Want to cumm
Young master you probably believe that is a for gone conclusion on your part you do ,,,,, want to cummmm , and yes you are right you are designed by nature to want to cumm evry few hours …now the girls in your world they also are designed when they are in HEAT ,,,, to want sex alont also , but they are slao designed by nature to go thru more CYCLES , of desire then cool down ….
But first lets understand want want – to ,,, and intention ,,, intention is something you put forth in your mind about the things you want .. and if we are vibrational experiencers ,,, experiencing .. a vibrational illusion of matter ,, if what the Quatum pyshihcs are saying about that matter is nothing more than the flashinf of quatums in and out of exisitance and this is what makes up the sub atomic particle which makes up the 3 parts of the atom , proton eletorn neutron ,, and so there is nothing realy ..realy hard , just the expression of VIBRATIONS … moving so fast we can ot perceive the GAPS … so we fuction as if it were realy hard shit like table chair glass car etc.
Instead of realizing it was just the TOA . I bring up the Tao to help you break away from your programming ,, the generations of basing human life upon fairy tales of gods with Grey Beards sitting on thrones ……and following the rules of the epeopel who reated reoligons based on the feelings that some thought eas Right for all mankind ….
Intention , is what you choose ,, freedom of choice , every morning when you wake up ,,, what do you want to see happen in your life , it is your life what do you want? ….now this sounds a lot like positive thinking and shit which has a very bad RAP because the expectation is that it is magic , and your wants and wishes will come true very wuicley when in fact they cummm true , in accord with the LEVEL ofe WANTO …. You have this wonderfull buffer of time ,,,, I for one am happy I did not get my wants 2 years ago about building the 3 tents and a camel compound , because I was still in a very bad state of EXPECTATION ,,,, I expected very stressful and negative results I expected to find find girls who would be very resisitant and thati would encounter much problems …. And well my deep inner self did not want any more problems I have had 3 failed marraiages full of problems already …. That I needed time to really RE _ PROGRAM my own expectations …
That helps me clear up my daily intentions ….. the reason I get up everyday , that thing of going out to find something NICE AND PLEASNAT today …. Even in nature we all like to think we are the only animals who act out of conscious control and personel desire … but the animals also choose so much of their daily activity … sure they trust their inner guidance more than us ,,, their INSTINCTS , to help them with basic activities of life ,,, like breathing ( we do that also we do not have to think about many bodily actities ) they also trust nature and follow the urges for things like moving morht or south during seasons , growning their fur thicker o shedding depending on tempurtuires ,,,, and they respond to sexual urges as the guidance of nature PROVIDES . AUTOMACTICALLY …
They then can walk up and do what ever it is they want to do ,,, a tree whose soul or spirit or experiencer .. does not experience its world thru a BRAIN like we do yet it does respnd to theevnents of its environment heading toward things that it feels are good …. Like sunshine if it is grown in a shady area .. or sending out roots towardsa water supply ….. these are thing that the ANIMAL called tree does because it feels good , its … self idea is held in the group of all the live cells ….. with memeory being stored in those cells as TREE RINGS …it is like scratching an itch ….. is it choice or instinct … the itch is a signal that some attention is needed in the body to stimulate blood flow to an area , it maybe to loosen a sticher or burr ,,, that goes for us as well as animals . expand the idea o thoughts of experience of being to more than what the church programmed you to think
The tiger or bear , does not wake like a ROBOT ,,, just out to hunt they will take time to wake ,, so times hungry they go feed … sometimes relxed and they go sun themselves ,, 9 BY CHOICE IT IS AND INTENTION … sometimes HORNY they go fuck …
Just because they do not have the stress of paying for shit with $$$$ and hvong to work for a ecomony … a trap of living thru finding happiness in buying bright and shiny shit at stores … just because they have not let themselves get as confused as us , why are they not actually smarter and better enjoying their experience of the illusion of separations from the TAO this time/space events ,, enjoyinig it without the need to worry about a good and fear that they will not be allowed to returen into the I – in – I …. Unless they follow the rules of a church . a church who causes governments to jump and en act laws based on the controls of the church in direct ways in some FUNDAMENTALIST nations indirectly thru the use of ORGANIZED VOTERS like in this country …
What does this have to do withyou getting fuked today , well every thing it is a slow progression of forming new WANTO’S …. And the daily intentions that will build the tomorrows your wishes and desires ,,, the more you understand and just do not live by DEFAULT accepting the programming and conditioning of your childhood the better chance you have to reate a life STYLE that is NATURAL FOR YOU .
What is natural for you , well you dumbass like to cumm every few hours ,, girls like to cummm during their cycles … yes they are capable to cumm any time while they secure a mate their position in a sexual relationship ,,,,, but eventually they return to a natural cycle sexual nature … this cooling down period if not understood can cause you and her problems ,, if she understood how much she is the SEDUCER of the sex ,,,, and that her cycles are the cause of any sexual slow down of the love ….. the deep inner confusions and resentmenst on the parts of the you and her would be eased ,,,
If she saw that the friendship she desires is not to be found in trying to talk with a male whose brain is wired differently but in the communing the interaction with other girls …. And that the EVE aspect iw the only reason why she is
GREEDY …. And wanting to control the male … her life would change in confusion deep hidden resentments would ease and change . …. Just open your mind dumbass think abit for yourself . allow new yet very old instinctual possibliltes to become INTETNIONS .
Monday, May 5, 2008
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