Saturday, May 24, 2008

pause pussy

Pause pussy

Young master , if you stopped practicing your swing .. would your game be OFF? If you had taken 2 years off the court and you had not even practiced and free throws would your game be OFF? If you had not being doing any winds prints and you were a receiver coming back to field after a few years would you be able to out run the defender ? WOULD YOUR GAME BE OFF?

Understand that girls and dating are even more important thatn any fucking sprot you play around with on the weekends …. The most fucked up you will ever become is because of the sublte manipulations of the relationships you find yourself in , and if you honestly fear returning tho the field because of you lack of practice or because you have been hurt so often while on the ifield in the years back , you then live a life as na I LOVE YOU SLAVE , al life of default of in constant fighting and then drinking to heal and suppress the frustrtation of LOVE ….

Understanding what you do not want so you can choose better what you want ! step 1 of the 5 steps

Ok my goal here dipshit is for the creation of a more natural life style the personal understanding of the sublte daynimcs of LOVE that we all live in …… I wonder why nature does not have the pains we have becaue we TOO are also DNa animals what did we do to fuck NATURES love up .

I have said it many times ove the years theis concept of the EVE spirit is the instinct of GREED nature provides the new mother with to insure she feeds heavly to grow a good strong healthy baby ,,, and the instinct of protection for the new born baby during the milk feeding years , yes those tits are their for a purpose ,,,, the bottle is UNANATURAL , tits are made to feed babys for YEARS! … the milk teeth fall out not at age 1 but at age 5 why ? do doctors force babys into premeature sperations? Becaue we a re fucking stupid and think we are above our instincts tand thus forcing mankind into an CONFUSED STATE early on and we then are very controllable as a population .

The EVE greed is natural but , it also has gotten out of hand , in fact to the point when the girl realy understands how gold plated her pussy is , she can be come , WARPED and cruel with her sexuall control , often happens with girls as they reach their early 20’s and have nticed how easy it is to control a male ….. then they will be cruel sometimes attracting some guy , to talk to her just to EMBARESS him in fornt of her friends ,,,,,

Ahhhhh the cut is deep for the male like surgery … his heart cut out of his body …. Now after surgery the doctor perscibeds MORPHINE and drugs to DULL the pain ,,,, ever wonder why you DAD drank so much ,,,, he was dulling the pain and confsion of the surgeryies he had to endure with your MOTHER ….. her EVE spirit wsa out of control her yin and yang balance of a nautral relationship was not there , if she was in a harem state of culture where the expectation was that she would have the help of her sisiters , and the understanding of the family during her GREEDY eve state while being pregangant or with infants …. And if she got out of hand there is a guiding force called the DOM male guide everyone back into a state HARMONY .

Ohh but that is ,,,b ut you live in a confused world where you have to be creative to succed in A GAME ! … now if you are in sales or if you are in the slef help industry , or into meta pyshics , the idea of having a house full of positive thoughts plastered onw alls to create states of feeling GOOD , the core of the law of attraction is to feel good and that feeling state will help attract the GOOD you are wanting and thinking about for your future adventures .
Remember I was talking about practicing your swing , your free throw … your running ablity , helll back when I fished the circuit I practsed my casting skills in the back yard daily …… is pussy not as improtatn , remember how … undderliying …sex plays into your life choices , the choice of that car or job or where you live ,, etc etc etc .

Now there is learning to live in the world we have and there is creating a life which we are designed to live ….. you have the choice dipshit ….. to be GOOD AT BOTH …. Hence I will refer you again to … the dating pages … the aspects and skills that available there for you to learn about , rmember this Riss guy does this for a living every fucking day , he has seriously studied mankind and woman kind ,,, his term of professionals who like wise have the data to prove the sublte dymincs of reality not fanasty LOVE …. Learn dumbass learn . and at the same time change the whole fucking agme ,,, and return to a more natural state .

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