Tuesday, December 22, 2009

pussy is wet and warm

Pussy is wet and warm

What I want and why I want it ….. talk about that ,, now there are SURFACE ISSUES ..things that I think , I think that are reasons for wants then there are the results of realy understanding the UNWANTED http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html … but nither of those really is want is important this time for what do iw ant and why do I want it …. Iw ant the site plan http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html and the life style to have the freedom , and the fun the food the fishing the family ( ohh the complexity of teaching it all after it is done well that is actually STAGE 2 … later onthat ) but the site plan ane work plan lifestlying ,, just because it will be fun to have created it all .. as I want it to be … tha activity of the work and living ..the living of it after done … the day to day of wakeing up and doning my run/walk around my own property and thus seeing and interacting with it during those 3 passes ….. I dig having he whole idian river as my fron yard but honesly I hav elittl control over ht fish I have to catch like I can on a managed environment … I fish on those before they were cool too .. so ican have wild sport when I want and … managed sport … the off grid-ness one of those constant dreams … thinking about the WHY I WANT it more than the PROBLEMS OF CREATING IT . thnkiing in terms of problems is a trained in habit of negative expecatation as seen from the aspect of the SLAVE who knows only 1 way to live with no real ALTER ANTIVES .

So before being a husband ( the first time ) and daddy ,, beofe even really thinking hard about WANTINg of that I ..i lived for PHIL …. But as that EXPASION aspect came into me ,,, well I am forever changed BIO DYNAMICS ..this is bio dynamic ,,, I found life worth living so I choose to RE-PLIECATE myself http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html ,, and act to insure the FUN OF MY replicas MY KIDS ….. ah so after more life experience I said to self ,,,HEY SELF this worrya bout $$$ shit is getting fucking old ... and GIRLS DRIVE YOU NUCKING FUTZ … is this the FUN YOU WANT TO …MODLE for that …. BIO DYNAMIC …need you have to help your Replicas have FUN ? is this the fun you were having when you decided that you wanted to continue the EXPRESSION OF HUMANITY … thru REPLICATION ?

AHHH …NO! …… so why would I leave COMFY TOWN and comfy business and comfy water front .. to … to …. To ….? Do what I am going to do ? what is the WANT ? undertand the wanting ….. realize the RE-CURRING theme thngs that come up over and over … thnk in terms of the BIO MECHINCS of what you REALLY ARE not what …you should think or do , or feel or plan or live like …

So un-used potential is not a stack of beans that someone else can just walk up and take …hmmm …. THE SAGE .. http://www.instinctualism.org/id113.html She tells a story about someone talking about being WELL for a life time so they decided to become ill for a decade so that others could use the SPIRITUAL potential of her wellness … it ain’t that way …. She talks about some one not GOING FOR IT in business and says the same ,,, your poverty will not insure some one else wealth …. True

All great pump up ideas …but what is WEALTH … really and if you say $$$ you are not correct really , it iw the fun the feel of better you will get by using the $$$$ , hell you can feel better by MAINLINING HERION …. How many people hie their self disgust thru spending $$$ ADDICITVE SHOPPING …

What is …WEALTH http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html ..start there young master for yourself ,, understand WHY you WANT . and accept the truth of SELF ESTEEM issues you find under your own rocks. Self ESTEEM is a comparions to FASHIOON something created way back in HISOTRY when the slave looked up at the PHAROH and PRIESTS and wished they were Them instead of the slaves ..the golden carrot on the stick was born . What and how PAHOROH AND THE QUEEN dressed and wore their make up became the FASHIONs of the age LIKE WE DO TODAY . same shit 5000 years later are you HAPPY in the endless struggle to live up with the jones ? realy happy ? is this why you want WEALTH ? you will always still ive in FEAR of not being fashionable enough ,, in the eyes of others in 2nd mind .

It is important that you stay ,,in FEAR ! …. Believe you are VICTIM to your BIO MACHINE … instead of CO PLAYER iwthit ,,, continue to COMPARE your life with that of …FASHION OR THE EXPECTATION of others ,,, if you have body that by DNA happens to be one that is WEAK ( per se ,,, in comparision ) the yes you will die ,,but the FEAR OF DEATH is what will fuck up the eperince of living whatever you got ,,,

Be a co-player with the events you have to play with ..without the fear comparison to the IDEAL the image of PHAROH …. The fairy tale . http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html

Now macro and micro …. I like to effect the outside of my house to chosoe food plants as well as flowering plants … I like to a have a devercity of wildlife coming by …. But if I let for example MONSANTO or BP OIL have their way , the world would be GREY AND BARREN filled withnothing but their PRODUCTS AND BANKS TO keep their $$$ in …. No butterflys ..for remember the effects of UN RESTRAINED INDUSTRY the vidence trail of it … in our not so distant past … my free choice is to work to insure BIO DEVERCITY . now if we as a speices kill off the planet to the point that we can not live in our ECO system …. To bad for us ,,,,, sounds all to much like WALL-EEE the movie …. Just us hiding our heads in the sand because of GREED …. Fine we deserve to die off like many other cultures in history like other foolish examples of OVER POPULATING ANIMALS … ahh but to here the words of the sage at t ASURFACE LEVELS it sounds like she is saying IGNOR GLOBAL WARMING OR BAD NES OF peoprl like Mr. AL Gore ..or is she saying FREE CHOICE you foolish humans … you can not kill of the UNVIERSE you are nothing but BACTERIA … no more and NO LESS important ADVENTURERS …. Than grass seeds … are the seeds not yet grass Beings ? than what are they ?

There is so much ADUNDANCE so much land ..so much available resources options … and to not OPEN MY EYES and just listen to some CORP feed me shit like a mushroom in the dark is … letting go of my own POWER ….

BUT ARE WE NOT TRAINED TO DO THAT , to go around asking OTHER ..WHAT DO YOU THINK I SHOULD DO? Searching for a savoir or a professional or a preist or an energy workers or THE SAGE …. What shuld I do ..THINK FOR ME .. and the sage repeats ,,listen to your feelings , and then the sage also says you can not TRITHFULLY FEEL when stressed ,,but you are stressed due to FEAR ..actch 22 unless you take back your power … make a small plan to FEEL BETTER …by controlling that MASLOW …. Why do yu want a million dollars … what would it do for you if you had no food or house ..OHH WELL IT WOULD PAY OF ALL THAT ..right ! exactly … the 2% form a CD would bring you 20k a year and just about pay for the house and taxes and food … what is WEALTH ? and why do you want it ? ( oh 20k un earned income will come with a high tax rate so yur real time net will be ? 12 k out of BEING A MILLIONAIRE and honeslty doyou think you will become that millionaire or will you sped in all of sex , drugs and ROCK A ND ROLL first … wht odds do yu have throwing a rock into the air and havin it fly away ? ) lot so free choices of lifestyles … 1 more free choice http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html

Those old habits don't have to be erased, they just become replaced by a new habit that is more in vibrational harmony with who you are and what you want.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Sunday, October 20th, 1996

The voice of the sage tapped into over history by some many spiritual leaders can only speak the word tool available thru that vessel human ..Ester Hicks for 1 does not refer to Dentrite Pathways http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendritic_spine the less this cell structure is timulated by thought and new dentrites are stimulated by new thoughts ..the words of th sage is born true once more
Like in the time of Buddha , there was no understanding of SINGLE CELLED LIFE but the voice of the sage thru Buddha / Siddharthra said , have respect for life seen and un-seen . unable to use the word tools surrounding microscopic life ….. the word of the Sage is not the Voice of a GOD ..but a stream of INFORMATION . that feels correct and gives a sense of relief in it’s understanding . It is non-hierachial and available to anyone .

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