Sexual organ mutilation
Ohhh I heard agin the cry of the females lamenting the idea that a tiny tiny faraction of the human population still cuts the fore skin off little girls ……….hmmmmm interesting …. Young master ,,, the idea of curbing you sexual desire thru sexual multialtion of the male ,, came way before the resiprocity of doing the same to girls later and in only very few and limited cultures …. But your dick probably shows the evidence of sexual multiatlation of the male that is so in greained and accepted as to never realy be thought of , hidden in the lie of HEALTH concerns …. Let us go back to when it all started ,,,
I t goes back to the goat herder and castrating of excess male goats , the grand mother , your grandmother way back around the time of PHAROH …. Thought of a wise idea ….. since on occasion a male dick would get infected and to relieve the infection the fore skin was cut back to allow ffor cleaning and healing ….. at this time that male could not fuck and he would not want to fuck for a long time since his tender cick head which has been protected his whole life under the HOOD like a clit is protected under the HOOD ,, his head is exposed , his sexual sexpression is now curbed ….. hmmmm said GRANDMA … the grand ma who was expereimenting with things like make up to intice the best price for her budding daughter to ge them married off to the richest policatical familys of PHAROH’S time . by starting the [practice of mutlatiing the dicks of their gransosns ,, for health reasons ,,,,, they gained control over that young man during those formative years …. Just when he should be forming his harem , he is in all essence castrated …. And in great pain …. And now has to let the cuts heal for one thing that would take months just ask people who get pierced … and now we are talking much larger and deeper cutts taking of the whole foreskin when the dick is now the adult size no longer just ababy …. Now the dick has grown used to being protected …. And is exposed … fucking is not so much fun any more …. Until the dick skin callouses ….
Sexual manipulation .. and control ,,, I man would not create this for my son ,,,,, ? yes maybe if he got infected , but remember every other animal on the planet has a fore skin over it’s DICK …. We all have bacterial colonies , in fact with out the intestinal flaur and fauna ,,, intestinel bactreria natural in humans and every other animal too ,,, with out bacteria YOU WOULD DIE …… if because of stress ful activities this out of balance with nature we get INFECTED ,.then we get DIS EASE ….. why did the dicks of human start to get infected ?
Well for example lets go back to ancient Greece …. The aminpulation of sex ,, the hording of bleeding ( ripe ) and pre bleeding ( un ripe ) girls so that the price of that girl would go up … in the eyes of rich familys . needed to keep boys and girls separated because if we are allowed to be antural and together ….. we sexually recreate at very young ages …. mating behavior pages , look to our cousins , The onset of menarche in an adolescent female may occur at about the age of eight but it is several years before her sexual swellings are full sized and grown males pay attention and begin mating in earnest. Even then a female may copulate on the order of 3,600 times during successive subfertile cycles before she conceives the first time, around age 14 and gives birth.
Ok so PRACTISING fucking happens young there is not inerest on the part of adult men for the titless hippless young girls ( like happens in humans because of the unnatural sexual manipulation of society the male in his frustration as found in ... his confusion will be expressed one way or another . )
So to tame male sexual needs , young greek men were encouraged to engage in gay sex …..AHHHHH unnatural expression since the young male is desgned to rpactise feelly with young females as is designed by nature and evidenced in our DNA cousins … so is it possible that this is where … the DIS EASED FORESKINS of the male came from ? is it possible ? maybe even likely ,, why should we be the only animal in nature needing to cutt of our HOODS like we do ? I use Greece because the written history to support the statement is , the written history of Pharoh is not as complete , yet the sexual separation especially when it came to the upper classes well has historical evidence ….
I want to open you mind DUMBASS … only trying to get you to understand the 1000’s of year of sublte manipulations …. Passed down family to family without realy understanding WHY or if it is even really good for man kind to … continue with .
Now all you gotta do , is plan to be DIFFERENT … work hard for 18 months cash out and cash in , build a sustainable life style based on human instinctual nature them ,,, get ready to be surprised for there are lots of girls who looking for something different …. Thye like you are flocking to being gay ,,not because they are not or were not seuxaully excited by a HARD COCK … no they still use a hard cock now , but they just have to buy their girl friend one made of plastics and poly vinyl chorides instead of flesh .. which is nturall warm and thorbbling , WHY ,, well she is a victum of the plans put nto motion by GRANDMOM , so many 1000’s of years ago ….. she also show the effects of social amanipilations
A simple change of your thinking and expectations ,,, will open grand new doors and fridnships ….
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