That hard thick cock
( thank you ..but I never said that the greeks cut fore skins I was using them as examples of sexual manipulation in fact you are right the johny come lately on the historial scene the greeks used the circusmized dicks of the conquered as a tool for keeping them suppressed .. pharoh is way before the greeks by a couple of 1000 years , I just want to open the topic and the mind .. to the passed down programming of sexual cusstomes ) ohh here is the reasoning ot the professionals … fro sexual mutlitlation
by Duane Voskuil, Ph.D.
**************************************** Abstract
Man’s preconscious envy of woman’s power to reproduce and interpret cosmic order underlies the origin of male genital cosmetics and blood-letting. Humanity began by seeing the world ordered like a woman’s body. Her control of her body and her body’s control of her, with its blood and milk flows, birthing and death, was the basis for the first metaphors to explain cosmic forces, made easier since the moon’s cycles mirrored her life stages and her monthly bleeding. The sympathetic magical effect of body-modifying cosmetics enhanced this cosmic tie. For men to understand this female-focused cosmology, required the right mind-set. Male genital cosmetic surgery imprinted the cosmic female cycles into man’s mind by altering his body and, therefore, his brain and mind, to reflect female patterns. Ancient brain/mind-sets and envy of youth’s virility have maintained the righting rite even after patriarchy tries to tell males they are OK. Yet, males do not feel secure since the persistence of ingrained female patterns conflict with male-gendered rituals. Gendered cosmologies always cause divisiveness and neurotic behavior.
Is not your only head dipshit and I believe your other thead is about as smart as the brain in your cock which has no brain …. Young master I hear you still being confused still thinking in terms of the ONLY terms that you have ever heard or been allowed yes allowed to think about …..
The only terms are the terms of DATING ,, just that word itself brings up , ideas certain unsplken rules and expectations ,,,,, pathological trance states ….. society my frind is a creation of the GIRL not us , even though she does blame us for has become of society , the beginning was her creation the creation ooof the GREEED of EVE …
I go bak to the evidence trails of our DNA and the observable evidence in us today ,, and I will use the female bible ,,, MEN ARE FROM AMRS AND WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS …. In that book of human observation Dr. gray tells you about the use of WORDS and LANGUAGE he deliveres the facts , women talk men do not …. Why?
Welll as a DOM male who did we have to talk to , our job was to circle the territory and chase off lions and tigers and shit come home and fuck …… then go back circle the territory come home and fuck … day in day out ,,, and all the while the girls in their safety provided by me , were talking to each cuddling the babys teaching the young ones to get along etc etc ,,,, women are genetically programmed to use and depend on WORDS to negociate in SOCIETY …. Me wheni come across a problem ,,, I will verbalize … to let the person know I am there ,, if that does not work my gorilla self will then BLUSTER … if that did not work then KILL ….
Pretty fucking cut and dry …. We you and me dumbass are not the ones who created a working society .. like we have to day it was the girls who negoaciated that …
Now remember when I died ….. protecting the girls from the group of lions , the girls ran for their lives ,,,, with babies in arms , one would get caught and the lions would stop the chase ,,,, ( GENTIC S in action … weakness is cut from the herd or harem like a surgeon )
The girls would then find a new male ..
Sometimes as smaller bands … becoming friendly to the new harems they will need to …. Be come part of .. plus they maybe bringing in tow a pre adolescent male …. This all takes policalitcal maniplutions and negociation skills ,,,,, that is the for te of females ….
Ohh the next silver back well , he may give of his life like the good warriors we are for the welfare and survival of the family and maybe that pre adolencent male by then will have started to show his silver back …. And take over ?
Now what does this have to do with you? Well the world we have now , lets say for example the sexual explotation girls like to point to … of the bearuty pageant or the modeling industry … are examples of the mother ,, SELLING HER FEMAKE shild to the highest bidder …. Making new political connections by HIGHLIGHTING THE best sexual spects of her female child …..
It sure as fuck ain’t the daddy teaching his daughter how to paint her face and dress correctly ,,,not chew toabacco and spit in public ,,, now the make can teach his daughter that ,,,, how to skin and gut a fish daddy can treach that ,, but not hwo to walk with that seductive nature that wills timulate the flow of testotrone ,,,,
Who created the SEXIST world we seem to be blamed for ? who MANIPULATED , things and then blames the vitime , it is like a thief going before a judge and blaming the victum for his stealing of their possesnions , that is the insanity yet…. Yet , EVE has been pulling this off on humaity for 1500 years . and then creyin tears …. Of ohhh poor me .
Ok dipshit my friend the idea of , is to provide understanding plus new options based on realizing how we have been programmed to live in ways not realy reflective of your deepest inner nature …
Look EVE’s deepest inner nature is to be social yes and to be nuturing and loving and YES sexual submissive to YOU ….. remember that fact , it is hard to PORK a moving target she has to be some what still at least in the beginning ….. you are to create a stable territory ,,,, and then be around to maintain it and PORK her when she is ready and wett ,, when she is not lieing but actually hot and wet … just open you thinking disphit , understand that great mind of yours accepts … words and languaging as things … when in fact they often are just common ideas nothing real other than accepts ways . passed from granma to mom to daughter and never realy examined as to what is the REAL COST of their actions .
Go back in time ……. The Tojan wars … were started over what ….. PUSSY !
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
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