Pussy stretch for fisting ….
That is logical right young master I mean other wise she would not be able to enjoy a fingering after having a baby ,, her pussy stretches and then returns to a tightness where evena finger can give her pleasure ..so why do you want A big cock … DO MEN HAVE PENIS ENVY ?dumb question huh? Of course guys have penis envy … actually this is the CHIMP MANIFESTATION not a gorilla manifestation http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html … and chimpa manipulation of MATE PROTECTION or the genissi of the 1 on 1 realtionship form ..yet we also have historical trail of poligmy much more wide spread and functional … only the 1on 1 cultures become CONTROL AND CONQUER salve eoconomys . http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html great article of history of the ILLEGALIZATION OF POLIGAMY IN AMERICA .
SO I ask youn miss when or if you had a guy who realy seems to LUST after BIG tits or ass , I mean to the point telling strainght I wish you had bigger tits or a rounder ass , HWO DO YOU FEEL ? young miss is confronted by A BALANT straight forward thing like that do you FEEL GOOD? Worthy ? ..attractive?.... or will you or do you always have a HIDDEN feelng while being with that guy that he does not ..find you to best ENOUGH? Him saying that is like you …….
So when you have him fuck you with a dildoe that is bigger than his cock and you CUMMM with that … and you KNOW ..that all males have penis ENVY ..how can your RESPONSE to the bigger cock/dildoe . with maybe even a WILDER OR STRONGER THAN NORMAL CUMMING . be of any benift to the male you say you care about ,,YOU TRASHED HIM … and each and every fuck and cumm after wards is a LIE deep in his mind which saw the vidence trail of your RESPONSE to the bigger than his cock WHATEVER in your cunt . ( actually I re visiting the VISION BOARD http://www.instinctualism.org/vision_board.html I CREATED the er changing position of the WANTS PROJECTED INOT SOURCE ,,, IN THAT VISON BOARD I HAD YET TO CONSIDER ..ADOBE http://www.instinctualism.org/adobe_slurry.html ) ..each and every fuck everyday form then on …he is SUB C’ing repeating the evidence trail he experienced himself … hE repeating to himself LIEING BITCH CUNT WHORE , but SHE the only pussy I got right now so I better be ahppy with what I got I AM JUST A BEGGAR …. ANY WAY lucky to have any pussy .. if not her I would have to buy $$ slut pussy or jack off …. Yes baby no baby ilove you baby … what ever needs to be said to keep things going some what ok … just living thr training of a life time of lieing and being lied to …. By everyone about everything . ! whether they KNOW about their own lies or not is not IMPORATANT to source inside of you who FEELS THE INCONGRUITY OF LIFE …
What a confused life we humans have created for ourselves complexity upon complexity ……. Steming from age old mind fucks and confusion. All my PAHROH SHIT doe stie in .
What you hate ,,believe me he willhate too . your vibrator is his comptetor ,, the FISTING HE FOUND YOU DOING WITH YOUR GIRLFIREND , HE is in competition with …. And no amount of YOUR WORDS will change the INTUITION , the evidence trails of data observed … in fact your words become STREAM OF LIES …. Only discrediting more and more witheach and every complement he hates you more … just another woman lieing to me again ….
Just another guy lieing tome again …. IT IS THE CHICKEN AND THE EGG .. who did it to who first inour pasts do NOT MATTER ,, it is the next CLEAN SLATE … you have the chance to KEEP CLEAN …. And not pollutute with the history of ADAM AND EVE ..if he is a dumb fuck and tells you he like chicks with big titis .. well that is the same asy you ,,so move on ,, if you have the guy who never COMPARES YOU fuck you with things he WILL COMPARE HIMSELF WITH ! …. You are the DUMB FUCK ! . and he should move on to find a better chick but that is hard for MEN ARE BEGGARS OF SEX http://www.instinctualism.org/dating.html . begg and hope to get LUCKY then buy diamonds or pay hookers … confusion … it keeps us OCCUPIED and out of PHAROHS HAIR .
Now how is a harem family supposed to be a part of the answer to complex issues , well in that it is returning to the instinctual relatioanhsip form ,,, a form where men does no beg and when the FREE girl wants she interacts … in that the male is no longer MANIPULATED he is not focused on the tools of manipulation …always EYEING other women … he himself is understanding of his upbringing and has choosen lie style by free choice to not thru ….expectations of social structures to live within confines created by that society . we are talking way basic differences in the people involved . understanding their own WANTS , thru their past experiences of UNWANTED . http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
The subject of money is really two subjects: (1) money, plenty of money, and (2) absence of money, not nearly enough money. Often people assume that because they are speaking the words "I want more money," they are speaking positively about money. When you are feeling fear or discomfort as you speak, you are not speaking of the subject of money, you are speaking of the subject of not enough money. And the difference is very important, because the first statement brings money and the second holds it away.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
Pussy , money , freedom ..whatever ,,,, the UNDERNEATH vibration OF EXPECTATION is the vibration or thinking that is goiong out into the ALL POSSIBLE from which you will then extract more of the same from available experiences ….
There is much more happening around you then what you extract or FOCUS UPON in fact our brain is FILTER .. allowing about 2 gigs of data to be FOCUSED UPON at any one =time … currently around you there is always much much more thing happening but your brain filters that out , to be in ACCORD with the thoughts you have about the world … usefull to your current experience … the filter is BELIEF that is one way of putting it , and belief is a LEARNED …program basis . trained inot you from birth that you can change over time
But it is like the old saying sleep with pigs and wake smelling like shit …. It is hard to get CLEAN WHEN YOU ARE IVING IN THAT WORLD , you wwash your thinking but everyone around living in their NEGATIVE shit keep slashing their NEGATIVITY BACK UPON YOU .. and so you are constantly WASHIN WASHING WASHING . thinking to yourself I can not leave until I am clean ..WELL LIVING WITH THE PIGS ..IT WI be virtually impossible to ever get clean ….. that is where a concept like http://www.instinctualism.org/time_for_peace.html is important plus having the game plan for after the time ..also prepped …but the MIND FUCK WANTS TO KEEP YOU IN $$$$ stress so you believe you can not take the time …. That is where some Pprep WORK is important . after leaving the pigs …. Just let yourself BREATH and let the brain adjust and strngthe new memeory dentrite pathways …. And then the filter will change to .
U.S. Climate Change Plan Is Idea Rich, Cash Poor
The United States has all the tools it needs to replace its old coal system — except money.
We have enough $$$ to spendon the endless wars of man kind …. Tillions of $$$ there. What do the people of that other country want not the leaders or business people who are bringing prosperity to the country ( in American terms reality just another econic salvery form ) ..what do REAL individual humans want ? ……. Ahh but that is un important maintining the mind fuck is what is important for to free the slaves there would mean people back home would want the same freedoms and PHAROH WOLD LOSE his working class? Wrong ,,, we like to work we like to create , people who build cars on an assembly line enjoy being part of the process ..we lke interacting in economic ways … a cahs driven socialism drains human SPIRIT since the human actuall I DEPENDANT STILL ON THE …HIVE …individual freedom and self direction and life style ..have a different basis that INDUSTIALISTs …. Fear …. An im proper fear realy . people like to interact and need ENTREPENUERS to form the companies so that they can foucs on CREATION instead of management .
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
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