Thursday, May 15, 2008

shoot sperm on her face

Shoot sperm on her face

Young master believe it , I will tie that title to enjoying time watching Barney the big purple dino with my lil’ 2 year old , ( the fun of barney is not about me it is about them the lil’one the ones we..we ..we INVITED here ! so we gotta make their experience fun snce we invited the guest here into time and space ) …. Ok aback to watching your thichest white hot sperm flying SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT , DRIIBBLE the rubbed in with the head and shaft of your cock across her eyes cheeks forehead lips etc ,…. The the ahair pulling of pleasure ,,, ever been walking with your girl and her hair got caught on something ans she may have said something you did not even catch , like this ,,,,, MY HAIR GOT PULLED AND I DIDN’T EVEN HAVE any FUN …. She may have said this very very common girl statement … and it went right over your head or you heard it said between girls and again you realy did not notice , you attention may have been focused on her discomfort like the GOOD PROTECTIVE gorilla silver back off you instincts which upon hearin that your girl friend in in discomfort worrys about her ,,, or you may have alre4ady been so JADED by relatioanhips as to not longer even CARE …bummer for you …

In the book fro the page you not only get some great directions for hobby crafting BDSM sex toys and safe sane consentual sex play ,,, but you also gleem the idea about our protective nature yet thiernature to be PENETRATED that needs to be addressed ,, the order needs to be filled per se …. With your hard tool of PENETRATIONS , among other things that we have now adays at our disposial for shoving in happy lil girls who realy realy ,,, YES REALY are built designed by nature and instinct to want to submit to penetration !....... but lets think .. and realize , about our protective nature , the act of tieing her up is I hate to admit it scary …. Yes admit it to yourself whay you resisit in the way of feelings that come up only persists until you deal with it logically ./… so admitting understanding the gorilla nature of family protection you carry in your instincts ,,, even the idea that because of years of coercion and controls your will rebel from your instincts and become just a mean drunk abusive dick …. Admit that too if it is you , otherwise , .. realize the protective nature in natural her need for penentration is natural ,, but but , but BUT SHE HAS BEEN TRAINED controlled conerrced also , into ignoring her desire for penetration and submission ,,, she has been trained to be a NOW woman todays woman , above you ! better that her instinct ½ …. You are the part designed to fit inside of her for the PLEASURE OF BOTH ,, none better than the other ,,,, . yet the feminist movement the penedullum of free choice swung so far as to train her to ingonore her instinct for penetrations ,,, so

Tieing her wrists to her ankles , is sometimes the only way to free her to bring her back to what her deeeepsest animal instincts is telling her to submit tio . to search out when she dates fuk-ups based upont the deep sounds of theier cars or trucks ,, she is following natures call and oftern these guys are the ones , most damaged by years of menatll twisted upbringing the strongest part of them is the machines they drive , their strength of character only comes out of beer bottle and if he drinks to much she misses the window of good fucking because he is too DRUNK .,…

You young master must past ,,, your training am moral upbringing to provide nature with what it wants , that can be hard when you have had to begg for pussy , ,,, remember you asking her out ( a beg is a supplicating ask ) ,,,, instead of presenting an OPPURUTNITY for her to meet with you , her equal instinctual ½ … so in the 1 on 1 , you have fear of losing something so HARD TO GET …. Unless you are skilled at your 10 foot cicle then ,,, you have not fear of dating at all ,,,, but then you have confilict in the honor behind any I LOVE YOU statements you make because to leave her even for a while and work your 10 foot circle constintues cheating and your good man nature feels that is wrong and it is

The HAREM IS NOT CHEATING it is very different it is a life style choice of everyone envolved who understand nad desire the subltly of the dynics .

Ok so when she is tied like a puppy at the edge of the bed ,,, you have not shot your load for about 3 to 5 hours ,,,, wrists to ankle using sports cuffs no metal to hyurt her even thru the soft fuzzy covers … and she has gotten her LUBRICATING TEASES …… she is at the points of of my god ,,, you are encouraging her to be loud by ,,, you going first you be loud she will naturally follow in that she will create more flows of hormones and sexuall drugs flowing thru her brain and it will be a beeter fuck for both ….. you have been two hande4d fingering back of your hands put together so that you can spread that pussy and asshole out ,,,,, 2 fingers form each hand in each hole , yes I said each hole , ( that may be something that ahas to be worked on the total for 4 fingers in a virgin asshole is not right yet ) … so it will be 4 fingers in her pussy and 2 fingers in her ass ….. have the vibrating egg around and of course the HITACHI plugged in ,,,, and a riding crop or other spanking tool …. So have fun got loud let the neighbors know that YOU ARE HUMANS …. Like they were once before they GAVE up got drunk and drpressed … and sex –less .

You will notice that hiding of sex , by her screaming into the bed ,,,,AHHHHH here , remember she was talking about hair pulling WHY ? ,,, why because she wants to PROCLAIM her JOY her ectascy in SEX her dreams and need for being penetrated is FULLFILLED in many ways and her instinct is to commuciate with her sister wives back the harem ….. while she is being fucked alon in MASTER TENT ~ …. And to get her face out of the bed you gotta pullon that pony tail ! .. force her to sing out loud and be proud ,,,, and happyier and higher with the flood of sexual mental drugs created by nature flowing thru her brains …

Ok .,….. now two things 1 when she wants to get pregnanat have a baby you have not a chance she will get you to shoot your cumm into her , … she n=knows her cycles it is her body ,,, it tells her in urges and intutuions ….. flashes of inspiration !

Today you will not creat the 2 years the 10 years the 18 year orgasim … the year after year orgasim of the joy of havng a FAMILY ! … NO today is for expressing our deepest carnel natures ,,,, so ,,, I asure she got her spanking with that riding crop you were able to directly filick her excited hidden click using it force the hood backwards the direct contact was not pleasant but it didt add to the over all growth of sensations in her experiences of pentrations and submissions …( dipshit remember the way you feel now as you read then compare it to the actuall activity , is she one who you have given the I LOVE YOU SATEMENT OF HONOR TO? ,,,already ? is their any level of fear that you will do something wrong and later a fight will start because of the strentght of this sexual event …… FEEL THE TRUTH .. realize that the 1 on 1 dynimc is at paly here … AND SHE would actually be more fulfilled knowing that you had two other wives ,,, so she had better SUBMITT like she realy wants to … not be tinking about her RIGHT TO llcompalin later …. Her right to be a bitch later which will teach you a thing aor 2 ) ( and destroy everything , for the only thing worse than a man you can not control is one you can ! and over time the visisotrs will be the ones confused because the PARTY OF FAMILY LOVE they were invited to is broken apart because one of the ½’s of the instinctual match wants to be POWERFUL or smarter than the other ,,,,, stupid huh? And hurtfull for the visitor who we invited into this world … so they could have fun … we destroyed it for them . )

Ohh so ending this hour or more of fun by NOT making a bay ,,,, your load will have built up pressure becaue I TRUST you dumbass have for along time now have practiced your STOP your cumm control . so while fucking her after you forced her into orgasim with the HITACHIT … AND you fucked her over and over bvack up inot orgasims after screaming orgasims ,,,, while she has that vibrating egg deep in her pussy vibrating her numb till her brains are scrambled ,,,, with sensations …and I am sure started the first anal PENETRATIONS ….’S …. By using 2 fingers for one hand as like a shoe horn for your cock ,,,, and she being near the edge of the bed you could raise on leg up onto the bed allwing you the proper angle to not just FUCK THE bend BUT get deep up inside her body thru her asshole …. Check out how the anus curves inside her body then rasie the correct leg on to the bend so that you are facing her ass in that general direction , so that you can force you dick up opast the curve … and into her fillinege her not just STRETCHING THE BEND , which the bend will comply to ,,,, to actual feeling of your shaft going deep into her body t ill the head of your cock reaches the cavity ( you will notice it when you get there right ) and then fucking her with this skill will drive her ANAL ORGAISMIC CAPABLITIES …. Mext of course is . holding your TOOL by its base to stab htat ass hole over and over in totatlly and with draw totally …. Now dumbass during this whole fucking give her times of 30 second cool downs , to make sure she FELLS THE NEXT ….PENETRATION then end it it all with
Moving to that head on the bed pull that hair the fun way! And jack off with the skill you all you lonely days of practice and AIM ,, for her eyes ,,,, and forehead then rub it in …. And have her clean you off with her mouth , the drop the hair ….. and take a second ,,, she will have the completed feeling of being SUBMISSIVE ! AND PROVIDING YOU WITH HER SERVICE FOR YOU HER MASTER . master by her own choice and free will that started at the the first kiss where you pulled her hands behind her back grasped both wrists tightly in one hadn and squeezed them up wards … tight together like wrists in hand cuffs …

So while you reast that vibrating egg is still fucking with the entrance to her womb …. She has her eyes closed because of the sperm shoot all over her eye lashes which she can not FEEL .. she can feel her ye lashes in a way she normally can not , the wetness of your sperm the memory of you rubbing her head and your rubbing your cock and balls to smothere face face in your sperm .
No to withdraw the vibrating egg which because of the contractions of the orgasims is Linda loecked in her do not YANK IT OUT , I have had those things break aapirt ,,,,use again your fingers like shoe horms to open her HOLE …. And pull the egg out !

Now ,, that piece of fun did not bring or creat or INVITE baby into your wrodl ,b ut dumbass someday you will have on , AND WITH THE HAREME SHE WILL PROBABLY TIME HERSELF ALONG WITH her sisters so theat evry 3 to 5 years the girls will have a new infant to share and enjoy ,, and you get to ,,dance along with barney ,,,, LIME ME YESTERDAY ,,, watching Barney .. with my 2 year old .. a Barney VHS that my daughter daneced to when she was 2 ,, and to have both of those joyfull visisotrs there last night bothe dancing along again with dad 1 18 and the other 2 ,,,,,is UNDESCRIBABLE …. I can describe kinky sex , but the joy of those other tow ORGASIMS …. Those other two loads of while hot sperm which grew into visitors that I vited to this planet ,,,, that joy I can not fully describe ,,, but fear it not and paln for the ablsolute best possible life for those visitors and the vessel ( ‘s) from which they grown and arrive ….. your women!

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