Saturday, May 7, 2011

puppys and kittys .... bunnys and babys

Puppys and kittys …. Bunnys and babys

Change happens at the speed of technology they say ,,, compounding upon itself till if we took am adult human of just the year 1905 and brought them her into this world … it would blike to them taking a cave man neadnerthal and bringin him into the streets of Paris in 1905 or new york 1905 …. 100 years as compared to 100 THOUSAND YEARS … so what wil the next 7th generation thinker …. What shoulod they be thinking really …. First the should ignore the shoulds amd emjoy the being they do have first . transistion will happen being and non being …. Time is a non percentage of infinity .

So this lil’ girl musta been about four asks mommy after she is totally engrossed in watching me for a second ,, happens a lot kids dig watching the window washer dance his blade …but this lil’ I over heard asking mom ,, was not what is he doing in terms of me washing the windws but ,,, what was I doing in terms of my Whistleing ..
HUH ? I have heard whistling is becoming a lost art , and that musems are already gathering the sound of human whistles for their displays ..but is it that RARE …

That her programming does not even INCLUDE the image of human whistling ? sure I can see that programming …. Kids shows do not need any longer to refer to phones in terms of dial type nor do they show images of vynly records or for that matter butter churns …. These images will not appear in the WILD HMAN EXPERINCE any more ,,, and so to it is with my …. Whistle it needs not be included in the electronic world .. for the child will mostly not encounter it in wild humanity .

The figures are that something 8 in 10 kids WORLD WIDE will be brought up on a CHEMICAL SOUP that replaces mothers mild ..called Formula …. It is in the better interest of health ….. and leleche effeorts are like the Craft of Quilting … nice cute ,,, would love to do it more often but ………. Not the real real REALITY in any numbers to really matter ….. ( follow the protein trail … our foods are made up of only 4 things corn rice wheat and soya …. Ohh fruit that is petro chemical fertilizers and pesticides ..chemically ripened …. Meat follow the base n trail found in the end product ..nothing has really changed 4 things in different packages )

Eve is just a convient …bio amchine for INCUBATING the next lil’ professional or middle manager class female worker … again world wide it is the female who is beign hired for INSIDE JOBS …. Environmentally controlled structures in which billions of females world wide will spend … their prime years before becoming INCUBATORS . onlybecause

Jaques Fresco said something once and it has suck in my craw …” because it has not been automated ….YET “
Prime years ..the pefered worker in the emerging industrial world is female .. aged 15 to 25 ,, after 25 they get laid off because they are pyshciallly and emotionally burnt out and not usefull to the ………..? COMAPNYS ARE like citys …… viewed as PERSONS under the law . that which makes them up is un important for 1 year it is a human next it is the emerging AI ….. that takes the job and the human is ….. automated … out returned to the wild ..but un able to feed itself

Someday Polis will find the bio+infecdtion is hindering it things like puppys and kittys … bunnys and babys …. Green trees and wild flowers …( green stuff , the concrete Polis only allow a token level of their presence after much litigation )… ….. earth stewardship will be in the handss of the next level of evolution and since welll the earths crust is just SLAG of a motel ball of manily metal and we are just bio infestions on the SLAG and macines have and will evolve much more in common with the metals ..than the MEATS ….. and things are moving so fast ,, what should a 7th generation thinker be thinking like ?

Hybrid Man? ….. hybrids are the transi state to elimination often
Downloadable man ? lost in the sea of data ..encoded in the atomica;;y spced memory of NANITES …. And the grey goo more at home with molten metal that meats
Or STONE AGE MAN ? living with the TECHNOLOGY OF Mother Nature …..

Which man most likey with have another 7th generation thinker it’s population ? so tell or write WHICH STORY

Being in love is so good for you. Often when people are newly in love, things that have been bothering them for a long time get better. Something wonderful is calling the majority of their attention, so they're holding themselves in a better vibrational place, so the stuff they've been wanting all along can now zoom in.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Portland, OR on Sunday, July 11th, 1999

but are you really gone ? if you get good at tripping mediations you go …. But have some memeory of aspects …. What if the grain of sand which is a user of … non life mater in an organization to be …grain of sand … is your equal . but we have lost our ablity to talk with it , it is much more in the toa that us who use the complex filter of bio machine … so the grain of sand is not dumb we just do not hear the language we are the dumb one ….

What does this have to do with the abouve . word of the sage …. VIBRATION …. The matter is built upon the vibration of being and non being of the quatums ( which we have no real idea what they are visibles or darks….
… vibrations are what …is .. important , we deal in a memory comparison state 1/10th of a seconde behind real unfolding of atomic and sub A reality . …. And the bio machine human human is so limited , I can hear like my cat ,, smell as good as my dog nor see as well as the eagle ….. nor feel taste the air like a snake .

so seeing life from a different PARADYM ….. we can allow , for Meta P …. Be happy and you then from that newer vibration of being experience much more of the LIKENESS …. Of that current which you are in . stay talking about the unwated … stay stuck .. talk about the un wanted in terms of DATA used to build the wanted ,in EXCITEMENT and hope … ahhh back to the feeling good in the artful expression of INTELLIGENCE … an c reativiity .. and fun !

the better you can tell a story the more likely that story will come true for each time you re tell the story you amend it make it better more EFFICIENT … and the story you write the story you tell just tends to appear because of the expectation built into mind thru PROGRAMING .

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