Friday, April 29, 2011

peach bug

Peach bug

So you have 18 peaches already 1 year after planting a baby 30 buck tree , but 2 of the 18 look like they got a bug in them ,,,, and you are statrting to sound like your natural peaches are some how dirty not as good as store boughts ,, and I wonder ,,, hellll DDT and shit like it have only been around and used on everything now since like the 50’s so that is for sure more than your whole life ..but nothing in terms of the 6.5 millions years of HUMAN HOMIND …. 60 years of science ….in terms of of millions or even just 1000’s 60 years is not the ALL … of ALLL …. All’s
Peaches have always had bugs the bird then comes and digs out the bug and we get to eat the other half of the peach while nature eats the first half ..sound GROSS but is natural …more antural than what we get at the TECHNO MART ..called asupermarket . …. We are techno junkies ..borg …..

So you start off as 1 cell in an ocean of food .. like a SEEA but this sea is in side a mommmy ,,, the 1 celled life ,, like a bacteria bug , grows and copies , itself to the point ,,, that soon some of the cells inside the mass can no longer touch the rich sea of food water so , system of water flow must happen other wise death would happen to the cells in the middle ,, so a HYDRA forms simple circulation ..the genisis of ..stage step 1 of heart viens and shit …… but the being of me was just a 1 celled bactria bug , with bacterium inside .that really drive the car which the larger 1 cell is ,,, a car for mitochrondria …. The bigger 1 celll . is able to grow out from there ,,,, hmmmmm interesting .

Cool she has part of it realizing the idea of property as being as important and maybe more improatant than people ,, like the Indians chief settle was confused about the idea of selling land of ownership …. This mine thing ….. is not ? natural .. a good example of passed down effects of pycopathy some birth defected people and person rose to the top of pwer … because well they had no connection they were pyscopaths . and we have adopted these PARADYMS … as natural laws .
Now to patriarchy …. The effects of manipulation …. Begets the power aspects of what she calls patriarchy male bashing ,, but I wonder when she was the sexy lil’ teen girl was she not open to using that benift ofr her benift ,,or was she NON ACTIVE IF SO SHE IS STRANGE … OLD WISDOMS HAVE SEEDS OF TRUTH ,, BEHIND EVERY GREAT MANIS A GREAT WOMAN THE EVIDENCE TRAILS ARE are every where and I still say TYE and amenhotpe 3 and 4 and the written evidence trails of the growing science of political manipulation and TYE’s rise to power etc etc …. Shows the hint of 1000’s of years so sure yes ,, the effects of manipulations suck ..but lets not talk about the symptoms but include the DATA of cause effects and broaden the perspectives in our engerrnering .

And well we sure as fuck can not depend on the head of Ethics from Harvard to expand his data base for that would destroy his niche and power position …. Putting in to jeprday his position of high preist in the new diety realm of sciences be them social sciences of matierail sciences .

We are smart enough to peel layer after layer back .. of paradyms …. Laying out the schemactics and expanding the depth and ranges of connections to include ideas that we PYARAMID BUILDERS … we gods look at what we can do ….. we are so much smarter and better than nature we who have been taught this separated mind set divorced from nature are pycopahts to the whole of the bio spere we in habit . not a good idea .

I'll Not Ask Others to Become Different for Me... Let your Vibrational Escrow percolate, and you do your best to give it your undivided attention so that you become a Vibrational Match to it. And then, when the Law of Attraction brings all of it together and brings you, because you're a match, together with it - then there aren't any bugs to work out. Don't ask the person, or people, that helped you to define what you want to become what you want so that you can have what you want. (Oh, that was so good.) Instead, let them be the Step One part of it (the asking part). Use your willpower and your decision to focus upon what you want - and then the Universe will bring you what you want.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book, "The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships "
the elearning of this for myself ,,, you have been my asking the things which gave me the inspirtation to want something different so …… to ask you to change would be not fair …. I jus do what I wanna do and let the friend aspect of that thing also jus form ,,,, you do not have to understand what I am doing …. You do not have to wake up even though your asking to be WOKE is part of the asking I got … the ALTRUISM the being nice to each other aspect that past of my in spirit action …but this is where the CAMP SITE descriptive concept comes in in a word tool likely you may understand the baby step of your own growth into the possibles you really have …
the 5ht wheeler … people monster bus people … an based upon model of their retired lifestyle available to anyone for like on the f’ing cheap ….. not an exact of but an adaptation of …. A think for yourself of allow a surf 6 days work 1 …. Escape from from therat race the manipulation of GOLD of CASh ,, ( what is gold? I can not use it to make a knife it is 2 soft nor head for my spear if I wore in while I hidein hunting I may shine or clank and scare game ,,, I only wore in in the cave or at social events …. And mainly it was the EVE who wants her man to wera the crown of gold so he becomes her arm candy ….. same game as as loud harley or a covette today . ..dig down deep lay out bare regardless of POLICTICALLY CORRECTNESS or not ….

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