Tuesday, May 3, 2011

worthless solid gold knife

Solid gold knife

Would fucking fucking useless ,,, the emtal is too soft , and gold will not make a good spear , in fact gold is pretty fucking worthless really ,,, if your were the hunter of ages past hiding in the bushes silently in abush would you be wereing a shining golden crown oor jewelery ? no you cover yourself in mud and and shit ,, reall shit to alter your smell and color so the presy does not catch wind of the hunter …. GOLD you can not eat it …
What the fuck good is it for ,, to attract attention , most probably used first by EVE then , she made sure her ARM CANDY was adorned with the shit when he was not hunting …

Today I compare it to us and our blood staining t-shirts that we go fishing with and work in , but when in the REALM OF EVE …. We gotta clean up … as the the girls sayhe cleans up pretty good ,, to function in her POLIS …. Do I want to chew onher ear or the metal earring …. God damm how many times have I written that …

So ,,, most cool being able to cook using the tiny photovoltaic system I have ,,,, so much easier on the mind than a wind mill no moving parts ….. and the price is going down and the adaptive use of alternative cooking appliances has allowed me the ESSENCE of the regular in LATER – NATIVE forms ….. off fucking grid in town outa pocket . and with no moving parts …. Just refined beach sand , and I betcha after the 40 years life span , it is totally recycleable into … something . most f’ing cool

Now the growing of stuff like grains and more having done it ,, I feel the need no longer other than to maintain the seed stock in an ever FEERRRLING state ….. recreating a hardier strain more adapted to my local and also good bird foods ….

Nothing can come to you outside of your vibration ….hmmmm ,,, nothing can come outside of what is thinkable to you , for if it were UN THINKABLE you would not be able to process the data ,, in the 1/10th of a second gap between REALITY and what you brain tells is reality ,,,, and since we only live consciously within ,,,, the noticeable 2 gigs of data … there is in reality so much more happening
Nothing comes to ….not a FATE chance luck ,,, I offer a vibration and law of attraction brings me into SINK ….. word tool … word tool ….. nothing outside of what the limited being state of time space I use this brain of 2 gigis …. NOTICES only that which I have already in some way prepped to notice .
The more FUN ..things … are there also for me to notice and the more fun things are LIFE GIVING energy giving ..FUN just fucking fun feels better feels relief ? fun isw well jus more fun and I through my filter get to choose …

WHO IS THE I…… I …. Who does do the choosing …… for I can choose to think or nitice ..word tool vibrate … on topics that feel fun and give me life and energize me .

Without the filter the sensory organs I am in the NO 1 THING … which is all things all the time always ….. not separation , the filter of bio macine gives the chance to experience differicnetiaon s ……
Drag your chair to a warmer part of the world …. Why do you tolerate the UNPLEASNT … the source of me … I the chooser is calling me to what feels better thru the INSTINCT the DNA of the bio machine I…. I …. III…. I … am using for experience of differences NON …NO 1 THING .. ALL ALWAYS IN ALLWAYS ..ALL WAYS . FOR IF IWERE A POLAR BEAR IN hatia THAT WOULD SUCK … LIKE ME phil on a fucking ICE BERG …. THRU THE FILTER …. Is what gives FUN FUN ….

So polis …or jelly fish neither has a nerve system , yet I can see the re action of jelly fish to feeding it an 8penny nail or a fresh anchovy ,,,, the may even get a visisble reaction of recoil since the galveniizingg is toxic ,, while the fresh anchovy would get a jelly version of HAPPY HAPPY …. But I can not as yet really see …the chooser in the POLIS . the I which shows happy in the anchovy … POLIS has memeory in its writing in its INSTITTUIONS … the cell DNA where I live out the comparable life of mitchrondria with my dna seprate from the vehicle cell …. I am mitochrondria of instintions within an organ group like arm muscle or eye ball or tooth or liver …… of something I as of yet have not word tool to describe as … I describe it my paradym I will be .. I can only function in thinkablity

RESOURCE ECONOMY …… what is my thinkablity

Make a decision and then make it right. There just are no wrong decisions. You could go this way, or that way, and either way will eventually get you to where you want to be. But in the moment you start complimenting yourself on the decision you've made, in that moment, you come back into vibrational alignment with who-you-really-are.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in West Los Angeles, CA on Saturday, August 6th, 2005
follow your bliss ..grow towards the sun …FEEL GOOD !!! … whatever you do you can not fail because this is only a real real real playground which you WILL LEAVE transition from ,,, a flash in the IN FI NITE … the fruit fly human or tortoise or red wood or quantum of action flasing in a dn out , we from our perspective give it VALUE judgements but what if the quantum was really the TOTALLY SMART ONE CONNECTED TO I and I WITH OUT THE viel THE FILTER OF BIO MACINE TO CONFUSE IT ….
SO CELESTINE PROPHECY , IS JUST A BOOD WHICH MAKES UP THE WALLS THAT LLOW FOR HEAVENS TO BE PLAYING ,,,, WWWW.INSTINTUALISM.ORG?PARADOX … whatever you can describe IS . and stuff not yet able to be described well is also . you just dunn not know it for you currently you lack word tool . fisrt comes a form of memeory ,, building blocks .. like creating syrmids .. of PHAROH we are so fancy ,,, everything is just building blox of children . so I retrn to the pbs god doc. And the question about god in the image of father is brought and , and the idea of in his image , and I am not the body I use which is always changing started from a single cell which goes or mimics all evolvutions of life forms …… and continues to change at the atomic level so that even the DNA is being added to constantly … not a single atom is over 7 years old ,,, the i….. is the user of the bio filter called animal … or non animal and still afilter of experience . grain of sand
To talk about other cultures so grossly .. with out bringin up how those cultures that did HUMANIZE god often came from roots of non humanized and non form god … but grew into hierarchy gods so to use god for power in the POLIS of their emerging society the world of words are the huts and in the caves ,,, words are uselss to the hunter hidingin ambush , so who talked and talkd and talked and still today uses many many many more words per day than Male in fact Drl gRey remeinds us that men can actually USE UP THEIR words for a day …… still ifind myself so how respecting all these supoosed wise people and their fancy titles but they are just well trained parrots .
Joy the wanto …fine the action ..planc’s action the being of in the zone where no comparions are made and life is lived … not thought about . ….. so if thinking or free choice which needs thinking is what makes the difference then those who are lacking in the memory and dentitites connections to allow for rational thinking can not KNOW god ? that is fucked up . god only wants smart people huh ? wicked evil god . ( ohh but I know if you follow the magic hidden in ritual the not so smart are granted a free ride … agin fucked up tainted by PHAROH and slave master mind fucking to control populations to serve POLIS for pharohs came and went … polis lives and emerges on .

My mitochrondria do not do much when it come to me choosing to eat choclate or not they are the slaves who use the body for their adapted life vehicle …. The domesticated bacterium . like we are being domesticated by polis . and I really have little idea of the chocolates polis eats . ….
SEPERATION IS STRONG A WORD but the sage has no other owrd to use , but then says …. Remember you are not you but I ……. So that idea of langing for the tears of joy the DEVINE the more powerful than you … is searching like a slave for the savior to free him from the slave master who in fact is ssuch a bastrad because he works for PHAROH but the slave looked to PHAROH and his HOLY DAYS of relief or the chance blessing directly . great tool of social training and manipulation to be evolved and become useful . has nothing to do with the bing state of PLANC .
Happiness . is the difference between my filters point of view about the NO 1 THING and the experience of being thru a filter and thingness .

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