Monday, May 26, 2008

wet pussy tells no lies

Wet pussy tells no lies

Young master the non-verbal commuction will tell you the truth ,, when you yourselfa re excited about something then your actions TELL A STORY about your level of want to ….. when you really love skate boarding well you are out skate boarding and if it were fishing then I betcha you are readinga bout fishing when you can’t get ou to go fishing learning about aspects fo the species you willb e going for …… when you are into something then you want to be doing things that relate to that TOPIC ….

I GOT LETTER today form a girl …. I have said before that I am not in the active market because I have not the 3 homes ..because of the invests where my money is , is not liquid , so I am in a waiting game ,, so I refer her to thinking about who ever she has in her life right now …. And not me . but it got me to thinking about what is it I for example really need to see in a girl to rally believe that she is with me in my world and that she wants it to be her world TOO , she is excited and not just setting events up to make everything all fail ….. and she is proven right in her self created failure .

· lets assUm that I agree who would be the wives .. do I get to choose ? are they from xanga sites ? like wer playing a game online?
That is her letter to me ,my reply is detached , I was thinking in general terms ,,, not in personal terms and here is my reply

· no online games any more ... a ma trying to build a reasonalbe afford copyalbe model for young n in your world to use to create a life style for you all! once i have been able to build what i need , get all the data , i will then train your BOYFRIEND ....he will be able to come over build a home from start to finish , i will take him out to work and teach him to create self emplyment companies , and the artistic income oppurtunitues for the girls. now you ! once you meet a man who has the compound going , and you have studied your won life and the instinctualist life and hav met spent time with this male , and gone out and lived the compound ,t hen you ,,,YES YOU! will be the biggest FAN of the compound , you will attract other girls along with him to come over and meet both of you ,, NOT FOR SEX ! of course that will happen later but only if she really likes and understands the ideas of INSTINCTUALISM that is why starting a local instinctualism gorup is important iit is about , presesnting the HOLISTIC LIFE S TLYE FIRST , the sex will cummmm naturally later
now , I got thiking while at work …. What would be the evidence trail with a girl like this during a period like the one I am in new , ( or like the two young masters who were jusst at the house and we were going over the success they are feeling in these very early stages of the 90/10 , but they have caught the bug ,,the arrival of bonds in the mail made it real …… so I have know them for over 3 years and they are just starting like from day 1 today ,,, they both finaally understand . so they got 2 more years to live like they USED broke ! yet every week both are banking about 500 …. But they are broke .

so what about a girl who gets interested in one of these tow masters and their dreams about spliting that 20 acres in KENTUCKY … 10 and 10 in 18 months …… what should they look for in the girl who is interested in one of them ,,, well first I would say ,,, feel trust your gut your intuition , see your SUB C mind picks up on all the incoming data and then relays messages in GuT FORM … do not listen to their words but watch the girl , is she wanting to go out for you to dip into the 500 a week JUST THIS ONCE , which will happen over and over and over again ….. this just once …. This one party or event … has she put any effort in to preparing herself for the different life style because ,, dumbass get real all the girls around here , are city chicks … they know nothing about CHOOSING , FREE CHOICE ON HER PART ,,, SHE KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT living by choice off grid ,,, so is she ,,, doing like you would do when you can’t go fsihing is she reading about fishing , is she reading about lets aspects of the SFG ? has she invested any of her own cashor is going shopping for more CRAP more inportant , has she excitedly gone to home depot and bought maybe a little window planter for 5 bucks and got a bag of dirt for 5 bucks and a bag of seeds for a buck ,, just to play

the neat thing is , even here is she wants eraly realy realy wants to succeeed ! she will , if she wants the plants to die so that she can show you the error of your ways , that will happen also ,,,, remember young master for 2.5 million years we have been tool making and farming …. Seeds grow ,, just look areound you every fucking GREEN shing was once a seed ! …. It is like amgic the success and th failures of people it all has to do with thie deep ….deep ..inner WANTO . if they want to succeeed it will succed because they will learn how to do that which mankind ahs been doing already for 2.5 million years , she willl learn it so fucking fast and be so fucking PROUD TO SHOW YOU …..

is this the girl who is looking at you and toalking to you or is she wanting to go drinking and bithching about not having enough money to see the Disturbed show coming in July ,,, ( it is only 1 show and Slipknot will be there ,tooo ,,, ahhh come honey let go ! ) is that what you are hearing instead of homey look at what ,,, I grew?

Are your discussiona about relationship theroy etill based on the soul amte issue ,,, and how happy fred and sally are ….. ( evn though they are the only couple out of the 20 couples and marriages you both know who are still together and they are happy now but remember last year when they were living in seprate houses , how long will this happiness ? 1 out of 20 and that 1 has lived thru hell already and honsty destined for more hell … ) what are the topics is she talking to friends without you having to start the topic is she excited to explain to her friends the concepts ideas and stats about the ideas , is she sharing the web address her self , do you see her writing it down on a piece of paper and giving it to totall strangers or ….

Is she HIDING …… and in fact sking you to not talk so much about your dereams plans and reasoning ….. what is the TRUTH of her actions as compared to her words ?

And if the turth is not good , well to talk to her will bring only more SELF DECEPTION on her part …. Personsl manipulation on her part …. All the things girls THINK WILL work …. Whether thye are manipulating you dierctly or themselves to fit what they think you want of them ….. it is all MANIPULATION …. It is she not feeling her deepest in emotional guidance …. She is not thinking for herself , watch the evidence trail ,,, what is she talking about ? her new french nails , the clothes she bought ,,,, SHE IS TALKING …SO what is she talking about ?

Because if she is your biggest fan ,,, the question of other girls and how they will meet will not even come up , hell she will be selling girls on the benifts of the ideas all the time ….. the question about who the others will be and who will choose … will not come up . for ti will flow naturally over the 18 nmonths of waitng for the 90/10 to build up ,, she willhave met enough friends who will like wise be ,,, greowing shit , and thinking and learning and talking and being proud of choosing something very very different …. She friends and her will be bringing you fresh strawberries gorwn on the balocmy of their mom’s condo ….if they realy realy wanted to ! ( hey great to see that 2 out of you 3 got it , interesting of your grup of 3 locals all of you are still hstro ,,,, another soicio ecominc group your age that you know 5 guys , in that as of late 3 of the men turned openly gay over these last 3 years …. Wow …. They were straight just regualr boys I have known all you all since like yo were in fucking kindergarten ….. why did 60 perecnt of that group become gay ? cash wise well they are richer kids from richer families where mommy will make sure they CAN NOT FAIL …. Oh that other group from the south side , I have not seen much of them , they all got broken up by that bust last year ,,,, )

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