Manipulating pussy
So I will respond m if we over came our instincts and the airplane is evidence of that come the fairy tale of 1 on 1 impossible …well for 1 thing I never said it was impossible I just want to make sure you understand your INSTINCTS then let you make free choice do we have that straight yet ?
Look we have 6,000,000 years of walking upright , and 100 years of relying upon internal combustion locomotion ,,, airplanes and shit … and we are not at the point the marriage where the HONEY MOON IS OVER AND THE DIVORCE IT iSREADY TO HAPPEN .. with mother nature …. Ohh there are ways of living harmony with nature and still acting outside of your instinctual nature but it takes ,,, understanding the dymanics and then applying that UNDERSTANDINg … without going backwards into the easy way like burning fossil fuels ,,,, man kind can be part of the carbon cycle by burning trees and replanting trees as long as he replants more than he burns …. He should be OK … using technology available even back in PharoHS DAY … metal fabricating , paper technologys , etc … they already used lighter than air concepts ,,, it was the wing and a prayer ,, for the cost of 2 pig s and a chicken the priest would lite a fire , fold a pryer into aparchute then lite it on fire and send it up in the hot smoke …. Thus delivering your prayer for the greedy things you wanted to the gods of greed created by man so he could sell you the skill of using LITE AIR .
With golabal co-operation and our understanding high spedd air streams , lighter than air ships with extra maneuvering power provided by ,, hydrogen fuel cells that are built structualy into the shell of the air ship …. We cn fly in a balance with our wife mother nature …. And over come instincts and DNA and avoid fights like golabl warming and polar melting ans the real fight of the ice age which will realy fuck thngs up . ….. yeah sure we ain’t ready for that level of global co-operation ..yet. ,,,,
Now we human can live with out …… airplanes ,,, still at a global level it is expected that less than 1 person in 100 will EVER FLY … but for us ,,, here is dream land , well even us maybe 1 in 10 will fly each year the others only will fly once or twice in their whole life … so fighting over something that is so UN IMPORTANT EXCEPT TO THE …… abnormal few ….. why ? why are you fighting for something that odds are you will do so little of that it is unimprotatn ,, when compared to living in totality . now the idea of living and lovning in totality …..the idea of her being the most beautiful woman in the world is and effect of the mainauplation of sexual control and a state of sexual frustration results in extremes of emotions and nneedynees ,,,,, to tool of flatering words we sue to get what we need as men and expectation of sexpectation of reicieivng this type of attention by the girl has been prgaramedi into the ganme thrue the last 1500 years ….. and a few thousand before with the start of the Soul Mate NAD LOVE STORYS BEEN PLAYED OUT BY thesibians ,,,,the stages of ancient Greece , the escapsims form the insanity and trapped feeling of living unisntinctually mankind created ,,, the threatre and stage , to live out ideal lives in storys ….
That action of flattery , of making 1 person so outside of the TAO to create the illsusion of sepresration as if this 1human is more important than that human , because I love her ,,, and well I had better love her because the rules that her great great great grandmother desgned into the upbringing and culture of the tribes a few thousand years ago ,,, made the current freedy selfish world possible ,,,, thank you grand mom . for being so self serving ..thatn you … but young master you have freed of choice and…..
Is the dream of a fairy tale life so great that you will risk the oppurutinty of being happy that living with in your instincts ahs provided for every living creature and us for 6,000,000 gamble that for 100 years of flights and dreams of the abnormal few.
Because I like the good Toaist I am I watch nature I see the kittens play , the tom cat laying in the sun ,,, the hound dog running the woods the birds flying and singing the ttrreees suning themselves choosing to grow in this direction and not another dierection based on their EMOTIONAL GUIDANCE SYSTEM ,, following wht feels GOOD ! rvrn trees have FEELONGS …. Remember the studys of trees that got attention and trees left unloved , the effects of music on them ,,,, trees make choices based on feelings ….and I see a wolrd full of life at PLAY and societies of human at work! In ecominc slavery , forced inot living fairy tale ideals of HAPPINESS , ignoring their own emeotinal guidances and the deepest ruths of their TAO
Free choice …
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
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