Sunday, May 25, 2008

railroad to pussy

Railroad to pussy

Young master … lets do a mind game ,, just think about it , remember the Toa is the UN-IMPOSSIBLE .. yet here on earth becaue we all agree to experience limits … or NO’s …. There maybe things you feel that are not realy possible for you .

Ok so that is the gimmee the rules for being here .

But you got some wants .. some fo the wants really go against the grain of the basic rules the limits , your DNA did not give you wings so if you wanted to fly you had to create machinery to do ,, and well humanity did that … something impossible to PHAROH we all can do now adays ….. having 3 happy wives , can you see that ? or is that impossible ….

Here is the game , think about the end destination you may want to experience in your life ….
You want pleanty of land privacy , nice grounds good trees , comfy housing , easy work not BILLS cashin the bank , fishing , puppy dog , ohh yes the happy 3 wives and the happy children they will create … the lack of bitching because these girls understand their desire for money is realy a disire for happiness and money is not happiness it is just the drug ….

That is one end of a railroad another maybe
1 home in thr right neighborhood ,,, the great job working everyday in a building in a cubical , coming home to a woman who wants more and more never happy except for the few hours days or months directly after spending money ….. stressed out from work you are now stressed out by her and the children who they themselves want want and want only happy for the minute of the newness of what money can buy …..
maybe , you see unemployment making some fast cash doing a deal or tow , wondering each and everyday who is knocking at the door and womdering when you are going to get picked up and caged …

all of these are realities ……which one do you want to reach back from the future and pull you towards it ?

yes just think about time as already always ther already and,,,, and you desire for one outcome or another is what is pulling your down that railroad track …. Now understand each track has branches off it that can lead back to the other …. Outcomes …. If you start to think about them then that is where you will mostly go since that is what you are seeing in your mind ,,,,, and the train goes where you see ,,, YOU DRIVE IN THE DIRECTION OF WHERE YOU ARE LOOKING MOST OFTEN correct?

YOU DO NOT DRIVE the car looking in the rear view mirror , if you look in it to much you will end up driving off the road ,, the same goes with looking out the window … you gotta spend most of your time looking where you are going looking forward and guess what t, the already there total UN-IMPOSSIBLITY of the Tao will pull you buy the brain towards that which you are looking at .

Now along the way while you are going fown the tracks ….. you are expreinceing learning getting ready to arrive ….. it is all GOOD . enjoy the ride . but dumbass pick a nice desitnation ok?

Create a mission board a vision board whenever possible go out to the area or a like area that you would like to build the compound at and ,, just chill out there in nature and listen to the birds think about how when the boarder palnatings grown the neighbors some years when they arrive will not bea able to hear the NATURAL SOUNDS OF HUMAN RECREATION …… the screams of your wives/girls getting penetrated over and over by your hard cock ….. the reapeated RE-ENTRY ….

Just in your head think abut the idea of a future you pulling you towards yourself ,a nd all the while each and everyday giving you oppurutunity to learn what you need to arrive and be ready now the longer you take to learn what is needed well the longer the train ride … just look around you for the op’s to learn lots of shit easy ways ,,, what ever feels good learn that , now!
Feel , what is happening,, realize that the limits you hold on to maybe the same limits that pharoh had when it came to FLYING ,,,, and also accept that you DO NOT HAVE WINGS … there are DNA aspects of you and your life that should be understood so that you are not just living a life of REPEATED FAILURES . ( like everyone else ) your choice dipshit
Look understand as long as you are energy you are in movement … that means you are heading down a track if you ain’t watching where you are going you will drive off the road…or you will end up at a switching station on the tracks and end up going the wrong way .... and it ain’t my job to watch where you are going ain’t no boday elses job ‘Cept U

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