ,,,, the idea that that construction while it is the FASHION of today …. Is what keep FPL in business ,,,, the startet , home dipshit my friend ,,,, you sleep on a couch in the florida room of grandmas condo , for the lat 2+ years …. And you look at the starter home of the above page and think it is tiny ,, your ego … dumbass you are thinking with you programmed EGO …

And that EGO relates to PUSSY ,, let me tell you why , remember as I was talking about you budget and you said the VAN was killing you on gass , so I said buy a one of the timy bikes like Bozo just got , he gets to work every day when it rains he using the junker car that freebie he got , he saves what ever miles that car still has by not ,,not .. not driving it and in reality he goes months without ever using that car hasn’t he ?and that lil’ bike is realy getting him on aver like 80- mpg’s …… you van was tied to the girl you have been dating …. That you are fighting with because she wants a place for you and her now that you are making the cash …. That whole path way will take you into living the rest of your life HAND TO MOUTH …. She is thinking like the EVE spirit short erm , the time fram of one preganancy …… she is focused in her ,,NOW , not in the longer term … that is the YING AND YANG realm of the silver back gorilla you , but no one ever told you about your deepest inner self … like I do

Back to the RIB and skin of the cabin ,,,,, 4 cuts , some nailing , then build and stack another and another and antoher get it about 5 deept then tilt them up LIKE TRUSSES ,,,, I know you have labored in the contruction industry during this last housing boom , you did trusses or atleast watched , it is simple , the you skin ,,,, it

The berming the dirt you cover the home in is also strucutrual , and sicne this is above ground construction you need not worry about geological earth shifting events because you float above ground , things like hurricanes will blow over you like one of natures hill … the stble ground temps , make the inside temps comfy all year long never hating to raise the inside temp more than like 10 degrees in winter … and buy usint the nature of evaporative cooing of the grass coviering the building while you water the lawn mid days while it is 100 degrees out side you are actually air conditioning cooling your home , coolness falls down into the structure …

And the starter home can be dryed in for just over 3,000 bucks and everything is right there to be bought at home depot , cash in ahnd ,,,, now I want you to study the earth ship I need the addition of others to help reprogram yuou ,, now look at the size of the rooms in the earth ship , measure the size of the rooms at GRAND MA’s … I betcha she does not have anthing like a 16 x 24 ,,,, bedrooms 12 x12 .. even master bedrools for most 100k homes in this 9 THAT IS 100 K CUSTOME BUILT ON YOUR LAND just home price ) THOS MASTER BEDROOM ARE COMPARABLE max to 16 x 16 here at

Dipshit my frienbd , the ideas of dating of attracting pussy ,,, the stress you have felt , that ,,, worry kind of about losing what you have , yet at the same time knowing if ( and when you finnaly have had enough ) you break up you will handle the pressure …. And find a new girl inf act part of you is already looking you have one foot out the door ….. the whole dating and relationship , thing is fucked up for both of you ….. if she were better of with her own ,,, so that she had her own place well you would be HER SECOND OR THIRD guy .. the one she called when the other guy was broke and could not entertain her , but sine she has no money ,,,, you are her KNIOGHT IN SHINING ARMOR , the lady in distress …. Touching our PROTECTIVE GORILLA INSTINCTS ….

Think about it all dumbs ,,, the idea of later just un burying a four foot pathway to the faoundation of the next starter unit ,,, that will tie the 2 building together with about a 5 foot long 4 wide hallway …. And that t will be ruyed also ….. every room hass a view and a glass door their all have sky lights so theres is not buryed feeling …. There is always aview from every room . no matter how big you make …

Now this the compound is like you new van ….. I mean you old van , but the coupmound is new so I call it new ,…. But your van is part of you ego , it is a dating tool ,,,, and I hope you can come to realize it …. That is why that bike it logical in the long run , look around you . what do you want to just , be aheep and follow the pathway of everyone , else ,,,, ohhh but I thought that tattoo was there to prove how different you are ,,,,,opppp s I forgot it is just that you can afford it now adays to get a professional to do , ittt ,,,,, it is just followers fashins … nothing more . throwning the same rocks into the air like everyone else ..

9 ohhh the SFG ,,,, remember when you guys were doing your por farming , did the seeds grow ? look outside all that green shit came from seeds now did you realy have to work hard to make it grown or does nature do the work ? …… everything you eat is based on that green shit outside ,,not the stuff coming out of some fucking box , that grand mom buys you so you can nuke it after after work ….. that is not food ,,, food comes out of the the ground … look at your teeth I gotta write about your teeth again don’t I ,,,,,

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

pussy sounds

Pussy sounds

Young master I want you to study so that you can realize the truths about the world you have not the world of your inner expectations ,,, your fansty life when it comes to sex , is so much easier that is why this new dating reality of the internet and cyber sex is so comfy for you ,,,,, you always get a yes , and that is what the GORILLA got THAT IS WHAT MANKIND GOT FOR 6,000,000 years before the sexual animal changed with greed the understanding of the useful ness of sexual manipulation ,,,, tribal grandmsother talking with trabial grandmaother , since girls werea and are the ones who love to talk men don’t talk , even today we talk , we use less than 10 % of the same amount of words per day as compared to a female , and when we have used up our instinctual qQUoata of words we want to be silent ,,,, as Dr. gRay of mars and venus fame describers that is part of the problem with couples , the wife does not understand that her husband has already used up his instinctual quoata of words in a day , and hse at home alone in the CONCRETE box with the babys has not used up near enough of her words , since she lacks the HAREM to talk with …..

This leads to stress ……..

Now talking as the importance of inspiring the mind of girls ,, young master , if you are taking a breather while building your compound focusing you mind and energy … on you job … TRANSMUTING SEXUAL ENERGY as NAPOLENO HILL DESCRIBED it in his book think and grow rich ,,, he decribed doing it , around 30 and 40-‘s after the sexual flush of the marriage was gone the male could then focus his energy cre4ating wealth there by keeping his wife happy ..

You can understand the nature of that stage of YOUNG MANHOOD where yes girls are attractive but you are just as concerned about your sprot and going skateboarding ….. using this dynamics which is supposed to be desgnind in by NATURE and DNA for 6,000,000 THE TIME YOU CREATED YOU TERRITOY … yes we have much evidence for hunter gathers .. we also have evidence regional territorial agri pastural humans going back millions of years ,,, remember the schools get stuck within one ideal of TEACHING … one model of THE WAY IT WAS! …. And they will not change until the evidence is over whelming , like for example the practice of bleeding a sick person ,,,, it took a long time to change that practice taught by doctor to doctor for ooooh so many years it was very slow to convince all those smart people that bleeding was a bad idea not a good idea….

So …… your 18 to 22 years are great for work ,,,, getting lucky when the OP resents the pussy dierectly into your lap … at a party … or of course is some girl gets involved in the HAREM … ideas well that is different she will then be your helper and fellow working striving for the common goal !

Language Ross Jefferies from the dating pages , uses a description of this christain youth minster at his university as a great example of just being friendly ,,,not living with pussy on the brain , but actually ignoreing the pussy , controlling you LUST SO YOU CAN ENJOY IT LATER ….. sess this guy in his choosen religion has to talk with many people to spread the gospel ,,,, it is commanded from his GOD … and while doing this he is TALKING to girls ,,, and just theis action of talking of being FRIENDLY , well we are sexuall animals , she is HORNY especially with the floods of different mating urges on her monthly cycles , eventually she is going to chase you right into her bed , for her NAIMALS DNA is in need of Ahard COCK ,, throbbing pulsing PUSHING IT’S WAY
Into the throbbing squirt og warn sperm within her and your grunts moans ,,, that stimulation promtes her own climax ….

So dumbass , using the skills of the NINJA to control the human body understanding your body and hormanaila reactions , the eefects of sexual manipulation ,, control you lust now so you can enjoy it later … ,, and NEXT … using as a religo like focal point of social activity amdn meeting , discussint the TOA , the solar energy aspects , the food growning and ecominc freedom , the sexual aspects of course will be brought up that is only nature . and that will lead to that getting luckiy you need while you are building the conpound it will also bring up the OP”S for meeting girls whoare realy interested and will be HONESLTY HELPFUL .

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

thick hard cock

That hard thick cock
( thank you ..but I never said that the greeks cut fore skins I was using them as examples of sexual manipulation in fact you are right the johny come lately on the historial scene the greeks used the circusmized dicks of the conquered as a tool for keeping them suppressed .. pharoh is way before the greeks by a couple of 1000 years , I just want to open the topic and the mind .. to the passed down programming of sexual cusstomes ) ohh here is the reasoning ot the professionals … fro sexual mutlitlation
by Duane Voskuil, Ph.D.
**************************************** Abstract
Man’s preconscious envy of woman’s power to reproduce and interpret cosmic order underlies the origin of male genital cosmetics and blood-letting. Humanity began by seeing the world ordered like a woman’s body. Her control of her body and her body’s control of her, with its blood and milk flows, birthing and death, was the basis for the first metaphors to explain cosmic forces, made easier since the moon’s cycles mirrored her life stages and her monthly bleeding. The sympathetic magical effect of body-modifying cosmetics enhanced this cosmic tie. For men to understand this female-focused cosmology, required the right mind-set. Male genital cosmetic surgery imprinted the cosmic female cycles into man’s mind by altering his body and, therefore, his brain and mind, to reflect female patterns. Ancient brain/mind-sets and envy of youth’s virility have maintained the righting rite even after patriarchy tries to tell males they are OK. Yet, males do not feel secure since the persistence of ingrained female patterns conflict with male-gendered rituals. Gendered cosmologies always cause divisiveness and neurotic behavior.

Is not your only head dipshit and I believe your other thead is about as smart as the brain in your cock which has no brain …. Young master I hear you still being confused still thinking in terms of the ONLY terms that you have ever heard or been allowed yes allowed to think about …..

The only terms are the terms of DATING ,, just that word itself brings up , ideas certain unsplken rules and expectations ,,,,, pathological trance states ….. society my frind is a creation of the GIRL not us , even though she does blame us for has become of society , the beginning was her creation the creation ooof the GREEED of EVE …

I go bak to the evidence trails of our DNA and the observable evidence in us today ,, and I will use the female bible ,,, MEN ARE FROM AMRS AND WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS …. In that book of human observation Dr. gray tells you about the use of WORDS and LANGUAGE he deliveres the facts , women talk men do not …. Why?

Welll as a DOM male who did we have to talk to , our job was to circle the territory and chase off lions and tigers and shit come home and fuck …… then go back circle the territory come home and fuck … day in day out ,,, and all the while the girls in their safety provided by me , were talking to each cuddling the babys teaching the young ones to get along etc etc ,,,, women are genetically programmed to use and depend on WORDS to negociate in SOCIETY …. Me wheni come across a problem ,,, I will verbalize … to let the person know I am there ,, if that does not work my gorilla self will then BLUSTER … if that did not work then KILL ….
Pretty fucking cut and dry …. We you and me dumbass are not the ones who created a working society .. like we have to day it was the girls who negoaciated that …

Now remember when I died ….. protecting the girls from the group of lions , the girls ran for their lives ,,,, with babies in arms , one would get caught and the lions would stop the chase ,,,, ( GENTIC S in action … weakness is cut from the herd or harem like a surgeon )

The girls would then find a new male ..

Sometimes as smaller bands … becoming friendly to the new harems they will need to …. Be come part of .. plus they maybe bringing in tow a pre adolescent male …. This all takes policalitcal maniplutions and negociation skills ,,,,, that is the for te of females ….

Ohh the next silver back well , he may give of his life like the good warriors we are for the welfare and survival of the family and maybe that pre adolencent male by then will have started to show his silver back …. And take over ?

Now what does this have to do with you? Well the world we have now , lets say for example the sexual explotation girls like to point to … of the bearuty pageant or the modeling industry … are examples of the mother ,, SELLING HER FEMAKE shild to the highest bidder …. Making new political connections by HIGHLIGHTING THE best sexual spects of her female child …..

It sure as fuck ain’t the daddy teaching his daughter how to paint her face and dress correctly ,,,not chew toabacco and spit in public ,,, now the make can teach his daughter that ,,,, how to skin and gut a fish daddy can treach that ,, but not hwo to walk with that seductive nature that wills timulate the flow of testotrone ,,,,

Who created the SEXIST world we seem to be blamed for ? who MANIPULATED , things and then blames the vitime , it is like a thief going before a judge and blaming the victum for his stealing of their possesnions , that is the insanity yet…. Yet , EVE has been pulling this off on humaity for 1500 years . and then creyin tears …. Of ohhh poor me .

Ok dipshit my friend the idea of , is to provide understanding plus new options based on realizing how we have been programmed to live in ways not realy reflective of your deepest inner nature …

Look EVE’s deepest inner nature is to be social yes and to be nuturing and loving and YES sexual submissive to YOU ….. remember that fact , it is hard to PORK a moving target she has to be some what still at least in the beginning ….. you are to create a stable territory ,,,, and then be around to maintain it and PORK her when she is ready and wett ,, when she is not lieing but actually hot and wet … just open you thinking disphit , understand that great mind of yours accepts … words and languaging as things … when in fact they often are just common ideas nothing real other than accepts ways . passed from granma to mom to daughter and never realy examined as to what is the REAL COST of their actions .

Go back in time ……. The Tojan wars … were started over what ….. PUSSY !

sexual mutilation

Sexual organ mutilation

Ohhh I heard agin the cry of the females lamenting the idea that a tiny tiny faraction of the human population still cuts the fore skin off little girls ……….hmmmmm interesting …. Young master ,,, the idea of curbing you sexual desire thru sexual multialtion of the male ,, came way before the resiprocity of doing the same to girls later and in only very few and limited cultures …. But your dick probably shows the evidence of sexual multiatlation of the male that is so in greained and accepted as to never realy be thought of , hidden in the lie of HEALTH concerns …. Let us go back to when it all started ,,,

I t goes back to the goat herder and castrating of excess male goats , the grand mother , your grandmother way back around the time of PHAROH …. Thought of a wise idea ….. since on occasion a male dick would get infected and to relieve the infection the fore skin was cut back to allow ffor cleaning and healing ….. at this time that male could not fuck and he would not want to fuck for a long time since his tender cick head which has been protected his whole life under the HOOD like a clit is protected under the HOOD ,, his head is exposed , his sexual sexpression is now curbed ….. hmmmm said GRANDMA … the grand ma who was expereimenting with things like make up to intice the best price for her budding daughter to ge them married off to the richest policatical familys of PHAROH’S time . by starting the [practice of mutlatiing the dicks of their gransosns ,, for health reasons ,,,,, they gained control over that young man during those formative years …. Just when he should be forming his harem , he is in all essence castrated …. And in great pain …. And now has to let the cuts heal for one thing that would take months just ask people who get pierced … and now we are talking much larger and deeper cutts taking of the whole foreskin when the dick is now the adult size no longer just ababy …. Now the dick has grown used to being protected …. And is exposed … fucking is not so much fun any more …. Until the dick skin callouses ….

Sexual manipulation .. and control ,,, I man would not create this for my son ,,,,, ? yes maybe if he got infected , but remember every other animal on the planet has a fore skin over it’s DICK …. We all have bacterial colonies , in fact with out the intestinal flaur and fauna ,,, intestinel bactreria natural in humans and every other animal too ,,, with out bacteria YOU WOULD DIE …… if because of stress ful activities this out of balance with nature we get INFECTED ,.then we get DIS EASE ….. why did the dicks of human start to get infected ?

Well for example lets go back to ancient Greece …. The aminpulation of sex ,, the hording of bleeding ( ripe ) and pre bleeding ( un ripe ) girls so that the price of that girl would go up … in the eyes of rich familys . needed to keep boys and girls separated because if we are allowed to be antural and together ….. we sexually recreate at very young ages …. mating behavior pages , look to our cousins , The onset of menarche in an adolescent female may occur at about the age of eight but it is several years before her sexual swellings are full sized and grown males pay attention and begin mating in earnest. Even then a female may copulate on the order of 3,600 times during successive subfertile cycles before she conceives the first time, around age 14 and gives birth.
Ok so PRACTISING fucking happens young there is not inerest on the part of adult men for the titless hippless young girls ( like happens in humans because of the unnatural sexual manipulation of society the male in his frustration as found in ... his confusion will be expressed one way or another . )

So to tame male sexual needs , young greek men were encouraged to engage in gay sex …..AHHHHH unnatural expression since the young male is desgned to rpactise feelly with young females as is designed by nature and evidenced in our DNA cousins … so is it possible that this is where … the DIS EASED FORESKINS of the male came from ? is it possible ? maybe even likely ,, why should we be the only animal in nature needing to cutt of our HOODS like we do ? I use Greece because the written history to support the statement is , the written history of Pharoh is not as complete , yet the sexual separation especially when it came to the upper classes well has historical evidence ….

I want to open you mind DUMBASS … only trying to get you to understand the 1000’s of year of sublte manipulations …. Passed down family to family without realy understanding WHY or if it is even really good for man kind to … continue with .

Now all you gotta do , is plan to be DIFFERENT … work hard for 18 months cash out and cash in , build a sustainable life style based on human instinctual nature them ,,, get ready to be surprised for there are lots of girls who looking for something different …. Thye like you are flocking to being gay ,,not because they are not or were not seuxaully excited by a HARD COCK … no they still use a hard cock now , but they just have to buy their girl friend one made of plastics and poly vinyl chorides instead of flesh .. which is nturall warm and thorbbling , WHY ,, well she is a victum of the plans put nto motion by GRANDMOM , so many 1000’s of years ago ….. she also show the effects of social amanipilations

A simple change of your thinking and expectations ,,, will open grand new doors and fridnships ….

manipulating pussy

Manipulating pussy

So I will respond m if we over came our instincts and the airplane is evidence of that come the fairy tale of 1 on 1 impossible …well for 1 thing I never said it was impossible I just want to make sure you understand your INSTINCTS then let you make free choice do we have that straight yet ?

Look we have 6,000,000 years of walking upright , and 100 years of relying upon internal combustion locomotion ,,, airplanes and shit … and we are not at the point the marriage where the HONEY MOON IS OVER AND THE DIVORCE IT iSREADY TO HAPPEN .. with mother nature …. Ohh there are ways of living harmony with nature and still acting outside of your instinctual nature but it takes ,,, understanding the dymanics and then applying that UNDERSTANDINg … without going backwards into the easy way like burning fossil fuels ,,,, man kind can be part of the carbon cycle by burning trees and replanting trees as long as he replants more than he burns …. He should be OK … using technology available even back in PharoHS DAY … metal fabricating , paper technologys , etc … they already used lighter than air concepts ,,, it was the wing and a prayer ,, for the cost of 2 pig s and a chicken the priest would lite a fire , fold a pryer into aparchute then lite it on fire and send it up in the hot smoke …. Thus delivering your prayer for the greedy things you wanted to the gods of greed created by man so he could sell you the skill of using LITE AIR .

With golabal co-operation and our understanding high spedd air streams , lighter than air ships with extra maneuvering power provided by ,, hydrogen fuel cells that are built structualy into the shell of the air ship …. We cn fly in a balance with our wife mother nature …. And over come instincts and DNA and avoid fights like golabl warming and polar melting ans the real fight of the ice age which will realy fuck thngs up . ….. yeah sure we ain’t ready for that level of global co-operation ..yet. ,,,,

Now we human can live with out …… airplanes ,,, still at a global level it is expected that less than 1 person in 100 will EVER FLY … but for us ,,, here is dream land , well even us maybe 1 in 10 will fly each year the others only will fly once or twice in their whole life … so fighting over something that is so UN IMPORTANT EXCEPT TO THE …… abnormal few ….. why ? why are you fighting for something that odds are you will do so little of that it is unimprotatn ,, when compared to living in totality . now the idea of living and lovning in totality …..the idea of her being the most beautiful woman in the world is and effect of the mainauplation of sexual control and a state of sexual frustration results in extremes of emotions and nneedynees ,,,,, to tool of flatering words we sue to get what we need as men and expectation of sexpectation of reicieivng this type of attention by the girl has been prgaramedi into the ganme thrue the last 1500 years ….. and a few thousand before with the start of the Soul Mate NAD LOVE STORYS BEEN PLAYED OUT BY thesibians ,,,,the stages of ancient Greece , the escapsims form the insanity and trapped feeling of living unisntinctually mankind created ,,, the threatre and stage , to live out ideal lives in storys ….

That action of flattery , of making 1 person so outside of the TAO to create the illsusion of sepresration as if this 1human is more important than that human , because I love her ,,, and well I had better love her because the rules that her great great great grandmother desgned into the upbringing and culture of the tribes a few thousand years ago ,,, made the current freedy selfish world possible ,,,, thank you grand mom . for being so self serving ..thatn you … but young master you have freed of choice and…..
Is the dream of a fairy tale life so great that you will risk the oppurutinty of being happy that living with in your instincts ahs provided for every living creature and us for 6,000,000 gamble that for 100 years of flights and dreams of the abnormal few.

Because I like the good Toaist I am I watch nature I see the kittens play , the tom cat laying in the sun ,,, the hound dog running the woods the birds flying and singing the ttrreees suning themselves choosing to grow in this direction and not another dierection based on their EMOTIONAL GUIDANCE SYSTEM ,, following wht feels GOOD ! rvrn trees have FEELONGS …. Remember the studys of trees that got attention and trees left unloved , the effects of music on them ,,,, trees make choices based on feelings ….and I see a wolrd full of life at PLAY and societies of human at work! In ecominc slavery , forced inot living fairy tale ideals of HAPPINESS , ignoring their own emeotinal guidances and the deepest ruths of their TAO

Free choice …

Monday, May 26, 2008

wet pussy tells no lies

Wet pussy tells no lies

Young master the non-verbal commuction will tell you the truth ,, when you yourselfa re excited about something then your actions TELL A STORY about your level of want to ….. when you really love skate boarding well you are out skate boarding and if it were fishing then I betcha you are readinga bout fishing when you can’t get ou to go fishing learning about aspects fo the species you willb e going for …… when you are into something then you want to be doing things that relate to that TOPIC ….

I GOT LETTER today form a girl …. I have said before that I am not in the active market because I have not the 3 homes ..because of the invests where my money is , is not liquid , so I am in a waiting game ,, so I refer her to thinking about who ever she has in her life right now …. And not me . but it got me to thinking about what is it I for example really need to see in a girl to rally believe that she is with me in my world and that she wants it to be her world TOO , she is excited and not just setting events up to make everything all fail ….. and she is proven right in her self created failure .

· lets assUm that I agree who would be the wives .. do I get to choose ? are they from xanga sites ? like wer playing a game online?
That is her letter to me ,my reply is detached , I was thinking in general terms ,,, not in personal terms and here is my reply

· no online games any more ... a ma trying to build a reasonalbe afford copyalbe model for young n in your world to use to create a life style for you all! once i have been able to build what i need , get all the data , i will then train your BOYFRIEND ....he will be able to come over build a home from start to finish , i will take him out to work and teach him to create self emplyment companies , and the artistic income oppurtunitues for the girls. now you ! once you meet a man who has the compound going , and you have studied your won life and the instinctualist life and hav met spent time with this male , and gone out and lived the compound ,t hen you ,,,YES YOU! will be the biggest FAN of the compound , you will attract other girls along with him to come over and meet both of you ,, NOT FOR SEX ! of course that will happen later but only if she really likes and understands the ideas of INSTINCTUALISM that is why starting a local instinctualism gorup is important iit is about , presesnting the HOLISTIC LIFE S TLYE FIRST , the sex will cummmm naturally later
now , I got thiking while at work …. What would be the evidence trail with a girl like this during a period like the one I am in new , ( or like the two young masters who were jusst at the house and we were going over the success they are feeling in these very early stages of the 90/10 , but they have caught the bug ,,the arrival of bonds in the mail made it real …… so I have know them for over 3 years and they are just starting like from day 1 today ,,, they both finaally understand . so they got 2 more years to live like they USED broke ! yet every week both are banking about 500 …. But they are broke .

so what about a girl who gets interested in one of these tow masters and their dreams about spliting that 20 acres in KENTUCKY … 10 and 10 in 18 months …… what should they look for in the girl who is interested in one of them ,,, well first I would say ,,, feel trust your gut your intuition , see your SUB C mind picks up on all the incoming data and then relays messages in GuT FORM … do not listen to their words but watch the girl , is she wanting to go out for you to dip into the 500 a week JUST THIS ONCE , which will happen over and over and over again ….. this just once …. This one party or event … has she put any effort in to preparing herself for the different life style because ,, dumbass get real all the girls around here , are city chicks … they know nothing about CHOOSING , FREE CHOICE ON HER PART ,,, SHE KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT living by choice off grid ,,, so is she ,,, doing like you would do when you can’t go fsihing is she reading about fishing , is she reading about lets aspects of the SFG ? has she invested any of her own cashor is going shopping for more CRAP more inportant , has she excitedly gone to home depot and bought maybe a little window planter for 5 bucks and got a bag of dirt for 5 bucks and a bag of seeds for a buck ,, just to play

the neat thing is , even here is she wants eraly realy realy wants to succeeed ! she will , if she wants the plants to die so that she can show you the error of your ways , that will happen also ,,,, remember young master for 2.5 million years we have been tool making and farming …. Seeds grow ,, just look areound you every fucking GREEN shing was once a seed ! …. It is like amgic the success and th failures of people it all has to do with thie deep ….deep ..inner WANTO . if they want to succeeed it will succed because they will learn how to do that which mankind ahs been doing already for 2.5 million years , she willl learn it so fucking fast and be so fucking PROUD TO SHOW YOU …..

is this the girl who is looking at you and toalking to you or is she wanting to go drinking and bithching about not having enough money to see the Disturbed show coming in July ,,, ( it is only 1 show and Slipknot will be there ,tooo ,,, ahhh come honey let go ! ) is that what you are hearing instead of homey look at what ,,, I grew?

Are your discussiona about relationship theroy etill based on the soul amte issue ,,, and how happy fred and sally are ….. ( evn though they are the only couple out of the 20 couples and marriages you both know who are still together and they are happy now but remember last year when they were living in seprate houses , how long will this happiness ? 1 out of 20 and that 1 has lived thru hell already and honsty destined for more hell … ) what are the topics is she talking to friends without you having to start the topic is she excited to explain to her friends the concepts ideas and stats about the ideas , is she sharing the web address her self , do you see her writing it down on a piece of paper and giving it to totall strangers or ….

Is she HIDING …… and in fact sking you to not talk so much about your dereams plans and reasoning ….. what is the TRUTH of her actions as compared to her words ?

And if the turth is not good , well to talk to her will bring only more SELF DECEPTION on her part …. Personsl manipulation on her part …. All the things girls THINK WILL work …. Whether thye are manipulating you dierctly or themselves to fit what they think you want of them ….. it is all MANIPULATION …. It is she not feeling her deepest in emotional guidance …. She is not thinking for herself , watch the evidence trail ,,, what is she talking about ? her new french nails , the clothes she bought ,,,, SHE IS TALKING …SO what is she talking about ?

Because if she is your biggest fan ,,, the question of other girls and how they will meet will not even come up , hell she will be selling girls on the benifts of the ideas all the time ….. the question about who the others will be and who will choose … will not come up . for ti will flow naturally over the 18 nmonths of waitng for the 90/10 to build up ,, she willhave met enough friends who will like wise be ,,, greowing shit , and thinking and learning and talking and being proud of choosing something very very different …. She friends and her will be bringing you fresh strawberries gorwn on the balocmy of their mom’s condo ….if they realy realy wanted to ! ( hey great to see that 2 out of you 3 got it , interesting of your grup of 3 locals all of you are still hstro ,,,, another soicio ecominc group your age that you know 5 guys , in that as of late 3 of the men turned openly gay over these last 3 years …. Wow …. They were straight just regualr boys I have known all you all since like yo were in fucking kindergarten ….. why did 60 perecnt of that group become gay ? cash wise well they are richer kids from richer families where mommy will make sure they CAN NOT FAIL …. Oh that other group from the south side , I have not seen much of them , they all got broken up by that bust last year ,,,, )

addicted to pussy

Addicted to pussy

Young master you are genetically designed to shot your load of hot while sticky cummm , your wet sperm every 7 hours …. So your search and attempts to create a life style to allows for this fact of our INSTINCTUAL nature is not an example of escapism and the over time resulting diag-nosis of ADDICTION …. But a RATIONALE response to control and coercion.

Ok next young master I want you to realize that 7.4 girls out of ten have active addiction issues …. Anything that takes aperson away form life can become an addicition .. shoppong , lotto , online living and gaming , videos game , sleeping …… of course drugs now many many times the use of a drug to mask a real physical paim caused by a damage that was brought on by events that at a metaP level were created to excape the confusion of this UN- instinctual world ….the addiction to lets say pain relievers or the search for street drugs later to ease body pains ….. these can be one of the hardest addiction for a person to accept they have and unfortuneately many many many girls have this issue ….

The high of LOVE is another drug , the flood of the self created drugs of love , the endorphine rush of being around your SOUL MATE ….

Dipshit I want you to think and then I want you to go to and explore how to use the ideas of a DOM/subbie relationship the tools of BDSM along with the HOLISITC mind/body/spirit aspects of instinctualism ….. to free a girl from her HELL .


UNDERSTAND THE flood of endorphins during the pain of BDSM is in itself a high ,, a very good high wuality morphine high ,, equating nicely to opiates a very good subistiute for those drugs and that of crack even ……

The commitment to becoming a SUBBIE , allows the girl to have the HIBERNATION time the time to heal .. and rebuild her heatlh of mond body and spirit , until such time as she can think once more for herself , compare her pasts and presents ..

Now if the idea of dealing with aigrl who has an active drug addiction is scary ,,,remember the facts ,,,, 7.4 ( 74 % ) out of every 10 girls has some addiction already ….. better to be able to clearly identify and admit to the addiction than to fight over ….. self deluding activity like addictive shopping or eating to much or online living …. Or even working to hard and much groping for the happiness of SOMEDAY .. being rich !

The skills of the LOVING DOM used intensly for 3 to 5 days along with lots of cleaning good water and the hope of a new lifestyle and acceptance into a family unit ,, will all that will be needed to help her thru any REAL or perceived JONES-ING discomfort ,,,,, you will distract her with the NATURAL drug and pharmacy of the human bodyu ,, WITH ANTURAL human recreations ,,, like fucking …. But just on the extreme side . it will ese the pain ,, and allow for new hopes to forma s the body cleanses itself of the POISINS OF made made chemicals and begins to rely on the support of you and the providing of natural CHEMICALS based in your sexual BDSM activity …. That in time will moderate as she becomes more and more mentally healthy , to the point she can personally reflect on her own life and the totality of her choices of her past , her NOW and her future .

Commiting to a 24/3 if she has acute withdrawls maybe in order . with the understanding of daily training there after ..but disphit remember it is ,,,,an activiey which is CONSENTUAL … actually helpful , when coupled with the whole of

Sex is natural ,,,, your desire for sex is not an addiction , the use of sex as a recreation is event through out nature ….. look to the mating pages the evidence half way down the page befor the ariticle on Bonobs starts … understand that masturbation is practiced by many many species for personel recreation ….. the DRUG OF CHOICE should be her living a NATURIST LIFE , happily matrabating out in the lawn near the pond on a sunny after noon un ashamed with the help of her sister hood and you , LAYING ABACK ON THE RECLINER TOUCHING HER TITS , RUBBING HER WET PUSSY , JACKING OFF HER LIL’CLIT ,,, moaning in delight and and INVITATION …. IT IS ONLY NATURE !

Sunday, May 25, 2008

railroad to pussy

Railroad to pussy

Young master … lets do a mind game ,, just think about it , remember the Toa is the UN-IMPOSSIBLE .. yet here on earth becaue we all agree to experience limits … or NO’s …. There maybe things you feel that are not realy possible for you .

Ok so that is the gimmee the rules for being here .

But you got some wants .. some fo the wants really go against the grain of the basic rules the limits , your DNA did not give you wings so if you wanted to fly you had to create machinery to do ,, and well humanity did that … something impossible to PHAROH we all can do now adays ….. having 3 happy wives , can you see that ? or is that impossible ….

Here is the game , think about the end destination you may want to experience in your life ….
You want pleanty of land privacy , nice grounds good trees , comfy housing , easy work not BILLS cashin the bank , fishing , puppy dog , ohh yes the happy 3 wives and the happy children they will create … the lack of bitching because these girls understand their desire for money is realy a disire for happiness and money is not happiness it is just the drug ….

That is one end of a railroad another maybe
1 home in thr right neighborhood ,,, the great job working everyday in a building in a cubical , coming home to a woman who wants more and more never happy except for the few hours days or months directly after spending money ….. stressed out from work you are now stressed out by her and the children who they themselves want want and want only happy for the minute of the newness of what money can buy …..
maybe , you see unemployment making some fast cash doing a deal or tow , wondering each and everyday who is knocking at the door and womdering when you are going to get picked up and caged …

all of these are realities ……which one do you want to reach back from the future and pull you towards it ?

yes just think about time as already always ther already and,,,, and you desire for one outcome or another is what is pulling your down that railroad track …. Now understand each track has branches off it that can lead back to the other …. Outcomes …. If you start to think about them then that is where you will mostly go since that is what you are seeing in your mind ,,,,, and the train goes where you see ,,, YOU DRIVE IN THE DIRECTION OF WHERE YOU ARE LOOKING MOST OFTEN correct?

YOU DO NOT DRIVE the car looking in the rear view mirror , if you look in it to much you will end up driving off the road ,, the same goes with looking out the window … you gotta spend most of your time looking where you are going looking forward and guess what t, the already there total UN-IMPOSSIBLITY of the Tao will pull you buy the brain towards that which you are looking at .

Now along the way while you are going fown the tracks ….. you are expreinceing learning getting ready to arrive ….. it is all GOOD . enjoy the ride . but dumbass pick a nice desitnation ok?

Create a mission board a vision board whenever possible go out to the area or a like area that you would like to build the compound at and ,, just chill out there in nature and listen to the birds think about how when the boarder palnatings grown the neighbors some years when they arrive will not bea able to hear the NATURAL SOUNDS OF HUMAN RECREATION …… the screams of your wives/girls getting penetrated over and over by your hard cock ….. the reapeated RE-ENTRY ….

Just in your head think abut the idea of a future you pulling you towards yourself ,a nd all the while each and everyday giving you oppurutunity to learn what you need to arrive and be ready now the longer you take to learn what is needed well the longer the train ride … just look around you for the op’s to learn lots of shit easy ways ,,, what ever feels good learn that , now!
Feel , what is happening,, realize that the limits you hold on to maybe the same limits that pharoh had when it came to FLYING ,,,, and also accept that you DO NOT HAVE WINGS … there are DNA aspects of you and your life that should be understood so that you are not just living a life of REPEATED FAILURES . ( like everyone else ) your choice dipshit
Look understand as long as you are energy you are in movement … that means you are heading down a track if you ain’t watching where you are going you will drive off the road…or you will end up at a switching station on the tracks and end up going the wrong way .... and it ain’t my job to watch where you are going ain’t no boday elses job ‘Cept U

Saturday, May 24, 2008

pause pussy

Pause pussy

Young master , if you stopped practicing your swing .. would your game be OFF? If you had taken 2 years off the court and you had not even practiced and free throws would your game be OFF? If you had not being doing any winds prints and you were a receiver coming back to field after a few years would you be able to out run the defender ? WOULD YOUR GAME BE OFF?

Understand that girls and dating are even more important thatn any fucking sprot you play around with on the weekends …. The most fucked up you will ever become is because of the sublte manipulations of the relationships you find yourself in , and if you honestly fear returning tho the field because of you lack of practice or because you have been hurt so often while on the ifield in the years back , you then live a life as na I LOVE YOU SLAVE , al life of default of in constant fighting and then drinking to heal and suppress the frustrtation of LOVE ….

Understanding what you do not want so you can choose better what you want ! step 1 of the 5 steps

Ok my goal here dipshit is for the creation of a more natural life style the personal understanding of the sublte daynimcs of LOVE that we all live in …… I wonder why nature does not have the pains we have becaue we TOO are also DNa animals what did we do to fuck NATURES love up .

I have said it many times ove the years theis concept of the EVE spirit is the instinct of GREED nature provides the new mother with to insure she feeds heavly to grow a good strong healthy baby ,,, and the instinct of protection for the new born baby during the milk feeding years , yes those tits are their for a purpose ,,,, the bottle is UNANATURAL , tits are made to feed babys for YEARS! … the milk teeth fall out not at age 1 but at age 5 why ? do doctors force babys into premeature sperations? Becaue we a re fucking stupid and think we are above our instincts tand thus forcing mankind into an CONFUSED STATE early on and we then are very controllable as a population .

The EVE greed is natural but , it also has gotten out of hand , in fact to the point when the girl realy understands how gold plated her pussy is , she can be come , WARPED and cruel with her sexuall control , often happens with girls as they reach their early 20’s and have nticed how easy it is to control a male ….. then they will be cruel sometimes attracting some guy , to talk to her just to EMBARESS him in fornt of her friends ,,,,,

Ahhhhh the cut is deep for the male like surgery … his heart cut out of his body …. Now after surgery the doctor perscibeds MORPHINE and drugs to DULL the pain ,,,, ever wonder why you DAD drank so much ,,,, he was dulling the pain and confsion of the surgeryies he had to endure with your MOTHER ….. her EVE spirit wsa out of control her yin and yang balance of a nautral relationship was not there , if she was in a harem state of culture where the expectation was that she would have the help of her sisiters , and the understanding of the family during her GREEDY eve state while being pregangant or with infants …. And if she got out of hand there is a guiding force called the DOM male guide everyone back into a state HARMONY .

Ohh but that is ,,,b ut you live in a confused world where you have to be creative to succed in A GAME ! … now if you are in sales or if you are in the slef help industry , or into meta pyshics , the idea of having a house full of positive thoughts plastered onw alls to create states of feeling GOOD , the core of the law of attraction is to feel good and that feeling state will help attract the GOOD you are wanting and thinking about for your future adventures .
Remember I was talking about practicing your swing , your free throw … your running ablity , helll back when I fished the circuit I practsed my casting skills in the back yard daily …… is pussy not as improtatn , remember how … undderliying …sex plays into your life choices , the choice of that car or job or where you live ,, etc etc etc .

Now there is learning to live in the world we have and there is creating a life which we are designed to live ….. you have the choice dipshit ….. to be GOOD AT BOTH …. Hence I will refer you again to … the dating pages … the aspects and skills that available there for you to learn about , rmember this Riss guy does this for a living every fucking day , he has seriously studied mankind and woman kind ,,, his term of professionals who like wise have the data to prove the sublte dymincs of reality not fanasty LOVE …. Learn dumbass learn . and at the same time change the whole fucking agme ,,, and return to a more natural state .

Friday, May 23, 2008

scatched pussy lips

scratched pussy lip

tactical play ,,,,, maybe it happened because she had , had a beer and was not feeling the abrasion as acutely maybe it was to dark and you did not notice your job like you should have and young master and noticed that the pussy lips were being rubbed raw to the point of bleeding ,,,, maybe it was a jerk away on her part when you had an ALLIGAOTR clip dangling from that pussy lips so when she jrked away , the clip pulled free but not before cutting her …..

all the above are … honest reason for … the on set of dis-ease ,,, things like deep cuts , or accidents of life ,,, even though there maybe a meta pyshihcal connection to the event ,,,, a drawing to the person of contrast …. Once more , before the person starts to realize they are the creator of their lives , becoming relaxed and joyfull in that … takes ten percent of the years of your life from the date that you start on the path …. But back to DOCTORS nad HEALT CARE . from a TOAISt perspective , I am not talking aobut the for profit aspect of chinesse TOAISM where they hide profit under the umbrella of religion some thing learned from traders to traders …something learned form originally the time of PHAROH . but perfected by ROME …. And the profitable concepts eventually made their way to china ….

No I want to explore the NATURE of health care ,,,, look again like the SAGE to nature how many doctors or hospitals does the animal kingdom create for itself …. Look at the level of accidents that happen , in nature ,,,NOT THAT WHICH IS BECAUSE OF MANKINDS ALLTERING OF NATURE ,, but if the animal were to have lived in a natural state look at .

Think for yourself about the design of the DNA machine the bio chemical suit we use , and animals use to experience the ,, time /space play gorund of this DEMENSION … this pay gorund , where this time you my readers have choosen to come a s a human , and later may come and choose to be an AARDVARK …. Or lizard , or bacteria , whatever , becaue ,, remember what you are ,,, a POINT OF VIEW of the in-fi-nite TOA …. You are not SALLY TIME DONNA OR PHIL …. Yo9u are nameless and formelss only using these tools of NAME here on earth during the common life span of a human which you cam here by choose to experience …

Back to the machine ,,, the DAN programming ,,, where each and every mom and dad , before left an tiney tiny ATOMIC imprint on your special gene structure , every event lived up UNTIL the time of the egg or sperm was created , that over eons eventually e4nded up becoming you , every illness or stress they encountered , every adventure of being is written in the cells the mind the memory of the parent …. So each child from that parent carrys with it the DNA made after thevents of life …. And the LEARNING .!

Example the natural level of defense … or the expectation of your machine the European manchine , for the eventuality of the experience of certain …. Pathogens ,,, made it possible for us to live while the NATIVE PEOPLES OF the Americas died in OBSENE numbers to dis-ease that while me of course died from ,,, but at numbers more like 1 in 10 where aboriginal tribes who had not genentic background of exposure and ,,, thus survival , there was not record in their DAN like was the vents recoruide in the DNA of thw whites ….. so they died in numbers more like 9 out of 10 ….

I just want you to get thinking .. for yourself about the concepts of who and what you are , the FREEDOM of choice you have now , the life pathways you are free to choose from , and the people who you will attract because of your choices right now ….

Remember you will CROAK , you will die , but it does not have to be some big ordeal ,,,, again look to nature understand what we understand baou the working of our bio logical machine when the animal is badly damamged they go into shocik…SHOCK … brings the animal into a state of peace preparing them for the sperartion of the spirit from the body ….. peaceful trasitioning back into the TAO . even thought from the outside the events may seem cruel based on HUMAN judgements … like the tiger tearing apart of the caught deer … when the deer found it self caught it went into SHOCK the flood of nuero chemicals ….. allowed for peaceful transitioning …

No back to her scratched pussy lips , and the possibility that may lead to a doctors visit ,,,, mainly doctors visits arre , events that GIRLS do …. Yes they make up the largest percentage of doctor visits …. The body is designed to heal itself even after ruff sex . play the body is desgned to heal itself afte running thru the under brush of a jungle , we are designed to reapir .. almost instantly !

The use of DOCTOR is in reality the evidence of the EVE state and the looking for ATTENTION ,,,, as from the book written by NORMAN COUSINS , who took much evidence form the studys of the for profit industry of HEATH CARE ITSELF , ( fremeber it is for profit ) …. He said over 9 out of 10 visits to doctors have their basis in the effects of the mental state of the customer /paitient which is blocking the natural healing potential of the human orgaism .

Health and repair are you natural states ,,, beingover weight or over skinny has mainly to do with a person , view of themselves in the culture they live ….. it is not a bio logical malfunction until the doctors looks for the vidence trail left behind after the THINKING of the spirit oprerating the body …

I need you … YOUNG MASTER , to think …. Always I ask you to thik for your self ,e xplore ideas them like the TOAIST Master of acinet times , think for yourself ! not repeat my words or any one elses …. But look for evidence trails . … to derive ideas from ,,,, but do , not limit things to the diag-nosis …to the observed .. without remembering you ..QUANTUM pyshcics …… the eevnt of observation effects ..the out come of the event itself ….
Your rpersence and your expectation does effect shit .

So , back to EVE ,, she is wanting attention to be ,,,, special realized as special in a wrodl that ignores her …. She feels un noticed and for a few bucks and a little time some one will NOTICE her laone and special and care about her … THE DOCTOR … the importance of bed side manner ! is equal to the chemicals he gives … the search for love is the amin reason p[eople use doctors ….the reason we use this route , is because we have IGNORED OUR NATURAL SEVLES in favor for the idea of GREEDY EVE ! and the 1 on 1 ,,, she she should be inside a loving harem , yes there will be competition mainly due to times of pregnancy ,,, see when she is with child her instinct is to be greedy she is eating for tow or more ….. ahhhhhhh the birht of
EVE … thr creation of new life the next TOAist adventurer ….. so , no mater what you think about me bashing women , I really dig the spirit of EVE …. She just got a little out of control , …in nature if you read the bottom of the page about amteing behaivior ,, you will se the yinyang job you have dispshit …. When eve raises her ugly head , even if theat head has make up or earing or nose rigns and tongue peierceing ,, her gredd is still UGLY . and you young master have a job ….. to balance her out so she can find a loving place in this world ,,, not depending on doctors and therapists for friendship and love and attention .

Thursday, May 22, 2008


smoke and mirrors pussy

young master , never be afraid to walk away from the farm from the compound ,, to leave to abandon it all ,,, ot be like the TOAIST sages of the past and just say fuck it ,,, it is only money , rmeber you made money and you’ve lost money and you will make more money in the future , being trapped is never an alternative for the deep master within you , that animal nature of yours … it will bring out the 10 effects of coercion and control guarrnette like the rains will come and the rock thrown in the ari will fall you will begin to show the effects of being MANIPULATED AND CONTROLED OF BEING CAGED in sublte ways …..
hint though ,,, becaue I am diffenent toaist thatn the ancients … I recommend living in the city using it using your mind , because you are smart enough , and the city has bright lights and is fun ,,, I do not want to leave and do what the ancient TOAIST sages did .. and runn away . HINT ,, FOR TAX PURPOSES DURING YOUR tour of duty AFTER YOU HAVE ABOUT 10 IN THOSE BONDS YOU WADE THOUGH … START A COMPANY ,,, just a simple sole prop …. Call it abc holdings or whatever … next spend a few hundered with a local attorney to for a Revocable trust …. See you will not own the farm it is held in trust for the wealth of your family and hiers yet you control the destiny of the trust ,,,, it protects your CASH …. You can leave the compound but not abandon the equity ,,,, and the manipulative nature of EVE will be thwarted …. Trust me , all tooo often in this world girls are living a lie they do not even know they are living , they have hidden motives …. One maybe the idea that they will WAIT YOU OUT , and he will come to see how special I am in the end ! …… a very common sub C. plan of girls who base their life on the FIARY TALE of “ but I love you ! “ when that is the ending of the disscuion turned arguementive … and the final words are that , then you know the basis is one of EVE .

theo words I love you are ,, the starting point of all divorce of cying children lost hurt and hopelsssly confused , it I s the start of every ,,, court case involving DOMESTICI VIOLENCE , it is the reason for evey girl who wears bruises on her face all come from those 3 words ,,, I love you !.

you instinct as described byand in the bible of the girls , the book MEN ARE FROM MARS AND WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS … is that of a LONE male not the gang male of chimps cultures but the lone male compareable to the GORILLA , and what do you need to do ,,,, you need to leave once you are feelintrapped , you need to be ALONE ! …. Dr. Gray calls it going into the cave ,, and he tells girls do not prevent this or talk or try to engage the amle while he is in the cave , the results in the end will be NOT WHAT YOU WANT … the effects will become the lost of coercion and control , sublte rebellion of hopelssness from you the male , but over all the effects of denying amale his cave time is very very very bad ..

that is what hapeedned to me a few nights ago ,,,, I was denyed manipulated out of my EXPRESSION of cave time … my GF was acting thru her EVE programming …. The effects are now becoming dangerously bad for her …

you gotta have another piece of land think about it as the ivestment for your kids ,,, now remember even you can leave the first farm ,,, because everything went badly the girls were not realy ,,, one with the ideals OF INSTINCTUALISM , they came to you for what ever reason , they lived their fairy tales …. But eventually the spriirt of EVE came out , and discussion becomes argumentative . ….. if you are not prepared to BLOT .. split , then there willhave to be a winner or a loser to the ARGUMENT ,,, some one will lose some one will hold a building resentment .

is she and they in totality know you are NEVER TRAPPED . they have FREE CHOICES . to realy listen re read the words of MARS AND VENUS , this time not using it ,,,like this , girls are liars , they hide themselves in make up and under pretty clothes they manipulate states of sexual frustration , they add flash to the total package like a fisherman does to his bait , and the girl hides a HOOK OF honor CALLED THE I love you statement …. IF talk about this a girl will then do the confuse and conquer move of pointing at my leather bracelet and say ….BUT GUYS DO IT TO ! .. LOOK EVEN AT YOURSELF ,,,, this it is like the wise word of JESUS …. They person who can point out the speck in the others eye while ignoring the log in their own ,,,,,, I got a leather braclet , you girl have 23 necklasces 23 ….. you have almost the same amount of braclets and anklets a… you have 50 pairs of flashy ear rings and you spend hour over the course of each week minutes her amdn minutes there decided which bait to apply to day! I have 1 tied on perment braclet … that will age and fall off in about 3 months then in a year or two I may buy another one … which will fall off . oooooo shit I forgot about the rings and I forgot about the toe rings ,,,, yeah I forgot also about the hair jewelry and the aceents applied to the outside of the clothing ,,,,

I have a bracelet …… 1 …. So men do it …. To ~

The speck or the log , young master what do you think , if you argue this point with a woman as you get clse she will change the subject ,,, confuse and control …. Change the subject and in the end , it willl end up with the only logic she has left ,,, the ulitimate card of her control ,,,, the guilt of the I LOVE YOU STATEMENT .. the creation of human culture .

Girls write me and say I never talk about LOVE , but in reality I talk and write about love everyday ,,, REAL HUMAN love ,,,, I expose the fairy tale for what it is , an expression foescapeism and tools of manipulation ,,, the sprieiert of EVE wanting to be the 1 and ONLY .. and in doing that she separates herself from the TOA and starts the paths of PAIN for herlself and everyon couaght in her trap . of greed .

A trapp she does not realize because of her training and conditioning and continued support in her efforts to be the 1 an d only ,,, the support of her feelllow UNHAPPY females ,,,, PERSONEELY I THINK it is stupid plan ,,, but when I write that I write the word stupid , you gota understand now the ,,, emotins change ,, the girls changes she ignores any logic and focus’s on the use of the word STUPID ……. I touch her EGO … and well ? we.. what ?

Well as So-Crates of ancient Greece would do he would leave you with a question ,,, in hopes that you would THINK FOR YOURSELF ! .

( be prepared n your mind to bolt , rmember you built one farm you can do it again , even better even faster ,,,, your TRUST still owns the equity , and you can recover that property by selling it to another trust …… and NEVER EVER HAVE TO FIGHT …. Never ever evne raise you voice to be heard ! …. Just leave ! the game of EVE does not work , never has never will ,,,, look to the EVIDENCE TRAIL of written history …. )
ahh todays video … see there are others who think also out side of the box we are not alone ..
evolutionary dating ….. ,,, understanding we do not know but why not think for yourself ….. harem … or the biggest bull … and meta psychics , and source energy …. Staic realaity and the ablity to inerupt energy …. Higher value

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

cna't live with'em

Can’t live with’em

Young master today was supposed to relte to yesterdays blog about $ in looking over you 4 guys last 2 years which I can sy in few words ..well sucked for you and you financial position is reltaly unchanged …but because of the confusion of relationships it will become a classic example of sublte relationship problem and the ESCAPEISM of the great movie ….. August Rush …. The moive is a good example;e of SCIENCE IN ACTION … over the eons mankind has ffound out that we respond at an instinctual level to certain noises tones and rythms ,,, simple observation , then crafting that into the HOPES AND DREAMS of finding that perfect social condition called the FAMILY …. And for 2 hours we are drawn into the DREAM that fairy tales can come true .

Earlier yesterday , I was talking with 3 men my age , as we did businesss they coming and going out of the office 1 of them and I get talking about girls becaue the issue I was there fore had to do with the 2 girls in my life ,,, I was doing my PRIDEFULL make job of helping the women in my life ….. basic protection of gorilla nature …in comparison the chimp males in their GANG culture honestly do little to protect the female who wantders pussy exposed her passport moving from group to group getting fucked along the way … the gang worries more about the gang thatn the INDIVIDUAL GIRLS like the actions of the protective goriila

Well pretty soon , we all got talking about women and the old saying gets repeated “ you can’t ive withem you can’t live without them .. girls say thisa bout guys guys say this about girls …s tupid huh that generation after generation we do the same stupid action each generation touching the stove over ane over …. , 2 of the 3 men were in active relationships that were coming to an end 1 has 3 divorces like me and many kids … the other new to his first , the last ,,, said I do my best just to keep out of her way , and make sure I make enough cash to keep her some what happy …. Now the second who was in his first divorce commented on how for the last few years he was doing that also , but she KEPT CHASING HIM WITH PROBLEMS ….. he tried to stay low key but it seemed she found issues to ENGAGE HIM ON , which over time became to much , … HE WAS LIVING IN A STATE OF FAILURE and well men prideful good hard working men hate to be failures ,,, well simpley because they ARE NOT failures but if the reason for their hard work keeps kindsing reasons to prove there are failing , well the stress becomes overwhelming and ….. breakup in … inevitable . oh yes me well we all know about me ….

Ahh but last night , I was confronted by what to me seemed like ,,, my Deb doing the same SUBLTE action …. Of chasing me with probems wit hissues , when the evidence trail shows I want nothing but to make her life as good as I can . but upon finding something … and not understanding the some she found ,,,, her way of opening the conversation , brought me into astate of confusion , from where I ussally will leave . since I donot have any words or and idea of what the FUCK IS GOING ON , how come there is a bsic change iin something that has been XY and Z for months and motnhs … it has a lot to do with the basic issues again of the WAY men and women process information and how we delivier information in disscusions .

Now I am sure many of you have READ mars and venus books , hell I studied them some years back including the videos as part of months and months of another marriage counseling attempt in marriage number 2 , ( plus the again large finnaical investment in the attempt to salvage that 1 on 1 marriage , again I proving the Gorilla in me theis desire to learn adapt , protect the family ) Dr. gray ‘s work is for girl to learn as much as men , but honestly it is for you girls to understand , look at the facts , WE ARE DIFFERENT …. Poke us with astick and we will fight ,,, inderstand us and we can co-exisit ,,, maybe… yes just maybe , the stats still show that the mars and veus teachings , in the end leads to the same numbers of break ups and dysfunctional family .

Now what happened yesterday ,, there was not right or wrong in the vents in my house there were not , yeeling or harse words for if it even got close to that I would be gone out the door ,,, I will not fight with her about anything …. You are right I am wwrong you win …. Done over are you happy NOW? ..BYE ! BE BACK LATTER AFTER I CAN SUBDUE MYSELF ….. and put myself back into a box and co-exisist for a period of time again , till we REPEAT this same pattern which we will …. The rock trown into the air falls and falls and falls ,,,, why I don ot know but it does , so why fight against the law of attraction .. the nature or the natural

No … good or bad ,, just information and feeling tht can not be transmitted from female to male ..or from male to female without feelings being hurt ,,, both feeling like FAILURES … becaue SHE ALSO DOES SO MUCH TO MAKE ME FEEL HAPPY .. like I do for her …. Humans are friendly species …. The grooming sctivity of the gorilla family as compared to the chaos of the gang and trasiet female family of the chimp and their life long enemy lifestyles ..
We humans do so much for each other … and when there is a question that needs answers the way we present the question is usually after we have hit a level of stress ,, we are alone with no 3rd party to help us convey to the other the problem ,,,9 HEY THIS IS WHY MARRIAGE COUNSELING INDUSTRY IS SO GOOD AND LONG LASTING ,, IT IS MAINLY ABOUT HAVIN THAT 3RD PARTY TO ATLK THRU ) ahhhh the other girls in the harem are there to help when issues arise and conversation needs to be engaged in …… I can go to another wife who I believe is interested in the happiness of me and her sisiter wife and talk to her about the issue that does not relte to her … so she can talk free of judgement or motive except the motive of seeing everyone happy …that basic human spirit the reason you give gift at xmas is to see ahppiness of others …. ,, the girl with a proble can go to a sister wife to talk and like wise find a way to atlk to me ,,,,AHHHH but if they form a co-illition … a battle fron , then the 2 separate are now a 1 on 1 …with me ,,, the two combine their problems into one state then they will both be emotionally involed and the result will be I will feel ATTACTED …. By an army of not just 1 or 2 but maybe 3 ,, that is a psooible if the girls donot understand the dynicns of the poly and how it is supposed to be used to avild the 1 on 1 sublte problems …

I as a writer must explore this issue to put it inot a page4 on ….. fot public learning and thinking about . not just here in a passing blog . … for this is what happened last nigh ,,, now ,, , being that nothing was realty resoved but the realization on both aprts that neither hates or does anything to hurt the other out of CONSISCUIOS spite …. Does not mean we do not act out of UNTHINKING , letting deep feelings be expressed by accident …. Deep feeling mostly to do with the hidden frustrations e have with our current life stuatiuon ….. well , in a few minutes I will wake her ,, like I do always and we will act as if nothing happened once more , the same act so many loving couples survive with day after day ….

Now here is aother link to another video today … Abraham/hicks
Subtle ( the sublte commication , the compare of the ego of the sexual slave and the reality of love , the effects of beer , the eefects of 3 girls , the freedom of not havng to ! )
family fucking joy kids , freedom , freedom of choice

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

96 out of 100 pussys

94 pussys out of 100

young master actually it is 94 people out of 100 have no real …NET WORTH … they would they totally liquated everything they have … have enough to live for a full set of seasons . so knowing this how come I felt foolish yesterday like I have the last month or so , when I wae doing something that in the end makes me feel great and helps me feel ,, again with the emotional guidance scale ,,, listening to those events the responses I have ot events , and dfinding those that make me feel just make me feel good … even little goods are better than just being ,,,,,,, whatever! Or bored …

the slow sale of my house is some what depressing the market where people had visio and were investing and buying based on the pleasure of knowing that the property was going to g up in value everyday ALL MOST … well in that mind set , when a waterfront home like mine came on the market at the right price it was bought up fast ,,, or if it went up for auction there was true activity of interest and investoprs who would buy it at the realistic market ,,, but today ,,, the buyer is an end consumer … the person who is going to be using it for the intrinctic value of the house …. Well that puts my cottage in paradise in the realm of a speciality buyer ,…. Some one with not quite the cash to buy one of the normal houses on the DRIVE yet wants to own a piece of the DRIVE …… so my sale is taking much much longer than I thought , and since the life style I created by default by living the correct life as per the idea of correct life stated and implied by my conditioning and social expectations I bought into . welll , I have created a HAPPY LIL’ TRAP …. That I must cash out of first before I can enjoy the next phase that of building the INSTINCTUALISM LIFE
) oooh I know about this really neat house for sale on the water in florida , check it out at ,, search for 12601 s. Indian river drive (
now like I hope I project I am not UN happy with my current position , not in the slightest , while doing my morning run ,I watch the sum crrep over the barrier island ,, reflecting off the lagoon , watched birds go in and out of the nesting holes created in the salbe palms ….. then to watch a pod of Dolphin play in the water just 100 feet from , about 10 animals including some babies ,,,, I amean this is a fcuking great place to call home . but this 1` home here on paradise street next to all the other trip people who have the cash to live on this Eclectic street , mixed with the artists and professional . like how I had paineted once this giangitic mural across the face of my house , it was based on the music of GOLD FINGER the song opne your eyes ,,,, where I did a cubist redition of a cow getting shot in the head …. A quate from the song ….. ohh back to investing

so ,,, ia m at the bank making a daily business deposit instead of going thru the drive thru like always , I am going inseid when I feel like STEALING FROM MYSELF ….. locking atleast a little away , in some where it will not just get absorbed into the flow of cash moving in and out of life …. The tool I use again now to make me feel that FORWARD movement towards the goal of the lifestyle is the same tool I used back when I was 20 … the US saving bonds ,,,, because when you get it in the mail it makes you feel good to hold that bond , and rememeber why you are doing this ,,, this stealing from yourself … if is one more PROOF of forward movement ,,, that event that FEELS good! …. But in line I was feelin self consiuos ,,,, I should not be just buying a bond , the teller has not gotten used to me yet so they all ask is this a GIFT ,,, as if people do not use this vehicle this approach to personel savings … but then I gotta remeind myself , this person who I feel is looking down on me for saving just a plaurty , alil 25 bucks , well the law of averages states that she is probably in fucking debt up to her pussy or her tits ,, if not even over her head in reality , her CAR is worth less than the loan , her home now adays is worth less than her first and second mortagages ,,, she buys tuff on credit and the things she owns all those important things if they were sold in an auction or at a pawn shop , or even thru the paper she would get 10 cents on the dollar which would cover her cridt card debt ! who is she to judge me , I remend myself ,,,, for a PENNY SAVED IS A PENNY EARNED ,,, grand dad said that as he told me make sure you make at least apenny everyday make going to the bank the highlight of your day , … and I listen because it takes atleast 10 minutes of the tellers time to do the paperwork to hide away 25 bucks and invest it into the country of the UNITED STATES … duting those 10 minutes I listen to the banking evnts of the world the 100 , well most people who come to baks have money the people and there are many who do not have money have not real need for coming into banks unless there is a problem with what lilttle money they have so logaiclly the 96 should reperesent a very small number who have direct banking day to day needs ,,, but listen ,,,, to who is there , that fancy chich you saw drive up with you in that cool looking car , listen why is she here to check on her CERT’s to negoicate higher interest ,,,, no she is here because she is trying to example and blame the bank for her KITING of checks and the accumulated , bad check charges she now has …..and that guy who loos 5 steps up from ,,, probably has a decent professional job , looks at the guy like me at the next teelar wearing the T-shit ( no collar hell I do not have a white collar or even ablue collar I got a tshit ) with my compay service industry name on it ,,,, the lil’ guy …. Well as I am waiting on the paperwork proving that I am hiding 25 dollrs from myself ….. I listen to him using his credit card to get CASH NOW to fix up agin the mistake of his wife so she willnot be like that girl behind us complaing about $150 + on bad check charges ….

Oh there is another person or town who come and go silently , sending money into the accounts of loved ones ,, who are still sturrugleing …. Or in unvierscity ,,, the grand parents who have cash to flash and give it away to the most important things in the world …. You ! you reader …. Family , f ro the grand parent understands something you do not …. I wnder if you nknow what the wisedom of years has shown the old ,,, what do they understand it the most important thing and the real reason for money in the end …. I wonder young master if you can guess the answer ?

So ,,,, as I stood there me ,, phil , person of NET WORTH , a person who is already a part of the 6 percent …. But here is stand stealing from myself , hiding just a littlee unimportant 25 bucks …. But when I got home there was letter and in that letter was this cool piece of paper all official like and shit thich andlong lasting … and on it wwas embossed $50 ,,,,, wow what fucking fun ,,, I given 25 they give me back 50 ….. nowe of course I know that is a projected value based on ROI ,,, but the fun , the good feelings ,, the confidence it gives you young master theat you are MOVING FORWARD to wards your goals … be cause you WANTO ! … this combination is realized and then savored ….. the buying of the bond is cool and is a PRIDEFULL THING ,,,, even if the tellar does not get it ! ( ohh those grand parents who have cash to falsh they would get it if I talkd to them about the meantal aspects of this savings methos while living the life of the family man full of bills and things calling for his cash 24/7 , becaue they most rpbably lived my life also ) …. Being in line taking 10 minutes to REFLECT to mediate , to day dream … to do all the things suggested in the book THINK AND GORW RICH … or what Abraham/hicks and theDVD the secret recommend … all of this is done while buying and later receiving and storing away safely the bonds and or the reiciepts ,,, it is that constant remeinder to your self … TO FEEL FUCKING GREAT STRONG AND PRIDEFULL like the silver back gorilla dipshit for you are building your territory , and you can see the abstract evendicne in thesse pieces of paper … now for me I will of course be done selling my home before I would save enough like you ,,, I can not to do the 90/10 which you could if you want and you will want after you start wading thru bonds on your bed room floor while you are alone …. The 90/10 is alluded to and some what explained in the TOUR OF DUTY blog ,,,, see masters training but here I want you to see something ,,,, more and more traing … this is not just for dating it is for sales traing it is for feeling great while standing inline in the bank …
breathing for ninga dating control understanding the hormaones we have and how to control them so you can control your world better the , example of a master …..

Monday, May 19, 2008

is is an empty pussy

Being an emprty pussy

Young master the general feeling of understanding the world around you gives us a feeling of mastery ,,, the ability to make suceessfull plans which come into being . whether it is learning a sport and then over time practicing it ans then seeing your won inporvement ,,, or the coming of that job after years of schooling and prep ,,,,, but when it comes to pussy for you you m had inside of you this drive to fuck it and you found out very quickly the rules about pussy well were not that easy to understand ….. WHAT THE FUCK DO THEY WANT ? ask girls that question and the underlieing answer you realy get is I DO NOT KNOW , I want this or that now but over the long term , their wants change and thus so do they themselves and that makes it undependable to us ,, and something we can not plan for …. Or practice for … or somewhat depend on …. Thus your inner confusion started … actually it started by watching your mom and every other womena in your home ,,,, you picked up on the events and that created in you a basis for expectation and that ex[pectation has come true because …. We do see those things we are expecting to see …. And our expectations are built around the possibles of the life we have already lived ….

Her pussy is empty , and it needs to be filled …. That is instinctual fact ,,, it is designed to be filled will bolld engorged penis ,,,, yet will respond with excitement to the insertion of toys or fingers but deep inside the perfect fit is DICK ,,,,

Keep that truth in your mind as part of your level of expectations when you look at girls in the wrodl as you walk thru life … yes the culture teaches to ignore our basic animal instincts to view sex in some fairy tale love story terms when in fact is is simply her feeling of being empty that is the basic urge for her being open to our advances ….

Her openness is the truth in dating it is not our fancy moves words or plys … it is still in her freedom of choice to feel her own emptiness that the YES is born . and her legs open and her psuu wettns in anticipation of penetration . ….. other wise she is buildt mentally to enjoy the mental interaction with her female friends ,, she does try to form this friendship bond with us , and our friendship do resemble that of the girlfriend to girlfriend …. Platonic friendship yet , the under lying sexuality ,,, of our bodies is still there .

See both sides of reality ,,, do not get totally focused on the evnts that leave you confused … you have lived you life like that already that has been your default training . but compare that to newer old ideas about the instinctual drives of you and her …. And then open your eyes to the evidence around you abouthow she is acting in sublte ways with you , once you see the sublte games that she does not even realize she is playing .. games of control and ownership . that she calls love . you can beeter think about

Think about how it is going to be different ,, while you are in this time of PRACTISE and planning and building …. Like learning the skills of a sport or job or hunting or farming … all learned things .. sex does not have to be learnsed it could have been instinctual , actions based on the proving of the young master ,,, you , during your age when sex was not that fucking important ….. during the time when you should have been securing your territory , your little peiece of a the jungle or actually the SAVANNH …. Your lil peiece of the desert .
Yes man kind was not the un dyninc harem animal like the Gorilla , but we are not also the CHAOS of the chimp world , we were able to fuse and co-operate … to make life in the fire plains do able. For millions of years our basic species lived the harem life like our current cousin the Gorilla , we had already spread out across the palnaet inthat form , now the new modern man animal the mutation of US into what we look like not and act like …. In realitivaely new 70 k years … but of that 70 ,000 years until the LAWS OF CONTROL enacted by rome took over the known western worlds , the ideas of harems was the most common relationship form ,,, harems within a co-operative village .

Remember that is has just been until 2007 that mankind has finnaly hit numbers , like this … that the majority of people no longer live out on the farm but now live in citys ….. the 1 on 1 examples of politicall heads like PHAROH ,,, where a king and a queen married most often to form policitcal bonds and end wars ,,,, or the rich keeping their wealth all in the family by , the the first wife retaining $ and policital control in certain forms ,,,, this was again something limited to citys and to the elite … this was where the story of the soul mate was evolved from , because of the UNHAPPINESS of the 1 on 1 marrage system ,,,, we human built storys of fairy tale love … and the hunt for soul mates ….. go to and hit the soul mate link ….

I just want yo to thik all the time think for your self out side of the BOX … the minted ideas , that when you realy look around you will notice are not bringing those who are living in DREAMS much real fun ….. now , then understand the law of sttraction basic pyshihcs realy , then the idea of your behind the scenes TOA part … but caution yourelf using this info to create new fanasty lives . and fair tales . to attract the formation of matter is one thing , but to think you can control the free choice of another human is another . yet … yet the attraction of like to like , is still factual
Great 1st view of Abraham the door why are you ATTRACTING my swriting