The more happy pussy
The more happy pussy will come come into you experience ,,, it is about noticing things ,,,, what you give your attention to … while cruising thru your day … young master you have choices dipshit , you can focus on being tired because you spent all night out drinking so of course because of the paws of cause and effect , the poisins caused a fucked up effect and your attention today is on how shitty you feel ,,, but you sure were cool while you were high ,,, you had no fear ! like the bummer sticker … dammm you were cool …
Understanding hwat it is that you NO LONGER WANT .. is important it is from that DATA collection that you are forming the DREAMS about what you do want …. WHAT IS YOUR intention today young master …. If you had a choice , how would you! Like your day to go today ?
Now dipshit understand this you do have a choice on what you notice about your day , and if you notice something nice the law of attraction then will bring you something else nice to notice , and thus experience by experience second by second ,, notice by notice you have anicer and nicer day …. You are in better spirits you live with a higher vibration of fun ,,, and bring to yourself the notice of other things more inline with your over all desires . …. Your intentions.
The collecting of negative facts is so that you can form plans to avoid them ……… them being the FACTS of life , the rocks that is you go throwing them up into the air they will fall , the RULES of this experience ,,, AGREEMENT of our common illusion of TIME?SPACE experiences here in this universe .. on this tiny ball of subatomic particles that cling to gether for no EEXPLANIABLE reason ,, why do thinga attract … can you realy EXPLAIN the force of MAGNETISM …. No you can not you can just use the PHENOMENUM. Not explain how and where is arose from . there is no real good reasom for the atom itself to stay together honestly . at any second it could all just fly apart thus all matter could dis-ASSOICIATE. Game over. Understanding some facts some of the agreements …. Animals INSTINCTS … are agreements … they are programming built into the animal over millions of years so tha they animals could think less ENJOY MORE ! . .. the mating page , the whole idea is to re- look at ….. us human animals , with different eyes as to find out that we are ANIMALS and thus have some under lying PROGRAMING to help us live a relaxed enjoyable life … a data to understand ,,, 79% of peple over 20 live in a state of depression ,,, they have found a way to DEAL . only 9% do not drink poisin alchol … 91% use beer wine spirits for relaxation and recreation and of that 91% 50% use it to extreme weekly ,,, they self medicate . those figures are from sources that aquire stats differently than government sponsorsed studies ,, which want to show that the problems are not that bad ,,, bad but not terrible …. So they collect data in churchs and at PTA meetings where the answers from people will be tainted with soicla expecations … but dumbass look at your own data you own experiences ,,,, your own world how many people on your block hide their depressions in chemicals oxycotin , herbs or beer?
Why is this important it is understanding yourself ,, to thine ownself be true ! and it follows as day to night you can not bfalse to any other man ….. the creedo of a master ! .
With this data you can choose to look at something better to avoid noticing the bad unwanted and notincing thngs and plan that will lead to CHANGES …. Because dumbass do the same old thing get the same old results ….. I was talking with a friend yesterday ,,, afriend who has it made married a RICH wife ahas athe great job … travels the world and is drunk 3 times a week ,,,, his wife an old friend of mine over the years has commented about the lack of SEX ….. hmmm suprizing since they both have lived the SAME OLD SAME OLD , and been great at it ! and got the best of the same old results ,a nd he being the GOOD ROLE MODEL is training his soms to expect the same as the old man ….
You DUMBASS got tha chick pregenant …. You are trapped she USED YOU ! she knows her body her own cycles ,, some where in her
Twisted MIND SHE FELT THE WAY to stop all the stupid lil’ fights you two were having was to get you to get her heavy with baby …. Now things would cahgne ,,, you would have to change .. and be the man she SHE WANTED … she.. wanted . now if things go worng you will be forced to pay THE KID-NAPPING RANSOM , the child support or go to jail , rmemeber the data , 80% of us males do pay ,,, only 30 % of the females pay , yet I have never met a chick who got thrown in jail for not paying shild support , I am sure every male knows some other male who has done some limited time in lock down … because of child support issues … facts dipshit …understand you choices to look for NEW INTENTIONS ,
Then notice the winds of changes …… THE WINDY NESS of todays frustrated dating life , is event in the choices that girls make in dating . especially after the next broken hearteed event , and the facts are that 99% of all dating relationship end in break up stress and confusion and hurt ,, and 60% ofe LTR’s of marriages end the same way ,, means that at any one time , about 3 out of every 4 girls you see are RE-EXAMINING their lives …… and looking for new ideas and choices ,,,, but the choices are limited because you have not done your MASTERS JOB , you have not done you TOUR OF DUTY first to thus PROVE concretely that you are different ! … young master’s page .. tour of duty at the bottom of the page read it and see if you get the idea dumbass!
Then choose to look at the world with newer eyes , and newer intentions.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
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