Tuesday, February 9, 2010

willing pussy feels better

Willing pussy feels better

To start at the ending realy … MetaP shit is all ways part of the unthinkable –ness of our VAIn attempts to understanding ….. your hard dick and her wet pussy have been designed to feel good together ,,, now her brain is wired to TALK and TALK and TALK , and out not as much ..she is designed to BLOSSOM in the company of other women ….and enjoy getting fucked by ….. you young master … WE ARE HAREM SPEICES . and it is in the EASE of feeling better that ….

Free health care …hmmm what evidence do I use to claim the INSTINCUTAL NAUTRE of th human DNA provides FREE HEATH care …how about looking BROADLY at the people of paupa New Guiena …. They have been there for 10 THOUSANDS fucking years or so , we ROME based peoples our fear culture … has 2000 years ( ohh we to have been around for 13 million years but ignore all that ) …how about that they figure they may have been some where around 30 MILLION 1st American in the US when we showed up , started to enslave them cultureize them give hthe our GERMS ,,, they never had the 5 000 year hisotroy of PANDEMIC like we had survival history of since the firt records during ht tie of AMENHOTEP IV ( remember the king is a dupe the powers behind him and his rise are what is imporattnat ,,,, who gained so much real power by being the birth mother of a GOD … being impreganated by a god to give birth to a god … a SECOND CHOICE birth defected god , but a god …who but EVE spirit …Tye was her name …Eve is a concept not a person NOT A GENDER ) and thru that stress we HEAPED ont hem they died off to the tune of 95% ,,,, you do not fair well living under stress while sick from things you DAN has never encountered …these HUNTER GATHERS lived just fine before we DISCOVERED THEM like they were fucking lost or something … and judged the to be PROTIEN DEFICICNT like in the case of the high landers of new guinea ….hey who the fuck are we to judge a people who have been SUCCESSFULLY LIVING WITHOUT SWORDS OR GUNS for 10,000 years ???? hell we civilized people when we want to recreate or unwind in fact ,,MIMIC them in our hunting fishing camping vactions etc . ….. scientists admit withone side of their mouths that THESE STONE AGE PEOPLE HAVE …ENCYCLOPEDIC knowledge of their worlds , do you young mater have that much understanding about your word or are you addicted to BOOKS …. They do not have written references so they actually USE THEIR MINDS … woow wierd concept , and they are DEFICIENT ?

what they need is for white man to bring in his HOLY COW …… everywhere we go we bring our god cow withus ….. ( ohh and our swords and guns …and ..DIS - EASES )

4 kids dieD ,,yes that is teerrrible even though we all do ,,die ,,so transisition is still a DELICATE topic , but …. The GREAT FEAR tool of the Ivory TOWER or any salesman group or concern … to take 4 deaths in the GREAT 2008 EPIDEMIC where 1000’s OF KIDS GOT SICK AND A FEW 100 GOT HOSPITLIZED …. AND 4 DIED

in the USA we have been reaching numbers of 1 kid gets Autism per 100 births a large percentage of the RANDOM 3% of birth defects ..to arrive a a FULL 1 % … of 3% out of 1000’s of possible genenetic defects …. WHY ? HWY ? WHY ….
Number of births: 4317119 that means 43 THOUSAND kids will live a full autiscs life FOR EVER … until they too transisiton …. But remember 4 kids died … and they may not have rEALLY gotten their IMMUNIZATION SHOTS ( or they did and died any way ,,, )

4 died ……….. ahhh but the data did we realy take into consideration the WHOLE or just ,,,justify the findings of IMPORTANT priest of higher learning to seacure their ego and positions ,,, what is the complexicity of life of kids who lived in DENSE citys population where they were TRACKED like LAB RATS . over wheliming ly to stressed family units so the child themselves were stressed also …. Well back in the bad old days 1 in 1000 kids would DIE from child hood DIS-EASE ….. that was the 50’s

the ivory tower has not brought in ,,the mind body connection , because they CAN NOT CONTROL THAT be responsible for that .. so they can not gain EGO BENEIFT form the success …of being the SAVIOR for finding solutions … securing their status sytem of doctor .

vaccines are great in in haromony with nature …. Vaccine effect is already at work with in each human whose parenst surived something .. DNa is a library of all lived thru events up until the time of conception ,,,, the CHANGING ASPECT COMES THRU THE FATHER .. the mother is static but she ..birngs the ALL IMPORTANT … SYMBOTICS ….. the proboitics lives inher egg micondria ,,, and we LIVE THRU dis EASE by having levels of EASE …. SEE PUSSY IS EVERYWHERE ..SEX IS A DYNAIC PART … VARIATION EXPRESSIONS . not mono expressions . and if we are not so DENSLY POPULATED the expsosure to small amounts of virus would be at levels where we naturally IMUNANIZE OUR SELVES . but being FORCED TO LIVE IN ECONIMC LSAVERY IN DENSCITY CONDITIONS … we live 300 million American humans on 108 million acres live and work and shop ….the 100 million cowqs get 580 million acres …. Cows need good land to live on so it is not FROZEN tundra land or DEATH VALLEY deserts … of Okeeefonokee Swamp …. It has to be what it is Range and Pasture land .

the complexity …….. of the confuse and onquer ,,understand TRANSTIONING , as part of the whole …hoistic part of the experience of BEING THING …. Using bio mechanincs for time/space event ….TempleGrandenshows the Specialness ….of each beingness .

seeing some thing OUT OF PLACE IN THE WILD ….. simulates the flight response of the PREY speices we are prey species and so we humans YEARN for Elegant Design to limit that OUT OF PLACE FEELING still … the out of place effect of nature and the fears of the Prey …instinct we carry in our DNA that of the SAVANNAH APE exposed on the pariere . so what ewe call Autism is INSTINCTUALISM expression? So let them be engaged in and understand the ..random ness of NATURE of the enivorment …there is the antural environment or the insanity of human environment .

Ok good ole whatever his name was talkign about PLASTER in 10k BC and said the HUMANITY BECAME SPEICLISTS that is why the 40 homes 10k BC had plaster ..look at the SHELL MOUNDS of Indians and realize life does not happenin the 40 HOUR WORK WEEK MENTALITY OF THE CRAZY WHITE .. priest of the Ivory tower or their friends …. LEARNNG HAPPENED OVER AGES AND AGES AND EXPSOSURES AND EXPOSURES it was a long time till people started to notice … before they NOTICED natural plastering effects of their own fire pits…then they had tons of ASH having been created everyday for maybe fucking 100’s of years , and each pit if conditions were right was store houses of PORTLAND CEMMENT . they probably found that fresh stuff was better so then specialization happened or atleast conscious storage of ….. useful waste ..ash created in a fire pit lined tieh lime stone ..

Young master are you ? stillearning? Are you an encyclopedia of understanding about your world ? like a STONE AGE MAN of current times is? Or are you just a SHEEP … in fact with an ACTIVE GENE of MENTAL SUPPRESION triggered so that you are not the Autistic one … oeverwhelmed by Data ..your brain is WIRED TO SUPRESS ACTIVITY .
Anytime you feel negative emotion, stop and say: Something is important here; otherwise, I would not be feeling this negative emotion. What is it that I want? And then simply turn your attention to what you do want. . . . In the moment you turn your attention to what you want, the negative attraction will stop; and in the moment the negative attraction stops, the positive attraction will begin. And—in that moment—your feeling will change from not feeling good to feeling good. That is the Process of Pivoting.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
How true how true ,,for have ever been feeling a pain in the WHATEVER or even down with a cold and something catches you ATTENTION and hopefully excitement and you forget everything else for a while ….. that thing that got your attention ,,, was the experience of LIVING … the moving towards the sun …. Like flower . towardsa feeling of BETTER ..it is nothing to do with CASH $$$$ ….. it has everyt thing to do with UNDERSTANDING WHAT REALY FEELS GOOD …. Or better . now .

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