smoke and mirrors pussy
young master , never be afraid to walk away from the farm from the compound ,, to leave to abandon it all ,,, ot be like the TOAIST sages of the past and just say fuck it ,,, it is only money , rmeber you made money and you’ve lost money and you will make more money in the future , being trapped is never an alternative for the deep master within you , that animal nature of yours … it will bring out the 10 effects of coercion and control guarrnette like the rains will come and the rock thrown in the ari will fall you will begin to show the effects of being MANIPULATED AND CONTROLED OF BEING CAGED in sublte ways …..
hint though ,,, becaue I am diffenent toaist thatn the ancients … I recommend living in the city using it using your mind , because you are smart enough , and the city has bright lights and is fun ,,, I do not want to leave and do what the ancient TOAIST sages did .. and runn away . HINT ,, FOR TAX PURPOSES DURING YOUR tour of duty AFTER YOU HAVE ABOUT 10 IN THOSE BONDS YOU WADE THOUGH … START A COMPANY ,,, just a simple sole prop …. Call it abc holdings or whatever … next spend a few hundered with a local attorney to for a Revocable trust …. See you will not own the farm it is held in trust for the wealth of your family and hiers yet you control the destiny of the trust ,,,, it protects your CASH …. You can leave the compound but not abandon the equity ,,,, and the manipulative nature of EVE will be thwarted …. Trust me , all tooo often in this world girls are living a lie they do not even know they are living , they have hidden motives …. One maybe the idea that they will WAIT YOU OUT , and he will come to see how special I am in the end ! …… a very common sub C. plan of girls who base their life on the FIARY TALE of “ but I love you ! “ when that is the ending of the disscuion turned arguementive … and the final words are that , then you know the basis is one of EVE .
theo words I love you are ,, the starting point of all divorce of cying children lost hurt and hopelsssly confused , it I s the start of every ,,, court case involving DOMESTICI VIOLENCE , it is the reason for evey girl who wears bruises on her face all come from those 3 words ,,, I love you !.
you instinct as described byand in the bible of the girls , the book MEN ARE FROM MARS AND WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS … is that of a LONE male not the gang male of chimps cultures but the lone male compareable to the GORILLA , and what do you need to do ,,,, you need to leave once you are feelintrapped , you need to be ALONE ! …. Dr. Gray calls it going into the cave ,, and he tells girls do not prevent this or talk or try to engage the amle while he is in the cave , the results in the end will be NOT WHAT YOU WANT … the effects will become the lost of coercion and control , sublte rebellion of hopelssness from you the male , but over all the effects of denying amale his cave time is very very very bad ..
that is what hapeedned to me a few nights ago ,,,, I was denyed manipulated out of my EXPRESSION of cave time … my GF was acting thru her EVE programming …. The effects are now becoming dangerously bad for her …
you gotta have another piece of land think about it as the ivestment for your kids ,,, now remember even you can leave the first farm ,,, because everything went badly the girls were not realy ,,, one with the ideals OF INSTINCTUALISM , they came to you for what ever reason , they lived their fairy tales …. But eventually the spriirt of EVE came out , and discussion becomes argumentative . ….. if you are not prepared to BLOT .. split , then there willhave to be a winner or a loser to the ARGUMENT ,,, some one will lose some one will hold a building resentment .
is she and they in totality know you are NEVER TRAPPED . they have FREE CHOICES . to realy listen re read the words of MARS AND VENUS , this time not using it ,,,like this , girls are liars , they hide themselves in make up and under pretty clothes they manipulate states of sexual frustration , they add flash to the total package like a fisherman does to his bait , and the girl hides a HOOK OF honor CALLED THE I love you statement …. IF talk about this a girl will then do the confuse and conquer move of pointing at my leather bracelet and say ….BUT GUYS DO IT TO ! .. LOOK EVEN AT YOURSELF ,,,, this it is like the wise word of JESUS …. They person who can point out the speck in the others eye while ignoring the log in their own ,,,,,, I got a leather braclet , you girl have 23 necklasces 23 ….. you have almost the same amount of braclets and anklets a… you have 50 pairs of flashy ear rings and you spend hour over the course of each week minutes her amdn minutes there decided which bait to apply to day! I have 1 tied on perment braclet … that will age and fall off in about 3 months then in a year or two I may buy another one … which will fall off . oooooo shit I forgot about the rings and I forgot about the toe rings ,,,, yeah I forgot also about the hair jewelry and the aceents applied to the outside of the clothing ,,,,
I have a bracelet …… 1 …. So men do it …. To ~
The speck or the log , young master what do you think , if you argue this point with a woman as you get clse she will change the subject ,,, confuse and control …. Change the subject and in the end , it willl end up with the only logic she has left ,,, the ulitimate card of her control ,,,, the guilt of the I LOVE YOU STATEMENT .. the creation of human culture .
Girls write me and say I never talk about LOVE , but in reality I talk and write about love everyday ,,, REAL HUMAN love ,,,, I expose the fairy tale for what it is , an expression foescapeism and tools of manipulation ,,, the sprieiert of EVE wanting to be the 1 and ONLY .. and in doing that she separates herself from the TOA and starts the paths of PAIN for herlself and everyon couaght in her trap . of greed .
A trapp she does not realize because of her training and conditioning and continued support in her efforts to be the 1 an d only ,,, the support of her feelllow UNHAPPY females ,,,, PERSONEELY I THINK it is stupid plan ,,, but when I write that I write the word stupid , you gota understand now the ,,, emotins change ,, the girls changes she ignores any logic and focus’s on the use of the word STUPID ……. I touch her EGO … and well ? we.. what ?
Well as So-Crates of ancient Greece would do he would leave you with a question ,,, in hopes that you would THINK FOR YOURSELF ! .
( be prepared n your mind to bolt , rmember you built one farm you can do it again , even better even faster ,,,, your TRUST still owns the equity , and you can recover that property by selling it to another trust …… and NEVER EVER HAVE TO FIGHT …. Never ever evne raise you voice to be heard ! …. Just leave ! the game of EVE does not work , never has never will ,,,, look to the EVIDENCE TRAIL of written history …. )
ahh todays video … see there are others who think also out side of the box we are not alone ..
evolutionary dating ….. ,,, understanding we do not know but why not think for yourself ….. harem … or the biggest bull … and meta psychics , and source energy …. Staic realaity and the ablity to inerupt energy …. Higher value
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