I wish you a merry bake sale
And a kickin pit if SKINDRED PLAYS 2nd stage ( please god let’em play 2nd stage ..please god let ‘em play 2nd stage Amen … all prayers end with reference to pharoh http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akhenaten ) see you there ? look 4 the balloons come sign the shirt rain or shine
Artist pussy
Who cares more about the cash flow from her ART THAN THE ART ? you do ! http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html your MASLOWS HIERACHY of needs DONE ,,, in harmony withpermaculture and nature ,,you can distrurbute your art for FREE ..or is your GREED BITCH more important ….. EVE ? are you thinking beyond the green stuff in your wallet your won little greddy life and your own GOLD and BMW …no ..fuck that ,,fuck everyone ,,, it is about POWER AND MONEY …. Everything is FREE ……. Actually the cost of housing of food of ENJOYMENT in harmony with nature … LOVE … all free ….. and your music once copyed and pasted down loaded online FREE …… my plants feed not only me but a host a nature who play parts the dynaicms of my current gardens ….. from birds to bugs ,,, my daily 15 minutes of exercise gives us all food and the plants themselves …life to live .. all TAO living equal adventures I am NO BETTER …ohhh neither are you PRINCESS OF PHAROH … …
a picture of me washing windows is not the same as me washing your windows… so you can play music at home ..you can wash windows youself ,,or pay for my service ,,, or a person can pay money to have you play for them … but you want your PIECE OF PAPER to be of value ,,, the picute of me washing windows to thav ehte same value … you freely choose to be worth only your IMAGE … you are paper thin … and now complain . the idea that RECORDINGS of technology … is realty …. Times have changed .
Remember the powers that be have vested interst in MAINTINING things as is ,,, the hidden underground of abuse , hidden in every religion and government , thru CONFUSE AND CONQUER system of OVERWHELMING the population til you can not organize effectively . DIVIDE AND CONQUER , confusion is divided attention . IN EQUALITY is what is important , creating states of lack is the tool of control … no real change or if you do need to maek change to keep the MASSES quiet make sure there is expression of FLAWS running systemeically thru out . the new WAR FARE irragte 3oo miles of subdivisions . and while we had n=out blankets we offer the safety and freedom of the subdividion ,, 300 miles 5 miles on each side ,, sectioned into 10 mile squares .. all ideas wwrtten before and ll based upon BUDGETS already for similar FOR PROFIT PROJECTS . … way cheaper than conventional warfare .
The thought that make you feel MORE HOPEFULL thought that make you feel better are the thoughts that are closing the gap ,,, between the you who is comparing life to life .. and the you who lives in the zone oof ..totla engrossment of the LIVNG instead of a state of comparing what I am living to what I would like to live .
Ahh the voice of the …the history of CONTROL of the mind fuck … the voice of the sage is always around each age ,,there are many voices of the sage ,,MARTIN LUTHER was one of course his translation ..was fuckedbecause of his upbringing … THIS VOICE IS pretty dam good …. ( still polluted ) http://www.youtube.com/user/AbrahamHicks#p/a/u/0/HIlqAHGer8k SATAN AND SANTA …… mans mind fuck of man …. Is it better to JUST GIVE UP , the problem is too complex ? in fact you can get so salve minded that you believe that life is supposed SUCK ..but that is just the dentrite limits created by programming of youth ,, but does it feel good to just give up? ..of does it feel better to cast again and again even if you get stuck in a tree every now and then …. Does giving up feel good ? does it feel OFF? Is ther a lil’ voice in you saying it should not be this way …. Follow that voice … speak up …. The voice of the sage age after age comes from those who let themselves listn . then speak .
How unlimited is INFINITY AND can infifnity become any numbers of BROADER PERSPECTIVES … limited and less limited ,,, in fi nite groupings of … I in I ? who am I to limit the POSSIBLE . PUT A BRICK WALL IN HEAVEN AND LIMIT THE POSSIBLE EXPRESSIONS OF THE unthinkable http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html …. So if Ester translates .. a grouping called Abraham …. Sure why not , =the message ,,the proof is in the taste of the PUDDING , if it sucks then ,,, it sucks , if it streams well ,,, has value has info and clarity ,,, ttastes like good pudding . then it is good pudding . ( unless of course you do not like the taste of that pudding ,,ahh free choice . I am glad there are many flavors of pudding )
http://www.youtube.com/user/AbrahamHicks#p/c/7D95118A7AB7A3CD/0/RTb6mKAwftA we did not come here to continue in the same old mind fuck to move beyond and evolve ..grow expand move towards that which feels better … person to person a message does grow and in it’s growth of your part of that growth … you will feel better as you feel like … like ..like .. you are ABLE ….
The Universe knows all things and is responding to the vibration that you are sending. When you are sending your vibration on purpose, you are orchestrating what the Universe is aligning for you.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Atlanta, GA on Sunday, September 13th, 1998
The universe , it is hard to talk about things with out describing THNG-NESS as something outside of the I-IN-I … of yuou …. But that is part of the playing field , of time space the oppurutunity for the ILLUSION of separation … so we give ,,tao , names like Tao or infinity or the universe the PLAYGROUND realy universe reference to the material quantum expression the ASSEMBALGE … forming and departing faster thant he DATA bundle sensors we have can perceive .
Aligning all possible within the BELIEF’s your dentrite pathways of memeory in brain ALLOW ….. aligning your PREDESPOSING OF …EXTRACTIONS … we can both walk together down the same street and EXTRACT different experiences from the same time/space arena …. This is the benefit of bio machine a limits we want to have for adventure … using a barin that processes 2 gigs per now .. in an arena with in fi nite GIG possibles . ,,the NO’s of http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html so I can extract the preffered aspects I WANT to encounter and you can extract those you are wanting or maybe EXPECTING .. but both are of WANTING even in FAILURE you are settin up a more complex game for yourself ….
( Interesting how the emails got leaked so close to the up worldwide Enviromental meeting next week .. interesting that it comes from the UK … home of BP oil a mjor player in WANTING things to sty the same as long as possible …. Interesting how much grant money that corp doles out the towers of IVORY …keep the CONFUSION GOING .. )
Saturday, December 5, 2009
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