Can’t live with’em
Young master today was supposed to relte to yesterdays blog about $ in looking over you 4 guys last 2 years which I can sy in few words ..well sucked for you and you financial position is reltaly unchanged …but because of the confusion of relationships it will become a classic example of sublte relationship problem and the ESCAPEISM of the great movie ….. August Rush …. The moive is a good example;e of SCIENCE IN ACTION … over the eons mankind has ffound out that we respond at an instinctual level to certain noises tones and rythms ,,, simple observation , then crafting that into the HOPES AND DREAMS of finding that perfect social condition called the FAMILY …. And for 2 hours we are drawn into the DREAM that fairy tales can come true .
Earlier yesterday , I was talking with 3 men my age , as we did businesss they coming and going out of the office 1 of them and I get talking about girls becaue the issue I was there fore had to do with the 2 girls in my life ,,, I was doing my PRIDEFULL make job of helping the women in my life ….. basic protection of gorilla nature …in comparison the chimp males in their GANG culture honestly do little to protect the female who wantders pussy exposed her passport moving from group to group getting fucked along the way … the gang worries more about the gang thatn the INDIVIDUAL GIRLS like the actions of the protective goriila
Well pretty soon , we all got talking about women and the old saying gets repeated “ you can’t ive withem you can’t live without them .. girls say thisa bout guys guys say this about girls …s tupid huh that generation after generation we do the same stupid action each generation touching the stove over ane over …. , 2 of the 3 men were in active relationships that were coming to an end 1 has 3 divorces like me and many kids … the other new to his first , the last ,,, said I do my best just to keep out of her way , and make sure I make enough cash to keep her some what happy …. Now the second who was in his first divorce commented on how for the last few years he was doing that also , but she KEPT CHASING HIM WITH PROBLEMS ….. he tried to stay low key but it seemed she found issues to ENGAGE HIM ON , which over time became to much , … HE WAS LIVING IN A STATE OF FAILURE and well men prideful good hard working men hate to be failures ,,, well simpley because they ARE NOT failures but if the reason for their hard work keeps kindsing reasons to prove there are failing , well the stress becomes overwhelming and ….. breakup in … inevitable . oh yes me well we all know about me ….
Ahh but last night , I was confronted by what to me seemed like ,,, my Deb doing the same SUBLTE action …. Of chasing me with probems wit hissues , when the evidence trail shows I want nothing but to make her life as good as I can . but upon finding something … and not understanding the some she found ,,,, her way of opening the conversation , brought me into astate of confusion , from where I ussally will leave . since I donot have any words or and idea of what the FUCK IS GOING ON , how come there is a bsic change iin something that has been XY and Z for months and motnhs … it has a lot to do with the basic issues again of the WAY men and women process information and how we delivier information in disscusions .
Now I am sure many of you have READ mars and venus books , hell I studied them some years back including the videos as part of months and months of another marriage counseling attempt in marriage number 2 , ( plus the again large finnaical investment in the attempt to salvage that 1 on 1 marriage , again I proving the Gorilla in me theis desire to learn adapt , protect the family ) Dr. gray ‘s work is for girl to learn as much as men , but honestly it is for you girls to understand , look at the facts , WE ARE DIFFERENT …. Poke us with astick and we will fight ,,, inderstand us and we can co-exisit ,,, maybe… yes just maybe , the stats still show that the mars and veus teachings , in the end leads to the same numbers of break ups and dysfunctional family .
Now what happened yesterday ,, there was not right or wrong in the vents in my house there were not , yeeling or harse words for if it even got close to that I would be gone out the door ,,, I will not fight with her about anything …. You are right I am wwrong you win …. Done over are you happy NOW? ..BYE ! BE BACK LATTER AFTER I CAN SUBDUE MYSELF ….. and put myself back into a box and co-exisist for a period of time again , till we REPEAT this same pattern which we will …. The rock trown into the air falls and falls and falls ,,,, why I don ot know but it does , so why fight against the law of attraction .. the nature or the natural
No … good or bad ,, just information and feeling tht can not be transmitted from female to male ..or from male to female without feelings being hurt ,,, both feeling like FAILURES … becaue SHE ALSO DOES SO MUCH TO MAKE ME FEEL HAPPY .. like I do for her …. Humans are friendly species …. The grooming sctivity of the gorilla family as compared to the chaos of the gang and trasiet female family of the chimp and their life long enemy lifestyles ..
We humans do so much for each other … and when there is a question that needs answers the way we present the question is usually after we have hit a level of stress ,, we are alone with no 3rd party to help us convey to the other the problem ,,,9 HEY THIS IS WHY MARRIAGE COUNSELING INDUSTRY IS SO GOOD AND LONG LASTING ,, IT IS MAINLY ABOUT HAVIN THAT 3RD PARTY TO ATLK THRU ) ahhhh the other girls in the harem are there to help when issues arise and conversation needs to be engaged in …… I can go to another wife who I believe is interested in the happiness of me and her sisiter wife and talk to her about the issue that does not relte to her … so she can talk free of judgement or motive except the motive of seeing everyone happy …that basic human spirit the reason you give gift at xmas is to see ahppiness of others …. ,, the girl with a proble can go to a sister wife to talk and like wise find a way to atlk to me ,,,,AHHHH but if they form a co-illition … a battle fron , then the 2 separate are now a 1 on 1 …with me ,,, the two combine their problems into one state then they will both be emotionally involed and the result will be I will feel ATTACTED …. By an army of not just 1 or 2 but maybe 3 ,, that is a psooible if the girls donot understand the dynicns of the poly and how it is supposed to be used to avild the 1 on 1 sublte problems …
I as a writer must explore this issue to put it inot a page4 on ….. fot public learning and thinking about . not just here in a passing blog . … for this is what happened last nigh ,,, now ,, , being that nothing was realty resoved but the realization on both aprts that neither hates or does anything to hurt the other out of CONSISCUIOS spite …. Does not mean we do not act out of UNTHINKING , letting deep feelings be expressed by accident …. Deep feeling mostly to do with the hidden frustrations e have with our current life stuatiuon ….. well , in a few minutes I will wake her ,, like I do always and we will act as if nothing happened once more , the same act so many loving couples survive with day after day ….
Now here is aother link to another video today … Abraham/hicks
Subtle ( the sublte commication , the compare of the ego of the sexual slave and the reality of love , the effects of beer , the eefects of 3 girls , the freedom of not havng to ! )
family fucking joy kids , freedom , freedom of choice
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