2 pussys to1
and only 15 years ago it was 3 males to 1 pussy but I will explain that in aminute first on to PARTYTIME !!! I have not given SKINDRED their props http://www.skindred.com/ Benji and band made us get out of WET doldrums and fucking BOUNCE … it was a wet crowd huddled under garabage bags I had to realy work the crowd to fill the shirt with signatures not norm at all . but … benji got us bouncing … and I dug how he comented ..go ahead fuckers and ripp my music off for free you cannot get this one the Web … let me see you bounce …and we did ….. that chick that got me pissed when she THREATENED not to make more ART if people did not PAY for the recorded image of her …. Well fuck you … there was a history or ART before you during you and will be long after you … just like I am not IMPORTANT .. as a baitman or window washer or stimulator of yur thinking … except to those who enjoy what ever art ..is being expressed in the NOW …. Of me . and tomorrow as today will be another good day to whistle and xpression of art ( not great but enjoyed by others thru my happiness they feel better and soemtinmes someone even catches a tune ..wonder wall , I must have been dong pretty good and they must have a good knowledge of alternative music , most cool )
now for the rest of the show , Matisyahu ..very cool to hear him live finnaly I support his expression … but again , it is the SAME OLD repeatition of PAIN yes we know we are all SICK OF ..WAR of pain of confusion …BUT WHY DO WE HAVE IT? It is from the understanding of the UNWANTED we can build plausible solutions based on RELAVENT concepts . http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
we are DNA animals still ,,, like the teacup poodle is relted to the great DANE …. I am related to that HOMIND fossil dating back 13 million years founding the Europes . but for 5K years things have been getting fucked up … we lived 12,995,000 years without pharoh .. god/king … lack fear based economy of flashing metal gold … 5k out of 13 million to put in terms of your 20 some odd years young master is like the last 15 fucking minutes of your entire life ,,, ..15 minutes or 5K years is nothing … but we sure have allowed it to be SOMETHING , so bad we sing song after fucking song and write book after fucking book and rap after rap and poems after poem of PAIN ….. asking WHA THE FUCK IS GOIN ON …. ?
how can we still EAT THEIR LINE OF SHIT …… the PHAROH incarnations be them churches of corporations ( the benovlent rulers ) …. 5000 years ago … mothers of Eygpt were taught to spread an OPIATE concontion on their nipples to sooth their crying babys …. And very quickly the DRUG ADDICT was born slave to pharoh …. WILL WORK FOR DOPE ….
Toady ,,, count ‘em .1 , 2, 3, 4, OPIATE USER by age 12 … is easy available , easy to washout of the sytem in case of drug tests , does not sink up their clothes …. 1 in 5 admits to be atleast amonthly user 9 monthy user so what? Well that is never the end for the OPIUM LOVER … just the steping stone of getting a TASTE FOR IT … 15 years ago it was 3 males to every female using opium based drugs since well ,it was a dirty business , I remember watchin friends , un bend their works , and sharpen them up on the side walks jonesing …and today it is 2 GIRLS to every guy ..who is getting hooked on opium ….. and now the BENEVOLET PHARIMICUTEL GIANTS . have made it clean and easy ..and very profitable … …. Kids can Steal a beer of two from home is easy ( alocohol being the TRUE GATEWAY DRUG ) , and add a ¼TAB crushed .. and they got a good teen buzz going on their way to AQUIRING A TASTE FOR THE ESCAPE …. . 100 yearsa ago ..BAYER PHARMICUTELS major interantion company even today , was giving away for FREE heroIn .. they knew forM history how addictive opiates were and …. So who cares PROFITS is what is important $$$$ THE LUNACY OF SAYING THAT USING ONE FORM OF OPIATE TO COMBAT THE ADICTION TO ANOTHER FORM OF OPIATE WAS progress ..for the profits of BAYER ..YES … oooh some republican and I were talking Afganistan .. and he was like who cares if they grow poppy or food …. Europe is the main consumer of heroin anyway , WRONG AGAIN DIPSHIT …. From legal or illegal ( blood poppy like blood diamonds get into the sytem all the time so does any opium source get cleaned up and into the mainstream profitable supply line … we buy TALIBAN OPIUM …AND AL QEUIDA OIL osa bin laden is direct newphew like kin. To the saudie royal family and then we go to war with them fighting the bullets and bombs we PAID FOR with our stupidity of trusting ..benovlence ) 90% of the whole world opiate production is used by ….AMERICANS ….. ( stats fromyour own right wing online media ) our current drug roxies etc , are semi artifiacl they still depend on ….NATURE ..the gift actually of the GOD/KING …. Who found it useful in mind fucking soldiers into fighting ..slaves in to working themselves to death …. Etc etc etc .. still some 5000 years later …. We throw the rock into the air…
The MYTH of the benovelnt ruler ..god , church , corpartion ,,is the ART of the SPIN DOCTORS the sotry tellers … the ADVERTISERS ….. FAIRY TALES ….
Your free choice young master . http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html 1 more free choice ,,, a place to explore WORDS ..unlit candles ….
Taking ones own life SUICIDE the action in CONTRA to the instinct to live . becaue of the overwhelming UN-UNDER-STANDABLITY … OF CONDITIONS YOU FIND YOURSELF IN . ……. And Is not getting WAHCKED on blueberries … not also taking one’s own life ..just over an extended period …. What the fuck is goin on . ever wonder? You can not find a solution using the thinking that created the problem … core CONFUSION …. One of the most core confusions is ..INSTINCTUALS EUXAULA MANIPULATION .. swhihch has it’s history stemming back again to th PAHROH TIMES . Amenhotep4… I use as an example because his power grab shws the evidence trail of the HIERACHYS KNOWLEDGE and use of the mind fuck on humanity … HE IS UN IMPORATNT ,, his mom the amipulation of EVE ..the growth of the LOVE STORY the soul mate ideal … ..the skill of politics of the age these are the important aspects .
Now OPIUM ,, or morhine simulate the DRUG OF SEX ..endorphines … the high of love ….. and once the addict uses that and becomes addicted sex is un needed for the drug is easier than LOVE …. And the drug can be some what conroled by PHAROH … even though poppy grew like weeds , you still had to be FREE ENOUGH to have land of your own to grow the poppy … for personel use or PROFIT .
(SIDE TRACK ….if someone from china said a word that sounds like Cool , and I said cool , sure they most probably do not mean the same thing ..but if some one from FLORIDA SAYS COOL and some one from south Carolina says cool most likely it means about the same , expecially if it is used in terms of the same activity ….. AMEN … for Hebrew or chriatin refers to the God of Amen as written in the book of Issaih ….. hey a 1000 years before Hebrew hsitoryical evidience … a few 100 miles away the eygptians were calling the TRUE ( thruth ) god by the same name …AMEN .. hmmm
But they were totally different people and totally different language ( yeah like the people from florida and so. Carolina are totally fucking different ) ,,, apples and oranges your preacher will tell you …confuse and conquer ….. I am the 1 trying to confuse you your SHEPARD will tell you …. his sheep one of his flock given by god for him to protect from ideas other than what ..has been given by the god of Amen … god of amen as in the book issiah. And Amen just so happens to be the first name of PHAROH ..the god/king form where the MYTH WAS BORN ..flwoing the god/king intoa n after life to worship , finnaly free of slavery … evil ,, the EVIL born out of the GREED of the GIVER of the promise of HEAVEN ? is this fucke dup or what ,, TRUST ME =TRUST ME SAYS THE THIEF … the EVIL OF MANKIND is born in myth only if you do not serve god… slave in this life work and toil for pharoh concept . that is the EVIL … nothing else . ) you can not solve a problem living in the same thinking that created it ,, the use of the same dentrite pathways….
So again think for yourself about the complexity of the MIND FUCKING YOU HAD BEEN BORN INOT that your mom and dad realy did not understand that most reigousleaders did not understand just accepted their part of it ,,, that only the most otp level players realy understood about politics and employee and customer base issues about ECOMINC THOERY ,, UNSPOKEN ideas of historical concepts never talked about OUT LOUD for to to do would mean …. Conspiracy ….. AND IS BAD . but eh allowing of the same old same old to Exisist and to PROFIT FORM it ..is OK .
And then isntincutalism which is calling you to think foryurself about the VARIED aspects fo life and free choice ,,of working within the sytem to BUY YOUR FREEDOM http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html . then teaching the next generation …form a new set point of expansion . and the voive of the sage that will be heard thru that ..TRANSLATOR in ages to come ..will be marvelous … the first few monkey of the 100 monkey concept … who will they be?.
If I lived under a rock I would not hear any problems of others … but since I do not and since I am 1 who does hold the door open for total strangers ….. like you do … I give a lil’ shit ( not enough to cause myself any real stress over you but a lil shit ) and in hopes of in some lil way ending your bitching I put forth … solution vibrations …. HOPE FEELS BETTER than giving up . ….. vibrational offereing …
You cannot be separated from that which you are calling God… People hear us say, "Reach for the thought that feels the best." And they think, "Oh no, I need to listen to what God wants." But aren't we talking about the same thing? Aren't your emotions guiding you to that Connection? And doesn't the word God just set you off on all kinds of tangents that don't have anything to do with your relationship with that which is this Eternal Energy of Love that is your Source?
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Chicago, IL on Saturday, September 18th, 2004
The word tool of GOD was created for PROFIT reasons ,,just look back to the history of AMENHOTEP4 that is why he and his concepts were erased , he messed up the econimc system …of GODS …. On 1 side of the churches mouth they talk about the ungraven image of GOD on the other side they talk about the HUMAN – NESS of that un graven image …. Confuse and conquer ,,1st confuse you then sell you relief form the confusion they created …
Group dynamics of chanting of singng , of meeting in HOPE AND PRAYER …. For the end of suffering …… promote feeling good ….. that is connecting with source feeling good is connection with source the moving towards expansion and possibility …. Yet on the other side of the mouth of the THOUGHT FORM ORGANIZATION of church which NEEDS $$$$$ …they create strife and wars … and separations , and fears . the confusion . a complex mind fuck passed down age after age , till we no longer recognized it .
The orginal core of religions is the voice of the ancient sage INSTINCTUAL to all NON HIERACHIAL aboriginal tribes ..the universal connected feeling with the earth , sky and water and all life ,,, the time before the WITCH DOCTORS AND THEIR FANCY FEATHERS and hierachiacl displays … and magic use of herbs ..DRUGS .
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
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