A pussy with out
MASLOW ,,,MASLOW ,,, MASLOW http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html … I do not care if you are a butterfly who is lacking a flower to gain FUEL from …. A lion who finds it self in a place with no game lost in a desert with no antelope or … a squirrel with no tree and 100 hungry dogs around it …. Or human female http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html whose life up to now has been mind fucked ,,to the point you got NO WHERE TO LIVE like this woman http://www.lawofattractioninteraction.com/video/Thriving.html whose focus is on that reality instead of her NOW and as such her energy projection is 1 of lack so LACK will be her experience . … DO NOT RESISIT the DNA FACTS of bio machine , it generates a self PRESERVING sense of FEAR about basic life issues and that fear over rifdes MIND in many ways basic hungers or fears or life issues the first few layers of MASLOW …… get them under your control then enjoy http://www.pathtofreedom.com/urban-homestead there is more than ENOUGH time freedom $ , love… then enjoy words of the sage even more dream more ,,
In the current here an now … if you are comparing or keeping rack of life in terms of comaparison to the ARRIVAL of the wanted in reality I am projecting thinking that is ,,has a basisi of the LACK OF THE WANTE D,,, and why do I want the WANTED to feel better in the NOW OF IT … but I am in a now ..NOW , that is based upon the projections of my past … and I should have in this NOW the
FEELING BETTER present as compared tot heim time of the wanting of the life I now live …. Or AT LEAST SOME ASPECTS OF THE LIFE I NOW LIVE …. So what is good , hell oong long long ago just having car would have been cool ( but for me that means like before age 15 0 living on the water ,, hell that is a want I had and still have , o I got that , the relaxed business … goint to the mail box to collect more checks than bills cool also …. Being in this nice place is the Vortex of Ester …. Now wheni think that daydreaming is being in the vortex NO for I am realy in place of comparing now with the wanted and SUB C . REALIIZZING THE LACK OF THE WANTED … and thus I would honeslty be gerenrting thinking energy of lack ..instead of prospertiry …
Hmm to think to think to let that sink in a bit more ..over and over … defifing the aspect OF BASK ..BASK BASK … a bit better …. A bit cleare … what is lie it is my now not my dream ,the dream has been set forth that WORK DONE ,,,, what is REAL thought …ahhh well that is tomorrow clients , and the understanding of some info I got about some plants I have growing lid , and now learning how to prepare them …. Most cool .
And a good example of NOW is the stuff you bum into NOW THAT YOU FIND ENJOYABLE … http://www.pathtofreedom.com/urban-homestead
For the sage talks form a place way above the the basic calling form the bio machine …
Feeling good ….. getting a handle on the BSICIS of real FEELING of good , realizing the supportive aspects youhav ein OBTAINING the current and mostly likey future control over that , that to is FEEL GOOD ….. a deeper good than the good of dreaming about FAIRY TALE LIFESTLYES . which you can have also ..life is long and full of stuff , ,,fear not time … you are A1 ..or the I in I … A1 player who adds to the experience available to all of us …. In the I in I ..whihc from the broader perspective you are stillin and of and NVEVER separated from , except by free choice of becoming TOTOLLAY EMERSERCED IN the game here and now .. http://www.lawofattractioninteraction.com/video/Thriving.html her use of the word VORTEX ..is again getting into the GAME … in the zone of living life instead of COMPARING LIFE … to a future concept … if I find myself outside of it .. I will slip back inside of the CURRENT aspects I find ENJOYABLE . bask bask bask … at the aspects of the GAME PLAN you currently have available to live .. and the more you are enjoying that the more the energy stream projected from youis 1 of good , you attract . more GOOD … and growth for TAO expands towards what feels good ,,, a plant does not grow towards what feels WORSE , now does it?
In ..stinct..ualism ….. what is instinctual .. moving towards what feels better ,, the mind fuck trye to get you to BUY INTO ..the idea of AFIRY TALES … DREAMS OF HEAVEN … the end to suffereing will be when I can follow the GOD/KING concept who created the mind fuck that is causing me some much confusion and thus pain …
Bummer I am getting bummed harping on that topic .. talked way to much about for a few months …. Over it … on to AD VENTURING … I am the butterfly who can see 1 flower and hints of others beyond ,,, I am the lion who can smell fresh grass on the wind knwoingthat is where the game will be …. A squirrel with a strong weed to clim from where it cann jump up to thin limb hanging down close enough to jump up …..
What do I have now ..that is something ,,, as my teacher once said ,,you are still fucking breathing phil , and that means everything else is just TOYS …
Ok so when the SAGE says there are unlimited Resources … oh true ohhhh true , seen from braoder perspective , but here in abrain full of LACK DENTRITES PATHWAYS … umlimited resources sounds un real because based upon belief you recive … and belief is due to PROGRAMING OF THE BIO MECHINCS of brain dentrites … so within the BELIEVABLE .. find the best the good and move .
Down stream does not mean not ATTEMPTING that cast under the dock ..or ATTEMPTING that approach on the flats towards those tailing permit …. Moving DOWN STREAM does not mean ,,not LIVING …. Going down stream means living experinceing but WITHOUT COMPARISON TO .. comparing is THINKING ABOUT YOUR CURRENT LACK and the fairy tale castle …. And caliming yourself currently a FGAILURE because you do not live NOW Iin THE CASTLE .
I want a life of living …… a new pod of bonefish just out of reach …. To ATTEMPT an approach at . ad venture …. Perfection is DEATH …. Game over all done nothing else to ATTEMPT for I have it all ,,the CASTLE is built totally ….. might as well just bury me now . but thank you for the CHOICE of contrast ..the Op to say I WONDER IF I CAST UNDER THAT DOCK what will be there ? and so I snag up losing my lure on on the dock and I do not know what exactly it was like to have presented good cast exactly EXACTLY within those CONDITIONS to a dock like that ..or what fish may have been held under it and so , I will gomy life searching for a SIMILAR EVENT to test myself against once more . …end of BOREDOM .
But with some so important as PUSSY … AND FAMILY this viariabl eis not FUN … for I have a deep INSTINCTUAL call towards fullfillng ,,the the STORY? .. to expand TOA there has to be NEW PGAME PLAYERS … human game players have the need for stable family units for certin # OF YEARS .. and the daddy gorilla has instinct to provide that aspect for the next game player .. and if for some reason THE EVE SPIRIT in its mind fucking complexity thwarts my expression of INSTUANTUALISM … WELL that si no fun and if I believe I have no chance of learning to sueceed at the game well then you end up with the ffects fo manipulation …. Over and over . it goes for bothe sides of the game both girl and boy …. Both are fucking confused to their core . ohhh not the EVE ..she is so commited to her fairy tale that nothing else realy matters ….SEH IS LIVING THE EXAMPLE OF THE ALL POSIBLE also .
Think about that little smear that starts out as the human body, and then there's a nose and a liver and a gizzard, oh, not a gizzard... All that stuff that is present and knows how to become this. There's so much knowledge within the human body. You're wanting to free the human body's knowledge to be well from the resistance that has been picked up along this physical trail. The very best approach to medicine is,"Well, I see your physical body is sick, what's been bothering you? What are you worried about? What are you angry about? What are you frustrated about?" Because that is what is at the root of all of this. And then say, "Let it go, let it go, let it go." That's the message, and if they could hear you and do that, then they would all be well right away.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Ashland, OR on Tuesday, May 16th, 2000
THEY ? the cels of your body who are EQUALITYS to you , quanta players experincers being CELL …not less tha you just because for this 1 LIL’ EXPERIENCE of time theya re being the building BLODK FOR YOUR GAME ,,, thank them all , for without them you are NOT ! ..
But the training of the MIND FUCK is what is really at the bottom ,,, 5000 year of mind fuck . the same MASTER/slave reltionshp …. Tweeked over the ages …. Find something important to the animal and control them with it ,,, oh yes fisrt find a nice animal to train ,,HUMANS are when in a natural state very FRIENDLY ahppy supportive it is only when mind fucked with GREED and HIERACHY that we ,,, become violent . the effects of manipulation http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html
We you are happy and in the ZONE or vortex aligned with source ,,feeling great not livng in a state of comparing your NOW with afuture that will b e better ,,,, but finding in today the betters you set forth form the past ..not Ffearing death of TIME …. You tap inot HEALTH …. http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html
Monday, December 21, 2009
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