hairless pussy
The finger print of god …… understanding the complexity of the MIND FUCKING .. and that there maybe DNA predisposing the human brain got bigger just rying to understand why were are subjected to GOD concepts the endless questioning and expansion of WORD TOOLS … but at the end of the day what does that shit have to do with a AHRD COCK AND A WETT PUSSY ? …dna holds a history of the events of the partys involved the female egg STATIC the male sperm made new each day will have recorded success of living . at levels of genral experience that would be useful for the DNA bio machine ….. the quanta self is the USER …. the light switch and light are my tools I am the chooser of its use . the USER IS UNDEFINE-ABLE in ATOMIC terms ..... now scienc can only observe the PAST and of course from within limits of the intended goal of the experiment .
Pyschonuero immunology the idea that our thinking choices effect our bio mechincs.. …. Spontaniuos mystical experience is of course perceived thru the TOOL of bio machenics . our larger brain can be the expression or result of trying to UNDERSTAND …TOA …. It has more storage because of our generation after generation growing their ,,nueroplasiticlty …. Like the size of our dick or the size of her tits …… the idea that she is mainly hairless except in the part of her body which has been TOLD TO HIDE .. the sexual organs maintained hair .. out of embasessement and thus genenrrational expcetaion of each new young ones coming up to someday start to see their own expression fo sexual maturity being evidenced in that HAIR COVERING … of sex . now will the new fashion of shaved twats be seenof course by the children growing up the WANT will not be for the expression of hair less hair will show up … ( western man afew 100 years ago averaged 5 ft 5 inches ,,, now averages close to 5 fot 10 inches .. and over half of that 4/5 inch has happened in the last few generations )
Cultivate the expeince thru .. a METHOD that works fo the person ,,, so a church can be that , yet the over all
Out and out FRAUD …… the tool of making that $$$$ to establish their place in the hierarchy …. Built from the WITCH DOCTOR ..and their use of FEATHERS and decoration … to place themselves In society
Getting our sense of GOD thru PARTICLES … is missing the idea that god concept GOD BEING PERJORATIVE automactically generating menta picutures of a HUMAN…. BUT we are just observing the PAT of the quatum building and De building of quantum SECOND … the exact now … everything else is experienced data
We have experiences of the UNTHINKABLE then try to bring it back into terms that is TALKABLE is able to be discussed with friends and family and others and to do that we need to use common sounds or words …. We agree that a certain REFLECTION of light is BLUE and we train babys in the idea of BLUE …. And then from then on we use word tools called BLUE ,,, but BLUE is nothing but thought form of sgreements for in Spain Blue is not blue ….. but another grouping of sounds that bringsa bout another PERJORATVE reaction in the listeners . have some way to interact about the UNTHINKABLE the no1thing IS fun ..and fun is the reason for expansion . nature moves to towards things that are fun . that feel better . finger PRINTS of a GOD again bring us back to thinking in terms of the specialness of or IMPORATNCE ( hierarchy ) of the HUMAN BIO MACHINE … which in a instant of Geological time or unviverse time could be wiped clean off this lil rock …. It is not the BIO MACHINE but the user of the BIO MACHINE and the same user ….
Uses all assemblages … assemblages of others co-operative players or EQUALS that form a grouping which can then be NAMED given word tools to use ,,, that were still THING before we were even here to give word tool to it ,,, .
Desires and beliefs are just thoughts and thoughts. "Ask and it is given?" You ask through your wanting. You ask through your desire. That thing you call desire. That's the asking. You don't have to use your words. You just have to feel it in your being. That spark of desire. "I desire this. I want this. I adore this. I embrace this. I appreciate this. I..." That desire is the beginning of all attraction. The desire is what puts the eternalness in eternity.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Diego, CA on Saturday, February 7th, 1998
Does a plant another bio machine , grow towards that whihch feels better for its… it’s’s special DNA design ,, some Are full sun SOME NEED PARTIAL SHADE .. read the seed packages …. The expansion is in the SUCCESS of the bio machine so that it RE PRODUCES and life then moves on and on … in every VARYING FORMS success recorded in the …..DNA data storage unit . …. Your choices of moving towars something wanted is like the plant growing towards usn or towards partial shade from the ablity of the DNA bio machine of the quaTUM USER SELF .
That is why it is good to understand MOTIVES behind the wants $$$$ is not the WANT it is what the $$$ will give you it ESCAPE from feeling something yo do not want ? so at the core of the thought energy expressed it realy the INCLUSION OF THE UNWATED … the FEAR aspect maybe realyy deep down the holding on to this idea of importance around the use of the ATOMS … the helpless child is NEEDY of mothers milk for the bio machine to continue …. It is needy of teaching of how to find the first few levels of MASLOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS … again simple things like food water and protection from the elements and safety from PREDATION .. but we got trained to depend on that … security … in terms of being SLAVE for PHAROHs use for the use of the growth of the thought form of economy or city …. A simple multicelled orgaism that depends on the hive or slaves in many forms of hierhy …
we were trained away form our ABLITY to live independently inot living DEPENADNT on the system and begging it for that which can be given freely … 180 fruit bearing plants X 3 = close to 600 each only need to give a few hands full of food per year …and life is COOL ( have you ever seen a fruit tree in some ones back yard where the ground is littered with rotting fruit ..and all you need is a couple of hands full fromt hat tree let the squierels and birds eat …all they want stress free there is WAY TO MUCH ABUDANCE ( not the fear of lack you were trained inot believing in so that PEOPLE /phaorh system COULD SELL YOU AND answer to the problem they created in your mind ) … in harmony with the DNA designe of your body ,, teeth that are designed to eat fruit hands sensitve to picking ripe fruit and evidence trails of human success in i]living vegetarain lives … ( still about 1 in 5 people world wide live vegans type lives ) ohh an then the 1800 linear feet of WILDIZED … food forested VEGATBLE PRODUCTION PLUS THE GAME BIRDS AND FISH AND THE solar /earthship housing etc etcet etc. LIVING INDEPENDANTLY .. yet with in ,,with freedom to PARTY IN THE CITY .
AND POLIGAMY ….. sex is important ,, the expression of successful living is the desire for expansion or KIDS .. being a non stressed parent sex ..back to sex … without HIERACHY …. Back into the DNA design of us ..not chimp not even TRUE gorilla but human NOW free to choose ..fromt he wanted by under standing the unwanted .
Friday, December 18, 2009
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